"I won't go. There's still something tonight. Go home early." Mu Li replied lightly while holding vegetables.

"Mu Li, why don't you just give up your face when people come back?" Bai Xue was aggrieved.

She remembered that when she was in country X, she was deceived and forcibly sent back to the plane. How could Hong Qiang and Yang Li dare to do so without Mu Li's intention.

Does he really not like himself at all? Especially after Lin Qing disappeared.

Doesn't it mean that a man can't stand loneliness and emptiness in particular? Why is Mu Li an exception?

Is it not good enough? She has exhausted her power.

Mu Li smiled apologetically at her: "I wouldn't have come to accompany you after dinner if it wasn't for the sake you just returned."

"So, should I be happy?" Bai Xue sighed angrily.

"Positive solution, little girl, let ’s eat. I have to go back in a while. I did n’t return to the team for a few days. I went back to work early and went to work early."

Bai Xue nodded: "Well, Mu Li brother owes me an invitation."

Mu Li smiled: "If you have the chance, make up."

Half an hour later, they broke up at the restaurant entrance, and Mu Li called her a taxi and did not take her home.

Then he left by car, instead of going home, he went to a bar.

In the bar, Ling Annan was drinking himself. He walked over and patted him on the shoulder. "Wait before I start?"

"Just here." Ling Annan gave him a disgusting look. If it wasn't for many years as a good brother, he would have patted his **** and left, and he still suspects that he has begun? Humph!

Seeing the discomfort on his face, Mu Li sat down with a smile and explained, "There was a small dinner just now. Did you come without dinner?"

"Is that the woman with a white name again? I said that the peach blossoms around your boy are always like spring rivers, endless." Ling Annan came to the spirit as soon as he heard it, laughing very gossip.

"It's just a rotten peach, you want to take it." Mu Li also made a joke.

"Reluctant?" Ling Annan sneered.

"Serious, why do you invite me to drink well? Is there something to look for in me?" Mu Li stopped joking with him. He just saw Lin Qing and Feng Feng in the restaurant and made him feel good. Did not come out, more gloomy, just smiled in front of Bai Xue.

"Where are Lin Qing and Orange Orange? Are they really still in country X? Brother Mu, you have to tell me no matter what happened." Ling Annan asked suddenly with a serious look.

Listening to his words, Mu Li knew that he might also have met Lin Qing.

But he didn't want Ling Annan to get in. Before things were clear, he didn't know what the consequences would be if he was involved, and he couldn't let him take the risk.

"Of course they are in country X. Otherwise, I can't come back. My family Lin Qing is the woman of Gu's family, and you don't know." Mu Li said is also serious, so Ling Annan can't find any flaws.

He certainly believed what Mu Li said, so he was confused, and said to himself, "Did I read it wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Mu Li stared at him alertly, searching with a look on his face.

Ling Annan waved his hand. "Forget it, nothing."

Then he considered it very seriously, but said again, "Forget it, I'll tell you, in case you don't blame me for not being a brother in the future, it is better to solve some problems as soon as possible."

"What is it? Make you so tangled." Mu Li could not help laughing.

"I saw Lin Qing with a man with Orange. They seemed to be having a good time, that is, in the botanical garden this afternoon, I'm sure it was definitely Lin Qing, although she covered herself very tightly." Ling Annan He answered confidently, and then asked with a doubt on his face: "What the **** is going on between you?"

Now that he had been seen, Mu Li wanted to tell him directly.

But after all, with Lin Qing, Feng Ye, a world-renowned weird figure, he still didn't want Ling Annan to get involved.

Then he continued to pretend to smirk and said, "Don't make fun, how could Lin Qing be back in country X, you must be mistaken."

Then he said solemnly: "I warn you, even if you encounter it, don't ask, lest people misunderstand."

Ling Annan sighed, "Well, it seems that I am nosy and drink."

As he slammed his fingers and ordered another bottle of whiskey, the two drank at each other.

It's been a long time since I drank so much, and they were very happy. They didn't go home until late at night.

Although Mu Li didn't take it seriously, Ling Annan refused to let it go. He felt that when he encountered Lin Qing and Orange, he even imagined their laughter. In order to be a good brother, he decided to use his personal connections to thoroughly investigate, of course, he would not let Mu Li know.

Mu Li came out of the bar. Both he and Ling Annan were drunk and couldn't drive by themselves. They called the driver respectively.

"Take the south gate." After getting in the car, he commanded Xiaolong in a deep voice.

Xiaolong looked at him in amazement and asked inexplicably: "You have to make a big circle when you go to the south gate. If you play like this, you are sure, Commander!

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Li: "When did you become so shy?"

Xiaolong knew that he was worried about Lin Qing and Orange. He also knew that they were living in the south of the community, so he stopped talking and started the car.

When the car entered the south gate, Xiaolong made a special turn around the villa rented by Feng Ye.

Although it was at night, and it was slightly stunned, Mu Li still accurately remembered this position.

auzw.com "Without my order, don't set up a dark whistle here, lest you start to fight grass and scare the snake." Mu Li commanded.

"Understand." Xiaolong nodded. "It seems that Mrs. Commander rarely goes out, usually Feng Ye leads Orange Orange out."

Mu Li didn't speak, he just leaned on his back with his eyes closed, as if thinking, and as if sleeping.

Just as the car passed by the Fengye Grand Villa, Lin Qing did not sleep.

She stood at the window with her arms in her arms, and saw the passing car. After all, it was so late. There were few cars, but she didn't expect that Muli was on the car.

When she ate at night, it happened by chance, so she didn't scare her to death.

Although she left with Orange, she did not tell Mu Li their whereabouts.

Now with Feng Ye, and she has already returned to China, right in front of their house. In such a situation, she really cannot face Mu Li. In this way, she will be condemned. The derailed person is not him but her.

Many things can't be explained now, only misunderstanding, so Lin Qing can't meet Mu Li.

Just thinking that Mu Li was with Bai Xue, she thought she would be calm, but she was still very emotional.

Obviously the result was expected, she would leave, they might be together.

The Mu family must have no mistress, Mu Li cannot have no wife, and Shen Yuhe must have no daughter-in-law. This is a complete home, which she took the initiative to leave, regardless of Mu Li's request.

Tears ran down like a flood of river water, and she dared not wipe it with her hands, so that the next day, Feng Ye would not see her red and swollen eyes.

However, the next day, Feng Ye still felt that she was wrong.

Very concerned and asked, "Did you sleep last night?"

Lin Qing shook her head, barely squinting a smile: "Very good."

Feng Feng no longer asked anything, and said with a smile: "Let's have a quick meal and visit the old Chinese medicine today."

Lin Qing finally showed a happy look on his face: "Today? Every day I look forward to it, I forgot it."

It wasn't that she forgot it, but she met Mu Li and Bai Xue last night and hit her so badly that she cried all night, so much that she forgot about Orange.

After dinner, change to orange orange a new dress, the two held his hand separately, and walked out of the villa together.

Although it is winter, the sun is very good, and the sun shines warmly on him. Feng Ye can't help laughing, "It's a good day."

Lin Qing also nodded and smiled. The three got on the car together. It was a harmonious and warm family of three.

Such a picture is tender in the eyes of anyone, but it is hot and spicy.

He stood behind the green belt of the community, wearing a green baseball cap, and silently watching all this. The expression on his face became deeper and deeper. Orange was abnormal, which was his intuition.

If Orange Orange is normal, how could it be possible to return to this city, but be reluctant to think about it in Fengye.

When Lin Qing took his orange to bid farewell to him and wanted to leave for a while, he felt that Orange was abnormal.

However, it was only more than a month apart that his son did not recognize his father, and his performance was still very irritable. Lin Qing delayed for some time, and he shouted to go back.

Mu Li thought back carefully about each plot at the time, yes, he finally remembered, when the orange orange eyes were red, like madness, so that Lin Qing was a little panic, took orange orange from his hand, led He left quickly.

Is it

Mu centrifugal became more and more heavy. He took out his mobile phone and first told the traffic police the license plate number of the car that Fengye was on, and let them monitor the car's movement with video.

Then I called the informant in country X to let him continue to inquire about what would happen to him after being elected as the reincarnation of the spiritual master, or what transformation methods the cult would have on the selected children.

After doing all this, Mu Li came out from behind the green belt and came to the parking lot in the south of the community.

When I arrived at the office of the military area compound, Shirayuki arrived.

"Master, I will return to the team today to report." She mischievously gave Mu Li a military salute and said happily, "I can finally come to work, I am so happy, and staying at home all day is annoying."

Mu Li didn't have the mood to listen to him, and he waved his hand impatiently. "Go back and do your work."

"Master" Bai Xue was unwilling to say anything.

At this moment, Xiaolong walked in from the outside and chuckled: "Assistant Bai, doesn't the commander let you go back to work? Can't you hear?"

Bai Xue had to swallow it stiffly when he was about to exit, and gave him a very displeased glance, which meant to care about you, and then stepped out with a grudge.

Why does the commander's assistant have such a big stereotype about her?

Think of her as a flower-like woman who is so beloved and beautiful, how can she be offensive?

In Country X, Hong Qiang also had a bad attitude towards her. They clearly did not know it before, and there was no holiday at all.

Back in China, Xiaolong's attitude towards her was even worse.

As an assistant to the commander, Bai Xue finally wanted to understand one thing. Yishan couldn't tolerate the two tigers. They were jealous and felt that her ability had surpassed them and suppressed her.

Huh, she's never been beaten, especially a few uncles, even more so, she will prove one day that she is the king of this world.

There was a hint of insidiousness in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and no one could stop her.

Mu Li soon received information feedback, and the cult organization in country x would implement a psychedelic illusion to the reincarnation master spirit boy, that is, to let the spirit boy forget the previous life, so that only the cult organization was in his heart, and his temperament would become strange, Leaving a cult organization will become mad, difficult to control, and even burst into death.

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