The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1321: Strong Dragon Suppresses the Ground Snake

The time given by the old Chinese medicine is half a year to a year, of course, miracles do not rule out, three to five months can be good.

In this way, Lin Qing and Feng Feng can only continue to camp and camp here, then they must not be closed behind all day, and they must bring oranges to contact the society and enjoy the sun, so that he can grow up healthy in a sick state.

In this way, Lin Qing could only continue to live as Mrs. Feng, and Feng Ye also began to invest and run businesses in the local area, so that they could justify their stay.

Slowly, Shen Yuhe stopped coming to make troubles, and she was confused. Tang Ming coincidentally married a daughter-in-law like Lin Qing and gave birth to a child similar to orange, or was Lin Lin and orange originally Orange.

The news that Feng Ye had settled in the local area naturally knew that many people told her about this strange thing.

Feng Ye's family of three is very similar to Mu Li's family of three.

At first everyone thought that it was Lin Qing and Orange Orange, but Feng Ye also looked like an army commander.

Mu Li only faintly smiled at all of this, indicating that Lin Qing and Orange Orange were still in country X, and he was the only child without a brother. Everything was just a coincidence.

When Shen Yuhe saw that he had no doubts, he was relieved. As long as he didn't know the past, he didn't doubt that Lin Qing and Orange Orange were his wives and children.

Besides, Feng Ye didn't take any action. He was always kind to her and looked kind.

In this way, she was at ease temporarily, as long as she no longer hurt Mu Li.

So, she began to find a suitable woman for Mu Li in secret, always using various excuses to invite relatives and friends to dinner at home, and of course, there will be no young and beautiful girl, that is, a disguise.

Wanting to give Mu Li a chance to make him fall in love with other women, so the crisis between him and Lin Qing no longer exists.

As for Orange, since it is unable to change, let it be, no matter whether he follows Lin Qing or Mu Li is her grandson, the descendants of Mu family, this is the fact that no one can change.

Although this is very unreasonable, Lin Qing had the mistake first, and Shen Yuhe can do only for Mu Li.

Why didn't Mu Li understand her mind, but didn't pierce her, just normal communication.

Bai Xue is naturally one of the objects that Shen Yuhe is trying to win, and she longs for them to be together.

Originally, Bai Xue had gone to Mu's home less often since he returned from Country X. With the deliberate invitation of Shen Yuhe, he gradually increased, and even assumed himself as the hostess. Mu Li also left it alone and said nothing.

In this way, Shen Yuhe is very satisfied, as long as he does not reject it, he will have a chance.

But Tang Ming has always been a heartache in her heart, and always feels that he will become a fixed time when | | | | bombs, crushing the Mu family fried, regardless of whether the woman and child around him are Lin Qing Orange Orange, He would never come here for no reason.

Everything seemed to be quiet, Lin Qing should have been relieved, but her heart was more heavy.

Mu Li knew that she was bringing Orange to Feng's side, and he seemed to acquiesce to this fact, except that the pretend line repairman had talked to her alone and had no action.

This made Lin Qing feel very pained. He didn't love her any more and lost her indifferently.

If it wasn't for his character, on his site, how could he allow such things to happen, he would fight for the commander to not do it, and he would have to take her back.

There can only be one explanation, he and Bai Xue are really together.

Feng Ye, intentional or unintentional, will also take her through the North Gate. On several occasions, she found that Bai Xue and Shen Yuhe walked jokingly, and found that Bai Xue was sitting in Mu Li's car, and the two were intimate.

In her mind, Mu Li and Bai Xue were in a situation, and she also considered whether to sign a divorce agreement with him in private to give them freedom.

On this day, Feng Feng brought Lin Qingcheng to a business party in the city.

Everyone knows that she and Orange are the grandfather's wife and children. They look like Mrs. Commander.

In this way, she frequently followed Feng Ye to appear in the public eye, and she wanted to calm down such a point of view.

Like Feng Ye's original match, with Orange Orange and Feng Ye show love on various occasions, no one thinks they are halfway couples.

It's also sending a message to Mu Li. Whatever you want to do with Bai Xue, what's wrong with me, what else do you worry about.

When Lu Xiao heard that Ling Annan said that a woman like Lin Qing appeared at the party, she immediately took a taxi and arrived.

Just to see Lin Qing, verify whether she really looks like Lin Qing, or is Lin Qing at all.

Since Lin Qing left the country, she has never contacted her. The mobile phone is always turned off, and she has not returned for more than a month. Now suddenly a woman like her appears with her child. Thinking of her divorce from Mu Di, she left with Orange, and Xiao Dieer followed Mu Di.

Lu Xiao is familiar with Lin Qing and knows the contradiction between them.

Lin Qing wants to go to work, and Mu Li doesn't want to let her go out. The two have different ideas and may also be a reason to dissolve a family.

At the party, when Lu Xiao saw Lin Qing, she thought at first sight that it was Lin Qing, and she stared at her eyes.

Lin Qing's eyes were full of dodge, so she walked over confidently, grabbed her hand, pulled her to a quiet corner, and asked with great concern, "Lin Qing, can you tell me what happened? You can hide anyone, please don't hide me as a good girlfriend, otherwise, I will never forgive you again in this life. "

She said her voice was resolute at the end, and she seemed to be telling Lin Qing that she was serious and did not scare her. Lin Qing's eyes flashed an unspeakable pain. A good girlfriend is a good girlfriend, after all, she recognized her.

But she couldn't admit it, even at the risk of losing the good friend.

"I'm sorry, this lady, I don't know you. You seem to mistake me like many people." She smiled at her calmly, holding her hands on her chest, a move that Lin Qing would not have done before. She once said that the action was very nasty, she was not lady, and she didn't like it.

Lin Qing deliberately used this posture to tell Lu Xiao that she was really not Lin Qing.

However, Lu Xiao will not be confused by her, insisting on her own determination repeatedly: "Lin Qing, don't make a fuss, what to pretend, and tell me what is your pain in doing so."

Looking at her solemn look, Lin Qing felt that she couldn't hold it anymore.

But thinking that once you reveal your identity, then the problem of Orange will also be exposed, so you have to continue pretending: "I really don't know what you say, I'm sorry, I lost my companionship."

As she turned around and left, Lu Xiao grabbed her arm and said unwillingly, "So, find a time to talk to me alone. If your secret doesn't want anyone to know, I hope I'm the exception Well, as for my tone, you can rest assured that this is the last chance for you and me. "

"You know my phone number." After speaking, Lu Xiao turned around and left without waiting for Lin Qing to say anything.

Looking at her back, Lin Qing stood there blankly, and she definitely gave her a headache.

"Lin Qing, what happened?" Feng Ye asked with concern.

"It's okay, just entangled by an acquaintance." Lin Qing smiled at him, which is already commonplace.

"I believe you should handle it well, right?" Feng Ye smiled at her with confidence, and walked back to the hall around her shoulders.

As soon as he returned to the lobby, Feng Feng was asked to talk about things. Here, he is just an ordinary businessman, not the world-famous drug lord.

She was sitting in the corner alone, slowly sipping a glass of red wine, with a mixed taste in her heart.

Since returning to this city and slowly back to the former circle, in another capacity, she has never been happy.

I don't know when Mu Li was sitting opposite her, also holding a glass of red wine and looking at him.

When Lin Qing realized the light in his eyes, he hurriedly looked up, but did not know that tears had filled his eyes. When she was alone, her eyes were always wet enough.

Seeing her tears, Mu centrifugal stings.

"Are you okay?" His voice was hoarse and emotional.

Lin Qing hurriedly avoided the moment he touched his eyes, "What's wrong with me?"

"Okay, I hope you can take good care of yourself."

"No need to worry about you."


Mu Li sighed low, and was silent for a long time, but Bai Xue waved to him not far away, "Mu Li, come soon."

So he got up, smiled at Lin Qing apologetically, and decided to walk towards Bai Xue.

At that moment, Lin Qing couldn't help burying his head in his arms, his face burst into tears.

I don't know how long it took, and she rested her hands lightly on her back. There was nothing to say, but she was quietly on the side, without asking that it was Feng Ye.

Feng Ye's company has become a dark horse in the local business community. With a strong momentum, he has become a large taxpayer. He has a pivotal position and is constantly eating away at small local companies. It has a meaning to dominate the world.

At the same time, he also contracted the rural areas around the urban area, promoted the plan to build a new countryside, realized one-stop service for agricultural product cultivation and deep processing, and withdrew his own green product channel, and soon occupied the city's vegetable basket.

Farmers who have not gone home have become rural workers in the new era, and villages and towns have become large agricultural factories. This is an unprecedented model, which has been highly valued by city leaders and vigorously promoted.

Mujia Farm was severely impacted and was surrounded by the Fengming Group, on the verge of bankruptcy.

The board of directors convened an emergency meeting. As one of the directors, Hong Qiang, and even Feng Ye's background and behavior attitude, were very worried about the proposal. Maybe they should sell the farm as soon as possible to avoid the last debt and bankruptcy.

His proposal was unanimously opposed by the members of the board of directors. In particular, Ling Annan was very unconvinced because of his wealth and wealth, and resolutely expressed his belief that the dragon could surpass the earth snake.

Hong Qiang doesn't want to defeat Feng Ye, but he knows Feng Ye's strength, so he has no confidence.

But Ling Anan's confidence can't be attacked, he can only be silent, he said what should be said.

In the end, the board of directors unanimously decided to fight against the siege of Fengming Farm and kill a **** road. This is the so-called taxi can not be shameful. The land snake must not be suppressed by the strong dragon, and the local business community was occupied by external forces.

Therefore, Ling Annan talked to Mu Li specifically and asked his opinions.

He never attended a meeting of the board of directors. Ling Annan's decision has always been his decision.

This time is of course no exception, but Ling Annan also felt the seriousness of the matter.

Mu Li didn't give him any substantive suggestions, but just told him that if the money hurts, he could give up the competition. If he didn't hurt the money and wanted to play, just play. It won't matter if he finally goes bankrupt. Recognize the possible consequences and be impulsive and obedient.

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