In this way, Lin Qing felt suffocated in her chest. Although she had a sense of anger when she left, she wanted to complete Baixue and Mu Li, but when she saw this scene, the pain in her heart was so surging.

The excuse went to the bathroom, and she came out to breathe. On the rooftop next to the bathroom, she was crying at the dark night sky without stars. They were really together and they really couldn't go back.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help fighting a cold war. Can she go back like this?

She has revealed the identity of Grandpa's wife, and everyone in the city knows that she is with Grandpa, and she also answered that Ling Annan wants to have a baby with Grandpa again. See how ambiguous this is, and they are still innocent ?

In fact, it was just her angry reaction, and she wanted to get revenge. There are other women around you. I will also give birth to Feng Ye. I thought he would be jealous because of this, but the expression on his face didn't seem to listen Arrived, just immersed in the eyebrow communication with Bai Xue.

It hurts, and the heartache feels like being taken away. Lin Qing knows that she has no heart since then.

Suddenly a deep voice sounded in the ear: "Is it a good day?"

No need to look back, she also knew that it was Mu Li's voice, and his voice was full of ridicule, shame, and scorn.

He really believed that she was going to have a child for Feng Feng, and he had no trust in her at all.

Lin Qing felt that she had fallen into this boundless dark night, she lost weight, and could not feel her existence.

"Aren't you the same? Finally, the dream came true, I'm already young." Lin Qing's voice was empty, as if floating from a distance, without roots.

"Since you are already happy, I will find a chance to tell you that your mother and son were killed in a shooting in Country X, so that you can be completely relieved." Mu Li's voice was so calm that there was no wave.

Listening to Lin Qing's ears, it was like a thunder blast, which scorched her inside and out.

Is this the rhythm of a complete break with her? Tears burst out.

Can't cry, since he said so, she wouldn't beg him or anything, and now the way is her own choice. She can't turn back, nor can she turn back. Orange orange's illness is not good yet.

"With you." Lin Qing tried to control her emotions, extruding these two words from her teeth.

Then both of them fell into silence, the darkness was endless, and the darkness was so thorough that no one could see the expression of sleep, and no one knew who was thinking, just like the hearts of the two at this time were completely impermeable. Black tent.

"Congratulations." After a long time, Lin Qing squeezed two words out of her teeth again.

Mu Li couldn't hear her emotions, but responded very simply: "Thank you."

Lin Qing didn't want to stand with him anymore. She was afraid that she would eventually be unable to control her emotions and tell him the truth.

By then, apart from his stronger accusations, what else would she get?

No, absolutely not, she turned abruptly, left the rooftop, and walked to the bathroom.

Turning on the faucet, she held a handful of water and buried her face. The cold water in winter was biting, but it made her feel inexplicably comfortable. Only with this kind of pain can she slightly offset the pain in her heart.

Suddenly a warm hand rested on her back, don't look, she knew it was Feng Ye.

"What's wrong?" The voice was as warm and secure as ever.

Lin Qing raised her wet face from the cold water in her hand, and tried to pretend to smile easily: "Suddenly I wanted to wash a cold water face."

Feng Feng didn't say anything, he just took out a paper towel from his pocket and pulled out one. He lovingly and carefully wiped the water off her face, then took her bag, took out the nourishing cream from the inside, squeezed it in A bit in the palm of the hand, then fainted, and helped her to smooth her face.

Then she looked at her with satisfaction and nodded and smiled: "So, you are not afraid of hurting your skin. Remember, do not wash your face with cold water in the future."

Lin Qing smiled at him gratefully and replied softly: "I see."

"Then let's go." Said Feng Ye and Lin Qing's waist, they walked out of the bathroom together.

Mu Li stepped out of the shadows, and the scene just now fell into his eyes. Unconsciously, his fists had been clenched tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After returning to the banquet hall, Lin Qing and Feng Ye obviously interacted much more.

At first, if there was no one, Xiu Enai seemed to show it to someone on purpose.

In this way, the relationship between Mu Li and Bai Xue was rather cool.

During the meal, Mu Li received a call and said sorry to everyone that an unexpected situation occurred in his army and needed to be dealt with immediately.

Ling Annan didn't stop them either, let him be careful on the way, Bai Xue got up when he saw him going, and said to go with him.

Mu Li did not refuse, and led Bai Xue to leave the banquet hall in advance.

On the way, Bai Xue carefully asked, "Is something really happening?"

"Not serious, I'll send you back first." Mu Li's voice was aloof and distant, as if trying to control his emotions.

Bai Xue couldn't help but dim the light, he still couldn't let her down, but now Lin Qing and Feng Ye are as good as one person, and they are no longer possible. This is her chance, how can she give up, But not at this time.

Instead of clamoring to return to the army with him as usual, he nodded readily and agreed, "Okay." Since then, the two haven't spoken for a long time, or Bai Xue first broke the silence, said without a word: "Don't say, Mrs. Feng is really like a sister-in-law. Is orange okay in country x? "

When Lin Qing took his orange and said goodbye to Mu Li, anyone who followed Mu Li to find Orange in Country X knew.

However, Mu Li gave them a death order and refused to let them go out. Only those who knew that Orange was missing said that their mother and son continued to travel in Country X, and everything was fine.

That's what Bai Xue knew, so she asked.

Mu Li faintly replied: "It's good, but it's not quite there, it's time to get them back soon."

After hearing what he said, Bai Xue couldn't help but be surprised. Did he guess that the woman Feng Feng really wasn't Lin Qing?

"Yeah, how can the Commander rest assured that they continue to travel there?" Bai Xue tried to calm his emotions and asked puzzledly.

"Your house is coming, is this the way?" Mu Li did not answer her words, but changed the topic.

"Yes, my house is going this way." Bai Xue stopped asking.

After work this day, as usual, Bai Xue took Mu Li's car to Mu family as a guest.

This has become a habit. If she does not go, Shen Yuhe will call and ask her if she has a quarrel with Mu Li, why not come to play.

Since returning from country X, Sima Bin has never been back. Sometimes Shen Yuhe asks Bai Xue, why Dr. Sima is not here. She is also supportive, as if she does not want to say that his situation is completely different from the previous attitude.

Shen Yuhe is not a fool, naturally understands that there may be problems between them, so she no longer inquires.

Later, because of Tang Ming's affairs, she even hoped that this was true. After Bai Xue separated from Sima Bin, she could be with Mu Li.

Shen Yuhe is still very satisfied with Bai Xue, and feels much stronger than Lin Qing. Not only is Mu Li's left arm and right arm in his career, but he is also a good hand in life. He has a strong ability to hold a house and cook good dishes. .

In fact, she didn't want to do this either, but Tang Ming was undoubtedly Tang Jiaojiao's son, and Lin Qingcheng Orange was with him again. In order to protect Mu Li, this can only be the case.

Bai Xue and Mu Li returned home, and Shen Yuhe smiled when she saw them coming back.

"Aunt Shen, what do you want to eat tonight?" Bai Xue sat on the sofa for a while, looked up at his watch, and asked with a smile.

"Shall we make dumplings?" Shen Yuhe suddenly wanted to eat dumplings.

"Okay, then I'll get the bag right away." Shirayuki immediately got up from the sofa and was going to the kitchen.

Shen Yuhe also stood up and laughed, "I'll go with you. This dumpling, it's a lot of people who are busy together. There are rolls and bags."

Shirayuki nodded and said, "Isn't it? It's fun."

After speaking, she turned to Mu Li and asked, "Mu Li, do you want to experience it together?"

"Yes, let Mu Li feel it too, he'll be fine." Shen Yuhe immediately clapped his hands and echoed.

Mu Li sat on the sofa and waved with a smile: "My grandfather, I won't go in for peace."

"Hey, what age is it, still so feudal, Mu Li brother, together." Said Bai Xue walked to his side, holding her arms to coquettishly.

Shen Yuhe looked at them with a smile and was very happy in her heart. Depending on the situation, the two became more and more playful.

When Mu Li stood up helplessly, Sima Bin came in suddenly.

Seeing this situation, he changed the image of the past to be mild, and reproached displeasedly: "You are really endless intimacy, I endure it again and again, you are enough."

After listening to his words, Shen Yuhe's face was embarrassed. In any case, her illness was cured by Sima Bin, and he owed him a great deal of affection. Now he said this, she felt that she was suspected of digging a corner. Really not authentic.

Mu Li looked at him in amazement and asked quietly, "Doctor Sima, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? You don't know what happened to you two." Sima Bin was still not angry.

"Sima Bin, what about the two of us, please don't involve the Lord Commander? I just think of him as my brother, you know that." Bai Xue seemed to be aggrieved, tearful excuse.

"Come on, you can coax someone else, can you lie to me? See who are the photos you posted in the bedroom of the capital's house! Mu Lige stays with you all day, I can sleep with my wife In the room full of photos of her lover in dreams? Unless I'm sick! "Sima Bin seemed to have accumulated a long period of anger.

"You, please don't say these things here, what's the matter, let's go back and talk." Bai Xue listened to him and hurried forward to stop.

"Go back and say? This state can't be changed. You treat me as a fool all the time. We pushed back and forth again and again. I endure it again and again. I am also a man and I have self-esteem. You don't agree with the wedding tomorrow. "Sima Bin played her final hole card.

Shirayuki shook her head in pain and said, "Bin, I'm sorry, I can't marry you, I'm not ready yet."

"Okay, I see. Let's break up. In the past, I won't say who is right or wrong. I will wish you all the best." Sima Bin heard her say it, but she was relieved.

Then he walked to Mu Li's side and said solemnly, "Master, Bai Xue loves you so much that he has no ego, and I hope you will not let her down anyway."

"I" Mu Li subconsciously wanted to justify, he is now a married woman.

But Sima Bin did not give him this opportunity: "You have the conditions and ability to give her happiness, don't justify it."

After speaking, he decided to turn around, walked to Shen Yuhe again, and finally restored his usual warmth: "Old lady, if there is any discomfort in your body, please call me. We will make you laugh."

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