Three woolen hats, woolen gloves, and woolen neckbands of the same style are specially customized at a glance.

Others don't know. Mu Li knows it. Lin Qing knows how to knit wool. At a glance, she understands that these things must come from her hands.

Lin Qing once knitted a sweater for him, but after so many years, she never picked up a needle.

But now we have woven a whole set for Feng Ye, and the pain of seeing the centrifugal is so great.

Maybe for a long time he just deceived himself, everything is just an illusion, there will always be a day when the water comes out, but now it seems only his wishful thinking.

Just let everything go with the wind, anyway, his plan cannot be changed.

This is also good, you can have less concern and worry, anyway, you can not let Feng Ye hurt the Mu family.

Judging from Feng Ye's crowded acquisition of Mu's Farm, he was definitely not in order to give them 80 million yuan.

Perhaps as soon as Lin Qing took Orange to the plane, he fell into a round.

It may seem like a coincidence, and it may be that the black hands are always operating behind the scenes. If Lin Qing and Orange are not obedient to him, why is this all? He still wonders why.

"You commander, Lord Commander?" Hong Qiang couldn't help but bit his teeth, and Feng Feng was too much. How could Mrs. Commander consider herself?

"What can you do if you can't bear it so much? Do you have evidence that she is Lin Qing? And are you sure you can drag her back to where she was?" Mu Li's voice couldn't hear a trace of emotion, as if it wasn't her own business.

His words made Hong Qiang suddenly suddenly, yeah, he had no evidence that it was the commander's wife.

"I don't know what must have happened here," Ling Annan said.

"So what? As long as Lin Qing doesn't want to come back, any of our actions are futile." Mu Li smiled, and then he said lightly: "What's more, people call Lin Hong not Lin Qing, so save yourself."

"We can't just stand outside like this? Go in or not?" Ling Annan looked at Mu Li helplessly and sighed.

Mu Li Shensheng said, "Why don't you go in now?"

After that, he walked into the glass house first, followed by Ling Annan and Hong Qiang.

As soon as they entered the room, the waiter came over and said enthusiastically: "Several gentlemen, please sit here."

It was only Lin Qing who had a vacant seat beside their table, so the waiter led them to go there, Mu Li hesitated, and followed him without hesitation.

"Excuse me, how many gentlemen would you like to eat roast beef or roast lamb, as well as roasted wild pork." What can come in today is the status and status, the waiter showed exceptional enthusiasm, although he did not know Mu Li them.

"Each one plate, to help us prepare more, thank you." Ling Annan commanded skillfully.

"Okay, please wait a moment." After that, the waiter left.

The grandfather Feng, who heard the news, turned around, and saw a surprise expression on their faces: "Oh, I've encountered a rare customer today, and I didn't expect a few old owners to come."

After saying this, he waved to the waiter and said, "I'll pay the bills today."

"Feng Ye is so polite, so we have to respect him, and wish that Feng Ye's business is getting more and more prosperous." Hong Qiang knew that Ling Annan and Mu Li did not want to talk to him, so he had to come out and entertain.

Even though he hated him very much, he couldn't stop it. After all, it was on the people ’s site and the farm bought it at a high price, and the money had not been paid in full. If he was unhappy, the consequences would be serious.

Ling Annan and Mu Li followed with a smile, agreeing with what he said.

"I won't bother you with my family today. I'll drink a few glasses together and never get drunk." Said Feng Ye, embracing his fists, and continued to eat with Lin Qingcheng Orange.

When Feng Ye talked to them, Mu Li saw orange orange, and Orange Orange looked at them with curiosity.

From his eyes, Mu Li didn't find any signs of deliberately ignoring him. It seemed that Orange didn't know him at all. Children usually didn't lie, and their eyes were pure and transparent, just as simple as the soul.

In this way, Mu Li was convinced that Orange Orange really didn't remember that he was his father, so the claim that the cult leader, the reincarnation, would lose his mind, is true. Orange Orange has lost memory.

After seeing him so close to Feng Ye and calling him father, it is not difficult to imagine why Lin Qing stayed with Feng Ye.

Maybe it was only for the oranges, but now they actually started the sweet little day of the family of three, making Mu Li very uncomfortable, especially their hand-knitted scarves and gloves, which hurt his heart. .

Thinking of what I had told Lin Qing, it might be time to step up.

Mu Li sat beside them, Lin Qing felt like sitting on a needle.

Fortunately, they had almost eaten. Feng Ye saw that Lin Qing was uncomfortable, and asked, "Are you full? Are you going to play in the afternoon, we need to hurry up."

Lin Qing immediately replied, "I'm full."

And Orange touched his tumbling belly, and he was a little bit unconscious, and said in distress, "My belly is full, but my mouth is not full and I still want to eat."

After hearing this, Lin Qing and Feng Ye couldn't help laughing.

Feng Ye petted the melon seeds on the small orange head and yelled, "Greedy, snack."

He beckoned and asked the waiter to help him prepare a take away, then smiled and said to Orange: "If you perform well, you will eat if you are tired."

Orange Orange clapped her hands and laughed, "I will be very good, especially good."

The waiter helped them to pack them in a thermal insulation box, and then handed them to Fengye's hands, and told them not to exceed three hours, otherwise the taste would change.

Feng Ye took Orange's hand, took Lin Qing's waist, and walked together.

Passing by their table at Muli, they greeted them intentionally: "Several people, let's go first, you eat slowly."

"Okay, goodbye Feng." Hong Qiang nodded with a smile.

Ling Annan and Mu Li still just smiled and nodded, and did not speak.

In the afternoon, Feng Ye took Lin Qing and Orange to play for another afternoon, and then returned to the city.

Because she was so happy, Lin Qing's mood was not affected by the meeting with Mu Li, because Feng Ye accidentally gave her a peace of mind. He came to do business locally. In the principle of peaceful coexistence, wasn't he? It will be difficult for local people, not to mention Lin Qing's former good friend.

He even decided to cooperate with Tongda Group to help them expand their business.

Lin Qing was naturally very happy, and with the promise of Feng Ye, she was relieved.

But she also made it clear to Feng Ye that she didn't want to participate in these business affairs, and didn't need to tell her, she just had to take care of it. She believed him. Feng Ye promised that he would not let her down, and I believe her friends would not embarrass him.

Even if he embarrassed him, he would give in, but he would not tolerate their repeated provocations.

Lin Qing said that there was no problem at all. She believed that neither Mu Li nor Ling Annan were the masters of the problem, so that they could sit back and relax about their relationship, and never ask again. After all, she has nothing to do with Feng Ye. Can't interfere too much.

After returning to the city, Orange was hungry and hungry, Feng Ye took them to eat seafood buffet.

After eating seafood buffet, Orange Orange went to play the children ’s castle again. It seemed that he did n’t know how tired he was. It was rare to see him having such a good time. Lin Qing was not good at blocking it and left him. Clicked.

Orange Orange is also tired. He hastily took a shower and fell asleep.

Lin Qing saw a snoring sound as soon as he touched the pillow, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

She then helped him cover the quilt and exited from his room.

Feng Feng was standing in the corridor, Lin Qing lowered his head, and he was not prepared to stand there. He suddenly looked up and was startled, and asked in surprise: "Feng, how are you there?"

"Has Orange fallen asleep?" Feng Ye smiled warmly, his face a bit ambiguous, making his face more woman-like than a woman, charming and touching, with a suffocating temptation.

Lin Qing'er, who was watching, eagerly moved his eyes away, and whispered back, "He was tired of playing, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down."

"I can't sleep, can you chat with me?" Feng Ye looked at Lin Qing with a nearly begging expression on his face.

Lin Qing couldn't help wondering, "Ah? What time is it now, and playing another day, isn't Feng Feng tired?"

"The body is tired, but the heart is empty. I want to sleep but can't sleep. I wonder if you can sit with me." Feng Ye asked again.

Lin Qing had no choice but to promise: "Well, I'll chat with you."

"Thank you." Feng Ye nodded her gratefully, turned and walked towards the study.

Lin Qing followed him. This was the first time she had come to his study. She was surprised by the large bookshelf inside. They had just moved here and had so many books. She couldn't help wondering.

Seeing Lin Qing's questions, Feng Feng smiled: "I followed the book list they chose, and their bookstore came to help me fill up the bookshelf. I like to read. No matter where I live, there must be more than a thousand books for me to read. . "

After hearing what he said, Lin Qing was even more surprised. He couldn't think that the grandfather on the underworld should be so hobby to read. No wonder there was no reason why the business on the underworld or the underworld should be done.

Because of these books, Lin Qing paid a little respect to Feng Ye in his heart.

In the luxurious villa of country X, she had no chance and did not have the courage to dare to enter his study room. Now thinking about it, it should be as rich as the National Library?

Even in the villa of the previous community, Lin Qing had not entered Feng's study.

After all, she is not who he is. She just considers herself a guest of sojourn. Except for her room and the orange room, the living room and the kitchen, her room rarely goes, especially the room of Feng Ye. She never enters, It's open.

This is the principle of being a man. Feng Ye treats her well, but she cannot but restrain herself and cannot peek into Feng ’s privacy. For example, his room and his study should be regarded as places of privacy. In fact, the study is the office location.

The first time he came in, Lin Qing couldn't help repositioning Feng Ye. He wasn't simply a man of beating and killing, but a talented man of all sorts, so he could control his current identity and status.

"I also like reading, I can't think of so many books here." Lin Qing murmured in admiration, in fact she admired not only the books, but also the master of these books, Feng Ye.

"I like to come in and watch at any time. We are all living together under the same roof. Don't be polite." Feng Ye smiled warmly at her, pointed her finger at the sofa in front of her, "sit."

Then he asked: "At this point, do you want a little wine or tea? I can't drink coffee for you."

Lin Qing thought about it, and felt that red wine helps sleep, and then smiled and said, "Come to the wine bar, and after a while, you can sleep well."

"Okay, then drink some red wine, more emotional." Said Feng Ye turned to the wine cabinet next to him to get red wine.

Looking at his back, Lin Qing couldn't help lamenting that the elegance of a man is more elegant than that of a woman. It is a kind of gracefulness that is so enchanting.

Realizing that she was dysfunctional, she hurriedly drew back her eyes and sat upright, her heart slightly a little stunned, wondering what Feng Ye was going to talk to herself.

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