Although Aunt Li and her son-in-law were around, Mu Li was injured after all, of course Mu Li would be responsible for it.

So he immediately asked Dr. Jiang to help him with two experienced nurses. The nanny took care of Little Butterfly and lived at home.

Although busy, but finally stopped.

But whenever he looked at Shen Yuhe and Li Yiqiang with smiling faces, he felt very sad. One body burned and one broke his leg. No one was upset, and they all endured the physical pain.

In order to reassure him, he deliberately pretended to be indifferent, how could he not understand this distress.

The most terrible thing is that Orange has disappeared since he ran out of the house that day. Ren Li Xiaolong and others went through the streets and alleys and found no trace of him.

Mu Li even worried that he would be kidnapped by the bad guys, but Xiaolong felt that it was impossible. A clever child like Orange would never let the bad guys go away. He just thought that he had run into trouble and was frightened by Aunt Li and Shen Yuhe before hiding stand up.

If he hid deliberately, they would still be hard to find.

Mu Li felt that he was justified, so he continued to send people to look for, not to let go of any remote alleys, or even sewers, fearing that he would hide there.

And Feng Ye's villa, they also went to see it many times.

So Orange has the key, and the key is in the bag in his room.

After he disappeared, Mu Li took the key in the witness of the police, went in and searched several times, and did not find the whereabouts of Orange.

Time passed day by day, and he was in a hurry to get angry. Orange Orange disappeared. How did he explain to Lin Qing and Feng Ye?

People walked well, and now the children are gone, what does he pay for their children, and that is also his son.

In desperation, he had to call Lin Qing, but was not so straightforward, just asked where Lin Qingcheng Orange might like to play.

Lin Qing asked alertly what was going on? Is something wrong?

Mu Li quickly smiled and concealed that Orange Orange was okay, but he wanted to take him to a favorite place to play on the weekend.

But Lin Qing's mother's intuition felt that things were definitely not that simple. Instead of telling Mu Li the answer, she asked him to let Orange Orange answer the phone.

Where did Mu Li go to find Orange and give her a call? She had to say that Orange and Orange were happy playing with Little Butterfly, don't listen to the phone.

Lin Qing felt that it was impossible. Every time she talked to her on the phone, she was very happy. She also complained about why she didn't call every day.

Mu Lihu regretted it, and he shouldn't have made the call. Now he can't explain clearly.

Had to hang up in a hurry, Lin Qing was more convinced that something must have happened to Orange.

She asked Feng Feng to ask about the news of Orange Orange in the country, but it turned out to be bad news. Orange Orange was missing, and the commander was sending people to look around.

Lin Qing was fainted when he heard the news.

So in order to return to the country as soon as possible, Feng Ye sold almost half of the property, finally got the pass, took Lin Qing out of country X, transferred to the neighboring country, and boarded the return plane.

Everything was like in a dream, until the plane landed and set foot on the land of the motherland, Lin Qing couldn't believe it was true.

She held on to Feng's arm vigorously and asked excitedly, "Are we really back?"

"Come back, we are finally back." Feng Ye smiled happily.

"It's good to be back," Lin Qing said with a smile.

Suddenly she changed her face again, thinking of Orange and Orange, holding the arm of Feng Ye anxiously and shouting loudly: "Orange, let's go find Orange Orange, he has been missing for many days, God, I really do n’t Imagine how he should live alone? "

"Okay, I'll find Orange immediately. You go back to rest first." Feng Ye reached out and held her in his arms, and patted her on the shoulder.

Lin Qing shook her head and said helplessly, "How can I rest in peace, I will look for it with you."

"Lin Qing, listen to me. Even if I ca n’t help you, just go home and rest. Do n’t wait for Orange to come back, but your body is broken. You have n’t eaten or slept in these days. See, everyone I stunned a lot. "Feng Feng was very distressed to persuade.

After that, he beckoned his followers, and Shen Sheng told him, "Send the wife home first."

His voice was resolute. Lin Qing knew that his order could not be violated. As soon as it was issued, his men would certainly follow suit.

Helpless, I had to follow the followers to go home and rest, looking at the empty room, indifferent, thinking about the scene of laughing and laughing with Orange Orange before going abroad, and my heart was in pain.

Maybe she is really not suitable for going abroad. The last time she went abroad with Orange Orange, after returning home, they were all killed and their status changed.

However, this time abroad, he happened to encounter x civil unrest. He stayed for half a month, but Orange Orange disappeared.

Headache, Lin Qing clutched his head, sitting in tears in pain on the sofa.

The young maid comforted her softly: "Miss Lin, rest assured, Grandpa Feng will find the young master back."

Lin Qing raised her hazy tears and asked inexplicably, "Are you so sure?"

The young maid nodded vigorously. "As long as the grandfather flies, there is nothing impossible."

To a certain extent, her words gave Lin Qing a reassurance. Indeed, as long as Feng Ye had not done anything, he disappeared in country X. Under such complicated circumstances, he did not save him smoothly. Is it?

Thinking about it this way, I feel more comfortable in my heart. I ’m really tired these days. I ’m worried about eating and sleeping. I ’ve been worried about Orange and I ca n’t return home. Now I ’m finally back. Soon fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Qing, who had been nourished, strongly demanded to go out to find Orange with Feng Ye.

Feng Ye didn't refuse, they searched for a whole day in the streets and lanes, but still couldn't find the whereabouts of Orange.

Mu Li saw Lin Qing and Feng Feng apologize to them, and explained the situation that day. Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li are still lying in the hospital.

Lin Qing didn't feel good, anyway, she called Shen Yuhe for so many years, and Aunt Li had a good relationship with her.

They discussed with Feng Ye and the two went to the hospital together to see them.

Feng Ye agreed very quickly, so that the followers bought valuable supplements.

Aunt Li and Shen Yuhe lived in the same ward. After the two went in, Shen Yuhe had nothing to do with a slight performance.

Instead, Aunt Li cried while holding Lin Qing's hand, but she didn't dare to say anything, she could only cry.

Lin Qing's heart is sour and hard to persuade. After all, her status is Madam Feng, not the former commander's wife.

The atmosphere in the ward was very weird. Lin Qing and Feng Ye didn't spend much time in the ward, so they hurriedly left.

The two elderly people did not know that Orange had not yet been found. Mu Li was afraid they were worried and told them that they had found it.

Anyway, Shen Yuhe doesn't want to look at Orange Orange, of course, Aunt Li is even harder to mention this request.

When he came out of the hospital, Feng Feng said casually: "This old lady seems to be not very good towards you. He won't be abused by Orange in his hands. She said it was Orange that made the tea kettle. She was scalded, and I don't think Tachibana would do such a thing, even if she did, it might be intolerable. "

His words were exactly what Lin Qing thought, so he felt more nervous and saddened by Orange.

Seeing her anxious look, Feng Feng comforted her with a voice: "Lin Qing, maybe things are not as bad as I thought."

"Let's walk back. There is a night market here, just to see if we can touch Orange. I always think that he might be hiding somewhere and waiting for us to come back. When something like that happened at the Mu family, he definitely didn't dare go back. Will run out to hide and not let people find it. "Lin Qing nodded and suggested loudly.

Feng Ye agreed with her proposal, and the two walked slowly along the pedestrian street.

Whenever he saw Xiaojia Huazi in his ragged clothes, Lin Qing would run over to see if it was not orange, and would shake his head in disappointment, and then took a hundred dollar bill from his pocket for him.

The two looked around, inadvertently admiring the night view, and even more inadvertently looking at the dazzling array of night market small commodities, but they looked at the orange through the crowd.

Suddenly there was a riot in front of them. The two did not know what was going on, and they didn't care about it at first.

However, in front of her, she screamed and cried. Although Lin Qing didn't hear it very much, her heart tightened inexplicably. She couldn't help but hold Feng Ye's arm tightly and asked quietly: " what happened?"

Grandpa patted the back of her hand, motioned her not to be nervous, and said softly, "Let's go and see."

The two walked quickly following the flow of people, turned out to be a few beggars, beaten by a sturdy man.

I saw the man holding a little beggar in his arms like a chicken, scolding and chasing a running beggar.

Judging from his figure, it looks too orange, Lin Qing shouted, "Orange!"

The little beggar in flight really looked to this side. Although he had dirt on his small face, he turned into gray Linqing and recognized that it was her baby son, Orange Orange.

Feng Ye also recognized it. He took Lin Qing's hand and rushed forward to meet him. He really broke the iron shoes and found nowhere.

Orange Orange plunged into Lin Qing's arms and wept loudly: "Mom and Dad, why are you coming back, and when you come back late, I'll see the King."

"Well! The kids wouldn't say such frustrated words." Lin Qing held his face in both hands and asked distressed: "How to make this look like this, you broke your mother's heart."

At this time, the big man was also chasing after him. He was holding a little beggar with the same dirt on his face as the orange, and cursed fiercely: "Specially, there are still people who care about small beggars. I think you are tired and crooked. "

Talking to follow him, he would lift his feet to Feng Ye.

Feng Ye's followers naturally quit, and emerged from all corners, surrounded the big man in the middle.

As soon as the big man didn't look good, it seemed that he had encountered a stubble today. It is estimated that he was also a gangster and was quite capable. He quickly released the two beggars and twitched his hands, accompanied the laughter: He is also a grandfather on the road. The flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple. The family does not recognize the family. May I ask which mountain you are on?

Feng Ye's entourage raised his foot and knelt down against him, cursing: "You deserve to know our big name? What a hell."

"Yes, it's not worth it, Grandpa spares his life." The big man said, hoeing to Feng Feng.

When the two beggars let go, he ran to Orange Orange, and they knew that the savior was here.

They both thumbed up at Orange Orange, and said, "I can't think of Lin Ye as a backer. This is what we will see."

Orange Orange smiled proudly: "That is, don't look at Master Lin who I am, I have told you already, follow me and I will be fragrant and spicy, and believe it in a while."

"Believe it, believe it." The two little beggars smiled happily.

At this moment, a few beggars were drilled beside him, and they gave orange oranges a bow, "Will we be with you, too? I will treat you as the boss in the future."

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