The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1378: Hiding a knife in a smile

The two seemed to be anchored. They couldn't believe it. How could something buried in the ground be seen again?

They all remember that Mr. Mu once said that this is a unique product. There is only this one in the world, and it will be gone if it is broken. How much money can't be bought back. Before death, he specifically told him to follow him into the coffin.

Watching their mother and son startled, Feng Ye's evil smile aroused at the corner of his mouth, but it soon disappeared, followed by a worried expression, and asked, "Is the commander dislike?" "

Mu Li then pulled back the memories from the past, picked up the snuff bottle and played carefully, not like a fake.

Although the memory of the snuff bottle was indifferent, but based on his knowledge of the collection, the snuff bottle must be authentic.

He understood that the old man must have been with him underground, so what was going on with this one? Is that just fake? Father doesn't know? This kind of image is cruel, Mu Li doesn't think it's worth it.

He couldn't help but asked, "I like it, I like it so much, it's just a fine product in the collection of antique snuff bottles. I'm afraid it's worth a lot? I can't afford it so much."

"It's just an object. The friendship of the superior is precious, but there is a story in this snuff bottle that is very touching. Speaking of it, it resembles the commander-in-chief. Just take a plea. His wife can live with her head and love her whole life. "Feng Ye was very true, and Lin Qing beside him nodded.

Everyone was very confused after hearing this, and couldn't help asking Feng Ye the source of this snuff bottle.

Feng Ye, however, had to tell you the story about snuff bottles.

It turned out that these snuff bottles were tokens of sentiment to the horse by the princess of the Tang Dynasty.

The princess was a second marriage. In order to express her sincerity, the craftsmen were specially ordered to create a pair of snuff bottles.

A pattern engraved with phoenix was carried by his side, and a pattern engraved with a dragon was given to the horse.

Of course, this dragon is not a real dragon. The real dragon can only be worn by the emperor. In fact, it is a big python.

The snuff bottle in Mu Li's memory was carved with such a pattern. He was curious at the time. Why was it suddenly like a dragon and a snake? He couldn't understand what it was.

Later, the horse took the snuff bottle to the battlefield and was killed. The body was transported back, and he still held the snuff bottle tightly in his hand.

The princess could not withstand the blow of her bereavement, passed a pair of snuff bottles to future generations, and followed the horse to Jiuquan.

The pair of snuff bottles passed down from generation to generation. In modern times, they were lost in the war, not in the hands of the descendants of the princess, and a pair of snuff bottles were also separated.

Among them, the snuff bottle with phoenix carving was photographed by Feng Ye at an auction a few days ago.

This time when I came to Mu Li's birthday party by appointment, I couldn't find a suitable gift for a while, or Lin Qing suggested that this snuff bottle could be given to him. He likes to collect sheep fat jade.

After hearing the history of the pair of snuff bottles, everyone couldn't help but clap their hands and admire their love for the princess and the horse.

At the same time, for the beautiful meaning of this snuff bottle, bless Mu Li and Bai Xue's feelings.

Bai Xue was very happy, she did not expect Feng Ye to send them such a good thing, but it is a love evidence that has been circulating for thousands of years. This beautiful moral and colorful head will definitely bless her and Mu Li for a long time. .

But Mu Li and Shen Yuhe did not believe that things were as simple as Feng Ye said. The snuff bottles were separated in the war years and had their own owners. Since they are paired, they will definitely be collected in pairs. If not, they will not be valuable. And lost its original value.

Shen Yuhe speculated that Tang Jiaojiao was likely to be the descendant of the princess. She gave one of the snuff bottles she inherited to Grandpa Mu as a token of love.

In the end, it was Shen Yuhe who married Grandpa Mu that prompted her to make this determination.

At that time, she was pregnant, and the beloved man married his wife. In order to keep his heart, he could only take out the ancestral love tokens to prove his feelings. He would not marry.

This is why Shen Yuhe did not see Grandpa Mu holding a snuff bottle at first.

Later, she pushed Tang Jiaojiao off the cliff, and the snuff bottle disappeared with Tang Jiaojiao.

Mr. Mu put all her love into her snuff bottle so that she could hold it day and night without letting others touch her, and even after death she had to be buried with a sheep fat jade snuff bottle.

Mu Li also made similar guesses, but he didn't know the specific things of Tang Jiaojiao, but just thought that the snuff bottle might have been inherited by Feng from his mother, and he gave it to him today, and told the story of the snuff bottle that he wanted to tell him With Shen Yuhe, the woman that Mu Mu loves from beginning to end is Tang Jiaojiao, not her Shen Yuhe.

To put it plainly, it is through Mu Li's business to send such an object, that is, to insert a knife into their mother and son's heart, and push them into an almost indifferent past.

Of course, all of this is done without leaving traces. Apart from being grateful for receiving the snuff bottle, you can't have any emotion for him except ingesting this mouthful of Coptis chinensis.

Mu Li couldn't help clapping for the wonderful performance of this play, so this is the real start.

Having done so many pre | plays, this has just begun the curtain and entered the theme.

This is exactly what Mu Li has been waiting for, and I am even more convinced that Feng Ye is Tang Ming, and the son of Tang Mujiao, a woman outside of Mu Mu, who is half-brother with him. Has a godlike face.

Now that the good show has begun, he couldn't help but calmly pack the sheep fat jade snuffboxes one by one, and then solemnly hand it over to Bai Xue, whispering: "Sent to my study. Gift, I want to treasure it. "

Bai Xue carried the rosewood box with a smile and went upstairs.

Seeing her back disappear on the stairs, Mu Li said with a smile: "I will grow old with my beloved."

After that, his eyes lightly brushed Lin Qing's face, and then settled on Feng's face: "I also wish Feng Grande to grow old with his beloved woman."

Feng Ye listened to his words, his eyes flashing with pride, and he smiled, "I will."

His gift completely disrupted Shen Yuhe's plan. He originally intended to push him back to the original social circle by Mu Li's birthday party, but Feng's gift made her feel terrified.

Revenge finally came. Tang Ming was a terrible character, not revenge.

Instead, she hid the knife in her laughter so that she could not say anything when she was stuck on the chest. Such a person is terrible.

She can even imagine that from the beginning of Orange's disappearance, he opened his net of revenge.

The gift storm passed quickly and everyone was immersed in the joy of the party.

It will be a while before she can cut the cake. Shen Yuhe quietly returns to the room. She lies on the bed, trying to calm her emotions.

Even if Tang Ming's revenge plan started, she couldn't panic. At this time, she must hold her ground and let Mu Li not be aware of anything. She didn't know that he had quietly sent someone to check the background of Feng ’s life.

The lamb fat jade snuff bottle with phoenix carving is definitely Tang Jiaojiao's thing, but now it is given to Mu Li. This is a naked provocation, mocking him for being a bitch, and not getting the favor of his father. What's the difference.

Shen Yuhe can even guess that since this goat fat jade snuff bottle is Tang Jiaojiao's thing, Feng Ye will not let it stay in Mu Li's hands for a long time, and will definitely take it back. As for how to take it, it is unknown .

After careful consideration, Shen Yuhe decided to continue her original plan. She could not be scared by Feng Feng and gave up her original plan.

Thinking of this, she got up from the bed and was knocking on the door while she was about to go out. Then Aunt Li came in and asked her to go out quickly. It was time to cut the cake.

Seeing Shen Yuhe's expression seemed different from usual, she asked curiously, "Old sister, are you okay?"

Shen Yuhe looked at her with a smile and asked out loud, "Do you think I'm fine?"

Aunt Li smiled and shook her head, and the two walked out of the room together.

At eight o'clock, Shirayuki clapped her hands, and the noisy banquet hall was quiet.

The nanny pushed the cake and it was time to make a wish to cut the birthday cake.

Shen Yuhe held Yang Li's hand in the middle of Bai Xue and Mu Li, and intentionally asked Yang Li and Mu Li to stand together.

Bai Xue looked at Shen Yuhe awkwardly. Shen Yuhe ignored her at all, but she had no choice but to turn around. She was going to go from behind Shen Yuhe to Mu Li, but she did not want to be blocked by Aunt Li. She smiled and asked, "Began to cut the cake, first Don't walk around. "

Bai Xue had no choice but to turn around and stand again, so many people surrounded them. Although it was just two people apart, it was not easy to think of Mu Li. She could only stand beside Shen Yuhe and watch Yang Li openly. Stand beside Mu Li and cut the cake with him.

As if she were the commander's wife, and she was nothing more than a guest.

This unexpected situation made her feel flustered. On such occasions, Shen Yuhe made such a gesture, apparently did not admit it or told everyone that she did not like her daughter-in-law, and hoped that Yang Li could stay with Mu Li.

She knew that Yang Li didn't have a good time entering the Mu family. Perhaps this was what their mother and son had already discussed. By taking care of the old lady, Yang Li was involved in their family life and slowly squeezed her out.

It's too much. It's too much. She is played with Mu Li.

He didn't love her at all. After they got married, they didn't pass through the house. No one would believe this when they went out, but it was a fact.

One thing that made her dumb eat Huang Lian was unable to tell the truth. Speaking out would only make others laugh, she was not a woman.

Tears overflowed in her heart, but her face could only be pretended to be indifferent. She couldn't make people laugh at the joke. She knew that the guests who came today were former friends of Lin Qing and Mu Li, and did not like her.

After cutting the cake and making a wish, when Mu Li was about to announce his free activities, Shen Yuhe laughed and said to Mu Li: "Son, mom will give you a gift today."

"Oh? What kind of gift does my mother give me, I'm looking forward to it." Mu Li asked with a smile.

Shen Yuhe winked at Aunt Li, and Aunt Li handed a beautiful box.

Mu Li took it with his hands and knew it at a glance. It was a suit hand-stitched in Italy.

He smiled with surprise: "Great, this is the clothes I received from my mother many years later, like a kid."

Shen Yuhe looked at him kindly, and laughed out loudly: "It was Yang Li who helped me choose it. It's good if you like it. People who are old can't keep up with your young people's fashion. Fortunately, she helps me. She is a good girl It will be a good wife in the future. "

What she said was vague, as if she was implying something, but not implying anything.

But everyone understood her meaning and applauded involuntarily. Although they didn't know Yang Li, seeing the gentle woman was like seeing the former Lin Qing, who was stronger than the proud and noble Bai Xue too much.

At first glance, Bai Xue was a white lotus flower, which seemed noble, but she was ingenious inside, and even with a smile on her face, it was impossible to approach.

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