But it can only deal with the moment, maybe she will step over that hurdle someday and be willing to marry Fengye.

She really understood that she and Mu Li could never go back.

After being persuaded by Mu Li, Shen Yuhe changed her mind and suddenly wanted to understand that even though Bai Xue was not a good daughter-in-law, she was the most suitable for Mu Li.

Bai Xue's family has a strong background. She is the third generation of Red. Her grandfathers are familiar war heroes. They can be called as god-like characters. They are one of the few old heroes who lived in the war years.

And her father is the father and son of the son, holding important positions in the military commission, can also be said to be a lame man who will shake the ground.

Mu Li wants to stand in the military world, and she can't do without the support of Hundred Schools. She really tried to promote Bai Xue's marriage with Mu Li.

Too many things happened recently, which made her thinking so confused that she forgot her original intention.

Facing the relationship between Bai Xue and Mu Li, she began to feel aversion to her.

Compared with Lin Qing, she is indeed not a good daughter-in-law, and has framed her a few times, making her even more tempted to get into the magic just to drive her away from the Mu family, so they are too peaceful.

After thinking about Xiao Dieer's affairs afterwards, she felt that it was most likely Bai Xue's mischief. After all, there were only two of them at the time. For example, when Xiao Dieer was hospitalized several times, she climbed away from the ward and climbed to the roof of the roof. On top of that, she couldn't think of anyone else except Shirayuki. Such a conjecture also came to mind that night after the Jiang family was framed by Bai Xue.

It is precisely because of these grievances and the loneliness of Xiao Dieer after leaving home that Aunt Li's departure will make her determined to drive Bai Xue away and introduce Yang Li to Mu Li.

Now thinking about it, I can't help but be afraid. Fortunately, Bai Xue has not been driven away by her. Otherwise, I am afraid that Mu Li's commander will not be able to keep it.

A few days later, Bai Xue returned home by herself. She brought back many gifts from her parents to please Shen Yuhe and Mu Li.

Shen Yuhe eased her attitude towards Bai Xue, which was somewhat flattering.

At the 180-degree turn toward her attitude, Aunt Li felt strange and couldn't help asking her: "Old sister, have you been filled with soul soup by Bai Xue?"

Shen Yuhe listened to her and asked with a bitter smile, "I've never been sober now."

Aunt Li was even more surprised when she heard it. Was so clear that she had never been better for Bai Xue? So was not sober? What exactly is going on?

Shen Yuhe looked at her wondering, and then told her what she wanted to understand in detail. After that, Aunt Li nodded continuously. The relationship was this way. She really didn't know that Bai Xue had such a political background behind her. The old lady dared not treat her.

Now that Shen Yuhe said so, even if Aunt Li didn't like Bai Xue, she started to be more polite to her.

She can't hinder the development of the commander-in-chief's career, so she lives up to Shen Yuhe's painstaking efforts.

The attitude of the two of them changed. At the beginning, Bai Xue was very confused and had no idea what medicine they were selling in the gourd, so she had to deal with it carefully and showed great respect for them.

But slowly from the words of Shen Yuhe, she heard the reason why she was being treated differently. The feeling was because of her family back, that old woman would change her attitude.

This made Bai Xue very angry, feeling that they regarded themselves as a ladder of promotion and wealth.

If it wasn't for her famous name, she would seem to be inevitable.

In this case, Bai Xue no longer puts Shen Yuhe in her eyes. She tried to treat her a little bit harsher, and Shen Yuhe also silently endured, so she was bold.

The attitude towards Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li was back to the worst time in the past, because she had a backing.

Mu Li was not cold to her. Bai Xue didn't dare to offend him.

That night, March 3, the lunar calendar, Shen Yuhe had a good table, and the family happily ate a reunion dinner.

It's been a long time since there was such a harmonious family atmosphere. Mu Li was very happy and drank a few more glasses of wine.

Seeing that he drank a lot, Shen Yuhe asked Bai Xue to help him return to the room to rest.

The two returned to the room. Mu Li felt dizzy and went to bed without a shower.

Shirayuki came out of the bathroom, he was already snoring and slept soundly.

Mu Li hasn't entered the bedroom for a long time. If she hadn't been drunk this time, she would definitely not have returned. The opportunity was rare. How could she let it go.

She shook Mu Li's arm and shouted loudly, "Wake up quickly, go to bed without taking a shower, and it smells dead."

"Don't bother me, go to sleep." Mu Li was very upset and was awakened by Bai Xue, rolled over, covered his quilt on his head, and continued to sleep.

Bai Xue saw that he had no choice but to let him go, but he was uncomfortable.

So she unbuttoned her bathrobe, lifted the quilt without touching, and lay down next to Mu Li.

Every time the two of them slept together, she fell asleep first, and later did not remember what happened. When she woke up in the morning, she always felt a spring breeze.

Simply, with his own way of treating his body, Bai Xue decided to round the room with Mu Li in his sleep.

She was tangled tightly around his strong body like a snake, entangled, and Mu Li's body gradually became hot.

He sighed irritably, shook Bai Xue's body away vigorously, and slept aside with a quilt. "Don't bother me, sleep."

Bai Xue was emotional, and the arrow had to be sent on the string. She would not give up this opportunity. The next time the two were in bed, they did n’t know the year of the monkey, and she knew he was only wearing Lin Qing.

As long as they have the reality of a couple and a baby, then her identity will be stable.

auzw.com At that time, she will also be willing to ask for help from her family and help Mu Li be promoted to the Military Commission. By then, he will have an unlimited military journey.

Bai Xue thinks very beautiful, so she is even more determined to follow Mu Liyuan.

Like a snake, she crawled to Mu Li's side again, tore off his quilt, held him in her arms, twined tightly, and kissed his whole body.

Mu Li's body began to tremble under her hot lips. After all, she is a strong man, and she hasn't lived as a husband and wife for a long time. The hormones in her body are like volcanoes that are about to gush, and a gap is needed.

Bai Xue felt Mu Li's response, and she shuddered with excitement, more confident.

Just when she reached out and touched Mu Li's lower body, Mu Li woke up suddenly. He was sitting on the bed with a carp, Bai Xue didn't guard against the force that he broke free, and fell under the bed.

"You, husband, what are you doing?" Bai Xue looked at Mu Li resentfully, Lihua brought rain, and asked in pain.

"I'm drunk, sleep." Mu Li covered her head and lay down again.

On the couple's bed, he really had no reason to refuse Bai Xuehuan, but he could only cover it with drunkenness.

Bai Xue climbed up from the ground, climbed Mu Li's body again, and tried her best to tease, softly whispered: "Husband, we have been married for so long, I haven't seen your male heroes, let me let you Am I wise? "

Mu Li just fell asleep and ignored her, hoping that she would be boring and give up this entanglement.

But Bai Xue had already made up her mind, how could it be so easy to give up, and she kissed Mu Li's lips again, "My husband, I want a baby that belongs to us, don't you want to?"

Mu Li closed her eyes, she rolled over to his chest, and began her plan to have children again.

Mu Li knew that he couldn't escape tonight, so he had to find a way to leave.

So he tried to imagine Bai Xue's disgusting appearance on his body, and then a nausea rushed out, and the dirt was gushing out.

The smell of wine was mixed with the unpleasant smell of stomach acid, which made Shirayuki sprayed all over and could not help vomiting.

When she was most emotional, she encountered such a wonderful scene, which fulfilled her most helplessness since her memory.

She reached out and touched her face. The smell of the vomit made her afraid to breathe. She ran to the bathroom with her nose covered, and then came the sound of vomiting.

Mu Li had a faint smile on his lips. He wiped his mouth with a sheet, and then went to sleep again. He knew he was safe tonight.

When he woke up the next morning, Shirayuki was not in the bedroom.

He was still sleeping on the bed with his vomit, and she didn't help him clean up last night.

After getting up and washing, he walked out of the bedroom neatly, and in the corridor saw Bai Xue coming out of the next room.

Pretending to be innocent, he asked in amazement, "What happened last night? Why was it in bed?"

Bai Xue glanced at him resentfully, and shook his head back, "I don't know. You don't let me sleep in the bed. Several times I put down my head, I can only sleep in the guest room."

Mu Li hurried forward, embracing her shoulders, "I'm sorry, wife, I'm drunk, and I don't remember it at all."

"It's okay, you go downstairs first, I'll go back to the room to wash." Bai Xue smiled at him with tolerance, and then turned into the bedroom.

Then she exclaimed, "Ah!"

Mu Li quickly came to the bedroom door and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

"You vomited last night? Did you sleep like this?" Bai Xue asked in surprise.

Mu Li couldn't help sneering in his heart, pretending to be real, okay, acting, who wouldn't, so embarrassed to reply, "I only found out in the morning, I didn't know how to vomit last night."

"You, why did you get drunk when you ordered so much wine last night, and drunk isn't going to sleep honestly, you won't be able to make you drunk again." I clean up. "

"Thank my wife." Mu Li thanked her politely.

"It's so strange to be with me, really." Bai Xue walked to the bed, tore off the sheets, and hugged them into the bathroom.

After experiencing this incident, Bai Xue once again made a request directly with Mu Li and wanted to have a child.

Mu Li told her that this matter can be said later, and that large military exercises are now being prepared in the army.

This exercise is not trivial, it is directly related to the military position of the country in the world, and it has achieved the effect of being awesome.

If the exercise does not achieve the expected results, it is likely to be ridiculed by other countries and will fall into a military crisis.

Of course, Bai Xue knew how powerful it was, and naturally he was not good at rejecting it, so he could only promise him.

But my heart was very unhappy. There was nowhere to vent the anger in her stomach. There was no other way than to ridicule and sneer at Shen Yuhe's **** of Sanghuai, and she was very depressed every day.

Mu Li has been faint to her, not bad, but definitely not good.

The days passed like this, and the Feng family had no contact with the Mu family. It seemed that everything was fine.

However, Shen Yuhe has always felt insecure. At the last Mu Li birthday party, Tang Ming sent the lamb jade snuff bottle left by Tang Jiaojiao, which is definitely not just a gift.

On this day, Lin Qing took Little Butterfly Orange and five children to play in the park.

Feng Ye was not with them, he went to work in other places.

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