Feng Ye could only promise her and wait at the door of Mu Family Villa.

Lin Qing, who was sitting in the car, was very nervous. Since Xiao Die'er went in with Orange Orange, her heart was on her throat.

Afraid that both of them would be wronged in it.

Feng Feng saw that she was so nervous and tried to chat with her to tell a joke.

But she was also absent-minded and could not listen at all.

In the end, Feng Feng had to tell her the story of what happened in the orphanage.

There is blood and tears. He is a Chinese orphan in an orphanage opened by a foreigner. It will inevitably be discriminated against.

We won't do too much, but those black and white children often beat him with blue and swollen faces.

But no one has made it for him, making them even more arrogant.

Life in the orphanage was the most painful part of his life.

Those sad history of blood and tears heard Lin Qing's tears lingering, but also forgot his own worry.

Fully entered into his memory, accompanied by sadness.

Feng Ye was very happy to see her being mobilized.

As long as she doesn't worry about the children's situation and suffers anxiety, he is willing to give her memories of those who can't even look back.

Besides, Orange Orange and Little Butterfly were led into the Mu family villa.

Shen Yuhe hasn't seen these two children for a long time. The blood relationship in her bones makes her unable to bear a happy smile on her face and rushes forward.

When preparing to hold the two children in her arms, she saw Bai Xue's expression not very good.

She forced her emotions back again.

Now is the time for her to do everything possible to sacrifice Shirayuki. This time the two children came back to see her.

She also told her, just to please her.

Although as an elder mother-in-law, this is indeed a bit inappropriate.

But who made Bai Xue hard in the background, she couldn't offend.

In order to be able to ask her back, she has disregarded her identity.

"You two bear children, don't know that you came back to see Grandma? You can see that it is also a white-eyed wolf, white is good for you." Her voice was cold.

After hearing Orange Orange couldn't help but slap his lips, but when thinking of Lin Qing's explanation to him, don't collide with grandma and be a good boy.

I had to press down if I wanted to come out, just looked up at her stubbornly, humming in my heart, "Did you treat Xiao Dieer as your in-law granddaughter? Why draw me up, there is no half hair with you Money relationship. "

Shen Yuhe originally said that she was acting, but she was really upset when she saw the expression of Orange.

From a young age, the well-behaved little grandson and grandson in front of her made her hurt not enough.

How can it be so unruly and ignorant.

Squeezing the fire in his heart, he said coldly, "I will stop you if you come back."

Then he went straight to the living room. Bai Xue was satisfied with Shen Yuhe's performance and felt that he had made a long face.

She pretended to be a good person, holding two children in each hand, and laughed, "Go, I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you."

But the two children did not let her handle, Bai Xue smiled awkwardly.

Did not say anything, took them in.

Many sweets were prepared on the table, and Shen Yuhe greeted them lightly: "Let's eat, don't say come back and don't give you food."

When she said these words, she also seemed to be too biting.

But Bai Xue was on the side, and she called her back today to show her the effect. Only do it bit by bit.

"Old Witch Grandma, I don't like you, nor do I like to eat what you eat." Little Butterfly, after all, was small. She ignored Lin Qing's instructions to her and shouted at Shen Yuhe.

Orange Orange held her hand and persuaded softly, "Mom said, your grandma is ill, and we come back to see her just to make her happy, not like this."

"Well, listen to your brother." Xiao Dieer spoke early, and now she can communicate normally.

No one spoke on the sofa, the atmosphere was very depressed and boring.

Xiao Dieer wanted to leave, and she pulled on the orange clothes corner and motioned him away.

Orange Orange kept staring at his watch, and he remembered that his mother had picked them up after two hours.

Seeing that the two were unwilling to be willing, Shen Yuqi was suddenly out of touch.

"Can the two little dumbs not speak? How did your mother teach?"

"We don't want to talk to the old witch grandma." Xiao Dieer was righteous.

"Then why are you here?" Shen Yuhe laughed angrily.

"It's mom. It forced us to come, and we didn't want to come." Xiao Dieer talked back to her, and Orange Orange didn't persuade him this time. It was too boring to watch it lively.

He reached out to get the remote control, but Shen Yuhe yelled, "Kids do n’t watch TV, they will be short-sighted, your mother won't teach you?"

Orange Orange gave up the idea of ​​watching TV, he suddenly stood up.

Xiao Dieer immediately understood what he meant, this was to leave. Happily slid off the sofa and held his hand.

"Why are you going?" Shen Yuhe asked unhappyly.

"We're back, Uncle Mu is not at home, it's not fun. You don't seem to be sick, you don't need us." Said Orange Orange took Xiaodie's hand and went out.

Bai Xue deliberately said, "Isn't it better that grandma is not sick? Are you guys?"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Yuhe's face was covered with dark clouds, and her words were interrupted coldly: "Don't blame them, what the children know is taught by adults."

Bai Xue shrugged helplessly, expressing her acceptance.

"Since it's here, there's no need to eat anything before leaving. The nanny has prepared it in the kitchen." She reached out and held the orange. With a smile on his face, he persuaded him: "Good, you are an older brother. You are responsible for giving your sister a good start."

Orange Orange grieved, but they stayed here not to look at their faces?

auzw.com But since he said that, and it was less than two hours, he had to say to Xiao Dieer, "Let's wait for a while."

Although Xiao Die'er was unhappy, they agreed, and the two sat back on the sofa.

After half an hour, the babysitter cooked and greeted everyone to eat in the restaurant.

It has been a long time since I saw Orange and Little Butterfly, and she was a little excited.

He kept saying, "It's really two good boys, the longer the better, the longer the smarter."

Amei didn't know them, stood aside and didn't speak, just observing silently.

After eating, Orange Orange saw that it was two hours, and couldn't wait to pull Xiaodie's hand towards the door.

"Just want to go?" Shen Yuhe shouted, "Feed the wolf."

The two children didn't want to listen to her and ran towards the door.

Bai Xue had to follow them, and exclaimed, "Be careful, run slowly."

Lin Qing saw that Orange Orange ran out with Little Butterfly, and she immediately opened the door and got out of the car to meet her.

Holding the two children tightly in their arms is just like life and death parting.

"Baby, are you all right?"

Bai Xue, who was next to him, couldn't stand it, and asked with a sneer: "What can they do? Will admiring the family hurt them? Why would they return them?

Lin Qing smiled embarrassedly at her: "Sorry, I just ask casually."

"It doesn't matter to me." Bai Xue sneered and turned away.

Shen Yuhe came out of the room, "Children are so strange to this home, shouldn't you think about it?"

"" Lin Qing looked at her silently, but didn't know how to reply.

"I hope that the next time they come, there will be less imprint on them." Shen Yuhe also returned to the room after finishing talking.

The imprint of his body, such a tall noun, Lin Qingdi did not want to understand what it was.

Back in the car, she asked Orange Orange and Xiao Dieer's situation in Mu carefully, knowing that they didn't embarrass them, then they were relieved.

But after knowing the attitudes of Shen Yuhe and Bai Xue, they were also upset.

Had it not been for Mu Li begging him, she would not have been willing to let the two children come back.

Feng Ye just drove silently and said nothing.

He knew that at this time, he shouldn't point his fingers and let her be quiet.

Lin Qing grew more and more angry, took out her mobile phone and called Mu Li.

"I've asked the children to go back, but it doesn't seem to be very popular, and there is no heartwarming word."

"Thank you, I know you won't let me down." Mu Li heard an excited voice.

Listening to the rumbling wind in the receiver, she couldn't help asking: "Where are you?"

"I'm on the Gobi Desert. The troops are zipping. Mom is okay?"

"Do not let me in, how do I know?" She answered angrily.

"Why not let you in?" Mu Li didn't seem to believe this sentence.

"How do I know, you're not saying that you want to be with Mu Xue at Mu's house."

"" Then Mu Li's signal was interrupted.

The weather over there was so bad that he couldn't help yelling and almost broke his phone.

Bai Xue returned to Mu Family? And it was when Orange Orange and Little Butterfly came home.

He can guess where Shen Yuhe's attitude towards them will not be better, in order to please Baixue.

He felt a little dull in his heart, and his zipper on the Gobi Desert was not smooth.

This large-scale military play is mainly to cooperate with the navy, but the Central Military Commission has let them train on the Gobi Beach, which is really counterintuitive.

At that time, he felt wrong and raised an objection, but was told that the structure was wrong.

However, since the large troops had been pulled down to the Gobi Desert, they could not return immediately, so they were given a special training mission for ten days.

Because of this, Mu Li was in a state of fire.

At the time he brought it up, the reply from the Military Commission was that it was the duty of the soldiers to obey orders.

This time it turned out to be a mistake to go to the Gobi Desert, and blamed him for not insisting.

There will be no fate for the king. This is simply because they are right.

Let him have the idea of ​​wanting to retire, he is really not suitable for intrigue in officialdom.

When Commander Liao was in office, he often couldn't get used to his behavior.

I think it is too smooth and has the attitude of losing soldiers, but since he became commander, he is even good at socializing as a commander of the army, which is important to the development of the army.

In fact, the relationship network in the army is no different from the local ones.

Now that he became the commander himself, he realized his painstaking and helplessness.

The training on the Gobi Desert is very bitter. Although it is already deep in spring, it is still very cold here.

The soldiers had a lot of opinions, mainly a zipper that made absolutely no sense at all.

Back in the military area, they will soon be involved in military exercises, which will be a great challenge to them.

Mu Li also had no choice. If he hadn't led the team himself this time, he would be able to settle down. Otherwise, I really don't know what will happen.

He thought that everything was going in the right direction.

Shen Yuhe gradually accepted his relationship with Bai Xue, and his body was improving.

He followed the army, but ignored an important issue, that is, when he was away, Shen Yuhe was close to Bai Xue, but he didn't know.

But now he is helpless in the Gobi Desert and can only wait for the end of the mission.

Time is a torment every minute and a second. When he can connect to the Internet, he calls Shen Yuhe and asks about the situation where Orange Orange and Little Butterfly return.

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