Every time you want to get closer, you are pushed farther.

This seems to be an endless game.

Lin Qing's body was still in pain, suggesting the madness last night.

He seemed to tear her apart, every time filled with a strong possessiveness.

Perhaps there was still a headache, Lin Qing rubbed his temples and laid himself in a flat position, and then opened his mouth again: "What did he say? You say it again."

The female doctor was packing up the medicine for treating the wound. When she heard that her motion was delayed, she looked up at Lin Qing and hesitated to continue.

Mu Shao's original words are really

Lin Qing's tone was very bland, as quiet and blue as the endless sea level.

However, it is often rough under the sea.

The female doctor was ashamed in silence, both of whom were unproven masters.

"Mu Shao said he said" The female doctor stepped back consciously as she said, her eyes were always on the small vase placed on the bedside table, for fear that Lin Qing would throw it at her for a while, "said let you put away the ability to seduce men, first Practice the tricks of deception, and apply all the capabilities of last night to other men. "

A pot of cold water was splashed, but it didn't feel that way. Fortunately, Lin Qing was splashed many times.

Her expression was abnormally calm, her face was even more ruddy than yesterday, and there were still a series of prominent kiss marks on the neck that was not covered by her clothes.

It seems to suggest that it was particularly intense last night.

"What else?" Long asked Lin Qing again.

The female doctor quickly shook her head and opened her eyes and looked at Lin Qing: "No, Mu Shao said so much."

"Well, I know." Lin Qingying smiled, and her voice was still very soft. "Thank you, it's all right."

Although the female doctor was much older than Lin Lin, she still owed herself before leaving.

Resting in bed for a while, Lin Qing recovered some vitality, went into the bathroom with bare feet and took a shower. The floor was slippery when she came out, she almost slipped and helped the sink to calm her mood.

The bathroom was very foggy, and the glass was covered with water mist, and you could not see yourself in the mirror.

Lin Qing wrapped the towel around her chest, and the water droplets on her hair slowly flowed down the spine.

The hot and humid gas was pulsing around her, but she could only feel a chill. Her heart hurts so much that she can only breathe hard.

"Leave, what else do you want?" Was Xu Yuan's voice.

Lin Qing was about to go out and stopped when he heard the sound.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and it seemed to hit the wall behind it. Mu Li glanced blankly into the room, shouting subordinates and doctors.

"What about people?" His voice was as cold as an iceberg.

The doctor saw the empty room first, then he replied, "I was just now, and I gave the young lady medicine."

"Medicine?" Mu Li's brow tightened again.

He remembered that Lin Qing had only been injected with liquid yesterday, and there was no need to take medicine.

The doctor didn't pay attention to Xu Yuan's wink, and said truthfully, "It was the wound on Madam Young's shoulder. Because the knife was too long and too deep, she used the best ointment, and it will not leave a scar in the future."


Mu Li remembered last night when he kissed her chest with a slight fishy smell. At that time, he was in a confused mood, only thinking that Lin Qing had bitten his lips and didn't think much.

However, Lin Qing said nothing about this injury.

He glanced coldly and saw Xu Yuan's complexion change slightly.

The subordinates' answers were similar: "Mrs. Young was not seen out of this room door."

Strange, where did she go?

"Have my words been conveyed?" Mu Li set his sight on the big bed, full of **** taste, wrinkled sheets, loose clothing, and half of the quilt opened.

Anyone who sees it will naturally understand what happened on it.

Xu Yuan glanced over there and froze.

"Leave?" She couldn't help shaking and shame, "You guys last night"

Mu Li didn't bother, it was the default.

The doctor nodded at the door. "They said it, it's not bad." But after speaking, Mrs. Young's reaction was calm and amazing.

After thinking about it, the doctor didn't say anything in the end.

Did you hear that and slip away?

Did he run into Chen Qudong's arms, or did he continue to confuse him?

Looking at the empty room, Mu Li did not believe that Lin Qing would obediently leave.

"Lin Qing?" Mu Li shouted coldly and took a few steps inside.

Xu Yuan followed with an anxious tone: "Leave, why don't you just believe me?"

At the door of the bathroom, Lin Qing stood there.

She was standing barefoot with her hand on the doorknob. If Mu Li came over, she opened the door.

However Mu left in another direction.

On the other side of the bed, the windows were open and the curtains were completely opened, presumably to facilitate ventilation.

The rain stopped and the wind blowing into the room was still a little cold.

Mu Li stood at the window and looked out.

A black car parked downstairs.

Although the car looked strange, Mu Li's eyesight was too good, and at a glance he recognized that the person standing next to the car was Chen Qudong. Chen Qudong just got out of the car and looked at his watch from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

auzw.com Mu Li evokes a few points, in this case, who else can Chen Qudong and others be?

He grunted and left the master bedroom.

Lin Qing, doing a good job.

Xu Yuan also glanced downstairs, as if a satisfied smile flashed in his eyes, and then followed Mu Li and left the room.

In the bathroom, Lin Qing's hand released the doorknob.

"Leave, where are you going?" Out of the room, Xu Yuan opened his arms in front of Mu Li, his eyes filled with blame and questioning.

Mu Li was expressionless and only spit out four words: "Leave here."

Xu Yuan was more joyful than shocked, and she raised her eyebrows: "Okay! I'll go with you!"

Mu Li explained to her subordinates before leaving: "If she comes back, she will drive away immediately."

The subordinates hesitated and responded quickly before Mu Li stared at him.

This subordinate has been following Mu Li for a long time. In the past, Mu Li knew everything about Lin Qing. At this point, the words are naturally strange.

But his duty is to obey orders and has no power to ask questions.

Xu Yuan was in Mu Li's arms, with a look of affection.

The elevator stopped on the first floor. Xu Yuan was slightly puzzled and followed Mu from the hall. Standing outside the hall and looking up, the building was tall and mighty and rushed straight into the sky.

Suddenly Xu Yuan noticed that looking down from home, he could see here. Chen Qudong's car stopped here just now.

Xu Yuan was a little unwilling, rolling Mu Li's arms back and forth, "Leave, why don't we drive?"

Mu Li seemed to glance around and looked down at her: "Go to your house now. Are you satisfied?"

Xu Yuan was so flattered that he tiptoed a kiss on his lips.

When the two of them left, Chen Qudong drove back to his previous position.

Lin Qing never appeared, he felt a little strange.

Xu Yuan called early this morning, saying that Lin Qing offered to leave, so he must wait downstairs at this time. So he waited until now.

Is he cheated by Xu Yuan again?

Chen Qudong raised his fist and rushed into the building.

This time, he knocked on Mu Li's door easily.

The woman doctor opened the door. I saw Chen Qudong yesterday and I still had some impressions.

"I'm looking for Lin Qing." Chen Qudong said as he entered the door, not allowing the doctor to speak.

The female doctor was a little nervous, afraid that something might happen, and called out his subordinates.

"Mr. Chen, please leave." The subordinate was slightly dissatisfied with Chen Qudong. He always felt that this man had disrupted Mu Shao's good deeds and had a very rigid attitude.

Chen Qudong glanced at the genus and strode up to the second floor.

"Lin Qing?" He pushed open the door of the master bedroom and saw Lin Qing sitting at the dressing table and wiped his hair.

The doctors and subordinates who followed later saw Lin Qing as a daze.

There was no one in the room just now!

Lin Qing saw the astonishment of the two, and explained lightly: "I went to take a shower just now."

Coincidentally, Mu Li mistakenly thought she and Chen Qudong had run away.

The subordinate seemed to want to say something. It was because Chen Qudong closed his mouth at the scene, only owed him and left with the doctor.

Chen Qudong walked to the dresser, watching Lin Qing slowly comb her head, and suddenly grabbed her wrist: "Lin Qing, follow me!"

With a snap, the wood was combed off.

"My home is here, why should I follow you?" Lin Qing's eyes flickered and he glanced at Chen Qudong.

Chen Qudong had countless emotional collisions in his chest. He knew that Lin Qing's heart must be painful and bitter, but she said nothing, as if nothing had happened.

Such Lin Qing made him even more distressed.

He wanted to have this woman so that she would not be hurt by others.

He wanted her to leave Muli forever.

"Your home is not here!" Chen Qudong gripped tighter, his eyes full of anger. "Mu Li doesn't want you, do you understand? Just now, he and Xu Yuan returned to their home! He is just playing around now. Your feelings! "

Lin Qing's eyes became calmer and more, freeing his wrist from Chen Qudong's palm: "Even so, what does it have to do with me?"

"What are you still dreaming about, Lin Qing! He is not Mu Li, he has become another person!" Chen Qudong was so angry that he grabbed Lin Qing's shoulders, "Mu Li, who was good to you before, is dead. Now, this man is just an evil demon! "

Lin Qing's shoulder was hurt by his pain. She bit her lip and smiled: "Even if it is a demon, I recognize it. So senior, go back, I know you are good to me, but I won't be in my heart anymore Someone else. "

This is her greatest powerlessness.

Even if it hurts so much, I still want to stay here willingly.

Chen Qudong didn't want to hear these words from Lin Qing anymore. He was jealous of the fire, picked Lin Qing horizontally, and went out.

"Senior!" Lin Qing's expression finally changed, and she called Chen Qudong in panic.

Regardless of the obstructions of the two subordinates, Chen Qudong took Lin Qing out.

Outside the door, a jingle sounded from the elevator, and Chen Qudong looked at Lin Qing, who was slightly annoyed in his arms, his eyes tightened: "Lin Qing, forget him!"

After saying so, she leaned over to kiss her.

Lin Qing held Chen Qudong's shoulder heavily and tried to push him away. However, his strength was too great for him to break free.

Simply, Lin Qing stopped. She was held in his arms by Chen Qudong at all times, and she did not plan to resist again.

Chen Qudong was stimulated by her actions, recovered some sense, and stopped when he was about to kiss Lin Qing's lips. After looking at her for a long time, she finally looked away silently.

"Lin Qing, why do you love him?" Chen Qudong's throat was dumb, sad.

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