"Bao Zhun is all right tonight, you all go back to sleep." The director waved his hands confidently and smiled at them.

But neither Amei nor the babysitter dared to return to the room. Since they were haunted at home, they did not dare to sleep alone.

Seeing that they were reluctant to walk away or forced, the Taoist leader let them sleep on the sofa, while he meditated with a floating dust.

Until eleven o'clock in the night, the ghost did not come out. Shen Yuhe and they couldn't help sighing, thinking that the ghost might really be afraid of the Taoist Master and didn't dare to go out and make trouble again.

Because they didn't rest well for a few days, and drowsiness struck, they all went to sleep.

But suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the windows were blown open, making a crisp expansion sound.

The three women were awakened and asked in horror: "What happened? What happened?"

Daochang looked solemn, motioned them not to speak, shook the dust, and muttered something in his mouth.

The three felt that the demon wind was flourishing before the ghost came, and they curled up into a ball, their bodies trembled violently, and they all murmured a question. Wouldn't this priest be able to keep those evil spirits down.

Sure enough, there was a white veil dangling in front of her eyes, and Amei shouted in horror: "Mr. Tao, what is your weapon? Can't you take them?"

Dao Chang closed his eyes tightly, holding duster in one hand, and clasping his fingers on his thumb in one hand, motionless, like a wooden man.

The three of them were even more afraid. Did they hang up? Surrendered by a ghost?

The ghosts danced around him and pulled his beard. But he didn't respond at all.

Shen Yuhe they were so scared that they wanted to pass out, their bodies shook.

Then three ghosts came over, including Tang Jiaojiao. Their looks were terrible, and their anger was even more scary. The three wanted to escape by turning into mosquitoes.

Even the next second, being beaten to death is better than being scared to death, and it is too much torture.

In the end, the three did not remember what they saw, anyway it felt like walking in hell.

When the sun shone into the room the next day, everything was calm, as if nothing had happened.

The Taoist leader was still sitting there, and the three men couldn't help walking over and tried to push him.

Dao Chang opened his eyes sharply, and the three of them were taken aback. They are now the birds of surprise.

"Nothing happened last night, right?" The director replied proudly, stretching a little lazily.

Feelings that he was motionless because he fell asleep, not because he was overcome by the ghost. He was so sleepy, he didn't even feel the ghosts tossing.

Amei smiled bitterly: "Last night we were tortured by ghosts again."

"Ah? Really? Why don't I know, I have set up a dojo, they must not dare." The chief said he did not believe it.

Shen Yuhe waved to Amei and motioned her not to say any more. The Taoist pretending to be stupid or really stupid, he may not be able to help them.

Sure enough, after having breakfast, the Taoist leader urged that there was still something going on, and that was all for good.

"Old lady, let's go to the hotel before the commander comes home. The small hotel will do, as long as I can leave here. I'm afraid we will continue to do so, we will account for it sooner or later." The nanny looked at Shen Yuhe and begged.

Amei nodded again and again and said, "Yes, old lady, we can pay the rent ourselves."

Shen Yuhe thought about what they said, they always could n’t sleep well at night, and they did n’t have the energy during the day. She still has to worry about Mu Li ’s things. She even wanted to do it, so she went to the capital by herself, at all costs. All costs must be removed from Mu Li.

"Well, we will go to the hotel tonight." Shen Yuhe nodded and agreed.

Both Amei and the babysitter jumped up happily, although this shouldn't be their age.

It's a great pleasure to get rid of the ghost's control.

Shen Yuhe called Tang Ming and asked him what happened to Mu Li.

Feng Ming told her that he had no final result and was more troublesome, but it was not without hope. Let her wait patiently for two more days.

Lin Qing sat beside Feng Ming, and when she heard the voice of Shen Yuhe on the phone, she couldn't help asking, "Why would she contact you?"

Feng Meditation told her about Mu Li's dismissal and said that he was trying to save him, but due to the seriousness of the incident, it might not be fruitful for a while.

After hearing this, Lin Qing was very anxious and even more worried, "Fang Feng, you must rescue him. With my understanding of Mu Li, he is absolutely impossible."

Her words weren't finished yet, but there was a faint tinge in Feng Ming's eyes, but soon disappeared, sighing: "Relax, just aim at him as the little butterfly's father, and I will save him Yes, even if it costs so much. "

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Lin Qing was very moved after he heard what he said.

There was even a moment when she was thinking that if Mu Li could come out safely this time, she would marry Feng Ming.

He couldn't always mingle with him like this. He gave her too much help and care. Now both children are living happily around them. If it was not Feng Ming, I'm afraid she is really nowhere to be buried.

At that time, Orange Orange could not be rescued. What else could she do to live in this world, it was even impossible to return to China.

Now all this is given by Feng Ming. For the happiness of the children, she is willing to marry him and give him a few more children, thanking him for taking care of her children.

In this way Mu Li will completely die, and start his new life.


"Thank you for seeing me, your business is my business." Feng Ming stared at her with tenderness on his face.

Such a man is really rare and has no regrets to give, even in the face of the tenderness that she cannot give his woman.

What's harder is, what kind of woman does a man like him want? If he wanted to, he beckoned.

However, he was always infatuated with her, and Lin Qing felt more and more ruthless as he wanted to.

Her refusal to seal Ming again and again was cruel.

He gave her happiness, helped her raise children, gave her everything she wanted, but she could not give him anything.

"Feng Brother, we will get married when Mu Li comes out." She couldn't help but blurt out.

After listening to his words, Feng Ming could not help laughing, "Do you think I want to exchange this with you?"

Lin Qing knew that he had misunderstood her, and she should not have put forward such an idea at this time, and quickly waved her hand to explain: "No, Feng, I should have done this long ago, it has nothing to do with him coming out. "

"Nothing should or should not be. If you love me, stay with me, don't love me, wouldn't we just get along with each other like this? You're very tangled, sorry for me." Of course Feng Ming understands her mind This is why he never wanted to persecute her.

He knew that knowing that he worked so hard, Lin Qing couldn't escape the palm of his hand.

But is that useful? What else can I get besides getting a body?

He didn't want that puppet, he wanted her heart, a real person, he waited for her to marry him willingly and fall in love with him.

Lin Qing didn't understand his heart and thought he was very hard. In fact, he felt very satisfied to live with her.

From the initial use of her to slowly falling in love with her, he has taken her as part of his life.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, I don't want to marry you, it's just me," Lin Qing explained entangledly. "I don't think I deserve you. I have two children, but you are the oldest diamond king."

"Stop it, don't say that again in the future." Feng Ming's face became unsightly.

Lin Qing knew that she had said something wrong again, and was very embarrassed. She didn't know how to explain it. Maybe she just said nothing.

"When you fool, will you know me?" Feng Ming sighed.

"I hope that you can really like me in a free and relaxed environment, not because you are married to me or because you feel you are not worthy of me, and you are away from me."

Lin Qing nodded embarrassed again. She didn't understand all this, but she didn't dare to face it. She could only perfuse him for some reasons. In fact, Mu Li still lived in her heart.

Whenever the night is quiet, she misses him, and misses him irresistibly.

Even blame herself, she should not have taken Orange to travel without listening to him, otherwise she would not have encountered these things.

She knew that Mu Li was also having a bad time, and she felt very guilty. During the change, she could see Shen Yuhe's heart clearly, and at the same time she could see Mu Li's heart hungry.

She also understood Mu Li's true heart for her, because he couldn't let go of her, so she wouldn't live with Bai Xue at ease.

Shen Yuhe was too much of her and her children, so that she deeply understood that Mu Li was her only relative. For him, she would rather sacrifice her grandchildren. Now she treats Bai Xue as a daughter-in-law. She pleases her, and her ruthlessness toward Orange and Little Butterfly makes her angry.

She loves her children, but she never loves them.

When she hurt the children again and again, Shen Yuhe was full of anger in her heart, and she put her hatred in her heart.

No mother wants to see her child hurt by others, even her own grandma. Shen Yuhe can deny her son's six relatives, how could she not be wary and hateful of her to protect her children.

It's just that the mother didn't know her mother, Lin Qing felt very sad.

Her affection for Mu Li is as deep as her hatred for Shen Yuhe.

Because of this, she was reluctant to accept Feng Ye's pursuit, fearing that she could not give him all the love, which was hurting him.

When can she remove Mu Li from her heart, she can accept Feng's feelings.

After all, she has lived with Mu Li for so many years, not to say that elimination can be eliminated, so she is always filled with guilt to Feng Ye, and her love for him is even more disturbed in acceptance.

"Lin Qing, tomorrow is the weekend, right? Let's pick up the children together in the afternoon." Feng Ye knew what she was thinking, and didn't want to make her embarrassed and embarrassed, so she changed the subject.

"Oh, it's all weekend, time flies." Lin Qing couldn't help but smile. Think about her having been with Feng Ming for more than half a year.

"What do you want to eat at night? We will take our children." Feng Ming asked out loud.

"Wait for Orange Orange and the children. What they want to eat, we will take them to eat." Lin Qing's heart has always been the child first.

Feng Ming nodded readily and agreed: "Okay, listen to you."

In the afternoon, they took Little Butterfly together at Orange School where they waited for school.

The five adopted children are studying in a school with Orange. Since the adoption, they must be treated the same as Orange. Otherwise, they are afraid that they will feel wronged and feel that they are not children of the family.

Lin Qing wanted to make them feel the same warmth. Feng Ye also has no objection, as long as Lin Qing wants, he will promise her.

After school, Orange Orange and the five children happily walked out of school.

"Dad, mom, are you here?" They saw Lin Qing and Feng Feng coming to pick them up, and they all gathered around like little birds, talking nonchalantly.

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