Out of Xu Yuan's apartment, Lin Qing's shadow was not seen. Mu Li walked towards the gate of the community, and just a few steps later, someone was blocking him.

It was an aide who often followed him.

The lieutenant salutes him squarely, with a serious tone: "There is something wrong with the training of the second square and you need to go back immediately."

Half an hour ago, he had just received news from the troops and the situation was urgent.

Mu Li crossed him and looked backwards. There was only one way to leave the apartment area. At this time, there was no human trace.

"Well. Go." Mu Li looked gloomy, and saw the car parked on the side of the road waiting.

The lieutenant followed Mu Li, with a somewhat unnatural expression, seemingly tangled.

Mu Li remembered that the lieutenant was escorting Lin Qing to the hospital at that time, and after staying in the hospital for a few days, he stopped: "What's the matter, say."

The lieutenant also glanced at the end of the road, weighing it again and again, "Subordinates just saw his wife."

He had just stopped the car and was about to get off to see Lin Qing turning around from apartment number three. Lin Qing's face was very bad, and she walked slowly with each step of her head.

The lieutenant opened the door and asked Lin Qing for help, but Lin Qing didn't notice anyone on the side, walked away, and turned in two steps. The disappointed look seemed to be blown down by the wind in the next second.

The lieutenant stared at Lin Qing's disappearing direction for a moment, then remembered the scene in the hospital, and sighed silently in his heart.

"Then?" Mu Li's reaction was somewhat unexpected, and he seemed to be saying nothing to him.

The adjutant didn't hold back for a while, and said a lot: "Madam's condition doesn't look very good, she walks slowly with her head down, and her face is particularly bad. Don't you worry?"

If in the past, Mu Li would hear such a description and would rush to Lin Qing and hold him horizontally, and could not bear to see her uncomfortable.

But Mu Li just narrowed his eyes at this time: "When is it my turn to take care of my business?" He said and turned to look at the lieutenant, "Do you know her well?"

"Don't dare!" The lieutenant was stunned, and hurriedly clarified, telling the story of escorting Lin Qing at the time. Let's stop and stand still.

Mu Li is not a style of abuse of power. He can be escorted by people, but it can only be explained that the person being protected is very important to him.

The lieutenant also understood this, and hesitated just now whether to mention what happened to Lin Qing. In case Mu Li, like last time, was injured in order to complete the task as soon as possible, he would be greatly guilty.

After listening to the lieutenant's words, Mu Li said nothing, and the two walked towards the car together. The lieutenant walked naturally to the driver's seat, about to open the door and be stopped by Mu Li.

"You stay." Mu Li ordered him to step away and took himself to the driver's seat.

"Sir?" The lieutenant was in a fog, standing still.

Mu Li's voice was a little low, and he said that he had fastened his seat belt: "Look at her, don't go wrong."

Mu Li made a turn, and the car drove out of the gate of the community, leaving a helpless assistant.

Who said that the sergeant had no wife, in his opinion, the wife is still as important as before.

Thinking about this, the lieutenant immediately made a turn at the intersection a few meters away and followed Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was holding on to the last few minutes to find Mu Li. At this time, the whole body was sore and stiff and very weak.

Her illness has not healed, and although doctors use the best medicines, they still need to rest. And let alone rest at this time, she couldn't even go home.

I also thought of going back to my mother's house for a few days to rest, but according to the personality of Mother Lin, she must take her to Mu family to discuss an argument. To make Mu Li hate her even more, she really didn't want to do it again.

Just because Xu Yuan had framed her, Mu Li didn't say a word for her.

Her heart was a little cold, and Lin Qing's body was frozen and colder.

The jacket's neckline was open, and a slight breeze was blowing from time to time, and she sneezed coldly.

Rubbing the nose, the tip of the nose turned red instantly.

The whole city was shrouded in silence and coldness due to the rains in the first two days. At this moment, the sun rises, and the streets and pedestrians gradually increase.

The city seems to have resumed its bustling past.

Lin Qing pulled out her cell phone and saw 50% of the electricity level, slightly sad. I wanted to call Lu Xiao to stay with her for two days, and the call was answered several times, but no one answered.

Maybe work is busy at this time.

After two steps, she remembered Lu Xiao's phone again. I'm afraid now, everyone in the company knows about cohabitation, and how many people may laugh at her behind.

But what she was afraid of was not the mockery of those people, but the attitude of Mu Li.

As long as he says a word, even if the whole world laughs at her, what's the matter?

That's how she is. Only the people who care about the other person's thoughts.

Although walking for no purpose, Lin Qing somehow got on a bus and got to the station near the coast. Because the neighborhood is rich or expensive, the bus station is a bit far away.

Lin Qing walked for twenty minutes before seeing the sign on the coast.

At the gate of the residential area, she was about to step forward, and suddenly went back.

By the way, Mu Li said she couldn't step into the house.

I do n’t know if the subordinates and the doctor are still at home. If they even leave, Lin Qing will not be able to return at all.


She didn't know the password for the house.

The illness prevailed again, and she was in a low mood. She tried to ask Mu Li several times and did not dial that number. If I ask him the password of the door, I'm afraid he will eat it behind closed doors.

Thinking for a while, Lin Qing had no idea for a moment, simply walked to the river near Coast One and found a step to sit down.

"Mu Li, when can you believe me once?" Lin Qing scribbled on the sand with his fingers, and when he returned to God, he discovered that all the names written were Mu Li's name.

"Mu Li" she called a few times and bent her lips slightly.

This scene was seen by the lieutenant who was hiding behind the tree, and the calls were closed in his ears.

It didn't take long for Xu Yuan to live in the community where Xu Yuan lived. The lieutenant found Lin Qing and followed Mu Li's instructions. Lin Qing was very slow all the way, and she almost got off the wrong stop because she was asleep.

The lieutenant looked behind, always feeling that things were not going well this way.

Lin Qing needs to rest. Maybe she didn't realize that her face was almost pale.

At this moment Lin Qing's cell phone suddenly rang, and it was Lu Xiao who called.

It is estimated that Lu Xiao, who was busy with the work, saw the missed call, and when he was worried, he called to ask about the situation.

Lin Qing may be because she has been nesting on the steps for a long time, and her arm is sore, but she did not take it when she digged her mobile phone. With a flick of his fingers, the little white body slipped from his hand, rolled a few times on the steps, and fell into the river with a bang.

The sound of falling water was very loud.

"Mobile phone" Lin Qing froze, staring at the river for a few seconds, the ripples there gradually fainted, as if nothing had happened.

The passerby passing by saw this scene and made a pity sigh: Little girl, be careful in the future!

Lin Qing looked at the river and did not respond.

The tree hidden by the lieutenant was a few meters behind Lin Qing, and her face could not be seen. He also saw the scene where the phone was falling, and sighed secretly.

Madam can't continue to blow hair outside this state.

He was so hard-hearted that even if he disobeyed Mu Li's order, it was better to just watch his wife. So he went up to his heart.

The lieutenant took a few steps, but saw Lin Qing stand up. He turned his head subconsciously, and thought again, it didn't matter if he was seen, and turned his head again.

However, in these two or three seconds, Lin Qing who stood up didn't turn around, but stood on the steps beside the river, shook his feet, slipped at his feet, and fell into the river.

"Oh my God! Someone fell off!" A couple closest to Lin Qing ran into this scene, exclaimed in exasperation.

A woman pushing a stroller also saw it and shouted, "Someone has fallen into the water! Come and save people!"

The lieutenant heard the sound, and suddenly found that Lin Qing was missing.

"Is it the woman who just sat here?" The lieutenant stepped forward and asked the little couple.

The little couple saw the interrogation person dressed in the army. For a moment, the boy nodded again and again: "Yes, that's the woman, her cell phone fell into the water just now!"

The girl who was tightly held in his arms also echoed: "It's her! I saw her stand up and thought she was leaving. Who knew she didn't turn around, she stared at the river and then fell in!"

They described it this way because Lin Qing, who suddenly got up and got dizzy, lost his footing, seemed to jump for that cell phone.

The lieutenant couldn't control so many reasons and jumped along.

A few minutes later, he picked Lin Qing up.

Lin Qing froze with water, her body shivered, her face pale, her lips snoring constantly.

"Mu Li Mu Li" she whispered to a man, her eyes closed.

It seems that he has fallen into a coma.

Fortunately, their community was less than 100 meters away, and Lin Qing was sent home a few minutes later.

The female doctor stayed these days in accordance with Mu Li's order, staying in the living room, and heard the hassle of knocking to open the door.

"God!" The doctor was shocked when he saw the lieutenant carrying Lin Qing who was soaked in his body. "What's going on? Come in!"

At this moment they all forgot about the ban on Mu Li.

"Fell into the water." As the lieutenant said, Lin Qing was returned to the master bedroom as instructed by the doctor.

"You go out first, I'll check her!" When Lin Qing was put on the bed, the doctor hurriedly asked the adjutant out.

Outside the room, the deputy reported to Mu Li.

"Mrs. fell into the water and passed out." Then he explained the reason, and finally emphasized Lin Qing's coma.

Mu Li on the other end of the phone was working on the file, and Wen Yan narrowed his eyes: "What now?"

"It has been sent home, the doctor is examining it." The lieutenant held his mobile phone and glanced back at the master bedroom, remembering what Lin Qing looked like when he was rescued, adding an unconscious sentence, "When the lady was rescued, he called you first name."

Mu Li stopped signing, listening carefully to the voice on the phone, for fear of misunderstanding: "Are you sure?"

Maybe she called Chen Qudong.

The lieutenant was sure, and described the situation hiding behind the tree at that time, and speaking, suddenly felt that the atmosphere on the other end of the phone was not right.

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