He and Feng Ming took everyone out to find Orange. It was late, and it was not safe for him to run out alone.

Lin Qing was still upstairs coaxing Xiao Dieer to sleep, and she didn't know what happened when Orange Orange ran away from home. Feng Ming discussed with Mu Li and asked everyone to hide her for the time being, and to get the oranges back first. At this point, he probably does not go far, and may be in a corner of the neighborhood.

The guests were accompanied by Jiang Tao Xiaolong to continue drinking, eating and having fun. Some people do n’t know, and all they know is that the children ran out naughtily for a while, and if it ’s okay, they can be found soon.

There are only Fengming and Muli. They both believe that Orange will not go far. They feel that he is a sensible child and will not make his family sad.

Their opinions are surprisingly similar on this point. The two walked out of Mu's door together, Feng Ming said to Mu Li, you go east and west, no matter you can't find them, they meet at the gate of the community.

Mu Li agreed, so they split up to find. Mu Li looked very carefully and didn't miss any corner. Near the door, he didn't see Orange. He was very anxious.

In fact, as soon as Orange Orange went out, Feng Ye's people followed him quietly, and he reported his whereabouts to Feng Ye at any time. So Feng Ye is not in a hurry. But he wouldn't say it either, because it was one of his tactics.

The babysitter has changed Shen Yuhe's pillow soaked in ecstasy, and her mood gradually began to get out of control, but this time it was not nightmares, but irritability. So when faced with Orange Orange and Little Butterfly, they would be inexplicably annoying and feel very noisy. She could not help yelling, but in fact, she did not want to do this subconsciously. Just can't control myself.

And tonight, Orange was also fooled in what he ate, so after being beaten by Shen Yuhe, his natural emotions got out of control, and he ran away from home. He wouldn't have done anything like this without it.

Feng Ming had long been waiting outside. Therefore, after leaving the house, nothing will happen and he will not lose it. This is why he proposed that the two be separated and searched, because he knew that Orange was west.

Sure enough, Orange Orange was squatting in a corner, his body curled up into a ball of crying.

"Orange orange, you bear boy, what do you want to scare dad to death?" Feng Ming rushed to hug him in his arms, scolded him with joy and excitement.

Orange Orange cried and said, "Grandma hit me, she is still an old witch grandma."

Feng Ming sternly advised: "A child needs to listen to an adult, and she is also good for you. Did Xiaodie fall? You didn't take good care of your sister."

"Dad, don't face me, don't go home." Orange Orange said sadly after listening.

"Aren't you afraid your mother is worried? If you're not afraid, then continue to wander, anyway, you don't care if we are worried about you." Feng Ming is even more sad. Orange Orange hesitated and stopped talking.

Feng Ming took the opportunity to pick him up, and said softly, "Stupid boy, we all love you. I'll come out with you, Uncle Mu, to find you. We'll find the door of the community to meet him, so as not to worry.

Said that the two came to the gate of the community together, Mu Li hadn't come yet, because he hadn't found Orange. He was very anxious, so he looked more carefully.

Ten minutes later, Mu Li came over and saw Feng Ming as if he was holding a child. He asked, "Is that orange?"

Feng Mingyang replied, "Yes, Orange Orange has been found."

Mu Yi could not help but hi, this child, finally found. He walked over quickly and saw that Orange was in Feng Ming's arms, and the relationship between the father and the son was deeply affectionate, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Just find it, let's go back quickly, so they don't worry." He said in dismay.

"Okay, let's go back now." Feng Ming nodded, hugging Orange and walking back with him.

But I didn't know that at this time, the family had become a mess of porridge. It turned out that they hadn't been long before, and Ling Annan looked for Mu Li everywhere.

But they didn't know where Mu Li went, so they didn't say anything. He saw Feng Ming disappeared. He was worried that the two would fight, after all, this relationship.

When the young maid came to deliver tea, he said loudly, "I have a very important matter for your grandfather, can you tell me where he is?"

The young maid didn't say anything at first, but just said, "Feng Ye is about busy. He won't leave the guest, he will definitely come out soon."

After hearing what she said, Ling Annan's face immediately showed a displeased expression, "What? Is he hiding from me or from everyone, please invite us to dinner, but the master doesn't see anyone, what does that mean?"

He speaks a bit loudly, so many people seem to be here, the young maid can't help but panic, "Fengye just left for a while."

"Leave for a while? I think it's been a long time, right? And Mu Li isn't there, has anything happened?" Ling Annan continued to ask.

The young maid would not conceal it, only to say, "They went out to find Lin Lin. He just went away after being wronged. Feng Ye said not to tell you, lest you worry, you just eat and drink, they Will be back soon. "

After listening to it, Ling Annan couldn't help frowning. It really happened, and the party was a happy event. What's wrong with Orange? Is it intentional? So he asked, "Why did Lin Lin run out?"

The young maid waved her hand and said, "I don't know. Don't ask, just wait for Grandpa to come back."

Where did Ling Annan let go of her and continue to ask: "You have already said, you must tell us what it looks like now."

The young maid refused to say, a maid standing next to him said angrily: "Old lady, young master, he ran away from home."


"What? The old lady hit him? Why?" Ling Anan couldn't help but be surprised. Why did she start hitting the child again?

"We don't know why, anyway, the young master ran out after being wronged." The maid replied.

The young maid yelled, "Just because you're busy, don't you get busy?"

Then he accompanied Lai and said to Annan Ling: "Mr. Ling went back to the bar. These family matters can only be handled by Fengye himself."

At this time, Lu Xiao also came over. He was anxious when he heard that Orange was running away from home. He couldn't help asking, "Where is Mrs. Feng? She must be sad."

"Mrs. Feng is not aware of this yet, and is coaxing Xiao Dieer upstairs to sleep. I hope you don't tell her." The young maid bowed respectfully to her and said softly.

After thinking about it, Lu Xiao nodded and agreed, then went on to say, "Let's go out and look for it, there are many people and powerful people."

"Okay, let's all go out and look for it," the guests yelled.

The young maid was very worried and said, "Feng Ye hopes that you can have fun, drink, and eat vegetables, and the kitchen is still preparing new dishes. Don't worry, everyone will find the young master."

"What happened again?" Suddenly Lin Qing appeared before them, and everyone shut up. Just blame them just talking and didn't notice her going downstairs.

There was a hint of embarrassment on Lu Xiao's face, and then she smiled at her casually: "Nothing happened, you think more."

Said she was holding her arm, "Let's go and have some food. I'll have a drink with you tonight, as if I haven't had a drink for a long time."

Lin Qing looked at her very seriously: "Lu Xiao, if you still treat me as a friend, tell me, what happened, why did Lin Lin disappear?"

Lu Xiao sighed helplessly, and had to tell her what the young maid had said just now, and comfort her not to worry. Orange Orange will definitely be back soon.

Lin Qing was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the rope. She immediately rushed out of the door. She was going out to find Orange.

Lu Xiao also ran to him and grabbed her. "It's so late, don't go out, maybe Feng Ye has found him."

Lin Qing was already anxious at this time. How could she listen to her persuasion and continue to walk out the door, so everyone followed and said, go and find.

At this time Shen Yuhe didn't understand what happened, she just came out of her room. After hitting Orange, she was also very sad, and Mu Li was advised to return to the room. Aunt Li guarded her from coming out, but when I heard the noise outside, it wasn't like the sound of drinking. I didn't know what was going on, so I went out to see.

Seeing everyone standing at the door, she understood that it must be that Orange hasn't been found.

She didn't want everyone to think how important this matter was, so she smiled and said, "Let's rest assured, the children will be in a mood for a while, and they will come back after hiding at the door, and everyone will continue the party."

In fact, she also gave herself a step down, and she was very remorseful that she should not slap Orange Orange. Now everyone knows that Orange Orange has run away from home after being wronged. Naturally, she feels that she is the culprit. She doesn't want everyone to see her that way. After all, she has done too many such bad things before.

That's why she said it to show that she didn't hurt how deep Orange Orange was, it was just the child who had a bad temper.

She said this, but did not win everyone's sympathy, but even disgusted, she felt that she was not like grandma, how could things be so light and light.

In particular, Lin Qing was even more angry. "Old lady, don't worry so much about your children, don't just say so easily. Stay at home, let's go find out."

Everyone nodded and promised, "Yes, let's go out and look, and talk about going out together."

Shen Yuhe's face became unsightly. She didn't expect her flattery to have a reaction force. Ashamed of herself, she is still the bad grandma who likes to bully children in the eyes of everyone.

As soon as the crowd went out, Feng Ming and Mu Li came back with oranges.

Seeing them, Lin Qing couldn't help tears on his face, thankfully, he finally came back.

She greeted her happily, took Orange from her arms, and choked, "Lin Lin, you scared your mother."

"Mom, I'm wrong, I shouldn't worry you." Orange Orange said softly, wiping the tears on her face.

"In the future, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to run away from home know? You don't know how much people worry about you." Lin Qing patted him fiercely and held him in his arms.

Orange Orange turned her head to see Shen Yuhe, and stretched out a finger: "I don't like old witch grandma. She hit me. I don't want to live with her. She engages in bullying me and my sister. She is a bad witch."

They all said that the children's words were the most true. They would not lie. Everyone naturally believed in the words of Orange. They felt that it was because Shen Yuhe usually hated her so much without bullying them. If it weren't for any reason, there was a blood relationship, how could she hate her so much.

So everyone's eyes turned to Shen Yuhe's eyes became complicated, there was no understanding, there was contempt, and there was even ridicule.

Where did Shen Yuhe suffer such grievances, anyway, she is also an elder, and has never been so disrespected by the junior door, the expression on her face is even more embarrassing, I do not know how to express her attitude.

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