This is what he wants.

Make her disappear.

Lin Qing smiled as if she had heard a very funny joke.

Mu Li's handsome face suddenly looked dignified.

"Don't want to die, just come back with me!" At that instant he seemed extremely scared, and suddenly strode toward Lin Qing to pull her into her arms.

Only when she was close to him did he feel real.

Lin Qing stepped back a few meters in a row, with smiles in the corners of his eyes: "Mu Li, is this your heart?"

She especially remembered what he really said after his memory loss.

He did not answer then.

At this moment, she seemed to be able to get the answer.

Mu Li's gaze turned to her finally no longer indifferent, but a heavy suffocation. He forgot what he said just now, and only wanted Lin Qing to be close to himself: "Yes, this is my true heart."

So come back with me now.

With me

Come back home.

Lin Qing's smile was a little more charming, and her clear eyes were faintly light: "You finally said it, Mu Li, I have been waiting for this sentence for a long time."

She waited, always looking forward to him changing his mind and looking at himself more.

Now he was looking at her.

Those indifferent but deep eyes were staring at her tightly, as if she were his only.

It feels good to be loved by him.

Suddenly, she missed the time they were together. He was gentle, almost coddled and loved her, and became overbearing because others looked at her more.

She had never thought of it before, but now she realized that it was the best memory in the world.

And that memory was completely forgotten by him.

For a moment she suddenly wondered what it was like to forget everything.

Obviously watching someone you once loved standing in front of you without feeling anything, what would it be like?

She was curious, her eyes shining more and more.

"If I found it, would you love me?" Lin Qing looked at Mu Li deeply, her lips slightly raised.

Her face paled from the pain in her body, but her smile became more wanton and sweet.

If he finds the ring and lets everything come back, can he fall in love with her again?

This answer seems to have come to his mouth, but was swallowed by students.

"Let me love you, Lin Qing, don't even think about it."

He was cruel and would never allow her to cross the line half a step.

Lin Qing laughed.

There was a cruise ship on the river, and a huge roar broke all the silence. Tourists looked at both sides of the river under the introduction of tour guides.

Someone saw the woman on the river's edge, she was slowly regressing step by step, it seemed that the river would be swept away in the next second.

Opposite to the woman, he was standing in an elegant man.

He had a sharp breath and frowned slightly, even if tourists on a distant cruise ship saw it, he couldn't help shaking.

"What are you looking at?" After listening to the introduction of the tour guide, the friend came over and leaned on the railing and patted the tourist's shoulder.

The tourist pondered for a moment and pointed to the river bank in the distance: "Someone is there."

The friend looked along his direction, and it turned out that he was standing with a pair of puppets.

"Bacheng is a little couple arguing, it's okay." The friend narrowed his eyes with a smile and looked carefully, the woman's skirt fluttered slightly.

He's seen this scene a lot, and a buddy was upset because he didn't buy clothes with his wife the other day. I heard that it was finally closed early this morning, so I persuaded: "Well, you just care about blindness Let ’s go out and play, what do they do? ”

The tourist heard that he felt right, and turned his attention elsewhere.

The moment the man shifted his sight, Lin Qing stepped into the water.

"Lin Qing!" Mu Li growled, and his voice was endlessly dull, which was in line with today's weather.

Lin Qing took off her jacket, and the dress she wore inside fluttered against the wind, lining her skin more and more fair and transparent.

Her lips were gone.

Mu Li's eyes tightened, he seemed to guess what Lin Qing was going to do next, and strode forward to seize Lin Qing—

With a thump, Lin Qing leapt forward and jumped into the river.

Ripples set off on the river, fainting in circles.

After a long time, the river surface calmed down.

"Lin Qing!" Mu Li growled and jumped into the water together.

Lin Qing is water-based. She accidentally fell into the water and was able to swim ashore. Because she couldn't find the ring and delayed her time, everyone around her thought that something had happened to her. At this moment she leapt down, remembering where she had fallen before, looking around for the ring.

The water of the river is clear, and the water on the side of the river is not deep.

Thinking in this way, Lin Qing could not care about the physical discomfort, and groped in the sand and sand underwater to find the ring.

The ring is too small, hiding the original luster in the water, or perhaps it has been washed away by the turbulent current.

However, Lin Qing did not give up, this ring was her only hope.

Her slender fingers were painfully rubbed by the rough sand, and there were large particles of hard objects in the sand, which even tore her fingers. Ten fingers connected her heart, and her nerves were tingling in her body for a while.

But she didn't care about it, all she thought about was the ring. Suddenly, she saw a tiny bit of light shining underwater, and a small ring was trapped in the sand and only half exposed.

Lin Qing was shocked, and almost swam to the other side with joy that she had never seen before, her eyes staring straight for fear that the object would disappear.

Will be available soon

She couldn't wait to reach out her hand, convinced that it was her ring, and the blood on her fingertips stained the clear river.

Just a little bit, just a little bit

Lin Qing could feel the texture of the cold ring with her fingers, and her heart almost jumped to her throat.

"Oh!" For a moment, her calf suddenly cramped, causing spasms all over her body.

Lin Qing couldn't help frowning, his eyes continued to look at the ring, one hand reached the ring, and the other rubbed his calf. However, the speed of the water was very fast, and she was washed into the deep water area with only a distraction, and after searching, she could not see anything.

To her horror, she couldn't control her body now.

The cold water twitched her calf even more. The whole person lost her balance and would sink after a few tumbles in the water.

Her eyes were getting darker and tighter, but she couldn't hold a trace of strength.

Mu Li Mu Li

Lin Qing shouted in her heart, unable to spit out a word, she couldn't help getting nervous, spit into her lungs.

This time, she completely lost the strength to struggle.

Mu Li

Lin Qing's lips opened, trying to shout his name.

Even once, let her call his name once

I don't know when the body will become extremely light, as if falling into the clouds.

In the dream, someone kept calling.

"Lin Qinglin Qing!" The man's tone was too anxious, covering up the shock brought by that **** and charming voice.

However, if Lin Qing is to choose, she may prefer to see him anxious.

She didn't know, her bloodshot eyes stared at her nervously, as if she never wanted to look away again.

"Lin Qing!" Mu Li hugged her ashore and called lowly in her ear.

Lin Qing!

Inside the master bedroom, the windows are tightly closed.

The air remained motionless, full of oppression and urgency.

The doctor answered Mu Li's question for the fifteenth time: "She is all right, but she has a fever and water, and her calf is cramped again, and she will not sleep until she is tense."

Mu Li didn't answer, a pair of eyes kept staring at Lin Qing.

"When did you wake up?" Mu Li's voice was slightly hoarse.

The doctor rolled his eyes behind him: "I don't know."

Unhappy, frowning and dragging the doctor in front of him: "She, when can you wake up?"

The anger under his eyes swept through.

The doctor gave him a bad look and broke the restraint: "I really don't know, it depends on her. Some people can wake up in a while, and some people have to sleep for a day or two."

This sentence is really not deceptive.

Mu Li pursed her lips, her jaw line tight.

His face was bad.

"Mr. Mu, although I shouldn't say such a thing, but your wife will become like this all caused by your own hands. If she died today, it is also because of you." The doctor did not know where the courage came, sorted Lin Qing to replace Said suddenly.

Mu Li's eyes tightened.

After all, this doctor is also a woman, and sympathizes with Lin Qing from the bottom of her heart. If her husband is so cruel and ruthless, she would have lost a long time.

Mu Li's speechlessness promoted the doctor's sense of justice: "In the past few days, your attitude towards your wife, not to mention herself, has made me feel uncomfortable even when I am an outsider. Her health is already poor, and you still Ordered not to let her enter the house, I think this woman can't stand it. "

Not to mention that Lin Qing touched her without agitation the night after she was rescued, and asked the doctor to convey the hurtful words.

"You think, I'm too much?" Mu Li's eyes sank and his voice was cold.

The doctor is depressed.

She didn't know too much, Lin Qing was bruised all over at this time, but for whom.

Lin Qing's arm struggling in the water did not know what to hit, and there were small and small wounds on it.

The doctor helped Lin Qing apply medicine and put her wounded arm back into the quilt. Suddenly, I paused for a moment, took a subconscious look at Mu Li, and then continued to cover the quilt.

Although Mu Li had never looked away from Lin Qing, she sensitively noticed the instant gaze. When it was determined that Lin Qing was asleep, she slowly said, "Say."

The doctor didn't really want to say.

In her opinion, Mu Li is definitely one of the most ruthless men in the world.

However, under the pressure of the invisible, the doctor took another look at Mu Li, his tone was light: "Her ring is gone."

Therefore, it is crazy to rush into the icy river water, and cause injuries.

The doctor accidentally bumped into the ring when she gave Lin Qing the medicine that day. She remembered that Lin Qing was nervous and guarded her hands very carefully. Lin Qing smiled later and said that this was designed for her by her husband himself. There is only one in the world.

Lin Qing is very precious to that ring.

Mu Li's gaze was stagnant.


He hides the suffocation in his eyes, grabs Lin Qing's right arm regardless of the doctor's obstruction, and stares at the thin fingers carefully—

The ring of cyan light on the ring finger was gone.

At this moment, he thought of the sentence Lin Qing said on the riverside--

"If I found it, would you love me?"

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