I was thinking that it might be that he had realized that he was wrong, and then he suddenly changed her attitude, so she didn't care about it. Since she was back, she also wanted to live with him to make up for this year. The difference.

Mu Li reached out and touched her head droolily, picked up a crystal bag and handed it to her, and laughed: "It's really worrying, what you want to eat, just take it, and do what you want, or like before, like a Little girl who grows up. "

Lin Qing saw the children looking at them curiously, and felt that it was time for them to respond, and laughed: "Are the little girls? They are already the lad's mother. Yeah, orange orange, they all look like me. Taller."

After listening to her, Orange Orange nodded and smiled, "Well, I'm almost as tall as my mother."

Looking at the intimate look of the two, he was still very happy, thinking that they might really be husband and wife, and Mu Li was really his father, but he still felt a little awkward.

After having breakfast, Mu Li went out with Lin Qing to send Orange to school, and Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li took Xiaodie to take a walk in the community. Everything finally returned to the past, Shen Yuhe felt particularly open. No longer hate Lin Qing, after all Feng Feng's revenge is certain, she just used it. Had to live well with Mu Li, she still treats her like a daughter as before.

The two old men led Xiao Dieer for a walk in the community. When they met everyone who was familiar with them, they all said hello, as if to let everyone see that everything had returned to the previous state.

Aunt Li saw that Shen Yuhe was in a good mood, and couldn't help smiling, "Old sister, will you feel relieved?"

"It's comfortable, dead without regrets, as long as the Mu family is good and the children are good, I will be satisfied." Shen Yuhe nodded and smiled.

Little Butterfly could not understand what they were talking about, and felt that she had been left out, saying unpleasantly, "Come on with me, I'm so bored."

Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li could not help but smile at each other, and then smiled back: "Okay, chat with our little butterfly."

"Little Butterfly, will you still call my old witch grandma?" Shen Yuhe asked tentatively.

"Yes, if grandma is not obedient, she will call your old witch grandma." Little Butterfly didn't think about it, so she answered.

An awkward smile appeared on Shen Yuhe's face, and then she laughed at herself and said, "Then I have to perform well in the future, and I can't let my good granddaughter call my old witch grandma again."

"Okay, then look at grandma's performance." Little Butterfly nodded, like a little adult.

Her cute appearance amused the two old men. Aunt Li couldn't help laughing: "What children say and do is a drama, it makes people laugh and it doesn't hurt enough."

"Not really." Shen Yuhe agreed with a smile.

"You didn't talk to me again." Xiao Dieer couldn't help but protest loudly.

"Okay, let me talk to you." Aunt Li and Shen Yuhe both laughed.

Besides, Mu Li and Lin Qing sent Orange Orange to their school, his face changed. It started to get gloomy again, and there were people talking and laughing on the road just now. It turned out that everything was done for Orange Orange, instead of trying to understand it, it was not her fault.

Lin Qingxin couldn't help mentioning her throat. At this time, Mo Li felt fear again in her heart.

Thinking of his torture last night, he couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"You're so scared of me?" Mu Li felt her strange and questioned.

Lin Qing barely squeezed a smile, "No, I'm not afraid of you."

The car did not drive to the location of Mujia Villa, but took another road. Lin Qing didn't dare to ask where to go, she was very disturbed.

In front of a five-star hotel, Mu Li stopped the car and said coldly, "Get off and go to room 10,000 on the top floor."

Lin Qing looked at him in horror, wondering what he meant, wouldn't he sell her?

"Why, I'm afraid I sold you? Don't forget! You are still my child's mother, I can live without you, but they cannot live without you." Mu Li seemed to see through her mind, sneer.

Lin Qing smiled awkwardly, and still had a confused face on her face. Since she was sold, then why would she let her go to the hotel room?

But Mu Li didn't intend to explain it to her. Instead, she got over her body and opened the door for her. "You enter, someone will take you to the room."

Lin Qing had no choice but to get out of the car and walked towards the hotel lobby.

Before she entered, Yang Li greeted and smiled, "Mrs. Commander, you are here."

She was surprised and surprised when she saw Yang Li, "Yang Li, why are you here?"

"Master Commander asked me to wait here and take you to room 10000." Yang Li smiled and smiled.

Lin Qing looked at her in wonder, wondering what medicine was sold in Mu Li's gourd, and couldn't help but ask, "Why go to the room?"

Yang Li shook her head apologetically and replied in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Lord Commander didn't say, I don't know. Just said that I would stay with you."

Lin Qing nodded, she believed what she said was true, Mu Li was like this, and she never explained things.

Watching the two enter the hotel lobby together, Mu Li drove the car away.


Yang Li took Lin Qing to the top 10,000 room of the hotel, swiped in, and found that it was a presidential suite. There are several kinds of fitness equipment in it, Yang Li said with a smile: "If you are bored, you can run and exercise and exercise, and the commander said, as long as you don't leave the room, you can play."

Lin Qing couldn't help but asked again: "He didn't say how long we need to stay here?"

Yang Li shook her head apologetically. "The Lord Commander didn't say anything, just said that I would take the room to the front desk and wait with you in the room."

Seeing the doubt on Lin Qing's face, she wondered, what did the commander let them do here? But after all, she understood that she shouldn't ask what she should ask, so she smiled at Lin Qing: "Mrs. Commander, what do you want to play? Watch TV? Otherwise, play chess with you?"

Lin Qing shook her head and smiled, "I don't want to play anything, otherwise, watch TV. If you are busy, go for it, and I will not leave."

Yang Li knew she might want to take it with her, and smiled in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, the commander's task for me today is to stay with you in this room. I can't leave."

Lin Qing nodded in understanding, she was sitting on the sofa and stopped talking.

Afraid that she felt uncomfortable, Yang Li moved a chair and sat on the balcony. You could see the position of the doorway, but couldn't see Lin Qing.

The two stayed in the room like this, Lin Qing felt very embarrassed, so he moved a chair to sit with her on the balcony and talk. She remembered that she was with her when she was in country X, so she was always grateful to her.

"Thank you, Yang Li. Thank you for staying with me during those difficult days." Lin Qing said gratefully.

"Mrs. Commander has done everything, so don't mention it anymore. In fact, I'm very sad, so many things happened, and it didn't help." Yang Li said guiltily. She has little ability, watching the Mu family's encounter can only be anxious, but can not help.

"It's okay, everything is a disaster, everything is over, all that's left is gratitude to you." Lin Qing nodded and smiled. This was her true thought. If she thought that she was sad, how could Mu Li not understand her .

"Mrs. Commander, it's good that you can think that way. Everything is back to the past, and I look happy." Yang Li said happily.

Lin Qing smiled and nodded, but the heart was bitter, I was afraid I couldn't go back. Mu Li seems to have a deep prejudice against her. After all, the holiday between Feng Ming and the Mu family is not clear in one or two things. She is naturally involved in the sandwich, such as the relationship with Shen Yuhe. , So nervous. Although Shen Yuhe seems to have let go, Mu Li may not be, after all, it is his mother.

But all this, she couldn't tell Yang Li. Can only be disguised as happiness.

Mu Li didn't show up until the hotel staff brought lunch, and they didn't let them leave.

The lunch was very plentiful, and it seemed that they were carefully prepared for them, but the appetite of both was not very good.

Looking at the remaining dishes, they were all delicious dishes, like sea cucumbers and abalones, Yang Li could not help but persuade: "Mrs. Commander, you can eat more. If you have so much left, it will be wasted."

Lin Qing smiled and shook her head. "I'm full, I really can't eat it. You eat more, you have a lot of activity in the army, and you need to add nutrition."

Yang Li smiled and shook her head. "I'm full, too."

"A lot of these dishes haven't been moved, so you can ask the waiter to pack and take them back to eat at night." Lin Qing knows that these dishes must have been paid for Muli.

She knew that Yang Li's family was not affluent, and these dishes let her take it home to improve her life.

Yang Li didn't quit, she nodded refreshingly, "Okay, thank you Mrs. Commander, my brother and sister have a mouthful tonight."

Seeing her so refreshing, Lin Qing was very happy. "He shouldn't let us stay here at night, too? If so, you can go back."

Yang Li nodded. Although she didn't know why Mu Li didn't let her stay with Lin Qing here, she knew that Mrs. Commander would not leave. Even if she stayed here at night, the commander would come.

They were just together, how could they be willing to separate.

Then joked and laughed: "At night, the commander will definitely come back to take over. However, you should not be here again, the children will go back from school, they must find their mother and father."

After hearing what she said, Lin Qing could not help laughing, no rebuttal, nodded and promised: "He always likes this, pretending to be mysterious."

"Maybe I want to surprise you." Yang Li guessed.

Lin Qing smiled undeniably. The two stayed for another afternoon. It was not until dusk that Mu Li came in and said to Yang Li with a smile: "It's hard for you to go back."

After Yang Li left, only Lin Qing and Mu Li remained in the room, and Lin Qing was nervous. Maybe because of yesterday's shadow, she would have a sense of fear in her alone.

Seeing her fear, Mu Centrifugal was even more upset, and said coldly, "What am I in you? The devil?"

Lin Qing shook her head in horror. He seemed to be able to read mind surgery. How could he know what she was thinking, but even if he guessed right, she would not admit it. "How could it be, if you are a devil, I will still tell you Are you together? "

"Do you really want to be with me?" Mu Li sneered, "I don't think so."

"Aren't I with you?" Lin Qing shook his head helplessly.

"But you're thinking of someone else." He sank, and ordered coldly, "follow me."

Lin Qing couldn't help feeling relieved and finally could go home. It seemed that he didn't want to let her stay out overnight. It seemed that Yang Li was right. If she didn't go back, she would not be able to explain to the children.

On the way home, neither of them spoke, and the speed was so fast that Lin Qing was nervous and his back was tightly seated on the seat.

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