The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1486: Twenty-eight year old woman

Lin Qing nodded, and Mu Li stepped out of the door.

She put her clothes back in the house before coming out to get the tuxedo. Who knew when entering the house, he didn't want to slip on his feet and fell, and the tuxedo was stained by the water on the ground.

She was frightened, and couldn't help hurting her knee. She quickly got up and looked at the tuxedo. It was soiled and couldn't be remedied unless it was too late to start again.

When she entered the room just now, the floor was still dry. How could this effort be spent on the floor? She was not prepared to slip, and someone must have done it on purpose, so she said loudly, "Who poured the water on the ground? Isn't this intentional harm?"

Xia He came over and smiled gloatingly: "Do you see who it is?"

"If I saw it, would I still ask?" She asked unhappyly, and usually bullied her. In such a case, she would stumble her and let her delay the things she had to confess. This was not only a relationship. Whether she will be scolded, more importantly, she will delay Mu Li to attend the banquet. The banquets that allowed him to wear a tuxedo were important, she knew.

This time, she will not tolerate any more, she must show her hostess's style.

"Since you haven't seen it, how did you say it was said by others? Who knows if you made it yourself and deliberately relied on our heads." Xia He laughed involuntarily.

"Yes, it must be through this incident that the commander-in-chief will punish us." Qiu Ju followed.

Lin Qing said coldly, "I will deliberately harm myself? What good is it for me?"

"Who knows that." Xia He sneered, holding her arms.

"In the end, it is you who got the water on the ground, or you will all be fired." Lin Qing yelled, they were just kicking their noses on their faces, it was too much.

Seeing that the tuxedo was stained, not only did he not help to think of a way to tell who made the ground full of water, and he was gloating. Is there such a servant? Look at the joke of the owner.

I heard her say that the two of them ignored Mu Li and hired them to ignore her.

So Lin Qing was furious and gave Xia He a slap. As a result, Xia He also slapped him backhand. When he was entangled, Mu Li returned. Seeing this situation was very angry, he asked out loud what happened What happened, why did it all start.

So Lin Qing slipped on the water on the ground, but they rejoiced, and it was clear that someone had intentionally tripped her.

Xia He also showed no weakness, saying that she must be dissatisfied with the commander to take advantage of this opportunity, and intentionally slip the ground and then lie on their heads. Not only can the commander not be allowed to attend the banquet, but It can be described as killing two birds with one stone when they can hold the **** basin on their heads.

After hearing what she said, Lin Qingqi's body trembled. It was simply too much. Where is the servant, clearly the master. So he said to Mu Li: "I hope you fired both of them. I have never seen such a servant before, and I don't take my master into my eyes at all. My relationship with the Commander and I have a fart relationship with you It ’s good to just do your thing well. Seeing that Amei did n’t follow the mix. ”

Mu Liding stared at her without saying anything, but turned to go upstairs.

When Xia He saw Mu Li did not look at Lin Qing, he was even more happy, and said proudly: "Do you think the commander will listen to you? We hired him himself. Are you doubting his vision?"

Lin Qing threw the tuxedo on her, and said coldly, "Since you are so good, you can get the clothes."

After that, she turned to go to the yard, where the atmosphere was too depressing.

But he did not want Mu Li to cry on the stairs, "Where are you going? Hurry back to change clothes."

Lin Qing had no choice but to go upstairs, and the tuxedo could not be worn anymore. She was worried and asked, "What do you wear?"

"Just wait a while to buy one at the clothing store. You have to choose an evening dress, it's getting late," Mu Li urged coldly.

Lin Qing nodded, opened the closet, chose a bright purple evening dress, put her hair up high, brought a large barrette, and put a pearl necklace on her fair neck. Then put on a pair of high-heeled shoes of the same color, everything is done.

"Is that okay?" She asked tentatively as he watched him.

He said lightly, "Is there anything you can't do? It's getting late, hurry up."

The two went downstairs, and Xia He and Qiu Ju were still standing in the living room. Watching them come down, the two asked anxiously: "This dress"

"Let's wait, I'll talk about this later tomorrow. It's best to confess my mistakes tonight if you don't do anything right," otherwise, he also looked at Lin Qing intentionally, as if warning her.

Lin Qing shook his head helplessly, he even doubted her, it was too much, his face was not good at all.

Ma Chao drove them and sent them to a large clothing store. Mu Li reported his size and quickly chose a tuxedo.

Then the two rushed to the banquet scene, and when they got there, the banquet had already begun.

Many celebrities in the society, and the venue is very luxurious, like a private villa of a tycoon.

Lin Qing couldn't help but asked softly, "Where is this?"

Mu Li told her here that this is the vice-president's private villa. Today is his daughter's 28th birthday. It is a rare event in this city. Therefore, the mayor attaches great importance to them and asks them to come.

Lin Qing couldn't help but babble. It turned out that it was the daughter of the vice president's birthday. It was a rare event in this small city in a century. No wonder he must wear a tuxedo. From the villa of the vice president, his daughter should be European style.

It's just that she is curious. Since the Vice President has given her daughter a birthday, it should be said that she is still single, otherwise she would also use her father to give her a special birthday. 28-year-old single, what kind of woman is this? Is it because the identity is too prominent to find the right person? Still because it is so ugly, even the president's daughter is sad to marry.

The master of the banquet, she did not know her, and could only follow Mu Li's side closely.

Mu Li seems to be familiar with everyone, and anyone can chat. Finally, the heroine of the birthday party appeared. Lin Qing, who had no high expectations for her appearance, couldn't help being blinded. It should be said that everyone was blinded.

Unexpectedly, the daughter of the vice president turned out to be a biracial, with blond hair and blue eyes, and she looked very beautiful. Tall and gold, it's like a realistic version of Barbie.

There was a whistle and cheers immediately in the banquet hall. The daughter of the vice president held his father's arm and greeted everyone with waving hands.

The Vice President came to the front desk, took the microphone from his assistant, and exclaimed, "Today is my daughter Martha's 28th birthday. Thank you for joining us to celebrate the little girl."

Lin Qing heard that she was 28 years old, that is to say, she was 29 years old, and she would soon be 30 years old. She was older than her mother with two children and couldn't help but speak out. Sighed: "I'm really envious, so old, still a happy single aristocracy, look at this figure and temperament, all like a little girl."

Mu Li sneered at hearing: "Is this okay? When it's time to get married, don't get married, and miss the best childbearing age."

"But she has more youth. Unlike me, she has been embarrassed by her family and children for ten years of marriage." Lin Qing sighed.

"How do you regret it?" Mu Li asked coldly.

Lin Qing shook her head and said, "It's just envy. I have no regrets. I choose a different life."

Mu Li stopped talking. Martha took the microphone from the Vice President and laughed out loud: "I'm twenty-eight years old. Even in open Europe, this age should be married, but I'm still alone. , I hope that tonight, I can meet the Prince Charming I hit and get off the bill smoothly. "

Lin Qing couldn't help but sigh, she was indeed a mixed-race child who had grown up in a foreign country, and she was so straightforward that she even revealed her emotional state at a birthday party.

Unexpectedly, she said something that surprised her even more. "If I find my Prince Charming, whether he is married or unmarried, whether he is a teenager or an old man, I will turn him into my husband. Please give me my blessings for the guests who are celebrating my birthday. Married ladies should take good care of your men, so as not to be caught by me, and they will **** them from you. If you ca n’t, then do n’t cry, let alone Embarrass my dad. "

Lin Qing shook her head. If she were not the daughter of the vice president, she would be attacked by the crowd as a lunatic. Not knowing why, she had an ominous hunch in her heart, as if something was going to happen.

She subconsciously looked at Mu Li next to him. He was too handsome, and he was a soldier. With the soldier ’s posture and aura, he was more likely to attract girls. The waist was very straight, unlike other men, soft. Stomp standing.

She couldn't help whispering to him, "What would you do if she picked you?"

Mu Li didn't answer, but just a faint smile on her lips. It was this smile that happened to be seen by Martha. She couldn't help but be stunned. God, is this the sun **** Apollo? There was such a handsome and upright man in the world, and his smile turned out to be so charming that she was not attracted. Twenty-eight years of unconscious heart, finally beating fiercely at this moment.

She couldn't keep her lips from blooming, and was excited to announce, "I've seen my Prince Charming, he will be mine, whether he has a wife or not."

Everyone cheated and asked who she was, and the Vice President could not help asking who it was. She has never been in love, saying that she did not meet the man she loved, and the vice president was also very anxious. She had to give her birthday banquets in different cities. She just hoped that she would have more chances to meet more men, and maybe find Her white horse is prince.

Now listening to her say that, of course, is happy, sure enough, two or eight years old is an auspicious age.

Martha cast a wink at Mu Li and sold it: "I need to keep it secret. When I successfully catch him, I will naturally tell everyone, and dad you. Cut the cake and make a wish."

The vice president nodded and smiled: "Okay, what your daughter says is what."

"Dad, can I just invite a man to cut the cake for me?" Martha asked with a smile.

Although she said it was an invitation, but everyone wanted to know who she wanted to invite, and the vice president naturally wanted to know. She nodded and said, "Okay, my baby, you can invite a man to cut with you. Cake, although in previous years I did this job, this year I'm glad you can invite a man to do it for you. "

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