The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 149: What makes you love you

She said that she loved him, but never thought about who he loved, and never thought he would mind. She always wanted to get back Mu Li's memories, but ignored the man's thoughts.

"I'm not Mu Li?" Mu Li leaned down, chilling in the corner of his eyes, "then you say, who am I?"

Those stingy eyes can pierce the heart.

Lin Qing was cold all over, and her eyes were still stubborn. She did not want to bow her head: "You are Mu Li, how could you not be! But you are no longer the Mu Li I love!"

She was angry, a little bit sharper, and a stubborn little face was like a declaration.

Yes, this is what she wants to say. At this moment, the man standing in front of her eyes, there is still a half-momented shadow!

The man's complexion was dark and falling into the shadows was a little dangerous. Lin Qing was not afraid, staring straight at his eyes.

She was never afraid of him.

Mu Li suddenly understood that she would be so arrogant, all because she used to spoil her like this!

Pet? indeed. It seems that no one dares to do anything in front of him except Lin Qing, such as now.

Mu Li narrowed his eyes, his eyes were darker. How did he pet this woman, so that she dared to be so arrogant today?

"Don't you love me? This is what you call love?" Mu Lixiu sneered, holding Lin Qing's jaw.

Lin Qing was hung tightly and couldn't move.

"I just want to get back the Mu Li who loves me. Is there anything wrong with this?" She refused to accept her loss, her jaw was pinched and hurt, and every word was difficult to say.

"Yes." Mu Li's pupils tightened suddenly, Ling Ye's eyes cut her heart apart a few times, "You have done so much, just want to get him back?" He didn't even think that Mu Leaving is himself.

Lin Qing's eyes floated, her eyelashes fluttered slightly: "Yes."

Mu Li's fingers were harder: "No matter what the cost?"


"So," Mu Li paused, looking at the light above his head and couldn't see his face clearly. "Isn't the one you love?"

Lin Qing's body trembled slightly. According to Mu Li's logic, she did not love him. But she was so angry that she was also taken in for a while, and she could not let go of Mu Li's hand if she couldn't control so much:

"Yes, I don't love you! I only love Mu Mu from the past, but he's gone!"

When a person gets angry, he can say anything.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The sound of Mu Li's applause was loud and penetrated the entire corridor. The end of the corridor was a thick night, and it seemed that it was not affected by this, and there were occasionally a few stars in the night sky.

"You're right, Lin Qing, you've never loved me." Mu Li's eyes twitched, as if in a good show, but his eyes were permeated with thick coldness.

She said so much I love you, knocking on his heart over and over again to confuse him, but these words were not meant to be heard in the end. Even if she said it in the language of the whole world, those who he did not remember at all, could not become the person she really missed.

This is the most ridiculous.

After a large circle, she was so desperately trying to save her. What she tried to stay insane was just a relationship that disappeared into his memory, that—

What is he doing now?

Lin Qing regretted it as soon as she said it. What was she talking about?

The man's long figure was right in front of him, and he could touch it with a little finger extension, but she said that she did not love him.

Not so!

"Mu Li" Lin Qing panicked, her stubborn eyes suddenly dim, she knew that she was wrong.

She shouldn't say such hurtful things.

Besides, she probably fell in love with him now.

"Say, what else do you want to say once, don't grind." Mu Li showed impatience at the bottom of her eyes, left her body, and lifted her delicate little face with one fingertip.

Looking at it this way, Lin Qing looks better.

Suddenly, Lin Qing had a grievance in her heart, tears burst into her eyes, slowly flowing down the pink cheek. Tears were burning and burning her heart, making her unable to breathe.

"Mu Li" she bit her lip, her voice was as light as feathers, and she fluttered in the air, "I love you."

Mu Li was annoyed by her tears: "You don't love me, Lin Qing. The person in front of you is me. It's the ruthless, cruel, brutal Mu Li."

She said that he would help him find the memory, but he already had her in his memory. Isn't that enough?

"No! No!" Lin Qing shook her head constantly, correcting the angry words just now, "I love you Muli, whether you are past or present, I love them!"

But Mu Li didn't believe it anymore.

Why did he ever believe in Lin Qing, he didn't even want to understand it. If she wasn't confused by her lies in the beginning, her heart wouldn't be so painful.

His face calmed down, and there was no expression under the light, only a pair of eye-catching eyes showed a faint cold light.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, wouldn't it be better to let her die?

"Lin Qing, I can tell you now that my memory has been retrieved." Mu Li raised his eyebrows slightly. "And, even if I retrieve the memory, I still don't have you in my heart."

"Impossible" Lin Qing lifted her head slightly, two lines of tears left a faint trace. Her eyes were red, and her pitiful eyes were unbearable.

How could he bear to lie to her in such a scene?

But if he doesn't mean it, it will be him who is hurt.

"Don't believe me?" Mu Li smiled even more, counting the past, "I stared at the Octagon Pavilion to find you. When it rained, I hid in a dilapidated small hotel and you and Chen Qudong People followed and took photos, and the photos were sent to Lin Qing in my hands. I remembered these things. "

You don't have to count them one by one, just look at her expression and see that she believes.

Lin Qing's shoulder was shaking slightly, I wonder if it was because of sobbing or panic.

He said that he had recovered the memory, which was the result of her day and night expectation, but why the heart hurt when I heard him say it.

It felt like being stabbed in by a poisoned dagger, and it hurt.

Lin Qing had never told him these things, and it would never have been possible to mention it without thinking of him. With Mu Li's deep and charming voice, Lin Qing seemed to be back in that scene, before she saw the Mu Li who was always rubbing her long hair.

"Do you really remember it?" The mist hazed Lin Qing's eyes.

Although Mu Li has a light impression of some memories, he can't piece them together because he is too fragmented and chaotic. Now he just mentions them casually. Seeing Lin Qing's face pale, he suddenly understood something.

Those pictures may be memories with Lin Qing.

"Don't believe it?" Mu Li raised his lips, rubbing Lin Qing's ear against her earlobe, "I remember every detail or do you want to do it again?" He said, and his long fingers provoked Lin Qingna Shoulder straps in silk pajamas.

Lin Qing's whole body became delicate and sensitive instantly, and her voice trembled slightly: "It's impossible that if you remember it, it's impossible not to say you love me!"

"Love you?" Mu Li's thin lips slowly moved down, sticking to Lin Qing's lips, "You say, how can I be considered to love you?"

how about it

Before today, Lin Qing firmly believed that they could fall in love again only when Mu Li found her memory, but Mu Li's words just smashed her cognition like a hammer. Maybe it doesn't matter what kind of person he is, what's important is that she loves him.

"Don't you speak?" Mu Li kissed her lips, acting strangely lightly, swallowing the sweetness in her mouth little by little.

"Mu Li you lie to me!" Lin Qing suddenly pushed Mu Li away.

She was too hard, and Mu Li kissed so deep that she was taken aback by half a step behind her.

"Have you ever lied to me?" Mu Li wiped his lips with his fingertips, which was funny. "After all, you are just looking for someone else's shadow on me. Lin Qing, I was suddenly curious, Chen Qudong is Isn't he gentle towards you? Is it because of him that you married me? "

"Why do you always want to mention the senior? If you are dissatisfied with me and come to me, why do you always account for others?" Lin Qing was stabbed with the look of him as a plaything under his eyes.

"Why?" Mu Li thought about this sentence, thinking, "If you have nothing to do with him, are you excited? Isn't it that I mentioned Chen Qudong before, you will be so excited?"

Yes, she was excited, but not because of Chen Qudong, but for him to leave!

Lin Qingxiu bent a faint smile: "What are you doing now? Are you jealous?"

The air suddenly cooled down.

He didn't speak, but put a thin lip on her lips fiercely, and he kissed cruelly and overbearing, almost breaking her lips. Lin Qing shoved, a **** pampered arm around her waist tightened, and for a moment, she was tightly pressed against Mu Li's chest.

"Haw" for a while, her tongue was numb.

Mu Li leaned over and oppressed, and her long legs separated her. The thighs of her thighs suddenly became hot, and the feeling of hardness and burning rushed up, her legs tightened subconsciously, and the man whispered.

The sound completely ignited the flames in the air.

"Lin Qing, take a good look at whether I am jealous!" He was burning in anger, and there was a gloomy **** in his eyes.

"It's not jealous. What do you mind doing?"

One sip, one semester, this woman is so kind!

"Since you care so much about your senior, why don't you go to him?" Mu Li smiled, her lips were cold.

"You want me to find him?" Lin Qing's eyes darkened, and the words of your senior made her heart sting.

"It's not that I don't want it, Lin Qing, it's your heart's willingness." Mu Li arrived at Lin Qing's body at this time, oppressing her soft body and smelling a fragrance.

If she said yes, Mu Li might immediately put her in the arms of the senior.

Lin Qing bit her lip and never said a word.

"Why, I'm afraid I'll drive you away?" Mu Li seemed to see her mind and put it to her lips. "Rest assured, I won't rush you out so easily, at least I must satisfy your wish OK, right? "

His low voice made Lin Qing fall into his charming and **** voice.

After being kissed for a while, Lin Qing asked, "My wish?"

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