The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1491: Love rival girlfriends

"You know, I'm very busy. You can find someone to be a guide." Mu Li refused out loud.

"I don't know anyone here, and I don't want to know anyone. I want to ask you to accompany me, okay?" Martha looked at him pitifully, her eyes filled with pleading.

Mu Li could not help but sigh. He suddenly remembered that the second day after Martha's birthday banquet, the Vice President had specially explained to him when he visited the military area compound. She said that Martha liked the cultural environment of the city and wanted to stay here for a few more days, hoping that he would take care of her. Her daughter is very willful, she grew up abroad, and she is very open. If there is anything wrong, just tell him.

Mu Li had to agree, "Well, when does Martha plan to go out and where to go?"

Martha was very pleased to see him agree, and she clapped her hands and smiled, "Thank you, Commander, I am not familiar with this city, I want to go where you want to play, you have the final say."

Mu Li nodded. "Well, then when I have time, I'll call."

Martha asked a little bit worriedly, "You won't miss the appointment? When will you have time?"

Mu Li smiled slightly: "I am the commander, how can I lose my appointment? Rest assured, just these days."

Martha was relieved and said with a smile, "This house is so big. Can you show me around?"

Although Mu Li was reluctant, but thinking that Martha was a guest, and she had the vice president's entrustment, how could she take care of it, she nodded and agreed: "Of course it can, but there is nothing beautiful here. So let me Can I stay with you? "

"Is she a mistress?" Miss Martha asked inexplicably.

Mu Li shook her head awkwardly. "She is a servant. My wife is still washing clothes outside."

"If you're really busy, let your wife stay with me." Martha laughed.

Mu Li thought for a while, then nodded and promised, and ordered the servant to invite his wife in.

After Lin Qing came in, he asked her to accompany Martha in each room and introduce her to the house.

Lin Qing naturally would not refuse, but she was curious. Since Martha loved Mu Li so much, why not let him stay with her, but to find her. She smiled and said, "Miss Martha, please."

Martha nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you." Then holding Lin Qing's arm, the two visited Mujia Villa together.

Seeing their intimacy, Mu Li was finally relieved. He thought Martha was not good at Lin Qing. Hearing that she meant to pursue him, she was naturally her rival. But her performance is still good, seeing that the daughter of the president is a person who takes care of the whole situation.

He returned to the study to do things, and Lin Qing led Martha to the rooms. Martha said enviously: "This house is really good, should it be an old building? Better than our presidential palace."

After hearing this, Lin Qing knew that she had complimented so deliberately, and couldn't help laughing: "How can the presidential palace be compared with these private houses, Miss Martha is humble."

Martha looked at her very seriously and said, "I'm serious. My dad is a very economical person. The presidential palace is an ordinary private house, and it is not even comparable."

Said her helpless sigh, "If it wasn't for my grandfather's money, how could I have a birthday party in a different city every year? He couldn't bear to be so extravagant and wasteful. Anyway, it was my grandpa's money, My grandfather is a foreigner, and he does not agree on the issue of integrity. "

Lin Qing heard her say that she had a good impression on the vice president. In the past, she always felt that those Mr. Presidents must be high above everything else in the country. They naturally wanted to be whatever they wanted.

After hearing Martha's words, it seemed that she was wrong, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems I'm going to change Mr. President."

"You must think they are very greedy?" Martha laughed. "Actually, this is not surprising. Many people think so, so I have no friends since childhood. Everyone thinks my dad is a vice president and dare not play with me. I ’m afraid I ’ve lost something and ca n’t afford it. There ’s a more important point. They think that my dad ’s cabinet members spend taxpayer money, but they do n’t do practical things for them, and naturally let their children play with me. .So, I grew up with my grandparents, and my grandpa loves me. "

Talking about the indecision on her face, Lin Qing suddenly understood that under her seemingly optimistic appearance, she was hiding a fragile heart and comforted her softly: "I'm sorry, I have caused your sadness . "

Martha shook her head and smiled: "It doesn't matter, I'm grown up now. I don't care about these things, Lin Qing, I like you very much, and I feel like I did at first sight."

Her eyes were full of sincerity, Lin Qing didn't know whether she said it on purpose, or what. She also smiled back and said, "Me too, Miss Martha. I like your heartiness and frankness, unlike those girls in China."

"Thank you, can we be good friends? If you can, you are my only good friend in the country." Martha's clear blue eyes, Baba looked at her, full of pleading.

Lin Qing felt her sincerity, and it was not easy to refuse, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'm willing to be your good friend."

After hearing what she said, Martha was very happy, reached out and hugged her, and said with a smile, "I finally have a good friend, by the way, are we not good friends?"

Suddenly she thought of this question, and asked naively like a child.

Lin Qing was amused by her and couldn't bear to let her down. What she said should be true. There is no good friend in the country, and naturally no girlfriends. Then she nodded and smiled: "Of course it is. No matter what happens, we will It's a good girlfriend. "

She thought of what Martha had said at her birthday party. She would chase him as a husband, whether she was a married or unmarried prince. Therefore, at this time, although Lin Qing was impressed by Martha's sincerity, it is still uncertain whether she would make good friends with her in order to pursue Mu Li. Therefore, to say that, after all, the promise of a good friend cannot be given casually.

She also hopes that they can really become good friends for a lifetime. No matter what happens, treat each other sincerely. As for emotional disputes, look at fate. She is willing to compete with her fairly. If Mu Li really likes her, she will charge her. After all, she has hurt his heart. Now she has no right to ask Mu Li to be loyal to her.

Martha also nodded sincerely. "Well, no matter what happens, no matter who Mu Li likes, we are good friends. We will not hurt each other. We can chase men upright, but we cannot hurt each other by mean means."

Martha's outspokenness surprised Lin Qing again. She even admitted that she wanted to pursue Mu Li. Think about it, if not, how could a daughter of her president come to their house.

However, she should be a good person. Before pursuing Mu Li, she was willing to make good friends with her and promised her that she would not hurt her. The emotional affairs were beyond control, which Lin Qing could understand.

Like Feng Ming, she didn't know why Feng Ming had such a deep affection for her, but she couldn't do anything to make him change, and she felt very sad.

She believes that Martha's affection for Mu Li should also be sincere now. After all, a 28-year-old woman has passed the impulsive period, and her decision should be made very carefully. Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "Okay, we are good friends for a lifetime, it has nothing to do with men."

She could only say that, as for Martha's pursuit of Mu Li and how to start, she didn't want to say anything, everything was Mu Mu. If he had her in her heart and could hold on to her, she would be very happy, if not, she would not hate him.

Feeling Lin Qing's sincerity, Martha was also touched, holding her hand and saying, "Lin Qing, you are different from other people. I am really happy to make friends like you."

After that, she reached out and hugged her tightly in her arms again, and said happily.

After the two had visited all the rooms, except for Mu Li's study, Lin Qing said to her with a smile: "Go in yourself, I will go out and continue washing. This is Mu Li's study. He must be in it."

After hearing what she said, Martha smiled at her gratefully. Lin Qing's attitude was always not overbearing, not because he deliberately pleased the president's daughter, but because she really regarded her as a good friend.

"Thank you, Lin Qing."

Lin Qing smiled at her and turned away. In fact, the moment she turned her head, her heart sank to the bottom of the sea. She didn't know if she was doing this right? She was pushing Martha into Mu Li's arms. But she knew that if Martha's pursuit of Mu Li was not something she could stop. If Mu Li is firm in her feelings, she will naturally not be afraid of her pursuit.

Maybe it's time to give him a chance, let him listen to his inner voice, whether he still loves her. Back these days, Lin Qing was tortured, especially at night, she was about to collapse, and she felt that Mu Li no longer loved her. There is only hatred towards her. If she were not the mother of the children, he might not have driven her out of the house, right? He had already treated her as a servant, and it was the best proof that she was doing laundry by hand. And in order to avoid the sight of Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li, he let them travel all the time. The two old ladies also had a good time, which was the result of his careful arrangement.

Thinking of this, she was so distressed that she did not regret her decision. She could feel that Martha was a good girl, unlike those other girls. If they can really be together, perhaps the sadistic relationship between them will be gone. Then she will find a quiet place to live alone.

She continued to wash clothes in the courtyard, and Martha knocked on the door of Mu Li's study.

"Hey, Commander, haven't I disturbed your work?" Martha smiled brightly.

Looking at the smile on her face, Mu Li knew that she was very happy with Lin Qing, and she was naturally very happy.

"No, you can call me Mu Li, Master Commander sounds awkward." Mu Li laughed.

Martha nodded and said, "Okay, I also feel that calling an official position seems to alienate us." Then, she went to Mu Li's bookshelf and said with a smile, "Wow, a lot of books, May I see it? "

"Of course you can, someone who loves books likes some of the books in their collection." Mu Li nodded and smiled. He was thinking about a question. If Lin Qing got along well with Martha, maybe he could let her go out with her, This eliminates the need for him to be a guide himself.

Now that Martha has confessed to him, he should try to avoid the chance of the two being alone. He admits that Martha is a good girl, but he only has Lin Qing in his heart, he and she already have a happy home, lovely children, all this he doesn't want to destroy.

Martha seemed to be in a good mood to see him, and she was also very happy. She said with a smile, "Lin Qing is a good woman. I like it very much. We have become a good girlfriend.

Listening to her, Mu Li couldn't help wondering, good girlfriend? Shouldn't they be rivals? How did she become a good girlfriend?

"Does Lin Qing agree?" He asked calmly.

"Yes, she promised, unless we are not good girlfriends." Martha was very happy, she did not notice the discomfort in Mu Li's eyes, and continued: "We said, our relationship has nothing to do with men, regardless What happens is a good girlfriend, they will not hurt each other. "

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