"Otherwise, I'll call the staff officer and ask him to come out for you." The guard could not bear to see the disappointment on Lin Qing's face, and he did not dare to let her go in. After all, he was a recruit and was afraid to disobey The leader's order, otherwise, if he was sent back to the place, his life would be over. Some things can be big or small. Commander Sun is a tough person. He dare not take this risk and can only suggest it.

After hearing this, Lin Qing sighed: "Well, even if you call him, he may not come out. I didn't pick up when I called, so I wanted to go in and find him."

"Lin Qing? Why are you here?" Suddenly Martha's voice came and Lin Qing turned her head to see her, with a complex expression on her face. Why is she here? Can she come and go as she pleases? Is she here for Mu Li?

Looking at her doubtful expression, Martha smiled bitterly at her: "Is it blocked? I thought I could let you in, and by the way, it seemed to be disappointed."

"You can't go in?" Lin Qing asked in amazement.

"Yes, I waited here for hours in the morning, and they didn't let me in." Martha shrugged helplessly, her expression on her face was complicated.

"You're here," Lin Qing asked tentatively.

"I came to Mu Li, and agreed to have lunch at noon, but he missed the appointment. The more I think about it, the more wrong it will be, nothing will happen, just come over and see that I didn't expect to meet you." Said something to wait for Mu Li here, want to eat with him.

Lin Qing's eyes were full of smirks. She was so persistent that she was so handsome here.

But she quickly removed the smirk in her eyes and turned to the guard and asked, "Do you know who she is?"

"I know, but I can't go in, either," the guard said helplessly.

Martha couldn't help laughing: "It's useless, I've used it a long time ago. They knew I was the daughter of the vice president and wouldn't let me in. Even I said I went in to find Sun Wen and they didn't agree.

In this case, Lin Qing was completely disappointed. She couldn't go in. How could she go in? So he said nothing and turned to leave.

Martha stretched her hands and said with a smile, "Lin Qing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so let's sit together."

Lin Qing thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Okay, sit down together."

When Mu Li received Amei's call, she came to the gate anxiously, but did not see Lin Qing. The guard told him that she and Miss Martha had been walking for dozens of minutes.

When Mu Li heard that his head was big, how did Martha mix it up.

"They came together?"

"No, Miss Martha came late. They left together." The guard returned.

"Why not let my wife come in, don't you know her identity?" Mu Li was very displeased and accused, someone in the heart was sad to walk away.

"Sorry, Commander Sun ordered"

Before the guard finished talking, Mu Li turned and left. It was Commander Sun again, and his rules and regulations really weren't strict.

If Lin Qing allowed in, she would not see Martha. But then I thought, if Lin Qing can come in, then Martha can come in naturally. Anyway, we will meet together sooner or later, so it is not bad to strictly guard the gate of the military area compound.

The thought of Martha and Lin Qing was very worried, because she was afraid that Martha would say something to Lin Qing, which made her misunderstand again.

After finishing the phone call with Lin Qing for the first time, he put the phone on his desk and went to Xiaolong's office.

After I came back, I found out that Lin Qing had called him so many calls, and she was very scared, afraid that Lin Qing was worried that he was angry. Just when she wanted to call back, Amei's phone number came in. Tell him that Lin Qing has come to him.

Mu Li was very angry and asked why she was not with Lin Qing and let her act alone. Amei told him what happened, and Mu Li knew that Lin Qing had deliberately wanted to get rid of Amei, not to blame her for dereliction of duty.

But Amei said that Lin Qing had been away for more than half an hour. Even if time had come, he hadn't seen anyone. Anxious in his heart, he hurried to the gate, feeling that he might be stopped by the guards.

As a result, who would have thought, Lin Qing had gone with Martha again. The two women must not be able to talk about good things together. They are simply love rivals, not friends. Even if luck is not up, Martha's words will leave a psychological shadow on Lin Qing.

So, the more anxious and worried he became, he took out his cell phone to call Lin Qing, but the cell phone turned off. He could only call Martha, but he got through.

Before he could say anything, Martha seemed to say to others, "It's Mu Li, do you want to pick it up?"

Mu Li was in a hurry when she heard it. Now that Martha is with Lin Qing, she must be asking Lin Qing. He called her not to find her but to find her through her. But asking her like this seemed to blur her relationship with him.

He immediately said, "Martha, you ask Lin Qing why the phone is off, and let her call me back."

After speaking, Martha could not respond, and he hung up.

As a result, he waited for tens of minutes, but didn't wait for Lin Qing's call, and Martha's call didn't come. He was very puzzled. Is Martha not telling Lin Qing what he said or Lin Qing deliberately did not call him?

Is there anything urgent for her to come to the military compound? If it was okay, how could she come to the military area compound to find him.


The more he thought about it, the more cluttered he was, he had to call Lin Qing again, but it turned off, so he could only call Martha.

Martha's phone was still answered in seconds. Instead of asking other people, Martha said, "Mu Li, I'm drinking coffee with Lin Qing now. The music in the shop is a bit loud and I can't hear you. Speak, otherwise, let ’s hang up and call you later. I ca n’t hear you anyway. ”

After talking, the phone hung up. Mu Li fought in the past and couldn't get through.

It's over, the misunderstanding is a big one, it's definitely a big one. Mu Li could not help lamenting. I'm afraid it's too hard to jump into the Yellow River.

He was annoyed to drop the phone, and at this time Bai Xue came in, looking at his look of anger, wondering: "Who are you angry with? Did Commander Sun embarrass you again?"

"What matters to you? Do you have anything? Tell me something, go out." Mu Lizheng is not in a good mood, and naturally he doesn't listen.

Bai Xue didn't care about him, but smiled, "It's good to finally see you have a temper."

"Say, what do you have?" Mu Li asked coldly.

"At noon, Commander Sun and Commander Liao came to the cooking class for dinner. It seems that the two get along well. Commander Sun is not the same as usual. Do you think this is good news?" Bai Xue asked with a smile.

"What about that? He naturally tried to persuade Commander Liao. After all, his prestige was there. But the son of such a gatekeeper made him truly admire someone, but it was not easy. Just like you, would you treat you Does anyone other than grandpa be an idol? "Mu Li said indifferently.

"Of course, I will regard you and Commander Liao as idols. Grandpa is suitable for idols in textbooks. After all, he was a long time away from us. And you and Commander Liao are real." Bai Xue answered very easily, no A little hesitation. This surprised Mu Li, who didn't expect her to think so.

"How do you know that Sun Wen is the same as you think?" Mu Li countered unwillingly.

"Ha, you finally dare to call his name directly. The huddled Mu Li gradually returned." Although Bai Xue's tone was mean, he was sincere, with a look of hope.

Mu Li was not in the mood to talk nonsense to her. If Lin Qing was not blocked by the gatekeeper and he was not allowed to come in to find him, he would not have such a great hatred and would directly call Commander Sun's name.

"Let's say, besides telling the two commanders to have a meal together and have a good talk, what else?"

"I found a situation and came here to report it to you." Bai Xue suddenly put away the expression on her face, went to Mu Li's side, and whispered to him.

Mu Li immediately became aware and asked, "What's the situation, say."

"The guard has a platoon leader, and every meal has a lot left." Bai Xue whispered back.

"Keep talking," Mu Li urged, knowing there was still something behind her.

Seeing that this little information provided by herself was not dismissed by Mu Li, she let her continue to say that she immediately had confidence and continued to say, "The security company has a heavy task. It not only needs normal training, but also is responsible for patrolling the military area compound , You said that he could eat such a small amount of each meal, how could he bear such a heavy physical exertion? "

"What do you think about this?" Mu Li asked.

"I think he must have a small stove, but our military compound is different from the outside, with strict management and a regular schedule. So what is going on with him? There must be something wrong in it." Bai Xue carefully analyzed.

"You're right, this incident is also important." Mu Li smiled and nodded her praise.

Bai Xue was very glad to receive the compliment. "The adult commander didn't think I was a cook, so I just made articles on these little things."

"No, your entry point is right. The cooking class restaurant is the place where officers and soldiers of the military area compound eat. One person can be seen most clearly in the restaurant. I hope you will continue to observe this in the future. It is very helpful to find out the truth." Mu Li laughed.

Shirayuki was instructed and answered happily: "Report to the commander, and resolutely complete the task."

"Okay, then you go back, stay here for a long time. Let others doubt what." Mu Li nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go back. If there is any information in the future, should I tell Xiaolong directly?" Bai Xue was alert when he said this. I only care about happiness, but forget about it.

"Okay, but you must be careful not to let others notice that you are very close and are plotting something." Mu Li told.

"I will. That's fine. I'm busy."

Mu Li nodded, and Bai Xue saluted him and left.

The information provided by Bai Xue coincided with Yang Li's investigation. Mu Centrifuge was very happy, but he didn't tell Bai Xue, the less people know the better.

He immediately sent a message to Yang Li and asked her to meet at the old place after work.

It was a secret place that he agreed with Yang Li, and walking too close to the military area compound was easily suspected. The place of the meeting can only be placed outside the compound of the military region, and it is not easy to recognize when wearing casual clothes.

The breakthrough in Yang Li's investigation was to find that the platoon leader Li of the security company had overseas relations. And he will go out every weekend, even if he happens to be on duty, he will be changed by others.

But there is no conclusive evidence that he is suspect. Every time he goes out, he goes shopping, playing games, etc. There is nothing suspicious about his actions. And the work is also due diligence. Among the platoon leader of the guard company, it is not the most outstanding or the worst. Word of mouth is good, and there is nothing excessive about treating soldiers.

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