The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 201: Can you say that again?

Lin Qing didn't think about it for a while, but she could barely move, and walked very slowly towards the room.

After she disappeared on the balcony, a subordinate asked the person who was headed routinely: "Brother, don't you report?"

The head of the man was very cold, always staring at Lin Qing's direction: "No report."

Alas, how many times has it been reported to the boss today? Except for the wife who eats on time, that is, she slept for a long time. So deceived, will there really be no problem with their lives?

But everyone else kept silent, and it seemed that no one wanted to break the deadly silence.

Not to report is not just to conceal the facts that Lin Qing and Chen Qudong did, but also to prevent Mu Li from losing his reason for this.

Lin Qing lay down for a while, but she couldn't sleep because she was uncomfortable. She turned over to the balcony and could dimly see the twinkling stars in the night sky.

Is it her illusion?

At that moment, she felt that starlight had a strange sense of urgency.

The house was calm as usual, and no one came in again, Lin Qing stared at the night gradually. After three days like this, can she really go back?

She felt a little disturbed.

The dark night outside the house was ridiculous, the wind was blowing in through the small holes, Zheng Yan took a snoring exaggeratedly, and recovered his sight and took a step.

His footsteps were very light, but he could not escape the ears of Mu Li's subordinates. When he first walked up to the ninth floor, several guns had pointed at him from all sides.

"Who is it?" His subordinates asked coldly.

Zheng Yan held his mobile phone to turn on the flashlight. The strong light made everyone around him instantly unbearable. Then he laughed, and his voice was as it was: "It's me."

The light went out instantly, and the entire floor fell into a cold silence.

Everyone was shocked by the sound, even if it was usually calmer at the moment.

Are they hallucinating?

Zheng Yan didn't speak again, but stood still. The man across from him pointed a cold gun at his forehead. The distance between them was very short. If he fired, he would definitely die.

"Who the **** are you?" The man asked again, a little more alert.

The voice was clearly the man three years ago, but he was dead in that explosion

That's right, how could a dead person appear here?

Everyone seemed to stop breathing, staring at the man surrounded by the stairs by the night. That sentence was me just now, obviously making their mood fluctuate abnormally.

"Why did it happen, how long before you don't know me?" Zheng Yan muttered helplessly, shrugging his hands and spreading his shoulders. "I was just trying to see you. Since you have responded, I'll go."

There seems to be only Zheng Yan here, and his voice breaks the peaceful night sky again and again.

But is it really him?

how is this possible? !!

"I'll give you a chance at last and say, who are you!" Zheng Yan frowned as the bullet loaded in the dark.

"Why are you still the same as before, dare you ask for a level?"

This tone

Everyone took a breath.

They couldn't believe it, but he really appeared before them!

"Zheng Yuan ?!" One man behind Zheng Yan couldn't help shouting, the emotion of that man couldn't restrain the excitement.

How is it possible? !!

Zheng Yan didn't answer, his eyes flickered, he knew that after a while they would be able to adapt to the darkness and see his face clearly.

His body flickered and he ran downstairs very quickly.

When everyone saw it again, the center of each gun was empty, as if it was just an illusion.

"Brother, wasn't Zheng Yuan just now?" Someone finally made a sound and looked for the direction of Brother.

"I rely on it, wouldn't it be an illusion? The tone just now is definitely the right one!" Another voice seemed impatient, trying to prove the identity of the person just now.

The subordinates called Big Brother frowned very tightly, and everyone heard just now that it was not an illusion. But then a series of questions followed, why did Zheng Yuan appear here suddenly, and what was his purpose?

Being so troubled by Zheng Yan, the atmosphere was soaked with unusual tension all night.

Zheng Yan's trip was not only to meet with his former comrades-in-arms, but also to explore the surroundings of Ablin Ching's place.

At that time, he saw Lin Qing standing on the balcony to the frozen leg and no one went in once. It seems that those who care for her were not very alert.

I don't know who the other party is, how can I just turn Lin Qing away?

After all, Zheng Yan was alone, and his energy was limited. Liang Ruoyi didn't notice it.

Zheng Yan returned to the car, reorganized the information he just collected, and drove back to the city.

Sleepless all night.

After several media exposed the rumored scandal yesterday, by the afternoon, all kinds of rumors had filled the streets. The forces of the rebellious Liang family at this time have contributed a lot, one by one recalling the various underground feelings of Mu Li and Xu Yuan.

"I said, definitely met them at the East China Hotel!"

"Oh, didn't he pack the whole restaurant last time just for this woman? I can't see it, it turned out to be underground!"

"Isn't Mu Shao married? I thought he was just a jealous guy, but he was just a greedy man, and now he can do this. Putting power in the hands of such people will sooner or later be destroyed!"

"Maybe marriage is an excuse. Have you ever heard him attend any occasion with his wife?"

Mu Li has always disliked being too high-profile. Naturally, he would not bring Lin Qing too much to those occasions. Even if he had been there, those people would definitely shake their heads and say nothing.

For a while, things went viral. If Mu Li did not suppress public opinion in the first place, I'm afraid it would be particularly troublesome in the future.

When Mu Li came out of the hotel early in the morning, when he went downstairs, he saw that the waiter was still looking at his tail. It seemed very regrettable that he had not seen the underground lover behind him.

Mu Li's eyes were cold, and his thin lips were cold and he drove away from the hotel. He forgot his mobile phone in the car yesterday, and now he reached out with his arm to reach the mobile phone in the co-pilot position.

As soon as I got the phone, the ringtone rang loudly. Seeing Xu Xu's name on the screen, Mu Li frowned and hung up her phone.

Then the lieutenant's phone came in.

"Captain, I haven't been able to contact you yesterday." The deputy was obviously very anxious. He immediately contacted Mu Li when he received the news of the commander's mother yesterday, but he couldn't contact anything.

"What's the matter?" Mu Li held the steering wheel with one hand, held the phone with the other hand, and saw the red light in front of him pressing the brake.

The lieutenant organized the language. There were too many facts that happened yesterday, and the most explosive one, he was not sure that he would not lose his job.

Mu Li's black eyes were stunned, and there was no patience for the lieutenant to grind: "Can't you say it? Wait for me to go back and call face to face?"

The lieutenant shouted a bad voice and started to report one after another: "Yesterday the old lady called and said she was going to wait for you in the apartment, but you have been unable to contact me."

Mu Li heard his words wide open his eyes: "You say it again?"

Damn, this is the first thing.

The deputy continued without delay: "According to the people we sent near the apartment, the old lady did go and stayed in the apartment for an entire hour before coming out."

Mu Li's hand holding the steering wheel tightened tightly, and the green light turned on. He stepped on the brake and kicked it out. Everyone was amazed: is this racing or crazy?

Mu Li was still thinking about the admiral's words, an hour? He can't count his mother as being with Xu Yuan for an hour.

Damn, what's going on?

He was puzzled and let the adjuvant continue to report.

The lieutenant coughed hard and coughed: "In addition, last night, our team in the northern suburbs met someone unknown."

Unknown enemy or friend?

Mu Li recalled what happened during this time. Although there are many people now, it is impossible to go to the northern suburbs to get a kick. Besides, Liang Ruoyi took Lin Qing away without telling her father. The members of the Liang family might not know at this time.

"Did you find out who it is?" Mu Li's eyes sank, looking at the street sign, and he was heading towards No. 1 Coast.

"No, the other party used strong light at the time, and none of us could see the other's face clearly."

The deputy really did not know. The message from this morning was very vague. He only said that an unknown person appeared and that person did nothing.

Strange to say, good people will not appear in the wilderness, but do nothing, what does it mean?

Mu Li also quickly analyzed it in his brain, but found no clue. He asked casually, "What else is happening?"

Sure enough, the deputy hadn't finished, but this news, if he said now, maybe he can be directly retired tomorrow.

"One more thing, Captain, Mu family this morning"


Mu Li was listening to the phone. There was a loud noise in his ear. He turned his head and saw a large truck coming from the side at the crossroad that was passing by. A car about to turn.

The cars collided and made a loud noise, followed by an explosion of the truck.

The fire flew into the sky instantly, and the smoky smoke was rising, because Mu Li was too close, and Mu Li felt the impact of the explosion here.

Mu Li put down the phone, and just wanted to go down and suddenly felt wrong.

If it hadn't been for that car that had just popped up, I'm afraid it was him who was hit!

by! What day is today?

Mu Li sank, stepping on the accelerator and rushing out. It is imperative to go back to the apartment and see what kind of ghost Xu Yuan has done!

There were guards around the apartment, Xu Yuan couldn't fly without wings.

Of course, she didn't want to fly, she always stayed close to Mu Li.

After speaking with Shen Yuhe yesterday, the two women seemed to have reached an agreement for the time being, but she did not expect that Shen Yuhe ’s movement was so fast. She received the news today

Xu Yuan was lying in the room, and she was very uncomfortable in her cute pajamas.

Does Lin Qing usually wear this seductive Mu Li?

The more she wanted to be more jealous, she didn't notice the door of the apartment opened and closed.

"Xu Yuan?" Mu Li's voice was cold and low, suppressing his anger. He walked into the living room and saw the teapot on the coffee table.

There are used traces of the two tea cups next to the teapot.

by! Did they drink tea together?

Mu Li's face was overcast. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was wrong.

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