The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 238: Three people at the door

Mu Li narrowed his eyes, paused to take the footsteps, and retracted.

"I should have said everything, what can you do if you don't listen to me?" Lin Qing didn't turn around and hugged her son to the guest room.

She took the medicine before going to bed, and the effect soon came. She was dizzy and couldn't sleep. She listened to the sound of her son's peaceful breathing, and only fell asleep late at night.

The next day, Lin Qing woke up at noon. Nightmare squeezed her out of breath.

She rubbed her temples, feeling heavy fatigue like a tidal overturn, half of her arms lay under her head, and she suddenly became numb with a slight movement.

The furnishings in the apartment have not changed, and even the rooms are almost the same as her memory. Lin Qing looked back and fixed her eyes on the opposite wall.

"Mummy, you're awake!" Orange Orange pushed open the door and ran quickly, rushing into Lin Qinghuai's arms. He raised his innocent face and poked into his heart with a voice, "Mummy, Are you still upset? "

Lin Qing smiled and shook her head: "Mummy is much better, thanks to Orange Orange." She picked up Orange Orange and turned over to get out of bed.

Orange Orange consciously slid down from her arms and took Lin Qing's hand: "Good-looking uncle said, Mummy is still sick and can't hug."

Lin Qing heard nothing, she subconsciously did not want to let orange orange and Mu Li have too much contact.

"Orange, shall we go home after dinner?" Lin Qing took his son's little hand and took him downstairs.

Orange orange crooked his head as if pondering, halfway up the stairs before raising his small face, and whispered with Lin Qing: "Then, can Orange Orange meet a good-looking uncle later?"

Lin Qing smiled slightly and lowered her head and asked, "Why does Orange Orange want to meet his good-looking uncle?"

Orange Orange raised his eyebrows in a straightforward manner: "Good-looking uncle said, I don't need to drink milk!"

"" Hearing this, Lin Qing didn't even want to stay for lunch.

A meal passed quickly, Mu Li watched as the rice in the orange bowl was almost finished, and his face sank accordingly.

He couldn't keep their mother and son here forever, and Lin Qing's attitude was so decisive.

Mu Li barely moved his chopsticks. He folded his legs and leaned back. Most of the time he was watching the opposite mother and son eating.

Lin Qing pulled out the paper towel and wiped his mouth. After putting down the tableware, he had to hold the orange and leave.

"You are not completely ill yet." Mu Li's voice sounded behind her, her voice low.

Lin Qing rubbed his forehead, and now his head hurts a lot: "It must be better to live here."

"You can't go out in this way." Mu Li said again, following Lin Qing's expression.

"It's okay, I'll take a taxi when I go out." Lin Qing did not hesitate to reach out to the door, just turned out after turning the doorknob, and a shadow fell before his eyes.

She looked up, slightly stunned.

"Are you better? How could you suddenly get sick?" Dai Ze's gaze was fixed on her face, and there was still anxiety under his eyes. He looked very poor, as if he hadn't slept all night.

Lin Qing chatted for a while before reluctantly regaining her voice. It still sounded tired: "It's just a fever, the fever has subsided."

She said to send Orange into Di Zehuai's arms, and pulled him out: "Let's go home."

Then Dai Ze looked over Lin Qing's shoulder and looked inward. In the living room, Mu Li stood in a casual dress and stood with arms around him. The deepness of Hei Yaotong's eyes covered all the emotions.

He also raised his handsome face, his sharp eyes staring directly at the two intimate manners at the door.

Dai Ze's lips were very tight. It is not difficult to see that he was anxious. After checking all the hospitals without Lin Qing's information, he knew that Mu Li had been brought home.

He couldn't sleep through the night, but he arrived early in the morning but was turned away by Mu Li. When he saw that the person who opened the door was Lin Qing, it was difficult to hide his sour heart, and he was going mad with jealousy and torture.

He believes that Lin Qing does not mean that he will not be stung by the scene in front of him.

The eyes of the two men met, and no one spoke. Lin Qing had stepped out of the threshold and closed the door.

A door separates three people. With the sound of closing the door, Lin Qing disappears into Mu Li's field of vision.

He clenched his hands around his chest tightly, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

People who had just had a fever were very fragile, and Lin Qing got a little cold when she entered the elevator. Deze put down Orange and took off her coat and wrapped it around her: "Why did you get sick? Do you want me to die?"

Lin Qing lowered her head and allowed his hands to gather up the jacket, and opened his mouth a long time ago: "My phone is out of power."

The right explanation has a bit of coquettish tone, which makes people unbearable.

"I know." Deze sighed and hugged her into her arms, resting her sharpened chin on top of her hair. "I know everything."

His voice was low, more like talking to himself, Lin Qing's heart tightened inexplicably.

After getting in the car, Dai Ze's eyes fell on the kiss marks between Lin Qing's neck unexpectedly.

It's almost the same as last time.

"Lin Qing, is what he said true?" Dai Ze usually turned forward after starting the engine, his voice couldn't hear the mood.

Lin Qing was bewildered for a moment, then the next second he understood what he meant: "I'm not sure."

Suddenly, there was a thin anger in his voice: "Are you sure you are divorced or divorced?"

Lin Qing held orange orange in his arms, holding his hands in front of him, holding it tightly, and his palms were sweating.

"I don't know why this is the case. Five years ago, I saw his marriage certificate with others." Lin Qing was reluctant to think about the past, but if this was the only way to get rid of Mu Li's relationship, she would be happy .

Deze couldn't bear to see her. The original anger quietly turned away. He sighed helplessly and rubbed Lin Qing's hair gently: "I must have owed you in my last life. Let's go home."

Lin Qing did not return overnight, and there were suspicious marks on his neck. In order to avoid mentioning Mu Li, Dai Ze had to lie to the Lin family that Lin Qing had gone to live there.

On the living room sofa, the oldest Lin family looked at each other, and it seemed that they would not progress so fast.

"You have been living together for the past five years?" Mother Lin keenly glanced between the two, always feeling something wrong.

"Um, mom, it's not." Lin Qing couldn't be more precise. She quietly raised her eyes and looked at Dai Ze, seeing that Dai Ze was staring at herself decisively.

The smile in his eyes was obvious, and he obviously didn't intend to explain.

Bastard, right? !!

Dad Lin flipped the newspaper aside, and only occasionally glanced at it. Mother Lin accurately captured the unusual atmosphere between the two, which confirmed her conjecture.

Lin Qing also wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Mother Lin: "I didn't expect you to be so fast, but since you are already living together, you don't have to hide it like this. Don't blame me, you also pay attention, orange is still so small "She stared at Lin Qing with anger, and the daughter became more and more patient." You don't need to worry, you don't have to rush to get married. "

Mother Lin still clearly remembers that her daughter's last marriage was only because of her urgency.

"Mom" Lin Qing was crying without tears, and there was no room for explanation.

Deze answered next to him, looking at Lin Qing's soft eyes and being drunk: "Thank you."

Lin Qing was absolutely down.

It ’s good. Lin Qing was standing at the door of the house with her luggage for an hour, and Orange had a lollipop in her mouth, and her little hand waved vigorously at her grandpa and grandma: "See you, grandpa and grandma!"

Lin Qingzhang was in place, and her progress was too fast, she couldn't keep up.

"Daze, otherwise I'll find a house outside." After walking out of the house, Lin Qing was silent for a long while, and there was some discussion in his tone.

Deze's face remained unchanged, and he turned his head to look at her: "I knew you would say that."

"Daze, me"

"Don't say it, I understand. If you really move there, I can't bear to die every day if I can't see it?" Dai Ze chuckled, and pulled something out of his pocket into Lin Qing's hand.

Lin Qing was flushed with cheeks by his words, avoiding his eyes and looking down.

"Mummy, is it a **** horse?" Orange Orange came to her face and wondered, "Mummy is going to marry Uncle Dai?"

It's a key.

"As soon as I returned to China, I found the house. I knew you would move out of the house." Dai Ze's arms stretched her into her arms, and she was helpless against her ear tone. "Lin Qing, I'll wait The day you open the door for me. "

Lin Qing was flushed with a small face. His eyes could burn people. Lin Qing was so busy that he turned his face away and bent into the arms of Dai Ze. "Neither of you is allowed to speak." . "

She quickened her pace and quickly left the two behind.

Orange Orange lay on Dai Ze's shoulder: "Uncle Dai, Mommy is shy?"

Deze raised an eyebrow and kissed on Orange's face: "Let's go, uncle takes you to your new home."

The apartment in which Baobao lived in was beautifully decorated, everything was in line with Lin Qing's imagination. She stood in front of the 28-story apartment window, with a huge glass window overlooking the landscape.

"Do you like it?" Deze came to her side.

Lin Qing nodded lightly, at this moment she felt free.

It's true.

Orange Orange was sitting on the sofa, his two legs were shaking back and forth, and the lollipop in his mouth was almost finished. He crooked his head and looked at the two figures next to each other.

Uncle Dai is about to become his father?

For a moment, the light in Orange's eyes darkened. He actually liked his uncle a bit.

Good-looking uncle doesn't like to eat carrots!

Lin Qing looked back and saw that Orange Orange was staring at this side, and loosening Dai Ze's hand was about to pass. Deze pulled her back to his back without turning around.

He must still be mindful of the morning.

Lin Qing knew he was terribly jealous, but such things became more and more dark. Lin Qing's eyes were gentle, and he circled his waist from behind him. Slender fingers clasped his abs.

Daze was shocked and stood still without moving.

This was the first time she took the initiative to hug him.

"Daze, if he and I were really nominal couples, I would apply for a divorce in the shortest possible time." Lin Qing's cheek was pressed against his back and he felt his slightly stiff back.

"I know." Dai Ze looked far away, but Lin Qing's shadow was all in his eyes.

He laughed. Has he got this far?

Lin Qing hugged him, and the warmth of his fingertips surged, but Dai Ze's eyes dropped a shadow. If she was told that, would she still accept him like she does now?

He was suddenly scared.

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