Mu Li wiped her lower lip with her fingertips, and suddenly switched the subject: "You just bit me?"

There was a bit of pain in the bite.

Lin Qing ignored him, turned back and returned to the same way, she walked very fast, and when she reached the living room, all the crystal chandelier suddenly turned on.

The sudden surge of light forced her to narrow her eyes. There was a white light flashing in front of her eyes, but when she opened it again, it was not as dazzling as she thought. A soft orange-yellow light casts a warmth on her eyelashes.

This soothing and warm light was chosen by her at Coast One. When she moved in, the apartment was cold in color from the chandelier to the decoration.

Mu Li later recalled that he might be interested in her from then on.

"Can you really forget?" Mu Li took a look at her look.

"I have nothing to forget." Lin Qing retracted her gaze and swam the door not far away.

She took a step and turned back when she heard the sound.

"Are you lying to me or to yourself?"

Lin Qing shook her head and smiled, "I have no deceptive hobby."

Mu Li's lips were lined up, and he could see the hesitation from Lin Qing's eyes. He had been standing in a row, and he couldn't help it.

He didn't believe it, Lin Qing didn't feel anything.

But she just remained indifferent, and looked away from his face.

As the palm reached the doorknob, the man pressed her back into his arms.


Mu Li had unexplainable fatigue in his eyes, and the pain caused by alcohol became worse. "Don't move, I just want to hug you."

Lin Qing knew that she couldn't win better than strength, and simply let the man hug him. Her expression didn't seem to change from beginning to end. When she left, she told herself that she would not be emotional about this man anymore.

She thought she could make up her mind and stick to it.

Mu Li didn't let go of her until the middle of the night, and neither of them took the lead to speak on the sofa.

After the drunkenness disappeared, Mu Li's eyes searched towards her, so that he could set up a leg freely.

Staring at him, Lin Qing looked out the window.

"Don't sleep?" Mu Li's voice was dull after drinking, and suddenly made a sound in such a quiet living room, brushing charming **** in people's hearts.

Lin Qingyi gave him a glance, and felt the house key with his hands in his pockets: "I should go back."

Mu Li froze at the corners of his mouth. The two sat in separate sofas at the two ends of the sofa. He went into the whole body and couldn't hide his smile.

"Then don't sleep, let's do something else."

Lin Qing's nervousness was tense.

Mu Li didn't speak again, after all, he had drank a lot of white wine, so it was inevitable that it would be uncomfortable. He narrowed his lips and smiled narrowly, his eyes narrowed, as if the deep pond was out of sight.

If Lin Qing hadn't glanced at it casually, he wouldn't notice his subtle changes.

Her lips opened and she didn't ask.

The pendulum on the wall made a faint walking noise, and there was no breathing in the quiet living room. Lin Qing glanced at Mu Li several times, and he looked at her with a smile, without changing his posture for several hours. .

Lin Qing's heart was irritable, but she also knew that Mu Li must stop as long as she took action.

Daylight is approaching, and the sky appears gray at four or five in the morning. The light before sunrise is always weak, but it can also swallow the darkness a little.

Mu Liwo was in the sofa, her eyes closed, and she looked like she was asleep. His lips were thin and cold, and he squeezed into a tight line when he fell asleep.

Eyebrows frowned impatiently in a dream.

Lin Qing was attracted by the shimmering light outside the window. When she looked back, she saw that Mu Li was motionless, and it was almost time to look at the clock on the wall. He drank, and naturally it would not last long.

Lin Qing got up very slowly, and the carpet with a good texture completely absorbed her footsteps. She moved to the single sofa and heard his steady breath when she leaned over.

Every hit hit her heart wall.

Lin Qing's clear eyes fell on Mu Li's handsome eyebrows, only to realize that he had never looked at him like this for a long time. His sword eyebrows were slightly heavier at this time, and a light layer of alienation was plated. The light of the crystal chandelier softly hit his face, which added a little tenderness and charm that was different from the past.

Lin Qing had a slight stupefaction, as if returning to the situation when he first met him.

At that time she thought, why would such a good-looking man take her home?

Mu Li's eyebrows moved, apparently he didn't sleep well. Lin Qingsheng was afraid of waking him up. After shaking his hands in front of his eyes, he was sure he didn't wake up, so he walked carefully towards the door.

She walked very lightly, and after standing at the door smoothly, turned the doorknob.

After the wrist turned, the door did not open.

"Where are you going?" Alas, the man's deep voice sounded unexpectedly behind him.

"Go home." Lin Qing turned back in confusion, pointed to the door behind him, "open the door for me."

Mu Li opened her eyes, as if she hadn't heard her, looked up at the time, left the sofa, and walked back to the bedroom.

Lin Qing looked at the back of the door who disappeared and was speechless, and then tried again. After dozens of attempts, he still couldn't open it.

She remembered that Mu Li didn't have a chance to lock it. Is it that she opened it incorrectly?

Lin Qing just thought about it, not seriously.

But at this time, she could only wait for the man to appear silently in the living room.

Mu Li took a bath, and when she came out of the bathroom, she saw that the sky was almost full. Summer has this advantage and saves nights long.

He casually grabbed a piece of pajamas and tied the belt loosely around his waist. Looking at this picture, the abs of the man's abs are looming, and the drops of water dripping from his healthy chest are even more fascinating.

Lin Qing accidentally looked up to see this scene, but did not react.

Mu Li stepped forward, the light in the living room had been turned off, and the light of the morning light reflected in the glass window, and she was nostalgic for the woman's clear eyes.

Lin Qing moved aside, apparently trying to keep a distance from the man.

Mu Li raised his lips, saying that men are easily provoked in the morning. He looked at Lin Qing for a moment, but he couldn't restrain his heart's surge when he didn't do anything.

He missed her too long.

After all, they had lived together, and Lin Qing easily realized the desire from his eyes. She felt a little shocked and took a step back subconsciously.

Mu Li's slender legs stepped out immediately.

Lin Qing's eyes had a look of vigilance.

Mu Li pushed her back to the door. Her back rested on the door, and the man stretched her hands on her sides.

He leaned down, his thin lips pressed to her sensitive earlobe, and his voice spurted out from the burning breath: "Since you don't want to come back, I have a solution here."

Lin Qing blurted out subconsciously: "What?"

Mu Li's bright black eyes narrowed narrowly, and he was very satisfied with her questioning. His smile became his own charm: "It's very simple, to chase you back."

Lin Qing frowned with two thin eyebrows: "If you don't come back, it's not what you say."

"Indeed." Mu Li's eyes were deeper and deeper, obviously in a good mood. "But your body wants to come back. Why should I refuse?"

Mu Li woke up completely at this moment. He was really asleep just now, but he slept very lightly. Before Lin Qing reached his face, he felt the two eyes staring at him closely.

Don't say it, just don't want to see her run away again.

Mu Li raised her lips and rubbed her hair. His palms were always cold, but at this moment, the temperature remained because he had just taken a shower.

Lin Qing patted his hand away, and Mu Li took it back with a smile: "Don't shoot randomly, don't you want to go out?"

Lin Qing was puzzled, and followed the man's gaze. Mu Li pierced her body blocking the door, and heard a ding when he gripped the doorknob.

"" Fingerprint lock?

No wonder he is not worried about her leaving.

When did this man become so black?

Lin Qing was a little annoyed, but it was not easy to attack, she opened the door and went out. When she went out, she noticed the clock on the wall. The hour hand was between six and seven. Somehow, she murmured in her heart, as if something important had been ignored.

As soon as Lin Qing turned around after getting out of 2802, he heard a little man behind him who was still awake and said, "Mummy, are you swollen here?"

Lin Qing remembered something, and she almost forgot that it was a habit for Orange to come to the door every morning to pick up gifts.

"Orange Orange" Lin Qing turned to stand, and the words behind her were drowned in the solitude of the eyes.

Dai Ze stood at the door of the house holding oranges, changed a pair of slippers, and only wore a dark blue shirt on his body. Apparently he had been here for a while.

He was panicked after the Cold War yesterday. Lin Qing didn't contact him. He didn't sleep all night. He knocked on the door at six o'clock, but opened the door alone.

When Orange opened the door, the first sentence asked: "Uncle Dai? What about my mum?"

Daze knew about the gift from the mysterious uncle, and when the time came, he held Orange to the door.

Unexpectedly, the moment I opened the door, I saw the scene in front of me.

No need to think about it, it must be Mu Li who lives next door.

Dai Ze's bottom was suddenly gloomy, Lin Qing was wearing pajamas.

"Dai Ze, why are you here?" Lin Qing glanced down and knew that the explanation was unclear.

"If I don't come, how can I see you come out from there?" Dai Ze evoked unfamiliar bitterness, his heart hurting, his feet were nailed to the ground.

He never expected to see such a picture, he even subconsciously blocked the orange eyes. But he looked at her for a second, and it hurt a second.

"He drank too much yesterday, and I was afraid he would wake him up before sending him back." Lin Qing hesitated and decided to explain. Believe it or not, she added, "He lives next door."

"So, who is the one who gives you flowers every day?"

Lin Qing suddenly raised her eyes, and then looked at the orange to understand the reason.

"Yes." She couldn't deny.

Dai Ze held the orange and stepped forward, and the orange was embracing the man's neck with an expression that was completely incomprehensible.

Is mommy swollen?

Dai Ze's eyes were dark, a look that Lin Qing had never seen.


Thinking of yesterday's Cold War, Lin Qing took the lead in concessions. If this can get his trust and relief--

The door behind him suddenly opened again, and Lin Qing's heart shook unconsciously.

The man's voice was lazy, mixed with a smile and ambiguous. He was still leaning against the door in his pajamas, and when he raised his hand, he had a key ring on his index finger: "Your key is on the sofa."

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