The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 251: The ability to force her to despair

Lu Xiao smiled: "Don't you be very opposed before?"

"I just worry that he is not serious about you, and it will be you who gets hurt." Lin Qingsi and his initial concerns, "But since he can stay with you for five years, maybe I am more attentive."

Lu Xiao naturally understood what Lin Qing meant: "No, even if he is sincere, I won't accept him. I have very different identities with him, and there is no possibility of being together."

"Lu Xiao"

"Well, why did you suddenly change your stance? Don't talk about him, let's go around." Lu Xiao interrupted, she recovered a little spirit, Lin Qing seemed to see Lu Xiao five years ago, she My heart moved slightly, and Ling Anan was not mentioned next.

The phone was shoved back into the bag, shaken dozens of times and not connected.

Ling Annan stood in front of Lu Xiao's house, and threw the key in his hand to the ground, speechless to the limit.

"Fuck, even the chains have changed."

Lin Qing's person was really poisonous. You must let Mu Li collect her early!

For a long time did not go to the mall with Lu Xiao, the two returned the goods, Lin Qing drove Lu Xiao downstairs.

"It's getting late, you don't have to go up, and come back the other day, I will treat you specially." Lu Xiaochao Lin Qing waved her hand and did not let her get out of the car.

Lin Qing was also very polite, pointing to various commodity bags in Lu Xiao's hand: "Let's go next time."

Lu Xiao answered and watched Lin Qing's car drive away.

She got on the elevator, and Lu Xiao's body shook slightly when the elevator door opened again. The man stood outside the elevator and waited for her home with a gloomy face.

"You" Lu Xiao was dumb, Ling Annan's hand holding a dozen bags was severely grasped, Ling Annan dragged her out of the elevator.

"Lu Xiao, are you capable?"

Lin Qing dumped the car into the parking space and carried the big bag upstairs.

Opening the door, a bunch of bright red roses filled the eyes.

"Lin Qing, marry me."

Dai Ze's magnetic voice came from behind the rose, and Lin Qing's bag dropped all over.

"Dai Ze, you" saw the man kneeling on one knee, Lin Qing jumped sharply, she saw the man's eyes exposed from behind the rose, and the gentle pet in his eyes was drowned.

"I made a big problem before. I thought about it in the past two days. No one in your life can change. I don't have to be true in those things. As long as you have me in the future, I will be satisfied. Raised to Lin Qing's chest, the extreme red covered the eyes.

Lin Qing did not expect that he would take the initiative to make concessions. He still did so, his heart trembling slightly: "Dai Ze"

She remembered the divorce conditions proposed by the man last night, and knew that once they had spoken, they could not look back.

She wanted to divorce, she wanted to go crazy, but she didn't want to hurt Deze.

Deze didn't know the woman's mind, and when she saw her expression, she thought she was shocked. He smiled, "So, can you give me a chance to take care of you?"

Lin Qing avoided this question: "Aren't you always taking care of me and Orange?"

"You should understand what I mean. I don't want to just look at you like I did before. I want to own you, Lin Qing, and truly own you." Deze's tone made Lin Qing almost heartbreaking.

She could never say that again.

"Daze, haven't we already said? I will accept you."

"But I want you to agree now." Daze was stubborn today. "What's your answer?"

"I" Lin Qing hesitated.

The elevator behind stopped and the elevator door opened, and the man stepped out of the compartment and saw the romantic scene in front of him.

Red rose, kneeling on one knee, is this marriage proposal?

Mu Lijun's face froze for a moment. Is Lin Qing accepting someone's proposal?

Does she even know that she is Mrs. Mu!

Mu Li stepped forward and dragged Lin Qing out of the threshold, pressed into his arms and held tightly: "Mrs. Mu, what are you doing?"

Lin Qing fell into his arms before seeing the man, struggling to push him away.

"Did you think about what I said last night?" Mu Li smiled angrily. "As long as you speak, I promise at any time."

"You know my answer." Lin Qing secretly thought that the man was abominable, and he deliberately made Dai Ze misunderstand.

"Really?" Mu Li coldly glanced at Dai Ze. Dai Ze had stood up and couldn't hide his doubts in his eyes. He pressed his palm against the wall beside the door and stood on Lin Qing's side. Just take the son away. Anyway, since you want to marry another man, who knows if he will be good to my son in the future? "

Lin Qing met his gaze: "Impossible!"

Mu Li gathered her expression: "Lin Qing, I told you one last time that my son can only be raised by me."

"He is also my son!"

Mu Li retracted her arm, her back straight down and looked at her: "Then you come back to me."

Mu Li dropped this sentence and entered 2802 without giving Lin Qing a chance to speak again.

Lin Qing looked at the man's back, his eyebrows narrowed tightly.

This man always has the ability to force her to despair.

"Come in." Dai Ze took the flower in one hand and pulled Lin Qing back home.

On the coffee table, Lin Qing put the bunch of roses into the bottle, and the water droplets on the delicate roses were plump, sometimes sliding down the petals.

However, the atmosphere in the living room is not as warm as the aroma of the room.

Dai Ze pursed his lips tightly. Even though he could see people's hearts in the business field, he lost all his skills when he came to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing sat beside him several times and wanted to speak.

"Let's have lunch with me tomorrow." Dai Ze set his eyes on the bouquet, and finally spit out when he was bored.

Lin Qing was still thinking about Mu Li's words last night, but she didn't return to her mind for a moment, she looked for two seconds and dimly heard Dai Ze's voice before raising her eyes: "What?"

Dai Ze's eyes were dark, and there was still a smile on his face: "Tomorrow, I want to take you out for dinner."

"Oh." Lin Qing replied, still a little bit distracted.

When going out to eat, Dai Ze had something to hide from Lin Qing. He wanted Lin Qing to meet his mother who had just returned to China.

Originally Lin Qing had a hard time with Orange. Before he divorced Mu, he knew it was not the best time. But Dai Ze couldn't wait for a moment. He was afraid that Lin Qing would let go of his hand the next second.

He didn't know that it was this decision that pushed Lin Qing completely away, and created a gulf that they couldn't bridge.

Lin Qing thought it was so simple to eat a meal and didn't prepare anything specially. The next day was almost noon, and Dai Ze took her hand into the booked restaurant.

Lin Qingjian was a very high-grade restaurant, jokingly raised her eyebrows: "Why did you suddenly come to eat in such a good place? Any place to bribe me?"

Dai Ze rubbed her hair with a smile and rubbed her hair. As before, Dr. Lin Qing noticed an unusual look from the eyes of men.

He seems to be cautious in every expression today.

Lin Qing only thought that he was more attentive. As Dai Ze walked out of the box, the waiter opened the carved lacquered door. The scenery inside the box was unobstructed.

Lin Qingzheng and Dai Ze said this. After seeing Dai Ze stop for two steps, she turned her head and looked into the box. She saw a woman with elegant makeup sitting on the main seat, and looked at the door with great interest. people.

Lin Qing frowned slightly, and the woman in the box frowned.

Apparently, the two had met one another not long ago. The new daughter-in-law was still in the ear, and Lin Qing stabbed in his heart.

"Mom, you came so early." Dai Ze took Lin Qing's hand and took her to the dining table. "This is Lin Qing. I mentioned it to you before. She is my marriage partner."

The woman's face grew colder. Seeing that Dai Ze was about to take Lin Qing into the seat and patted it on the dining table, the tableware made a sound of porcelain collision: "Dai Ze, you were so angry with me for the year ?! "

"Mom, how can I take such a thing at you?" Daze didn't understand why, and wondered why her mother was so angry. "Don't you keep reminding me before? I brought her here to meet someone."

"See someone? I'm afraid it's scary." Mother Dai sneered, but before she mistakenly recognized Lin Qing as Mu's new daughter-in-law, it was an old one, but the married woman dared to come Boldly seduce her son?

Others did not know the complexity, and naturally became more jealous of their relationship. Lin Qing had thought about these early, but did not expect that it was Dai Ze's mother who was the first to anger.

And this time, she seemed to be poked at the pain. Mu Li acknowledged her identity in front of Dai mother at the time, and she did not explain.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Haven't I said anything about Lin Qing before, and you didn't oppose it at the time." Dai Ze saw that the situation was wrong and protected Lin Qing in his arms.

"At that time?" Mother Dai didn't intend to leave Lin Qing with a little face, but she still remembered the arrogant appearance of Master Mu at the time. "At that time, I didn't know the identity of this woman. Otherwise, our Dai family would not dare to climb high . Don't say she is still carrying a child, even if she is alone, we cannot afford to marry. "

"Mom." Deze has noticed that there is nothing wrong, but he has previously explored his mother's tone. It seems that the mother does not understand Lin Qing. Why did she completely change her attitude when she met today?

"Don't say it, if you are determined to marry her, and you want to use this meal to make me promise, I will put the words here today, as long as I am your mother, I will not agree." She slaps her on the table, her anger is already showing, and she can't even say one more.

Such a decisive decision overturned Dai Ze's decision. For the first time, Dai Ze's always moist eyes were cold. He smiled, lowered his arms around Lin Qing, replaced them with hands, and stretched his legs into the seat. He sat down and pulled down Lin Qing's arm.

"Sit down." To Lin Qing, his tone was still gentle.

Lin Qing was stiff and didn't sit down. Dezella couldn't move her, only to see Lin Qing's firmness and alienation.

"Auntie, I know you're angry with me, and I can't explain more, because that's the truth, but please don't get angry with Dai Ze, this thing has nothing to do with him, he was caught in the drum." Lin Qing's voice was indifferent for a moment, and Deze suddenly felt a bad feeling. He raised his eyes and couldn't stop it. He just listened to Lin Qing saying, "Yes, I'm married to someone now, so I don't plan to go with Deze either. Together, today I am here to make this clear. "

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