His handsome face was tight, and a low-pitched voice came out of his throat: "Lin Qing, are you intentional?"

Lin Qing looked like a man's handsome face with boneless fingers, and the heat came from his fingertips: "The lieutenant called me on the way back, and he acknowledged it wrong, and said that you were injured and had a slight concussion, so pay attention to rest. I have to think about you. "

She touched his face more and more arousing the feeling of a man, and he couldn't eat.

Mu Li pressed her hand to her, pulled her lips to hold her fingers: "What kind of injury is this, are you still uneasy about your man?"

Lin Qing pulled his hand back in earnest: "That wouldn't work either. I'm restless these days, and now it's so easy to see that you're all right, I don't want to worry about it anymore."

This statement undoubtedly stimulated the nerves of the man, but seeing Lin Qing's eyes really worried, and his heart was hot again.

She was scared, she was really scared.

If he had been pushed out of the operating room today, Lin Qing would surely have exhausted the strength of his speech. How could he be ashamed of him like he is now?

Mu Li also understood, pulled her into her arms and kissed her to the top: "I'll be fine, Lin Qing, have confidence in your man."

But he didn't know that being confident and worrying were two different things at all.

Lin Qing recalled the days when men were out of touch, and she couldn't even remember how she had spent the whole day, trembling with horror. Especially Ling Annan's words undoubtedly buried a bomb in her heart. If Mu Li really disappears for a few months, will she go crazy?

The restless hand pulled back her thoughts, and Lin Qing shot it mercilessly: "Don't mess around."

She was really worried about his body.

Mu Li couldn't help, thin lips harassed her hairline down: "Lin Qing, wife, Mrs. Mu."

Lin Qing looked up and narrowed his eyes: "It's no use shouting."

Mu Li lowered her black eyes and hugged her tighter, but just kissed the corners of her lips with no other movement.

Lin Qing felt that something was wrong with him, and met his eyes: "A headache?"

Mu Li laughed: "I'm so vulnerable? It's not the first time I got hurt. You should have been used to it."

Lin Qing's eyes were dark and he looked away: "I can't get used to this kind of thing."

"Lin Qing." Mu Li exhaled lightly, resting her chin on the woman's neck, "Sorry, I worried you."

Lin Qing shook her head: "The body is yours, you know your condition, but I do n’t know. You may not think of my fear these days. Every time the phone rings, I subconsciously think that you have news. And I do n’t know where to find you. "

After hearing this, Mu Li's black eyes looked at her, only to feel that indescribable feeling spread from his whole body, he held her tighter, as if to be embedded in the bone marrow.

The man was undoubtedly ecstatic. He only thought that Lin Qing had just accepted himself at this time, but he did not expect that she would give this response.

"I'll tell you wherever I go in the future."

Lin Qing didn't push him away this time, and let Mu Li hold him. They owed each other a warm hug. Although it was a bit late, fortunately, they still kept a true companion.

She was lucky to meet this man.

Mu Li pierced her big palm into her clothes, and said a few words: "If something really happened today, what would you do?"

Lin Qing's eyes glared and covered his mouth: "No such if."

Mu Li opened his eyes, pulled her away and pressed it against his chest. "I just make an assumption, what if?"

He wanted her to think about this terrible assumption.

Lin Qing lowered her eyes, and her eyelashes were sparse: "If that's the case, I'll stay with you."

Mu Li didn't think about her answer for a moment: "I mean, if I'm seriously injured, or yes"

Lin Qing has interrupted him: "I will accompany you, Mu Li."

Mu Li was so surprised by her words that her body suddenly stunned: "No, I don't allow you to have such thoughts, all of them are forgotten by me."

"why not?"

"You are mine, and I can't do it if I say no." When the man was domineering, his black eyes were narrowed, and the deep sorrow became even more confusing.

Lin Qing learned the way he kissed the corner of his lips, his voice drifted lightly to his ears: "Because I am yours, I will follow you wherever you go."

The hand clinging to her waistline suddenly tightened.

This time, she did not deliberately rush him. The two were frank to this point. In the soft and lingering atmosphere, an impulse such as a sleepy beast eager to break through the cage was triggered.

The fire on Lin Qing's body was also provoked, and the two bodies could fit perfectly. The man demanded an inexhaustible kiss, and Lin Qing only felt that his tongue was numb.

"It hurts," Lin Qing frowned slightly. "You lightly."

A word made the man unable to resist, Mu Li pressed her round shoulders and fell to the bed.

Lin Qing rounded his shoulders from his armpit to deepen the kiss, Mu Li was humming with her excitement, Lin Qing's blurred eyes were sober, she opened her eyes and held his impetuous hand: "What's wrong? Where is it? Uncomfortable? "

Mu Li cried and laughed because of her caution, biting her lips in punishment: "It's uncomfortable."

auzw.com Lin Qingyan looked serious and wanted to push the man away, but he listened to the extremely unpleasant low-charm voice whispering to his ears: "I don't feel well now, you have to take responsibility."

This time it was replaced by Lin Qing's eyes. She bit her head on his shoulder, leaving crimson and ambiguous tooth marks. Mu Li laughed softly, and saw that the little tiger finally showed his paw, and after several ignitions finally tame her, Lin Qing suddenly nudged his shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Mu Li deeply kissed her neck without raising her head, and there was an uncontrollable annoyance in her voice. "I'm so good, don't you really think that little injury can affect me?" "

"No." Lin Qing's throat was dumb, apparently uncomfortable, "Orange is still outside."

"He's watching anime, and he won't come over for a while." Mu Li had already had time, and he intentionally locked the door from the inside when he came in, and he buried his head in her chest.

Lin Qing was still not assured, thinking of Orange, he was hesitant about this: "Otherwise, let's forget it today."

Mu Li could hardly come up with a breath: "You are murdering your husband."

"How can it be so serious?" Lin Qing ducked away from the kiss he wanted to punish, and when she tilted her head, the kiss fell on her lips with precision, "I'm afraid that if Orange hears anything outside, absolutely not."

Lin Qing was about to get up.

"Do you dare to say no to your man? I should show you the consequences of saying this."

Mu Li refused to let her go this time, and suddenly increased her strength on her slender waist. Lin Qing shouted out of breath, biting her lip and still overflowing broken Jiao Yin.

Men only think that their sons are not so smart and motivated.

There was a crisp knock outside the door: "Daddy, Mummy, are you still moaning?"

"" Mu Lijun's face was instantly gloomy, handing Lin Qing's wrist over her head, "Don't make a noise."

Lin Qing was uncomfortable with this posture. Her shirt had been lifted to her chest, and the whole body shook when the air conditioner blew: "We haven't been out yet, can we not find Orange?"

Mu Li frowned, and her voice was hard to hide, "I'll take you to the bathroom."

Lin Qing bit her lip: "I won't go!"

"Good, obedient, just go to the bathroom." The man was about to say it, and suddenly remembered that it was lying on his side. There was no bathroom in the room at all.

Lin Qing couldn't bite the stimulus: "Huh"

The man was tense and tense.

However, Lin Qing refused to say anything and said that he would not let him continue to do anything. At this time, Mu Li really suspected of having a son in the way: "Would you like to send Orange Orange to my parents for a while?"

Lin Qingqi was desperate: "Mu Li, he is your son."

"I know he is my son, but he should be punished if he delays the good of Lao Tzu."

The knock on the outside did not stop, but there was a gradual trend.

The man saw that this love could not be achieved, and pressed his face with a sigh of relief, "You shouldn't have a son."

Lin Qing was also repeatedly roasted with a heart: "I will not have a son because of you?"

"Then you shouldn't have a son, it's still so noisy." Mu Li was extremely depressed, and the muted sound was buried in her neck.

"Mummy Daddy, are you cute? You're a **** horse? Can't you open the door for **** horse?" Orange Orange patted the paint door with his little hand, and he shot a hole.

Lin Qing pushed the man: "Come on and open the door for his son. He will be unhappy if he takes too long."

"Before he started, he thought it was a long time, and really did what he couldn't do--" Mu Li's chest was stabbed hard, and he had to converge. "I'm not happy either, will you coax me?"

Lin Qing broke free from his arms: "How old are you, naive?"

Seeing that she really wanted to get up, Mu Li held her back unconsciously and pressed on the bed: "Are you really not going to do it?"

"You can't stand it?" Lin Qing broke his hand away without much effort.

Mu Li turned over and lay on her side, the heat under her eyes could burn her to death: "You really have the heart to let me choke, what should I do if I choke?"

Lin Qing stood in front of the dressing mirror and fixed the neckline, blocking the traces of those shameful people before looking at him from the mirror: "How can you break it so easily? Besides, Mu Li, don't you think I'm cruel? Let you hold on Hesitated. "

Mu Li's exquisite handsome face was filled with desire and dissatisfaction. At this moment, he shone brightly under the clear yellow lamp. He frowned: "When did I think you were cruel?"

Lin Qing shot him with a temper and said, "Ling Annan said last time, when you drank with him, I said that I wouldn't put you in my eyes, and I would be ruthless and inhuman to you."

Mu Li sank his face: "He really said that?"

Lin Qing grew more and more uncomfortable, although not the same as the original meaning: "If you don't believe me, ask him to go."

Thinking that the goods must be idle and boring, now dare to lie to his wife, Mu Li turned up and sat next to the bed and said, "Do you believe what he said? I lie to you."

"He's nothing to lie to me for?" Lin Qing said casually. "Is it because he has caught your handle so arrogantly?"

"Who knows?" Mu Li didn't take it to heart either. "Maybe he's always uncertain about the road, and he doesn't want to see us both well."

Lin Qing thought and felt reasonable, and laughed, "You say that, but he is your brother."

Mu Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and his fire could not be vented. He went to the mirror and hugged the woman's thin waist, and his thin lips followed the trend and said, "You are my wife, and naturally you are the most important."

Lin Qing pushed away the man's handsome face and walked toward the door and said, "Be careful, don't do anything unsightly, let me know if I can spare you."

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