Mu Li raised his leg and left.

"Hey, this medicine must not be irritating after taking it." The woman Xu Yi shouted at him again, smiled ambiguously, sitting on the swivel chair, picking the tip of the shoe, and added when he turned, "More stimulating.

Mu Li's face was cold, and he saw that the woman's eyes were shining brightly, and his face was full of speculation, and he wanted to draw more and more: "If you have something, just finish it once."

"Coincidentally, I just got a shot." The woman clasped her hands, raised two fine eyebrows, and stood up with a eager expression, and walked over, "Do you want to try it, after the second injection?" Can you quit? "

Mu Li couldn't bear it and broke away.

I went to the hospital the next day, and after an examination, Lin Qing heard the doctor say, "Everything is OK."

"Did the previous amnesia have any effect?"

"Nothing at all." The chief doctor handed the list over, "Captain Mu will come to check regularly, and there are records here."

After Lin Qing exhaled heavily, tense nerves relaxed, half of his body leaned on the man.

"I said it." Mu Li looked down, Lin Qing pinned the hair on the cheek side behind her ears, and the ease in her heart was self-evident.

She had not been injured in other examinations before, and she seemed to be more attentive.

After rain, the sky is sunny, and the streets are drenched with sunshine. Although it is cold, the sky is clear. After leaving the hospital, Mu Li took her around, the window pulled down the gap, and the cold and comfortable air penetrated into the lungs, fresh and pleasant.

At this time, it is good to see everything.

Lin Qing took off the silk scarf, wrapped it around the palm of her hand twice, and stretched out the window. The silk scarf floated in the wind. The soft lines and delicate feel made her reluctant to take it back.

The man noticed her movement, grabbed her waist and pulled back: "You can't be careful."

His tone was slightly impetuous, Lin Qing closed the window, and the scarf was no longer around. She turned to see the man with a dark complexion and a slightly raised forehead, "I know you're fine, I'm happy."

With a little coquettishness, Lin Qing sat down honestly, her hands flat on her lap and her fingertips bounced: "Where are you going now, husband?"

The man's eyebrows were loose, and his feet raised speed: "Take you for a ride."

After taking the medicine, the anger that could not be restrained when the addiction was apparently improved, and unlike the loss of too much strength at first, there was no more pain in the nerves, and it had never spread easily to the limbs.

Lin Qingwaner, the street scenes on both sides quickly reversed, and the speed seemed to be getting faster and faster. At a crossroad in front, a car suddenly emerged from the side, Lin Qing was frightened and tightened his seat belt: "Be careful."

The man turned the steering wheel and ran into the green belt.

Lin Qing's body rushed forward with inertia and was pulled back hard by the seat belt. She calmed down and turned to look at Mu Li, looking nervous: "Is everything right?"

Mu Li was also grabbing her wrist, rest assured that she was fine, he clenched tightly, leaving a few fingerprints when he released it.

The car had long since disappeared, Mu Li made a few phone calls and the car was dragged for repair, and the two took a taxi home.

"Don't hurt?" The man checked her back and forth before getting on the car.

Lin Qing shook her head, opened the door and got in. Mu Li stepped in, and took it when the door was closed. He murmured, showing irritability.

The driver's personality was enthusiastic and good at talking. When he saw that the young couple was chatting, Lin Qing was quite happy to answer the words. Mu Li's face was slightly dizzy and he glanced into the rearview mirror. After a while, the driver concentrated on driving and did not speak again.

Lin Qing seemed aware, leaning lightly on his shoulder.

Walking halfway, Lin Qing swept out of the window and suddenly shouted, "Stop."

The taxi stopped at the side of the road, Lin Qing got around the man and got out of the car. He dragged him to a small shop on the side of the road: "This shop's little sister-in-law is very delicious." She looked up and added a close nickname.

He rarely took her to eat in a small shop. He used to say it was for her, but now he is healthy for his son.

In fact, it ’s okay to eat once in a while.

Lin Qing picked the seat next to the door. The shop was full of wooden tables. The facilities were simple and the environment was okay. It was just renovated, clean and tidy, and the menus were all new.

Mu Li sat down opposite her and didn't mind.

Ordered two small crickets, the boss quickly served them, Lin Qing had an appetite, took a spoon and handed it to Mu Li: "Taste it, I like it best."

Hearing this sentence, the man's look eased a little, he never came to such a small street shop, but since she likes it, he is also happy to taste.

The aroma was tangy, Lin Qing drank the soup, and her small face spread out with satisfaction. Her pores were all dilated and smooth. She bit her mouth and looked up from the bowl. "The taste has not changed at all, and I like the faint taste of pepper in the soup. . "

Mu Li also scooped a spoon while she was drinking soup. When she heard her, the spoon was delivered to her mouth.

The stimulus of pepper penetrated into the cavity, and his expression changed slightly. He saw that she was eating happily. The man's thin lips were light and his other palm was clenching his fist under the table.

After shaving, fist is released.

"Isn't it delicious?" Lin Qing ate half. After seeing him take a bite, he didn't move the spoon. He moved his bowl and tasted it. "It tastes the same, it's very good."

He grabbed her gaze with an unclear smile, Lin Qing asked with his eyes, and he stared at her again for a long while: "You like to eat spicy food now, do you want to have a daughter?"

The clerk was a little girl, looking at Lin Qing with a smile while passing, Lin Qing pushed the bowl back, "Eat yours."

Lin Qing is familiar with what he eats and does not eat. The man did not mention that he can no longer eat peppers and peppers. At this time, she did not expect to have taboos.

After Lin Qing finished eating, it felt wasteful to see the man did n’t eat a few mouthfuls. Mu Li waved at her, and she sat next to him in a different position: "Do you really dislike it?"

She is not uncomfortable. The men she packs at home do not eat any food. Maybe she really doesn't like the small shop outside.

Mu Liyi sent a cricket to her lips, Lin Qing shook her head: "I'm full."

The spoon was stuffed into her mouth, and the rich soup taste was tempting. She ate it in accordance with his movements and would feed him again when he saw him.

"Are you addicted?"

The man was a little sensitive to these two words, and his eyes were surging without any trace, and he scooped up again: "Don't waste."

Lin Qing raised her eyebrows and was really full. She pursed her lips, the soup infiltrated her lips, and she sulked. "Why don't you eat?"

"You eat," the man said solemnly, plucking her lips and sending in, "I eat you."

"Heck--" Lin Qing almost spit out, blocking it with her hands, Mu Li smiled and used her handkerchief to print the corners of her mouth.

Can you pay attention to the influence of this large crowd?

Most of the bowl of crickets were fed by the man with such a spoonful, and Lin Qing walked out of the store and struggled. "Good support."

They all say that women eat food, but they ca n’t feed it that way.

The man couldn't wait in front, seeing her like this, walked back and hugged.

Bai Xuan went out early in the morning, as usual, and worked three part-time jobs a day, but his salary was too low to vomit blood. She charged the phone bill next to the bus stop and checked for any missing phone alerts as soon as possible.

A Zhi never contacted.

Her daughter!

Bai Xuan hated her teeth and had sour eyes. That day, she was going to take her daughter out of city A completely, but Chen Qudong!

An endless darkness of suffocation opened from the bottom of her heart, as shrouded in a huge dark curtain, she clenched her fists in the cold wind and kicked the stones beside her hate.

I remembered that I had been out with Liang Ruoyi a few days ago and I was looking forward to threatening the woman to save her child. But after listening to her, Yun Danfeng drank the coffee lightly and pressed a hundred under the saucer: "I have died once People have long had no reputation. I ca n’t really help you with finding children. "

Before leaving, Liang Ruoyi still left her a bag of money, Bai Xuan took the money out of the coffee shop, only felt hot.

She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and held the money in her arms. She didn't want to wait for a moment, but she really had to wait until A Zhi was arrested.

Afraid, A Zhi used hostages as hostages, he couldn't escape.

When the bus entered the station, Bai Xuan got into the car with a group of people and walked to the last row to find a place. As soon as she sat down, she bounced up and screamed at the strange man next to her: "Dare you touch me!"

A loud shout attracted a lot of attention. The man put down his phone and looked up with cold eyes: "Someone who touches you."

"Dare to say it's not you?" Bai Xuan pointed to her thigh, and her skirt and pantyhose were thin and thin, indeed recruiting people. "Perverted, dare not admit it after touching it?"

The man wanted to speak back, the phone vibrated, and a text message came in. Bai Xuan glanced at the words and sneered: "I have a girlfriend who touches other women, do you want to face?"

"Fuck, it's just like that, I don't have to touch it."

"You!" Bai Xuan angrily pointed at the man.

The man dodged a little anxiety, and the more eyes he cast on this side, he just touched it by hand. Who knew that this woman was so sensitive, she should blame it, and blame her for wearing so little on such a cold day. Does anyone touch it?

Bai Xuan was stuck in her seat and her chest was violently ups and downs. Why was it unfair to her and she bullied her? She had nothing and had to be touched in a bus?

She was furious, grabbed the man's cell phone, and slammed to the ground. The man was irritated and suddenly got up. His tall figure blocked Bai Xuan's entire sight.

"Don't shame your face."

The man raised his hand, and slapped it with a slap, breaking the tension with a click.

Bai Xuan and the man turned back at the same time, and saw a woman with black hair and shoulders facing her with her mobile phone, and the shutter sounded again, "Want to make a headline? My newspaper."

The man withdrew his hand, and the passengers inside the car pointed and talked continuously. After arriving at the station, he picked up his mobile phone and jumped out of the car, leaving the station quickly.

Bai Xuan sat down. At this time, there were too many people in the car to move, and the woman who helped her was seated in a single seat, separated from her by a row.

Lu Xiaowei raised his head, the sun was a little harsh, and the weather was not bad today. Ling Annan had to drive out early in the morning. She thought that she hadn't taken the bus for a long time and let him go first.

Ling Annan reluctantly, tired at the door of the house for a while before letting people go, as a result, she was catching up with the bus crowd.

She didn't know if the woman had been taken advantage of, but only a few glances were similar to Lin Qing, which helped.

In a noisy bus, the mobile phone rang, and Lu Xiao didn't have to watch when he heard a specific ringtone: "Has he arrived at the company?"

"Just arrived." The man was still sulking. "Are you there yet?"

Lu Xiao looked out of the window, and the glass showed a figure. She seemed to have a pair of eyes to catch her eyes. She didn't care: "Today I had a meeting with Lin Qing, did you forget?"

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