Lin Qing yawned, drowsily, opened his eyes and thought it was an illusion.

He seems to have lost a lot of weight.

"Are you busy in returning to the army this time?" Lin Qing lifted his hand and drank a handful of cold water to keep himself awake. After the wash, the man handed the towel over, and she caught it. Open your eyes.

He was really thin in the mirror.

"Not busy." Mu Li leaned on the sink and saw her go out before she opened her legs, took a step and stopped, turned her head, and looked into the mirror an inch deeper.

"Just be busy." Lin Qing opened the refrigerator door and handed him a bottle of yogurt. He always had this brand of yogurt. "I'll make you a big meal tonight."

Mu Li unscrewed the lid and sipped, seeing that she was still standing, holding the mouth of the bottle against her lip, the bottle was tilted, and the thick white liquid flowed in along the corner of her slightly opened mouth.

Cold in the stomach and pure in taste, Lin Qing almost frowned, and pushed his hand away with the tip of his eyebrow: "I don't like to drink this."

"Really?" The man didn't mind it and walked away drinking yogurt. "It looks like you like to drink something similar, especially at night."

Lin Qing was turning the fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, and she didn't return her head: "When will I." Before she finished, she stunned, her ears burning red.

When did she get there? When?

Seeing Mu Li had gone far, Lin Qingzhu held him back: "Mu Li, why don't you have a surname?"

Mu Li stood at the door of the study, leaning against the door frame, and opened her eyes as she held a tomato in each hand: "I didn't say anything, you think too much."

When he returned to the army for a long time, the first meal he had to go home must be a dinner cooked by Lin Qing himself.

Mu Li returned to the army that day. The next day, Shen Yuhe picked up Orange and said that he wanted to take it for a few days. Lin Qing did not expect the man to return so early, and he had not had time to pick up his son.

She just called and said that it was late today and waited for the driver to send Orange back tomorrow.

At a table full of dinner, Lin Qing poured red wine into the glasses he usually uses. They always do this, regardless of too many forms, but the atmosphere should be there.

The man probably forgot that he thought it was the usual fruit juice. He held it and drank it, and the dark red liquid slipped into his throat. Then he realized that it was wine.

Compared with white wine, red wine is mild, full-bodied, warm and ambiguous, Lin Qing also tasted, and his lips stained red: "I haven't tasted this brand before, how does it taste?"

The man shook his fingers lightly. "What's wrong?"

"It's convenient." Lin Qing frowned, and the warm light reflected a bit of intoxication. "The son of the wine glass always wanted to touch when he saw it, for fear that he would break his hand. By the way, pick him back tomorrow, don't forget . "

He laughed: "Like his wife and wife."

"But isn't it? The sons are so old."

"The son is so old, but we haven't really been together for a long time." Mu Li lowered the wine glass and started to pick her vegetables. "Go back and make up for the honeymoon."

"Speaking of dreams." Lin Qingxi laughed loudly and saw that he was sweating. The heating temperature in the room was not too hot. He wiped his forehead, stopped his hand, and stroked his eyebrows. "You seem to really I've lost a lot of weight, and it's only been a week. "

The man took her hand. "Let me make up for it tonight."

"Take a rest early if you are tired, and just come back to work and rest." Lin Qing took the chopsticks and tasted her craftsmanship. Although he didn't say anything on his mouth, he always avoided spicy food. She simply didn't touch the pepper later. In the first category, tonight's dishes are all light and delicious, with a variety of patterns.

She also thought about it. He didn't want to say something. She didn't need to keep up. He had his reasons. She just needed to believe him.

His identity is higher than that of others, he is in control of his power, and it is normal to have emotional ups and downs. He has been with him for so long, but she is not used to this.

She also wanted to understand these days. As long as he was there and he was fine, she would be content.

Slightly distracted, a peeled shrimp was stuffed into the mouth, Lin Qing bit his mouth, and the shrimp was delicious. "It's delicious, the cooking is good."

"It's really narcissistic." The man focused on the shrimp, without raising his head.

There was another one in the bowl, and Lin Qing held his hand with chopsticks to block his hand: "Hurry up and eat it all for you."

"Different, you eat what I eat." After peeling the shrimp, he took off the disposable gloves, poured the wine and touched her glass, Lin Qing touched with his movement, his wrist was caught, and he drank a cup. .

The lips of the glass were gently pressed on the lips. When released, the wine in the mouth could swallow in the future, the lips were tightly sealed, and the red wine flowed from the corners of the mouth, moisturizing everywhere.

The long kiss was irritating, and her hands gradually clasped his back.

She touched the sweat in his forehead and frowned slightly, and the man pulled her hand in time. "Eat first, you made it, don't waste it."

Lin Qingwaner, confused by the atmosphere at this time, forgot to ask again.

A bottle of red wine bottomed out quickly, and the meal was almost the same. She packed up and went back to the bedroom. The man had just taken a shower and walked to the bathroom door.

There was a bath towel around his waist, and his abdominal muscles rolled over water drops. Lin Qing stepped forward and wiped him with a towel. His fingertips passed, and his heart felt strange.

After wiping the skin, a thin layer of sweat was exuded.

"What are you doing?" Raising her head, blocking her words before she could say anything, the man kissed her step by step back, and hit her on the edge of the bed with her leg bent.

She squinted and pretended to break free, but accidentally touched his bath towel.

A low-fascinated laughter above his head: "Wife, don't worry."

The latter words were blurred in his lips, and he was so energetic that he didn't get quiet until the middle of the night.

In the bar, the dj waved his arm rhythmically, the crowd was restless, the excited nerves were ignited to the apex, and the men's roaring noises continued.

On the stage, a few women danced hotly, pushing the atmosphere to climax.

In the box, the bartender pulled out the door and shut out the outside noise. The presenting players held their charming women in their arms, and raised the glass from the coffee table.

"Anan, how do you remember us today?" A man took a sip and poured the rest into his wife's mouth. The liquid overflowed.

The people next to him followed.

"No more thinking about it, just forget me one by one."

Ling Annan raised his eyes. The woman next to him didn't dare to close his body, and he didn't blame others for being timid. He didn't move a little, and he narrowed his eyes with a cold eye, which scared his gall.

Since establishing a relationship with Lu Xiao, he can avoid such places without contamination. The buddies I knew shouted how many times I couldn't lie to him. Today, he took the initiative to drill in.

Those people are not fuel-saving lamps. When they see this, they drank alcohol, and punished them for many cups.

He leaned on the sofa with his arm, untied his tie and leaned back in a leisurely manner, playing with his phone for a while.

The black screen reflected the man's face, and it could not be seen clearly in the dim light. For such a long time, there was not even a phone call.

It's really reassuring.

The woman beside him looked at his face carefully and said, a glass of wine handed over: "Ling Shao?" Slim fingers made nail art, and the gold sequins flickered in the dim light.

Fuck, Lu Xiao won't make these things.

Ling Annan raised his hand and overturned the glass.

Someone sneered and laughed: "How dare you forget you, and expect you to come back out of the rivers and lakes and dominate the world." When talking, the light in his eyes slammed on the body of the woman beside Ling Annan.

"Don't count on it." Ling Annan put a tip of her shoe on the coffee table and kicked the bottle.

Which one here is not following him before?

"Well, you don't have to pretend, who doesn't know that you have a deep experience, and no one can break the record." A group of people became more able to talk, and their mouths became used to it.

Ling Annan has never justified on this kind of issue. Although he used to play, he also has some restraint, but the wind outside is spreading more and more wonderfully. Over time, he seems to be deified.

Playing in the box was high, and seeing him not having much interest did not affect the atmosphere. I wonder who was a slapstick for a while, and burst out laughing from time to time.

The female companions on the side were flushed and shy than one.

I can really install it.

Ling Annan is upset here.

The two had a bad temper the other day, and it wasn't a fight, but the Cold War was more nasty than a fight.

Who could have thought that the woman stuffed in the house was still the same, he remembered that she had used the woman to stimulate Lu Xiao before, and the woman's name had a strong accent with Lu Xiao.

He didn't take it seriously, but Lu Xiao didn't know what to do, and when he knew it, he became even colder. Both people have come this far, can he still be blinded by the flowers and plants drilled out of a stone crack?

"Anan, don't stare at your baby cellphone, come, drink." A close elbow smashed, and a glass of spirits was handed over.

Ling Anan was particularly sensitive to the word baby and drank it.

The phone suddenly vibrates.

His eyelids jumped in shock, the sharp screen suddenly dazzled, and the man stared at the name on the screen for a while before calming down.

The bottom of the pond suddenly burst into joy that could not be restrained. He slipped down to answer, and no one shook his hand and hung up.


"Xiao baby?" Awen glanced at the name on the screen, sly smirking, "It's sour, who is this baby?"

Ling Annan's face was slightly heavier, and her eyebrows became cold. Can this name be called by others?

He was about to have an attack, his cell phone was ringing, and he had no time to talk nonsense with these assholes.

"Hello?" His voice was dumb, and he was drunk when he heard it.

"When is home?" Lu Xiao's voice was calm.

She said to go home.

Ling Annan's anger suddenly disappeared and he coughed and pulled his tie. Since it was the Cold War, how could he put on a face and pretend to look like this.

"Busy, I can't go back for a while." He kept his voice cold, and couldn't hide the smile in his eyes. At the end, he added, "Don't sleep, wait for me to go home."

Lu Xiao couldn't stand it, and she had to go to work tomorrow morning. On the phone, she could tell where he was, and she turned on the TV and turned off the voice: "I don't sleep, you come back early."

The door of the box was pushed open from the outside, a figure was moving in, and the cellphone was against the ear: "I'm here."

Ling Annan narrowed her eyes and answered Lu Xiao's words, "OK."

Mo Xiaoxi glanced at the box for a week, and when she saw Ling Annan, the main character, she walked in the direction of him without putting down her cell phone.

At the tip of my eyes, I recognized Miss Mo's, and smiled at each other, why did they forget, only a while ago I heard that Ling Mo publicly announced that they were married?

There seems to be a Xiaoyin in Miss Mo's name.

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