Mu Li swept away with a cross leg and quickly shot, and A Zhi backed down again and again and was forced to resist.

A Zhi calculated time, obviously the man's body should reach the limit, otherwise he would not openly take risks, but now it seems that he did not respond so easily.

"Chen Qudong, I didn't invite you to come and see the fun." He yelled and was repelled to the wall.

Mu Li sneered, and did not give A Zhi a chance to speak again. He could fight, but A Zhi's leg was a drag. If we continue this way, we can quickly determine the winner.

Chen Qudong's voice came from a distance, and he couldn't hear the tone: "Sorry, I didn't bring what you asked for."

"Did you show me just now?"

"is fake."

A Zhiyan couldn't stop Mu Li's attack. He shot too hard, every time it was a fatal blow, and he was desperate after every defeat.

It's a pity that he hurt half of his leg, and he won't be defeated so easily.

Mu Li kicked A Zhi's injured leg, and A Zhi knelt to the ground. He tried to get up, but his knee was not strong enough.

Mu Li closed up: "Are you still fighting?"

A Zhi wiped out the scarlet corners of his mouth: "I didn't expect that you can still fight so far."

Mu Li Leng Gou's narrow eyes, ignored, and called to let Shen Cong lead the recovery. Only then did he see Lin Qing's incoming call. He was about to call back and his mobile phone was out of power.

Chen Qudong stood more than ten meters away, with a complex look. The girl had not fallen after A Zhi was captured.

Mu Li glanced at Chen Qudong's anxious thoughts, guessed a bit, and squinted his eyes, "What about that girl?"

A Zhiliang laughed: "You remember."

"Say it."

His body was unwell. Although he didn't show it, his mood was a bit twisted. If he looked closely, he could see the looming blue tendons.

"I don't know." A Zhi has been captured and it is impossible to reveal half a clue.

"Impossible." Chen Qudong tu said, "You showed me the evidence just now, and the girl is clearly in your hands."

"You haven't proven that what I want is with me."

Chen Qudong put his hands in his pockets, and touched something similar to a needle tube with nutrient solution inside, just in case it was used, I didn't expect this one was still there, but the real one was touched by Bai Xuan.

The cell phone was touched, presumably that was Bai Xuan's purpose.

A Zhi's eyes flickered, and his knees on the ground moved a few inches. Mu Li raised his leg to block his movement to pick up the wooden strips, as if casually mentioned: "Your daughter is doing well in the welfare institution. It must be like you. "

A Zhi's face was shocked, and he was no longer calm as before. He thought he was hiding well, but unexpectedly he dismantled: "How do you know?"

After speaking, he repented and bit his tongue.

Mu Li captured his look and kicked a few wooden bars away from his feet, making A Zhi unable to fight back again: "Your daughter, you should let her live well."

"Live alive?" A Zhidun taunted, turned his eyes to Chen Qudong, and then turned sharply. "I had expected that you would be defeated, and I didn't expect you to help me, but it was a pity that the girl had beautiful eyes."

Chen Qudong looked suddenly: "What did you say?"

"As soon as I get into trouble, she loses her eyes."

"She is your daughter."

"Just because I am a daughter, I will keep her alive." A Zhi's words are absolutely ruthless, not a joke.

Mu Li had seen the girl once, and at this time she also remembered that the dark eyes were pure and smart.

"Crazy." Mu Li heard frantic footsteps coming from behind him. He frowned, still looking at A Zhi who fell to the ground, but saw that A Zhi's face changed slightly. He couldn't express his emotions. Thin lips escaped, "If you really want to catch your daughter's life, it doesn't matter."

"I'm going to kill you." Someone suddenly screamed behind him.

Lin Qing left Orange at the Lin's house and said hello before going out again.

Mother Lin was washing the fruits and walking out of the kitchen with a plate: "Eat first"

Lin Qing had not disappeared when the words did not fall.

Dad Lin sat on the sofa and talked to Orange. He heard the sound and spread his hands. "You have a good daughter."

"Yes, just blame me." Mother Lin put the fruit plate on the coffee table, turned around and hurriedly took the coat to follow.

"Wife, where are you going?" Dad Lin shouted behind him and did not respond.

Lin Qing fastened her seatbelt. When she looked up and saw that Lin was going this way, she lowered her car window and pierced her head, glancing at the sky: "Mom, what are you still doing out there so cold, go back."

"You're going to find him." Mother Lin opened the door to see the mountain, and the woolen coat collar felt warmer. "Well, I got a call when I came out. He said that he had to go back to the army when something happened. I would go home and get something. I want to rush back."

"Don't lie to me." Mother Lin shook her head and leaned on the car window. "I can't see yet, you are so anxious to go out because he hasn't heard anything yet."

"Mom." Lin Qing froze between his throat, wondering how to speak.

"I know, you will go on whatever path you choose, and your dad is right," Mother Lin crossed the window and held the back of her hand. "Although I have a mustache in Mu ’s heart until now, there are two different things. I support you on this. "

Lin Qing inhaled gently: "Thank you, mom."

"You don't know yet, in fact, my dad and I ignored the objections of the family at the time. They had opinions about your dad and could not go home for a long time. Later, you were slowly accepted." Taking a step back, Lin Qing was surprised, and patted her hand with a smile. "So, since you have made your choice, you must be able to bear it."

Lin Qing drives to the main road. This is the shortest route to the seafood market. From time to time, she looks at the signal lights. Today, there seems to be a lot of red lights.

The road was very congested, she was a little anxious, went to a crossing and stared at the other side. She suddenly remembered the situation of being taken away that day, and turned after the green light.

She thought, if it was him, she might take a detour and take a look.

I was somewhat impressed by the way I walked. Lin Qing quickly groped to the place, parked the car beside Mu Li's car, and saw the freshness on the seat through the lowered window.

Even the car keys were not removed.

Lin Qing quickly returned to her heart, and heard that someone was arguing not far away, and her heart seemed to be pinched by a hand. She stepped forward and tried to stay calm as much as possible.

She saw four people standing there.

Mu Li turned around, and against the back of the old building, the almost crazy woman waved her hands, Bai Xuan raised the needle and pierced the sharp needle towards the man's arm.

She had no rules of movement, her eyes were crazy, her thumb was pushed down in a random way after the needle tip was pierced, and she did not know whether she had injected the liquid.

Mu Li's nerves suddenly tightened, her eyes stared at Bai Xuan, her movements were slowed down and she could see clearly. He took a fist and waved Bai Xuan away, and Bai Xuan's feet bumped and fell to the ground.

Mu Li pulled out the needle and threw it on the ground. He was about to step on it and was held by Bai Xuan's calf.

"Please return my daughter to me, please let him give it back to me." She said incoherently, despairing, she must have heard the words of Fang Cai, and was chaotic and rushed over to give Mu Li a shot .

She was totally unaware of the terrible nature of the liquid, and thought that the contents might be the nutrient solution in Chen Qudong's mouth.

Chen Qudong couldn't stop, and only saw a figure flashing in front of him. After seeing someone coming, he followed in a few steps and grabbed Bai Xuan's clothes while the needle was stuck in the man's arm.

The falling syringe tumbled a few times on the dirty ground with inertia and stopped not far from Chen Qudong's feet.

Chen Qudong bowed his head, his search eyes fell on the syringe, and the remaining liquid inside was still shaking back and forth.

Gloomy sky, transparent liquid reflects distorted graphics.

"Roll." Mu Li looked at the needle eye of his arm, and his gaze solidified. This needle was undoubtedly fueling the fire.

"Don't hurt her, don't hurt her eyes." Bai Xuan shouted loudly. At this time, there was no image at all. She had long, scattered hair, and covered half her face with the movement of her head. Anything, please. "

Mu Li's blood seemed to boil, and it became more and more difficult to control. He kicked the abandoned scaffolding side, the dust suddenly rose, and the dust was rolling.

The dose injected seemed to be exactly the limit he could bear.

The collapsed scaffold made a loud noise, deafening, and blocked Mu Li and Bai Xuan from the other two.

Mu Li looked through the rusty cold iron, and the force of kicking the scaffold was scary. Opposite, Chen Qudong seemed to be shocked by this scene, and only Zhi Zhi knew the cause and effect.

Bai Xuan was very close. She looked at Mu Li, and then looked back at A Zhi who was trying to get up. A Zhi had difficulty moving and could not stand up after a few struggles.

Chen Qudong walked behind A Zhi and held his shoulder.

Bai Xuansong sighed, without the guts he just dared not have any other actions, for fear that A Zhi would say more crazy words in the next second.

She stared at Mu Li and climbed up with her hands on her hands. She didn't care about the soil. She grabbed Mu Li's arm and let go: "You let him put my daughter, let it go, I can't see her, as long as she is safe of."

Mu Li's face was dark and horrible, and half of Zhang Jun's face was immersed in the shadows. The sky gradually faded. The sun was shining yesterday, but today it suddenly turned into sky. .

"Your daughter is not in his hands."

Mu Li's fists were very tight, his arms violently cramped, his eyes had a strong penetrating power, and like this sentence, it was shocking.

"No, he snatched my daughter, I know." Bai Xuan was totally unbelieving, shaking his head anxiously and suddenly focusing his eyes on Mu Li, "Brother Mu, please help me, I love you."

"Do you love me?" Mu Li went cold, like hearing a joke.

"Yes, I love you, I have always loved you, and only you can help me now." Bai Xuan's eyes were in tears, "Don't you always help me?"

Mu Li raised her lips and laughed: "Love, how much do you love me?"

"Since I saw you two years ago, I have fallen in love with you," Bai Xuan said firmly. "I never love you less than Sister Lin Qing!"

"Really?" The man wondered. "Love now?"

"Yes." Bai Xuan nodded, "So I did something wrong at that time, in fact, I just wanted to be with you. I blame it, and I blame me for loving you too much." But in the end, he lost his wife and sent soldiers. The daughters were robbed.

Mu Li moved slightly, as if thinking, and then dragged Bai Xuan to the front.

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