"Shut up." A Zhi shook his hand fiercely, and after being bitten by sharp teeth, two rows of blood stained on his palm.

The last note in Orange's mouth was not complete, his mouth was blocked, and the sharp voice stopped abruptly.

"Be honest, otherwise, don't ever want to see them again." He seduced the threat, and he did not intend to let Orange Orange see them again.

A Zhi's gaze was fierce, and it seemed to work. Orange Orange blinked for a few moments and did not fight again. Hei Yao's eyes stared at the small mouth that penetrated into the light momentarily, hoping that someone would notice him. Help exist.

People hurried past.

The corner of A Zhi's mouth was cold. This time, he pushed the baffle open at the right time, and quickly left with oranges. The Taekwondo Pavilion gradually became distant behind them, and eventually became a small spot out of reach.

That slender scream, Lin Qing heard it.

She was almost crippled under her feet, stumbled over and yelled a few more times without any response.

"Just now, I just heard him calling me." Lin Qing trembled and grabbed Mu Li's sleeves, and searched everywhere, but there was nowhere. She tightened her strings and felt dizzy, "He really called me Now. "

Mu Li's cold lips formed a hard arc, and his eyes swept away, but no orange figure was seen, only a moving head scattered around.

He seemed to have heard the call just now.

Soon security came, and people were arranged nearby to find oranges, but it was not easy to find a needle in the vast sea of ​​people.

"Captain, not found."

"Find it again."

Lin Qing stepped back a few steps, covering her mouth with her hands to keep herself from crying. She didn't believe that Orange and Orange would be lost. She rushed to the Taekwondo Hall to stand. The teachers of the class were shocked, but the only hope in their hearts shattered. In the end, there were only a few sparse strangers in the eyes.

"Orange!" She shouted and shouted a few times, and there was no naughty figure jumping out of which corner, making a face to scare her.

"Lin Qing." Mu Li followed and walked in, frowning tightly. He recalled that it was clear that he saw the orange waving hand.

The man glanced over his head. After confirming it, he immediately called for monitoring.

The high-definition picture restored the scene from a few minutes ago, and soon the security personnel saw the orange orange passing through the picture from the screen.

The picture freezes. Orange Orange stands in front of the Taekwondo Pavilion and waved his hand in a certain direction. The side face captured by the camera can see the delicate smile.

Lin Qing's eyes lit hope, her body was cold, her lips were trembling and she couldn't speak. Mu Li took her shoulders, pressed them into her arms, and stared for a moment on the surveillance video.

Continue to play, a few seconds later, covered his mouth with both hands, dragged him out of the picture.

"I found it, that's it." The security staff immediately called up another group of monitors, confirmed the timeline, and soon found the image before the orange was taken away. From the picture, we can see that the orange was forcibly taken away. , The distance with Lin Qing is only two or three meters, but nevertheless.

"Orange orange." Lin Qing finally couldn't help crying, she bit her lips without making any noise. In the monitoring room, she could only see her leaning on the man's shoulder and being tightly embraced by both hands, her slim body trembling slightly.

She couldn't figure out why it was just a moment of staggering and she disappeared.

Orange Orange had been abducted once before, and almost killed her that time, Lin Qing's heart spread open and infiltrating the coolness, and his twined hands were cold like ice.

The man's eyes were deep, his arms tightened around him, and his eyes fell on the monitor screen again.

"Captain, we'll send someone right away."

Mu Li made a gesture to calm them down.

"It's Zhi." Mu Li thinly lip slightly, after several recognition, had to make this judgment. Although wearing a hat to avoid the camera, A Zhi's legs were inconvenient and easily identified.

And A Zhi's original intention does not matter whether he is recognized or not, he will be arrested sooner or later. To achieve the same goal, Orange is the final goal.

Lin Qing's lips were closed, no sound could be heard, and she even forgot to cry.

Mu Li arranged people to continue to search, carpet-style search, A Zhi's goal is obvious, always find it. He stuffed his phone into Lin Qing's hands and handed her to several security guards: "Stop her."

"Where are you going?" Lin Qing grabbed his hand.

"I'll think of a way. You stay here. If he calls, the purpose is the same as where he hides."

"I accompany you." Lin Qing took two steps, Mu Li winked, and security immediately stepped forward to leave her in place. Lin Qing looked at the man with deep and firm eyes. "Last time you were like this, this time, I want to be with you. "

Lin Qing was more stubborn than he was. She stepped forward regardless of security barriers, and security guards were afraid of hurting her and couldn't stop them.

In the afternoon, the sun emerged from the clouds and radiated the earth, as if vitality was rejuvenated. In the car, Lin Qing's face was anxious.

The two mobile phones lay quietly in the palm of their hands, motionless. From the moment before to the present, two hours later, A Zhi never contacted actively.

Lin Qing was unusually quiet.

She lowered her eyes and could not see her expression, her breath was as light as feathers, and the wind seemed to be able to be blown by the wind.

Mu Li closed the window and dropped her palm on her lap: "Lin Qing."

Lin Qing interrupted him: "Once we find Orange Orange, shall we go to the movies, okay? Orange Orange wanted to watch a new cartoon the other day, and I want to take him there, he said, we must wait for you to go home watch together."

"Okay." The man was silent for a while, and could only say the word.

Lin Qing pretends to be relaxed, but her legs are trembling. She only knows that the purpose of A Zhi must not be the simple reason of asking for money.

auzw.com The mobile phone trembled and it was too late to see the number. Lin Qing connected the phone: "Hey?"

She was so nervous that she changed her voice.

A Zhi's voice came from the phone: "Mrs. Captain, how is everything?"

"Where's my child?" Lin Qing clenched her cell phone, and Mu Li parked the car beside the road with a look at her eyes to let go.

"Your child?" A Zhi's voice became louder in his ears, a little bit hesitant. He laughed and asked, "Your child, ask me what to do? Should n’t you ask your wise military elder husband? "

"What do you want." Lin Qing, under the direction and comfort of Mu Li, slowed down her speech and tried to be as calm as possible.

"I want to meet with you, alone."

A good word was right in front of her mouth. Lin Qing had not yet pronounced a syllable, and her mouth was covered with a big palm without hesitation. Mu Li's eyes rebuked her and she could not wait to see her through.

"Impossible." He continued Lin Qing's words, interrupting with a cold voice.

Lin Qing pulled his hand away: "I'll go."


"I only made a small request, and you disagree." A Zhi didn't listen to their arguments patiently, and unexpectedly took a compromise. "So, how about letting the army commander come over?"

"Yes." Mu Li responded.

"I'll send you the address when you flick your tail."

Lin Qing opened her mouth, and she was choked before she even spoke.

"I'll go too." Lin Qing held the phone in his palm.

At this time, the man will not let her take risks, but Lin Qing refuses to let go of her life or death. That look is as if she is ready to swear to die with him.

"If you want to go, you must listen to everything." Mu Li knew that she would not listen, and after concession, she could only emphasize, "Everything."

"Okay, I listen to you."

Mu Li turned around at the intersection in front, his skill combined with precise judgment, he quickly threw off the tail that followed.

Lin Qing read out the address, and in less than twenty minutes, the car parked in a blank area next to the warehouse.

The tires were rolled up with thick dust. From the traces of wheels rolling on the ground, it didn't look like anyone had come here.

Just one second of the time difference, Lin Qing unfastened his seat belt and avoided Mu Li's hand. He rushed out of the car one step earlier and ran to the main entrance of the warehouse a few steps.

The heavy door shoved open in her hands, and the rising dust was pungent, Lin Qing held his breath, hurried forward, tripped over by a stone when he walked in, and the whole person fell to the ground embarrassed.

Mu Li lifted her up from behind, Lin Qing was covered with soil, and she threw her head into the man's arms and shook her head vigorously: "Not here, Orange Orange is not here, Mu Li, where is it, we are deceived."

Mu Li looked around the warehouse, and there was no sign that anyone had come. He had guessed outside, that A Zhifang was just in a circle with them, playing with no doubt.

"Captain, there are no suspicious people in the vicinity." Someone followed, and after a few minutes' delay, they searched the area thoroughly.

Mu Li waved his hand. Almost at the same time, the mobile phone called. A gleeful laugh came from A Zhi: "I'm looking forward to hearing whether the news you see tomorrow morning will be about the missing child."

"You pervert!"


The call hangs up.

"Mu Li, Orange Orange Him"

A Zhi's heart-breaking madness is extremely extreme, and any move may be provoked, not to mention that at this time he is dark and they are bright, holding oranges in his hands, they have long been passive.

It was almost evening, and the whole city had been turned over.

Lin Qing leaned on the back of her chair, her eyes solidified outside the window, and when she was back, she parked at the door of Muzhai.

Mu Li hugged her and got out of the car. She had no other movements, her arms wrapped around his neck tightly, her eyes looking back.

The housekeeper has received news that the nanny's expressions are tense one by one, for fear of saying something wrong, Mu Li hugs Lin Qing on the sofa, and she is unwilling to return to the room at this time.

Last night, Orange Orange slept in that bed.

Shen Yuhe naturally heard about it, and when she heard someone coming back, she went downstairs. She walked to the sofa without taking a seat, only looking at Lin Qing who was calm.

"You are really--" She didn't finish her sentence, Mu Li looked slightly cold.

"Mom, you have worked hard these days, and you haven't taken a good rest." Mu Li winked, and the housekeeper knew, and quickly put the dinner on the table. In the past, Shen Yuhe asked for something to eat.

Shen Yuhe is not calmer than them. It is a big thing that grandson is lost. Where can I still eat?

Seeing this, Mu Li no longer spoke, sitting next to Lin Qing and holding her, resting her head on her shoulder.

Lin Qing stared at a certain point in the distance, her eyes condensed and scattered.

"In the end, what's the matter?" Shen Yuhe couldn't help himself. Seeing Lin Qing's appearance became increasingly unsatisfactory, he asked questions.

Mu Li's face was somber and didn't respond. Lin Qing's cell phone flashed suddenly. She swiped quickly and stuck it in her ear: "What do you want? I promise."

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