The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 668: Guard against villains

"What does a woman's arm have to do with us?" Shen Yuhejian reached anger.

"There is a big relationship. The injury on this arm was caused by Mu Lijun." Luo Zheng watched the expression of Shen Yuhe with a thief.

"Impossible! My son is the leader of an army and won't do such a thing." Shen Yuhe raised his voice and his hands were already fists.

"We have evidence." Luo Zheng took a photo with his hand, smirking.

"Huh! Then you have someone come out and confront you." Shen Yuhe stared sharply at Luo Zheng.

"When he was spending in the clubhouse, he saw this girl and tried to occupy this person." Luo Zheng said to this place and paused.

"You bullshit!" Shen Yuhe sighed angrily, her hands raised and she lowered again.

"Old lady, you can't be in a hurry, listen to me slowly." Luo Zheng started slowly, not panic.

Shen Yuhe could not wait to go up, sewed Luo Zheng's mouth with a needle and thread, and let him close the broken mouth forever.

"They are girls who have just turned 18. They haven't gone to college to go to work. Alas! It's hard to deal with this poisonous hand." Luo Zheng posed a gesture of sympathy for the weak.

Shen Yuhe stopped talking.

"The Mu Li commander thought so well, but the girl could not die." Luo Zhengyue said more and more.

"Don't say any more, please go out!" Shen Yuhe stood up and pointed at Luo Zheng's face.

"Okay! I'll leave, just these things." Luo Leishi picked up and left.

He turned back and said, "We have witnesses and no one can deny it."

"Your witnesses are gone. I don't know what other tricks you have?"

At this moment, Mu Li came in.

Seeing Mu Li returning home, Shen Yuhe slowly sat down, leaned back on the back of the sofa, and managed her hair with her fingers.

"What are you talking about? What witnesses are gone?" Luo Zheng didn't know the truth of what Mu Li said.

He looked at Shen Yuhe suspiciously, and looked at Mu Li again.

"You should go and see! The witness you mentioned has committed suicide last night." Mu Li sat opposite Shen Yuhe.

He looked at Luo Zheng with a scornful look, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, put his hand on the coffee table, and knocked quickly.

"Not impossible." Luo Zheng's voice was much lower, and she lost her momentum.

"You're playing tricks, blood spurting!"

Shen Yuhe walked in front of Luo Zheng, who was in a daze, raised his hand to his sinister face, and slap hard.

"Old lady, how do you hit someone?" Luo Zheng covered his face and stepped back two steps.

Mu Li stood up and supported Shen Yuhe. "Mom, come in and rest, I'll take care of it."

"It's ridiculous!" Luo Zheng finished and ran out of the house.

"This inhuman thing will be revenge sooner or later." Shen Yuhe stood in the door, looking at Luo Zheng's wolves, his eyes frowning.

Mu Li treats Luo Zheng with a ignorant attitude.

Such a villain has no big "action", and can only "pump" two times in the river, learning to throw dogs, and want to enter the finals, I am afraid of right and wrong.

He always has a clear love-hate relationship, and will never tolerate the wicked.

On this day, An Lingnan called Mu Li.

The call is connected.

However, there was no sound at the other end of the phone. After a while, a very low and urgent sound was made.

The ending of the word "me" in "Come and save me" is extremely long.

Mu Li thought that someone had typed the wrong number. Looking back at the mobile phone number, it was indeed the mobile phone number of Anlingnan. That's right!

"What are you doing?" Mu Li disapproved, thinking he was playing a prank.

"Do you have time? If it is convenient to come to the mountain hotel." An Lingnan's voice returned to normal, and "Hehe" laughed twice.

"What to do?" Mu Li wanted to quit, and going to that place in the daytime was a waste of time.

"You won't come, but I'm in trouble." An Lingnan groaned.

"What else is there to make you unsure?" Mu Li took it seriously, then went on to do the work at hand, and he was drafting a document.

The tip of the pen "rustle" quickly swiped across the paper, leaving a line of strong and powerful fonts in an instant.

Holding the phone in his left hand, he talked with An Lingnan leisurely, a gesture of calmness.

"However, this person said to know you, let me introduce you." An Lingnan said flatly.

"Who?" Mu Li put down her pen, and there was a hint of doubt on her face.

"Here you are, you know, I'm not familiar with this person, and I met them occasionally."

"No!" Mu Li wanted to put down the phone.

He didn't have time to spend time with someone he didn't know and knew.

Run out of time again and become old acquaintances.

"That's not reluctant, I can go back to this person." An Lingnan just wanted Mu Li to know about it, and it didn't matter if he knew or did not know.

hang up the phone.

Mu Li resumed his desk work. After writing a few words, he raised his head, his eyes flashed, and his eyebrows twisted slightly.

Finally, I called Anlingnan.

"I'll take a look!" Mu Li said in a low voice. Hang up the phone directly, immediately get up, go out with your clothes on.

Since this person wants to see me, why not give this opportunity? Not necessarily good or bad.

Not to mention that Anlingnan did nothing difficult.

Mu Li drove by himself and came to the mountain hotel within a short while.

After entering the private room, there were only two people sitting in the room, An Lingnan and a middle-aged lady. This lady was about thirty years old.

The moment the middle-aged lady saw Mu Li push in the door, she was full of surprise and joy.

Her eyes were very beautiful, her black and white eyes were clear, she showed a rare aura, and she seemed to speak in the blink of an eye.

Slightly dark skin is shiny and looks healthy.

Lips with extremely pale colors are crystal clear and slightly thicker, but very **** and attractive.

Mu Li didn't study much about women and didn't pay much attention to other women.

But when he saw this lady, Jun Yan didn't change too much. The thin lips were cold and evoked a slight arc, and finally his cold eyes fixed on An Lingnan's face.

"Come! Please sit down and let me introduce you." An Lingnan said with a smile.

"This lady is a director of the company, named Juan Xiu." An Lingnan glanced at Mu Li and wanted to know from his face whether he was willing to accept such an introduction.


Mu Li glanced at An Lingnan, and suddenly felt that the name was familiar. People seemed to have seen it, but they couldn't remember where they had seen it.

His brain turned extremely fast, as if searching for results in a computer.

There was still a polite smile on his face, and that was his unique smile.

The coldness and indescribable majesty in the smile made people dare not approach him easily, and they had to think twice before speaking.

"I'm glad to meet you!" Juan Xiu spoke, her voice was very sweet, and she spoke slowly, giving a very calm feeling.

She stood up and stretched out her right hand, but when she reached halfway, she froze.

Because she saw Mu Li and didn't want to shake hands with her, he was still on the sofa steadily, not even owed anything.

Juan Xiu's smile froze on her face.

She retracted her hands awkwardly and sat back on the sofa, but she still smiled.

When An Lingnan saw it, he hurriedly said, "Know what, if there is something going on in the future, you can help each other, and there are many friends!"

Mu Li still didn't say a word, and seemed to be meditating.

He took a teacup and took a sip of tea.

"You look like Mr. Fang's friend, right?" Mu Li suddenly spoke, eyes staring at the tea cup.

Juan Xiu looked at Mu Li in surprise, and then looked at An Lingnan.

She groaned a bit: "Yes! I always know Fang."

What she said only after she had made up her mind, but after speaking, she felt a bit wrong.

"Oh, I mean, we have business dealings, so we are very familiar." After speaking, she hurriedly took up a tea cup and took a sip of tea, which seemed to be light and light.

Looking at her eyes, she seemed to be a little flustered, and tried to conceal this flustered.

However, she was even more lost in her heart.

This Fang always admires friends who have known him for many years, but usually has little contact, because of the different industries, naturally there is not much common language.

This is Juan Xiu and Fang are always quite familiar, and there is an inexplicable relationship.

Mr. Fang's wealth is overwhelming and his net worth is over 100 million.

She is not a vulgar person, she is smart, capable, eloquent, and good at communication.

Often separated between high society and senior officials to pave the way for her own business, she is a refined woman.

Mu Li also met her at a banquet.

At that time, Juan Xiu took Fang's arm into the banquet hall.

Her unremarkable dress attracted the attention of many ladies present, and was more jealous.

However, her elegant temperament and **** appearance also attracted many men's drooping feet.

Mu Li gave a glance at the time and did not attract his attention.

He didn't like to see such a nonsense combination, that is, no status and status, but committed to a man.

She has extraordinary ability herself, why should she graft to another branch.

Mu Li didn't understand this kind of thing very much, don't think too much, do well for oneself.

Juan Xiu can speak well, but at this moment, Mu Li was unable to resist and was suppressed.

As if sitting on a needle felt, she didn't know what to say in the next sentence, and could only smile awkwardly.

For the first time, she had a big discount in front of men.

"Okay! That's it for today. We will have time to recount later. I still have something to do, or should I leave?" An Lingnan stood up and came up with a little humor.

"No! No! I have something, and I'll get together later." Juan Xiu stood up quickly, grabbed her handbag, and walked out the door.

An Lingnan watched people go out and close the door, then sat down again.

"Do you know her?" Mu Li glanced beside him, and raised an eyebrow, as if things were getting more and more interesting.

"Yes! She is a friend of a friend of mine. Manager Li from that club last time mentioned this name to me."

Mu Li closed her eyebrows, her face became more dignified.

"What's wrong here?" An Lingnan also felt that there was a cause.

This woman suddenly came out and was close to him, and she had to know Mu Li. It must not be so simple here.

"Because Luo Zheng went to the club to investigate, he mentioned the name Juanxiu."

"Yeah!" An Lingnan thoughtfully, reached out and touched his chin.

"How did you know her?" Mu Li looked up, and suddenly asked, looking slightly across An Lingnan's face.

"She called me and asked me to meet. I didn't know who it was." An Lingnan was innocent, spreading his hands and shrugging his shoulders, proving that it had nothing to do with himself.

"Then you come out to meet? You are so brave, anyone will see you." Mu Li stretched his frowned brows, and smiled with ripples on his lips, becoming richer.

"I don't think it's okay? How can a woman treat me?" An Lingnan didn't care, grabbed the fruit on the coffee table and took a big bite.

"You're a loss for women, are you still few?"

Mu Li lowered the tea cup in his hand, stood up, and strode directly out of the meteor, without even looking at An Lingnan, it seemed to treat the other party directly as air.

Today's meeting was quickly left behind by the two of them.

However, Luo Zheng felt uncomfortable here, it can be said that he was extremely frustrated.

It was easy to catch a piece of evidence, and the soul flew away in an instant.

However, Mu Li and Shen Yuhe watched the joke, and a barrister was ashamed and left home.

It's not over yet, and the clubhouse has caused big trouble at the same time.

The family members of the deceased were willing to give up, and a good young girl was just as old as a flower, so she suddenly disappeared.

No matter who it is, it is difficult to accept this reality.

People commit suicide in the clubhouse, of course, the clubhouse cannot get rid of the relationship.

After Luo Zheng ran before running, his head was so bad that he pressed the gourd and scooped up again.

The family members of the deceased were crying and making noises.

After weeping and sad, the family of the deceased remembered that they would repay the blood debt and talk about the dead girl.

So they gathered dozens of people and came to sit in front of the clubhouse.

Finally, he simply set up the shed in front of the club house.

And pulled up a white banner with thick bold text on it: return my daughter, return her innocence.

Words are clear, and the club's business is bleak.

When the head boss learned of the incident, he became furious and dealt with everything in a timely manner, otherwise the consequences would be at his own risk.

Luo Zheng knows the powerful relationship among them, he also knows the details of the boss and the routine of doing things.

If the boss doesn't buy it, he must not be able to eat and go, and presumably the income will be greatly reduced by then.

As a legal adviser to the club, he had to come forward to carry out some mediation work.

He guided and advised that the family members of the deceased still refused to withdraw from the front of the clubhouse.

The business of the clubhouse plummeted and the doors closed.

The boss called Luo Zheng to the office.

"How's things going?" The boss's face was black and no trace of blood.

"It's being processed." Luo Zheng didn't know what to do, and his face was still calm.

"What have you been doing for so long? Why don't people withdraw?" The boss impatiently pressed the cigar in his hand and pressed it into the ashtray.

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