Mu Li tells An Lingnan about Miss Jin.

An Lingnan was also surprised and unremarkable. This incident was so unexpected that it made him cry and laugh.

A girl in the entertainment circles is a granddaughter of a general.

However, Miss Jin said nothing about her family situation.

Her father is the president of a public company, her mother is a university professor, and her grandfather is a general. She can be said to be a lady.

Such a good family environment, she can sit at home and enjoy.

Then, at the age of getting married, find another wealthy son who is in charge of the household and marry himself.

Miss Jin did not follow the trend, like a girl next door, walked into the melting pot of society by herself and exercised herself.

The entertainment industry is a big dyeing tank, I hope Miss Jin can get out of the mud without dyeing.

"This little girl is really smart and smart. I always feel that she is different from other girls." An Lingnan leaned her hand on her chin, as if thinking.

"You are Zhuge Liang afterwards." Mu Li smirked with his fingers.

An Lingnan didn't say anything or explain, just smiled.

Soon after, Ms. Jin made a commercial promotional film, but the executive director was a well-known director at home and abroad.

This propaganda film is specially planned for a large domestic event.

It is conceivable that this opportunity is a rare opportunity for Miss Jin.

She also made every effort to forget her work so that she can have a good working condition.

All this was planned and arranged by Anlingnan.

Mu Li is the only person who knows the inside story. Others have been told not to reveal a trace of information about Anling Nanan Shao.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

An Lingnan only went to the scene occasionally to supervise and check the work.

He was at the shooting scene and saw Miss Jin from a distance. He was dissatisfied with a filming, and repeatedly demonstrated and filmed.

"How's that?" An Lingnan asked the director of the studio, his face was serious and serious, his eyes fixed on the scene.

"Not bad! Miss Jin you recommended, good temperament, strong professionalism, easy-going people, all people like him very much." The director of the set, laughed happily.

An Lingnan's face showed relief, and he nodded with satisfaction: "That's good!"

Mu Li expressed his approval and thanks for An Lingnan's behavior.

"Thank you for what I did?" An Lingnan looked suspicious, but his face was weird.

"I am grateful that you did a good deed for my old chief. Why did you do that?" Mu Zanzhi knew he was guessing again and distorted his true thoughts.

"Really? That's what I understand wrong." An Lingnan Changshu took a sigh of relief and did one thing for himself, not for any reason or because of anyone, just for work, a meaningful thing, and Excited inside.

If the filming of this promotional video is successful, it will bring unlimited benefits to his company. This benefit is long-term and generous.

Miss Jin can also become famous in one fell swoop, why not?

Mu Li learned from Lin Qing's mouth that Xu Yuan had left home.

He nodded with satisfaction: "The benevolence is gone."

Lin Qing smiled bitterly, sitting softly next to him: "She'll do it for herself."

Mu Li stretched out a hand and brought Lin Qingyu to her arms: "How is the pregnancy test result?"

"Very good! Maybe the fetal position is a little bit wrong, the doctor said that it doesn't bother." Lin Qing looked like a little girl in Huaichun, filled with joy.

"Do you want this child, a boy or a girl?" Lin Qingrou asked.

"All right!" Mu Li's face was full of affection, and he gently caressed Lin Qing's body with his hands.

"If there is any accident during childbirth, do you protect the child or protect me?" Lin Qing herself did not expect that she would ask such a question.

Mu Li opened his eyes in surprise, he didn't understand why Lin Qing asked this.

"Of course I want to protect?"

"Only one?" Lin Qing was serious, using his fingers on the tip of Mu Li's nose, and gently tapped.

"Then how do you want me to answer?" Mu Li smirked on his face. He raised his eyebrows and closed his eyes.

Lin Qing was speechless.

"You said, I choose to protect you, and then kill my child. If I choose to save the child, and then kill you intermittently, isn't this a bit difficult to do?" Mu Li smiled helplessly.

He pulled Lin Qing back into his arms and hugged her tightly, trying to give her more warmth and love.

Lin Qing smiled with a puppet: "What's so difficult is just to give you a chance to express your heart."

"What is this **** expression? Don't think about it, I think you and your child are all right." Mu Li took a deep look and Lin Qing fell in his arms.

"If I don't know what to expect, it is better for you to keep the child. I don't care." Lin Qing seemed to have made a big determination.

After saying this, she also felt a little funny, and people lived well, even with such strange ideas.

"Shut up!" Mu Li's tone was still mild when he said these two words.

The two laughed happily and hugged more tightly.

At this moment, the bedroom door was suddenly opened.

"Daddy, Mummy!" Orange Orange opened the door and ran to the two cheerfully.

"Ouch! Orange Orange, why haven't you slept yet?" Lin Qing held Orange Orange in his arms, smoothing out his pajamas.

Mu Li looked at Orange Orange affectionately, stretched out his hands from Lin Qing's arms, and took Orange Orange over.

"Daddy, Mummy, what were you doing just now?" Orange Orange's face had a bad smile, others were little ghosts, and they knew everything, so this was an obvious question.

"We're chatting." Lin Qing flushed, raised her hand to Orange, and patted her on her small shoulder.

"I ca n’t seem to talk. Auntie Nanny uses that computer when she chats. She smirks at the computer." Orange Orange said earnestly, with a lot of questions on her face.

After hearing Orange Orange's words, Mu Li and Lin Qing smiled in unison.

Mu Li deliberately gloomed his face, and said positively: "You go and tell Auntie Nanny, be careful, there are many bad guys in the computer." Then, a smile appeared on her face again, and on the orange red face, kiss A moment.

"Yes, yes! Tell her, be careful of others." Lin Qing added.

"She also said that toys can be bought on the computer and promised to send me a remote-controlled yacht." Orange Orange gestured with excitement, his mouth was red and red, and he was very attractive when talking.

"Orange, where are you?" A babysitter's voice came from the door.

It's time to sleep.

"Am I here?" Orange Orange broke free from Mu Li's arms and ran to the bedroom door.

When he ran outside, he ran back again: "Daddy! Mommy! Good night."

The family of three said good night to each other happily.

Xu Yuan returned to her home.

When she opened the door and walked in, there seemed to be a cold wind on her face, and her back was pierced by the cold wind.

Since she told the story to Lin Qing, a stone in her heart fell to the ground, and she felt psychologically relaxed.

Her idea of ​​going abroad is not so strong anymore.

In the days where Lin Qing lived, she saw that Mu Li and Lin Qing were so loving. Although Shen Yuhe was a bit strict, she was still very kind.

Cute and adorable, orange-like.

And loyal little nanny.

This is a standard excellent family template. People live a lifetime, and there should be such a warm home, so that they will not be harmed everywhere.

Mu Li has the appearance of Leng Jun, but his heart is enthusiastic about his lover, and his sense of responsibility to the family. He is a model of a national husband.

Lin Qing is really a happy woman

Although they did a lot of wrong things to their family, Mu Li and Lin Qing rescued her without saying a word.

Looking back at myself, I did something that I didn't even want to do in order to achieve a certain desire and achieve my purpose.

She was actually taught by Lin Qing's family.

My future life should be like that.

Suddenly, a doorbell rang.

Xu Yuan was taken aback. She was lying on the bed, and she flinched suddenly, afraid to move.

The doorbell rang repeatedly.

So, she had to tremble, got up from the bed, stomped near the door, and lay down in front of the door mirror to look out.

After watching for a moment, she turned around and patted her heart, exhaling a long breath.

She opened the door.

Luo Zheng stepped into the door with anger on his face and his eyes seemed to be staring out: "Where have you been?"

"Where am I going, what does it have to do with you?" Xu Yuan leaned indifferently in the sofa, eyes moving out the window.

After hearing this, Luo Zheng shook his head helplessly and sat down heavily, opposite to Xu Yuan.

The two remained, as before, without a word, sitting quietly like this.

"What the **** happened?" Luo Zheng asked darkly.

"I was chased down by the big boss." Xu Yuan said a short sentence, and then quieted.

Luo Zheng was frightened, bowed his head, and clenched his hands into two fists.

For a moment, he suddenly stood up and raised his hand to punch, hitting the large mirror on the wall in the living room.

The blood immediately flowed down from the back of her hand, and fell to the ground again.

The sudden noise of Xu Yuan made him snoring.

She looked up and saw the blood on the back of Luo Zheng's hand, startled, and hurriedly took out the medicine box to bandage the wound.

Luo Zheng drove Xu Yuan in one hand.

"How did they treat you?" Luo Zheng said in a low tone.

"What did you do to me? They didn't catch me." Xu Yuan lowered the medicine box and sat aside.

Luo Zheng was relieved.

So, Xu Yuan would escape from their chase after meeting the big boss, how to hide in the trash can, and then lived in Lin Qing's house for several days.

When Luo Zheng heard about the Lin Qing family, he looked at Xu Yuan in surprise and asked, "Did they ask you anything?"

"Ask, I told them all." Xu Yuan said truthfully.

Luo Zheng was anxious, walked in front of Xu Yuan, raised his hand and slapped Xu Yuan.

"You're a jerk!" His eyes flushed, and he seemed to eat Xu Yuan in one bite.

Xu Yuan did not evade or make a big noise, she just endured, closed her eyes, and tears flowed down her face.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that Xu Yuan would react like this, and he couldn't help it.

"Do you want to surrender?" Luo Zheng stepped forward, grabbed Xu Yuan's hair, and put her head up.

Xu Yuan didn't speak, just stared at him resentfully.

As a result, Luo Zheng was unhappy and released Xu Yuan again.

"I urge you to close your hands as soon as possible. If you go on like this, there will be no good results." Xu Yuan said with a bowed head.

"I don't need you to control it. You seem to have been bought by the Muli family, haven't you bought it?" Luo Zheng said with his fingers, nodding Xu Yuan's nose fiercely.

"I discovered it with my conscience." Xu Yuan showed no weakness.

Because things were not going well, Luo Zheng had reached a point of despair, and his narrow eyes explained everything.

He lived a life full of fear and fear every day, that is, he feared that everything he did would be exposed and exposed, and he was very afraid of the threat of underworld forces.

The big boss is a big pain for him.

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