At this time, the attending doctor looked up and took a closer look at Mu Li.

Suddenly her eyes widened, and her small mouth instantly turned into a European shape: "It turned out to be an army commander!"

Mu Li looked up in doubt.

"You are?" Mu Li frowned, trying to remember where this person had met.

The little nurse heard that the attending doctor was called Captain. She was about to go out and turned around in a hurry: "Ah? Captain?"

Mu Li politely nodded at the little nurse.

So the little nurse ran over with excitement: "Are you really a Captain? I'm so happy, look at how handsome our Captain is."

She complimented a lot of obedient, she kept talking, her speed was very fast, and no one else in the room could stick in her mouth.

Lin Qing covered her lower half with a quilt and laughed secretly. Her red and swollen tears finally had a smile.

Mu Li turned around to see Lin Qing and smiled secretly, so he couldn't help but touch Lin Qing's head lovingly, and then patted him gently.

"Don't you remember me? It was at An Shao's birthday banquet that he introduced me. Whoops! Really, I don't remember me anymore." The attending doctor smiled with disappointment all over his face.

However, she soon returned to normal.

Mu Li smiled slightly and apologized.

To be honest, he really couldn't remember where the attending doctor had seen it, because all women couldn't catch his attention at all, so no one could remember him.

Anyway, you have an outstanding face and a **** body. All the women's glances are fleeting.

Such a character makes many women who want to get close, his heart is broken.

"My surname is Jiang." The attending doctor had no choice but to report to his family: "Okay! Ms. Lin, take a good rest!" After that, she walked out of the ward with the little nurse.

Mu Li and Lin Qing stared. Doctor Jiang and the nurse went out. The two looked at each other and hugged tightly again.

Lin Qing closed her eyes, her mood was much calmer, because she was relieved because of Mu Li.

The door of the ward was pushed gently again.

First, the half-body was a babysitter. When she saw the real situation in the ward, she hurried out.

"Ouch!" The nanny screamed.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go in?" It was Shen Yuhe's voice.

"Old lady, let's wait outside for a while!" The babysitter hurried to hold Shen Yuhe.

Orange Orange doesn't care about this: "Mummy! Mommy!" He broke into the ward and ran all the way to Lin Qing's bed.

Mu Li hugged Orange Orange tightly and kissed him on his little face: "Orange Orange, have you listened to Grandma these days?"

"Of course, grandma always praises me." Orange Orange stretched out her hands and asked Lin Qing to hug.

Shen Yuhe and the babysitter walked in at this time.

Lin Qing struggled to rise, and the little nanny hurried forward to support her: "Mrs. Captain, you lie down."

Shen Yuhe sat in a chair in front of the bed.

"It's okay! My lord is fine." She felt that as long as Lin Qing had no accidents, everything else was trivial.

Lin Qing sat up and took Orange to his side, and the two hugged and kissed each other.

"Hey? What did you see just now? It's a fuss." Shen Yuhe seemed to think of what happened just now.

The babysitter smiled embarrassed, and looked at Mu Li and Lin Qing again.

Shut up and don't talk.

Shen Yuhe seemed to understand. She smiled, "Is this all right?"

As a result, the people in the room smiled softly.

Only Orange Orange stared in doubt, scratching his head inexplicably.

Mu Li sent agents to find two people who worked at home that day.

The agent brought the babysitter to the market, asked her to identify the two men, and motioned for the babysitter to go in front, and he followed him as if nothing happened.

The babysitter carefully looked at each minifigure carefully and could not find it.

I searched for several days and found nothing.

The little babysitter hated the itch of his teeth, grinning his teeth and said, "Wait until I catch you two thieves, I must stew you and eat them well."

The agent smiled, smirking: "Hum! Just don't let people cook it."

"You look down on people." The babysitter was very unconvinced, hands on hips, eyes wide open to look around.

"When the matter is cleared up, I will teach you the capture technique. Then you can learn well and protect the captain's family."

The agent's always serious face was more fortitude.

"Really?" When the babysitter heard this, he jumped three feet high and patted him on the shoulder of the agent.

"Go and go! Hurry up and find someone. If you can't find anyone, I will cook you and eat it first."

"Yes!" The little nanny made one, with a non-standard standing posture.

However, there were still no results for a few days, and the babysitter was downcast.

The agent, of course, was sobered. He speculated that the two would not reappear so quickly, and might appear in another location.

Where will it be? Still unknown.

Agents have been staying at Mu Li's home these days.

The little nanny went in and out, and was busy, and there was also a speaker.

When the babysitter was busy with the work in the mansion, the agent ordered her to go out and find someone together.

"Hello! What's your name?" The babysitter remembered, cooperating for several days, and didn't know who this person was.

"What's my name? Does it have anything to do with you?" Agent scoffed.

"Huh! Don't talk about pulling down. Then when I eat tonight, I will prepare a large bowl of pig food for you, there is a lot of oil and water in it." The babysitter finished, the playful agent squeezing his eyes.

The agent heard this, disapproving, and said grinningly, "I can eat anything, and then spit it out after I finish eating it. Then, press you into the pig's bowl and let you eat what I vomit."

When the babysitter heard this, she suddenly felt sour in her stomach, and something went back up to her throat. She stared straight ahead with her eyes, and spit out everything in her stomach with one mouth.

The agent was on the side, giving her a scornful look: "Hum! Who's great?"

The babysitter wiped her mouth after she vomited, and clenched her fists in both hands: "Brother! I've taken it."

What reason does she disagree?

The agent's name was Hong Qiang. He had received very strict and cruel training, and his performances were the highest.

He is 1.85 feet tall, with a strong build and a wide waist.

A pair of thick eyebrows, a pair of cold handsome eyes, and straight facial features make the young man walk outside and often attract the girls' attention.

Mu Li also discovered it during a training session and transferred him to his side, often entrusting him with a heavy task.

His family was not good, so he worked very hard and was credible to others.

Mu Li valued him very much.

An Lingnan already knew that what happened to Mu Li's home was very sad.

He called Muli to express his condolences, and said he would visit the Muli family when he was busy.

Mu Li expressed his gratitude. He didn't want to look back too much, let alone a very sad thing.

He turned the topic and asked, "How is Miss Jin?"

"That's great! The film is late, and it will be released soon, and a premiere will be held." An Lingnan's tone is very confident, and there is a feeling of victory in sight.

Mu Li nodded silently and hung up.

Lin Qing has been discharged from the hospital and rested quietly at home.

She often shed tears silently, and she often sat at the window again. The dreadful bun in the rocking chair made her even less verbal.

Shen Yuhe was always worried when she saw Lin Qing's desolation, and she could only sigh.

Mu Li has noticed Lin Qing's change, and she cares more about her, loves her, and cares more about Peking.

He will hold Lin Qing in his arms for a long time, gently talk to her, whisper softly, tell some scenes when they are in love, or talk about the interesting past when the two are together.

When Lin Qing heard that she was happy, she looked at Mu Li affectionately, with a smile from her heart on her face, but only for a moment. Then she suddenly smiled and regained a dull bun.

Mu Li still insisted on talking with her like this.

Shen Yuhe had to discuss with Mu Li: "This is not always the case for Lin Qing, would you like to see a psychologist?"

Mu Li shook her head, holding her fingers together with her fingers crossed, and gently tapped on her knees: "She's not enough to see a psychologist."

"That's always the case, the door doesn't come out, and you don't speak, as time goes by, you will get depression." Shen Yuhe said helplessly.

"Take your time, time is the best medicine." Mu Li said silently, his face appeared gloomy.

"If you don't apply the right medicine, time is also a poison, and it will also become a killer." Shen Yuhe's hand was on the sofa armrest and patted it a few times to remind Mu Li.

Mu Li nodded, and he agreed with Shen Yuhe.

"Otherwise, arrange for her to go to the country house and live for a while." Shen Yuhe said after thinking about it.

This is the best way she has come up with after careful consideration. It is also good for her to leave the accident environment.

Mu Li is reluctant to Lin Qing, he said to Shen Yuhe, consider a few days before making a decision.

Shen Yuhe no longer said anything, this matter still needs them, the husband and wife should discuss it.

This day, Lin Qing was silent again, staring at the blue sky in a daze.

Orange Orange came in at this moment: "Mummy! Will you play with me?"

Lin Qing suddenly woke up, she hugged her body and hugged Orange, and they sat in the rocking chair.

"Orange orange, have you learned new words these past few days?" Lin Qing's eyes looked at orange orange tenderly.

"Well, learned a few new words." Orange Orange looked up and thought.

Lin Qing seemed a little happy: "Who taught you?"

"Grandma, she said it would be enough to learn a few words a day." Orange Orange said, grabbing, Lin Qing's long hair, playing in her hands.

"Can you remember? I'll test you in a few days."

"No problem." Orange Orange replied confidently like an adult.

Suddenly, Orange looks like something has happened, and looks at Lin Qing's belly again: "Mum, when will you give me a little brother or sister?"

Lin Qing heard that Orange Orange said this, and the only smile on her face froze there.

After all, Orange is a child. He didn't know about Lin Qing's emotional changes and what happened at home.

His small face was so naive, and went on to say: "Allison in our kindergarten said that her mother was about to give her a little sister."

At this time, Lin Qing had tears in her eyes.

Orange Orange wiped her tears for her and asked, "Mum! Why are you crying?"

Lin Qing hugged Orange Orange tightly in her arms, and cried even more sorrowfully.

Orange Orange was stunned, he said eagerly, "Mum! Don't cry, I don't want a little sister."

At this time, Shen Yuhe and the babysitter ran into the house together.

Seeing this scene, the little nanny hurriedly picked up Orange and returned to his bedroom.

Shen Yuhe saw Lin Qing and cried so sadly, tears flowed from her eyes, she walked slowly to Lin Qing, and patted her gently on her shoulder:

"Take care of yourself! Everything will be fine."

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