"No, no," Wu Yue only felt dry, and she swallowed hard, so she could continue to say, "You don't need to fill in any guest records."

"Then, why did you stop me?" Mu Li looked at her with amusement, but Wu Yue couldn't help but shake her heart. Who said that only men can see beauty and can't move, and women can see handsome guys' heartbeat burst.

"Yes, this is the case, last time, your phone number was wrong last time, can you give me a code? Master Captain, you, don't get me wrong, I'm just backing up, if there is something in the future, it's better to contact." Wu Yue herself was confused by her own words. She didn't know what to say, in fact, it was just one sentence. She wanted the phone number for Mu Li.

Mu Li couldn't help laughing, "Did you just ask a man for a phone number like this? It was your little trick last time. It was childish, but our family Lin Qing always hated that I gave the phone number to anyone, so even My friend, they came to me through my assistant Xiaolong. Do you want his phone number? "

"Oh, that's the case, okay, the senior commander told me." Wu Yue was so ashamed when he heard what he said. Last time, her plot was spotted. No wonder the above information was wrong, and the handwriting Scribbled, it turned out he was intentional.

Hearing him again, Lin Qing was disappointed that he would not let him give his phone number to anyone.

Unexpectedly, Mu Li smiled slightly and gave her a more disappointed answer: "When Xiaolong comes the other day, you ask him in person, but he doesn't give it to you and it's still unknown."

So obviously Mu Li teased her deliberately, and Wu Yue was ashamed and flushed, her head down and she dared not speak again.

Mu Li suddenly said positively: "Friends and wives must not be deceived, this is the same for women."

After that, he strode away, leaving Wu Yue with an unreachable back.

Tears rolled down, the wind blew, it was very cold, and it was cold bitterness flowing in the mouth.

Wu Yue dullly remembered what Mu Li said to her just now. Friends and wives should not be deceived, and the same was true of women.

Suddenly it felt like an invisible whip, whipped on her heart, pain, pain in the bone, making her shudder all over.

It seemed as if she was suddenly awakened. She hated her anger. She first entangled her husband, Dze, and then peered into her classmate's husband. She was so mean and shameless that Wu Yue was deserved of being scolded by Lin Qing several times. He was too thick-skinned and wasn't scolded to wake up, otherwise Hu wouldn't have to be so embarrassing in front of Mu Li today.

From then on, she remembered this sentence, friends and wives should not be deceived, this sentence is the same for your women.

Lin Qing knew that Mu Li was waiting for her at the door, and walked out of the office after work, she deliberately asked her to wait for a while. Whoever made him fascinated had originally talked with Dai Ze well and let him suddenly break in to stir It seemed like they had something in their time, which made her particularly uncomfortable.

When she walked to the foyer, she didn't see Wu Yue, which surprised her.

If she saw Mu Li always waiting for her at the door, she would say something coldly again.

Stepping out of the company's gate, she suddenly noticed that Mu Li's off-road vehicle was galloping away, as if she was angry with her. Seeing her coming out late, she was angry.

Lin Qing could not help but cursed: "Mu Li, you are not a man anymore, I just came out of this meeting, you will let me dove, this point, can I get a car, can it be the peak of work?"

Sure enough, Lin Qing was standing by the side of the road and couldn't get into the car. He called Muli, but couldn't get through. The beep sounded that the other party was busy, so it was not convenient to answer the call.

While Lin Qing was in a hurry, the phone rang suddenly, and it was Daze calling.

He asked her where she was now, and Lin Qing said she was taxiing in front of the company.

Daze didn't seem to be surprised but blurted out: "You are still in the company."

"Daze, what do you mean by this?" Lin Qing didn't understand what he meant.

"Oh, nothing, you wait, I'll rush to pick you up right now." Deze seemed to feel a wordless, and quickly avoided her question and said to her.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." Lin Qing originally wanted to say no, she could get a taxi home, but she felt that there was something in her words and agreed.

About fifteen minutes later, a car parked in front of Lin Qing. Dai Ze opened the door from the inside and smiled and said to her, "Get in the car and keep you waiting."

Lin Qing really had sour legs. She sat in the car and turned to smile at him: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm happy to work for you." Dai Ze smiled happily, but his eyes dodged a little, as if something was hiding from her.

"How come you suddenly thought of calling me, shouldn't you be at home with Ren Jiao or something in the entertainment mall? Is there anything to find me?" Lin Qing stared at him closely, very suspicious Asked.

"I originally had a dinner, but it was cancelled temporarily, but my wine bug was caught, and I could n’t drink when I got home, so I thought, just call you and come out for a meal together, just right Get rid of tapeworms, "Dai Ze explained with a smile.

auzw.com But Lin Qing was still skeptical, "You know that at this time, most of me will be taken home by Mu Li, how could you call me and ask me to come out? For dinner, even if you want to drink, you can call Jiang Tao or someone else, and you won't call me unless you know Mu Li is not with me. "

"How did I know Mu Li wasn't by your side, and I never saw him at all." Dai Ze quickly explained to Lin Qing, but he would not lie, did not dare to look at Lin Qing's eyes, and made it clear This is the place where there are 320 silver.

"Dai Ze, you are not enough friends, so there is no need for us to have dinner together, and send me home." Lin Qing said slightly, looking very displeased.

Deze then said, "I saw the army commander with a woman."

"Woman? What woman? Where?" Lin Qing asked in amazement.

"I don't know, pretty young girl." Dai Ze looked at Lin Qing carefully, "I said you wouldn't be angry, in fact, there is nothing to be with women, aren't we just together now?"

Lin Qing wanted to smile at him, saying that he was okay, but he couldn't smile. After thinking about it, he found a photo of lawyer Jiang from his mobile phone and put it in front of Dai Ze and asked, "Do you think this is the person?"

Deze looked at it, and said helplessly: "It should be, the hairstyle is the same, but I can't say it without seeing my face."

Lin Qing knew that it must be Dai Ze. In addition to who else could she have, Mu Li must be mad with her and went to find her.

Either she was called away, Lin Qing remembered those things before, and passed letters in the kitchen.

It turned out that Mu Li had been acting in front of her, and he still talked with lawyer Jiang, but he was so innocent in front of her, saying that she was the most poisonous woman, but she felt the most poisonous woman.

Deze saw that her face became unsightly, and asked very worriedly: "Lin Qing, are you okay? Blame me, if I don't call you today, hell, blame me for worrying about nothing."

"I don't blame you, even if you don't say I will know, today he was waiting for me at the door, but his car left when I came out." Lin Qing said helplessly.

"Will it be because I talk to you and the army chief is angry?" Mu Li remembered the situation of Mu Li in the office in the afternoon, and he even blamed himself.

"Don't blame you, let's go to dinner and be happy." Lin Qing suddenly shook her hair and said pretentiously.

Deze saw that she could let go of her unhappiness, and she was naturally happy, "Okay, let's go to dinner."

The two stopped in front of a nice restaurant, parked their cars, walked in, asked for some delicate side dishes, and a bottle of wine.

"Yes, didn't you buy your car? Who's the car you're driving now?" Lin Qing suddenly thought of this and asked very puzzledly.

"I rented it. It's inconvenient to have no car. I would lose my identity by riding an electric car, so I went to rent a car." Deze explained embarrassed.

"It turned out to be so difficult for you. If you are nervous, I can lend it to you. I said it last time." Lin Qing didn't want to see him living in such an embarrassment, and there was still Ren Jiao who was pregnant at home.

"I will transfer it soon. I met a big customer this time. The sale made by selling the car will soon make it back. The news I got in the afternoon, about a few days later, the income will be credited. . "Deze replied happily.

"Really? Good people have good rewards, congratulations, Deze." Lin Qing sincerely blessed him.

"Stop talking about me, Lin Qing, I hope you don't misunderstand the commander of the army, and don't say that I saw him with a woman. Otherwise, he would mistake me for right and wrong, and I despise such people myself. .I think there must be an urgent task for the commander of the army to leave without picking you up. "Daze thinks that he always feels uneasy when he thinks about it. He is afraid that Lin Qing will quarrel with Mu Li. Doing, Mu Li didn't seem to have a good impression on him.

Lin Qing understood his concerns and smiled slightly: "Relax, I won't say you."

After the two had eaten, Dai Ze sent Lin Qing to his doorstep and went back.

Lin Qing, who went home alone, hesitated slightly when he entered the door, not sure if Mu Li had already returned home.

How should she explain who to eat with outside, and finally thought about it, she decided to tell the truth.

Pushing the door and going in, only Shen Yuhe was sitting in the living room watching TV. Orange was not here, it should be going to sleep.

After changing slippers, she walked to the living room and posed with a smile on her face and greeted Shen Yuhe: "Mom, is orange orange sleeping?"

"Yes, I just couldn't get to sleep just now. Didn't Mu Li come back with you?" Shen Yuhe looked at her, asking with a little surprise.

"No, I ate with colleagues in the company, and today I am promoted to general manager." Lin Qing explained to Shen Yuhe with a smile.

After listening to her, Shen Yuhe couldn't help but start to worry, and asked a little worried: "I won't be busy with my job because I was promoted to general manager, and I can't care about home and oranges like I was busy?"

"Mom, no, no matter how busy, I will not delay things at home because of work." Lin Qing confidently assured Shen Yuhe.

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