But she was injured again and again, and in her unique way, Mu Li took care of her.

Seemingly an accident, Lin Qing always felt a little unusual. How could a flower pot fall off the restaurant upstairs?

Why she was hunted in the farm incident. It should not be, she was just a lawyer, and everything was not her idea.

Didn't that bald man in black keep murmuring with Mu Li and her Lin Qing repeatedly?

How could it be that the host did n’t find it and went to the next home? Thinking of the effort that lawyer Jiang had spent on Shen Yuhe and Orange, Lin Qing couldn't help wondering that these two injuries were too coincidental.

If it wasn't for the injury, how could her lawyer Jiang contact Mu Li intimately.

"The bald man in black has been silent for a long time, why did he suddenly come out to find her assault?" Lin Qing expressed her doubts in her heart.

"I don't know, maybe I'm not willing to fail in the farm incident. They worked so **** Huang Hecai, but what happened? But they didn't get anything, and they couldn't help us. Of course, they want to avenge Jiang." Mu Li The answer is very clear.

But Lin Qing didn't think it was that simple. Even if Mr. Jiang is a lawyer of the Mu family, the bald man in black could not find her revenge. Even if he killed the chicken and showed it to the monkey, he would have to attack Xiaolong.

"Anyway, I feel strange." Lin Qing sighed, without evidence, she didn't say much.

"There is nothing strange, don't think about it." Mu Li thought she was talking about a problem between them, and her tone was a little impatient.

Lin Qing stopped talking, she just looked out the window, and she was a way to express her bad mood.

Seeing her like this, Mu Li couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered: "Lin Qing."

Lin Qing didn't look back, but just murmured, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, just shouting at you." Mu Li smiled.

Until the two returned home, they were obsessed and no one knew who was thinking.

At the moment the door was opened, the two men immediately warmed their smiles on their faces. They did not forget the previous agreement, that is, no matter what happened, when facing the child facing Shen Yuhe, they must be dressed as loving couples.

Early in the morning, Orange didn't sleep. He smiled and rushed over. Lin Qing squatted down and embraced his small body into his arms. Suddenly, he felt full of heart, all the grievances and all the sadness disappeared. Only the smiley face of this little man is the warmest.

Lin Qing accompanied Orange to play, and then took him to sleep, returned to the bedroom, Mu Li was sitting on the sofa working on documents.

Seeing her return, he put down the documents in his hand, stood up, and walked towards Lin Qing.

Lin Qing looked at him in surprise and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Isn't this our bedroom? You say what I want to do?" Said Mu Li reached out and embraced her in his arms, and said affectionately, "Madam, I decided to make you work for me Little baby. "

"Did I agree?" Lin Qing shoved his head up, and said in disgust.

"Don't you want to have another child? You want a daughter as beautiful as you." Mu Li was not dissatisfied with Lin Qing's rejection, but aroused her interest.

Talking about Lin Qing's struggle, she suddenly hugged her and walked towards the bed.

"Did you get stimulated?" Lin Qing shouted displeasedly: "Don't you think I can't have a child? I want to prove that you work hard but I still can't have a daughter for you? Straight , I admit, I give way, I can't have a daughter for you. "

After speaking, she was struggling hard, escaped from Mu Li's arms, and fell on the bed to cry.

A woman is always fragile. These days she feels that Mu Li is wrong, but she cannot tell.

It was uncomfortable to be stuck in her heart. She would rather be stabbed in the open than to whitewash the peace.

Acting in front of Orange Orange and Shen Yuhe, she was tired enough. Attorney Jiang's body seemed to be Lai Shangmu Li, always in full condition in front of him.

Other women are confused by wine, but she uses her body.

She understands that Mu Li hates women and doesn't like drinking like women, so she tortures her body to achieve Mu Li's care for her.

Women's instincts are always accurate, and Lin Qing, Pisces, believes in her instincts even more.

Facing such a lawyer Jiang, Mu Li, who is tangling tightly, naturally has no mood to linger with him, let alone to have a child, how to have a child in a bad state of mind, the last time Lu Xiao was pregnant with a deformed child. She has a deep memory.

If in case of pregnancy, her mood is definitely not suitable for pregnant and nurturing children, unless her relationship with Mu Li is sunny again, but now there is a lawyer Jiang, she is a lawyer, she is full of tricks, and she can not cope.

Therefore, Lin Qing firmly refused to let Mu Li touch her body.

Mu Li was also angry. He was still angry. Why did Deze always be there every time he looked for Lin Qing.

Even if he made a call, he would be busy, as if Lin Qing was her woman.

"Where's your heart?" His sharp eyes were eagle-like, staring coldly at Lin Qing, showing a chill of bone.

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing didn't understand why he had such a reaction and question.

"Tell me, is your heart in Daze? You can meet him at your office, call you and he's busy, we can still meet him on the street, what do you say? Don't tell me There are so many coincidences in the world. "Mu Li reached out and pinched her jaw, sneered:" I don't want me to touch you now, but is it because of him? "


After listening to Mu Li's words, Lin Qing smiled angrily: "Can you count it as a pig eight ring?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Mu Li in turn.

"What do you mean by lawyer Jiang? Don't you think it's strange that she was injured twice? A few days ago, she came home every day and disrupted my normal family life. Now she starts to have frequent accidents and my man becomes her. Do you think all this is a coincidence? Is it normal? "Lin Qing Lengheng, she didn't believe Mu Li could not see it, but she still relied on her. The typical thief has a thief.

"Well, I won't quarrel with you. Do you suspect that I make sense? I suspect that you don't make sense? We are not children anymore. Like the house play, we are not up to standard. Say, do you want me to touch you?" Mu Li is indeed an army commander. Even quarrels are domineering.

"No." Lin Qing refused him without thinking.

"Okay, don't regret it. In the future, you just begged the grown-up of the army. I won't touch you." Mu Li was annoyed, like a gorilla who just wanted to be happy, and threw himself on the bed angrily And then covered his head to sleep.

Lin Qing couldn't help regretting it, saying that the husband and wife quarreled on the bedside, but she cut off the reconciliation between them, rejected Mu Li, and hurt his male self-esteem.

But in this case, if she agreed to let him touch her, she felt very cheap.

People are always in some inexplicable emotions that cannot be decided, like walking at the pavilion intersection, don't know whether to go left or right.

Lin Qing is not distrustful of Mu Li, but she longs for him to give her an explanation or a promise, so that her heart will be more solid.

The next morning, when Lin Qing woke up, Mu Li was up.

Sitting on the sofa looking at the documents, Lin Qing hesitated for a long time before she got up. After last night, she didn't know how to face him, and her refusal must hurt him.

Sure enough, Mu Li heard her get up and didn't smile and said to her as usual: "My little lazy pig, you finally woke up."

Lin Qing was a little lost, went into the bathroom to wash, and sat out in front of the dressing table before starting to comb her hair.

Mu Li still did not speak, and of course he would not help her to comb her hair. It seems that he is ready to fight her to the end.

Lin Qingcao combed her hair, deliberately left a mess, and walked towards the bedroom door. She walked very slowly just to let Mu Li know that she was going to eat.

Outside the bedroom, they still have to pretend to be loving couples, otherwise Shen Yuhe might send Orange to boarding school.

Just when Lin Qing was about to walk out of the door, Mu Li still had no movement. Lin Qing couldn't help but worry. If she went out without shouting Mu Li, then she would not abide by the agreement between them, and she would take all the consequences.

If she shouted Mu Li to go down there, he offered to show up with him, and the result was unknown.

Maybe Mu Li just wanted to see her reaction. Thinking of this, Lin Qing walked out of the bedroom door when she was angry.

But she stood outside for a while, but did not hear Mu Li's footsteps.

Feeling wronged, he turned his head and walked back, seeing that he was still sitting on the sofa and reading documents.

"Aren't you going down for breakfast?" Lin Qing asked angrily as he walked to him in a discouraged way.

"Who's talking to?" Mu Li looked up, looked at her blankly, and asked lightly.

At this moment, Lin Qing felt that he was so far away from him, and that he was far away, like in the horizon.

"Is there a second person in this room?" Lin Qing asked amusedly.

"Who am I? Please bring your name, lest I don't know who you are." Mu Li still said lightly.

Lin Qing waited for a while, and when he saw that he was still sitting, he had to say, "Master, can you go down for breakfast now?"

Mu Li stung her, and didn't say anything, but gathered up the documents in his hand, then stood up, straightened the collar, and then raised his arms, but his eyes did not look towards Lin Qing, so he stood Where.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Qing couldn't help but grin: "You just dragged like that? Really an army commander, even the Cold War has become so aggressive, I have to ask you?"

Mu Li didn't really get angry with Lin Qing at first. He resorted to the agreement with her and deliberately embarrassed Lin Qing.

Knowing that she would stab him for the sake of Orange, and after listening to her words, a faint smile smiled at the corner of her mouth, and she said nothing, but she still raised her arms until Lin Qing held her arm in his On the arm.

Lin Qing was led out of the bedroom door by him. He felt something wrong, as if he was trapped by him.

Maybe it's because she was too impatient and couldn't hold back, otherwise Mu Li showed her her favor and invited her to go downstairs. Anyway, they want to leave the bedroom, and they can't delay going to work.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing could not help but secretly regret that **** is not only old and spicy, but also male.

Although they were unhappy, they still had bright smiles on their faces. The two went downstairs together, perfunctory with oranges and Shen Yuhe as usual, and came to the table.

After Mu Li sat down, he reached out and touched a newspaper. Lin Qing felt helpless and smiled and said, "My husband, this is your millet porridge, this is your Xiaolongbao, eat it quickly, and it will be cold. It's not tasty, and we have to go to work. "

Seeing Lin Qing help him arrange breakfast intimately, Mu Li's smile deepened.

In the past, Mu Li helped her set it up, and today she finally tastes being served.

He slowly put down the newspaper, then gave Lin Qing a gentle look, and finally spoke: "Okay."

However, Lin Qing felt Mu Li's expression full of ridicule, no matter how he looked, he wanted to lift his foot and step on it, but finally he resisted.

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