"Yes, I met a big boss. Now that the company has turned over and is making a profit, I will soon be able to switch to a premium car, and I will never have to worry about the baby's milk in the stomach." Dai Ze had an unbelievable joy on his face.

"Great, I'm really happy for you." Lin Qing asked happily, "Which company can help you get out of crisis?"

"It's a foreign company. I also cooperated with them by chance. I didn't have much confidence at first. Local companies didn't help me. Can a foreign company help me for free? I didn't expect them to really talk about morality. Deze said happily.

"This is your blessing, good people have a report." Lin Qing nodded and smiled.

"Hey, it seems that in the future, I want to make good friends and give out a little money each year to help poor students, so that I can have good luck and help them solve school problems. Isn't it two kills, thank you, Lin Qing, this is really A good way. "Deze said nothing but said that Lin Qing was also very happy to see him happy. He finally came out of the trough of life, and he was naturally happy as a good friend.

When they were chatting happily, Mu Li returned.

He watched Dai Ze alertly and said, "It's a coincidence, and I met President Dai again."

"Does the Captain often meet me?" Deze asked in a puzzled manner.

Mu Li just smiled unpredictably, and didn't say anything. Lin Qing quickly rounded off the field: "He always doesn't know the head and tail when talking."

"Oh, haha, the military captain is naturally different." Dai Ze laughed.

He talked for a while, then left, Mu Li stared at Lin Qing, and couldn't help but quipped: "Where there is you, you can always see him. Is it a coincidence or something?"

"You're not looking for something purely selflessly. I haven't seen him for a long time, and it's a coincidence today." Lin Qing looked at his hand casually and responded to him lightly.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Li no longer tangled with him and asked casually.

"The company was on the verge of bankruptcy a few days ago. How do you say he has those who are willing to talk to me? But this time it seems to have met a big boss, and the company's situation has improved, and I will tell you these things. Said that she was a little unhappy and cautious.

"What big boss is so kind? The malls are all profitable. If Dai Ze doesn't provide benefits to others, they will help him stand up?" Mu Li asked in amazement.

"I don't know about this, it may be a good person." Lin Qing replied.

"Well, don't talk about him, we're going to banquet, come with me." Mu Li said, reaching out to pull her.

The two walked to Ling Annan's table together, and most of them present were shareholders of the farm.

Lin Qing also knew each other and didn't feel constrained. They were happy talking.

At the moment when the banquet was about to start, Lawyer Jiang came over and happened to have an empty seat beside Mu Li. She walked over to sit down casually and greeted everyone, her behavior was very decent.

Even Lin Qing couldn't say anything, although she was very upset.

During the dinner, lawyer Jiang talked about the situation on the farm, and talked about things on the farm. Even Ling Annan nodded and praised her, saying that although she was a girl, she was quite spiritual in the mall and she understood the problem thoroughly.

Lin Qing couldn't say anything. She was familiar with the business of Tongda Company, and they talked about things on the farm. It was awkward and helpless to sit there, but she always had a faint smile on her face and could not lose. The gas field.

Attorney Jiang always looked at her seemingly unintentionally, with pride and provocation in his eyes.

Lin Qing only pretended to be invisible, but Ling Annan was empathetic and talked to her from time to time to avoid her being completely ordered.

"Mr. Lin is the head of our Tongda branch and has the style of a coach. It takes only a few days to take over again. Tongda's performance has jumped to the top of the head office. It is really a female hero." Ling Annan smiled and praised .

The crowd could not help but applaud and raised a glass of congratulations to Lin Qing, saying that she was shameless.

Mu Li laughed at the interface: "Women's families, performance is really not that important, it is better to be family-oriented."

Talking about this person, everyone smiled awkwardly. The commander-in-chief seemed to dislike the commander-in-law's wife to go out to work.

Lin Qing is nothing, and Mu Li ’s attitude is not the first day she knows. In fact, she just wants to find herself when she goes out to work, and does n’t want to get lost in the family. Going out to work does not necessarily delay the family. She wants to prove this and can be considerate Mo Li mood.

Attorney Jiang has regrets and embarrassment on his face. It turns out that the military commander likes a woman at home, but she has been working **** her career. No wonder he doesn't like her. Actually, he doesn't like her, but he doesn't like the importance of career. Businesswoman.

If you think about it, you will understand that a man like a military commander and a business hegemon will naturally want a woman behind him who will serve him wholeheartedly.

It seems she is going to change direction and strategy, just as she is immersed in her thoughts.

But I did n’t want Mu Li to say again, “Although my family Lin Qing has done a relatively successful career, the family has not delayed at all. This is why I let her go out to work. Well, women, family-oriented, career-based, pass Maybe next time. "


He said this with a clear show off. Lin Qing was playing work outside his family, but his performance was outstanding, and he became the leading company of the Ling Shao Group.

The crowd applauded again, but Lawyer Jiang's heart sank to the bottom of the sea all at once, and Mu Li's affection for Lin Qing was obvious.

Can she still have a chance? Will she have a chance? Waited for so many years, prepared for so many years, no, can't give up! She kept cheering herself up.

The crowd applauded again, "Manager Lin is indeed the commander's wife."

Attorney Jiang asked with a smile: "I want to say, why does Mrs. Captain go out to work instead of helping on the farm? Anyway, Mr. Ling and Mu family have shares in the farm. Benefit? At the beginning of the business, the farm really needed a talented female middle-class hero like the military commander's wife. "

Her words were very sincere. Although everyone felt that she was jealous, they could not reason.

Yeah, she is so capable, she is both the commander's wife and the commander of General Ling. Wouldn't it benefit both parties if she joined the farm? And these farm shareholders naturally aspire to such things, then they will have more confidence in the farm.

Everyone couldn't help but clap their hands again, clamoring for Lin Qing to go to the farm to work as a family.

Mu Li smiled slightly: "I'm afraid it won't work. Even at Tongda Company, she doesn't have to do it for a long time. Women always have to return to their families. Maybe you will know why after a while."

After listening to his words, Ling Annan also nodded and smiled: "Although I can't bear it, there is no way, I just hope that Manager Lin can come back in a few years."

They sang one and one, and they were very clear. Except for lawyer Jiang who was here, there were people with family members. They naturally understood the meaning of Lin Qing's return to the family, and he must be a surrogate.

"That's the case, then congratulations to the military commander in advance." Everyone congratulated.

Mu Li smiled and nodded, but said nothing. His ambiguous attitude made everyone more certain.

Only lawyer Jiang is still ignorant, but after all, she is not a fool. After thinking about it, she also came up with a meaning, and her heart is even colder. Doesn't Shen Yuhe say that Lin Qing can't have children? Why would she return to her family in the near future? Is it Shen Yuhe who lied to her?

After that, at the dinner table, although her words were obviously less and her expression was more lonely, she presumed that she drank too much, and everyone didn't care, but Lin Qing noticed that she was very upset.

At the end of the banquet, lawyer Jiang was already drunk.

Mu Li took Lin Qing home, and Ling Annan sent Lawyer Jiang home.

The next day, when Lin Qing came to work, Dai Ze came to the company to find her and brought a contract to increase the cooperation with Tongda.

Lin Qing was of course very happy to come to the contract. She said happily, "Daze, you are really entangled now."

"Yeah, Lord God of Wealth comes home, how can I not make money if I have money, of course I will not make a fortune myself, we will make it together." Then he put the contract on Lin Qing's table. "This is our next step of cooperation intention How do you look? "

Lin Qing hastily read the contract and couldn't help but marvel: "Daze, you are really a big deal! In the future, Tongda will rely on you to eat."

"Come on, don't joke with me, can you accept this contract?" Deze smiled happily.

"Of course I can accept this. This is also the big **** of wealth delivered to the door. Anyway, it will not pit me." Lin Qing nodded with confidence.

"Yes, I will not deceive anyone, and I will not deceive you. Rest assured, once the contract is signed, the prepayment will be paid immediately." Deze said that he was very wealthy.

Lin Qing could not help but give him a thumbs up. "It's really different when you have money."

And she asked inquisitively: "Daze, what big boss is it? Let you turn over to a serf and sing and become a rich man? Can you tell me?"

After listening to her words, Dai Ze's face showed hesitation, and he shook his head after thinking for a while: "You still don't want to see me, it's a fraud in the mall, you just have to keep the Tongda company and do it well. Deep, it will drown. "

"Why are you so emotional?" Lin Qing asked very puzzled. She suddenly remembered the words that Mu Li said last night. If Mu Li is not good for people to make money, why can people help him, the businessman has always been profitable and only takes Talking about profits, not trading at a loss, that is unlucky.

"Nothing, that is, since the company was stuck, I have experienced a lot of things, and I have seen a lot of people, but I have already been on this thief boat. I can't help myself. Month. "Dai Ze sighed and smiled helplessly.

"Daze, I feel like you suddenly have a heavy heart. Is it that you made a last resort deal with this big boss? If not, how could he possibly help you for free and make you so rich?" Lin Qing tentatively asked. Road.

"What do I have to trade? Nonsense, he helped me, but also made money for himself, and stood still through my company." Dai Ze heard Lin Qing's words and reacted very violently, that is, he was stung by a bee, and his tooth grinned. .

Originally Lin Qing just asked casually, also because of curiosity, but his reaction was unexpected, if it was all right, she didn't need to care about what she said.

"I'm sorry, I just asked casually." Lin Qing explained a little awkwardly, and the atmosphere seemed to be at a deadlock between them.

Deze knew that he was serious, and hurriedly laughed: "Lin Qing, I am sorry, you, who I also know, have always been straight. I ca n’t see things that do n’t see the light, so naturally I wo n’t do it either, so I'm afraid you will react so fiercely because of misunderstanding, sorry. "

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