Therefore, when the knights from all over the country found the evil spirits, the first thing they thought of was to kill them as soon as possible, which would not only minimize the harm of the evil spirits, but also prevent other knights from helping them and seeking to share the credit.

Therefore, in addition to practical exercises, the teaching of new knights in various branches did not have extra experimental bodies for everyone to study in the theoretical courses. They could only play the videos repeatedly, supplemented by a large number of detailed and professional text and picture explanations.

These locust-like evil spirits in the video actually died a long time ago. In order to study the evil spirits, scholars have cut them into pieces. Now there are only these miserable videos to prove that they have been here.

"Good stuff." Amanozaki read it carefully for more than ten minutes, put down the A4 paper with unsatisfied intention, and began to listen to the lecturer's lecture, staring at the video in amazement.

The full name of this course is "Detailed Explanation of the Classification of Evil Spirits". It is based on the general classification of evil spirits. It mainly talks about how to suppress evil spirits, how to deal with corpses and scenes, and minimize the subsequent impact.

The practical class corresponding to this course is the most popular one, "Actual Combat", which is jokingly called "Physical Education Class".

The video has already started to deal with the third locust demon. The demonstrator holds a dagger and simulates dodging the attack of the locust's limbs. With slow decomposition movements, the tip of the dagger is inserted into the gap of the locust's exoskeleton, and slowly lifts it up to reveal the soft milky white flesh.

Amanozaki deliberately calls on Rin Tosaka to study together. The lecturer on the podium is explaining the demonstrator's operating essentials in an extremely high-pitched tone, and repeatedly emphasizes the taboos that have been tested with the lives of countless knights.

He believes that Rin Tosaka must like this rigorous, academic course similar to magic learning very much.

Of course, she, who is known as Muscle Rin, will definitely like "Physical Education Class".

It's a pity that the superpowers cannot be released without reason in the branch. Amanozaki actually violated the rules when he beat JK Girl and Li Junzi before.

However, since the disciples of Amber Lord also violated the rules, since the responsibility of the disciples of Amber Lord was not pursued, Amanozaki naturally escaped.

The class finally ended with the female lecturer's repeated and strict instructions. The students who were trying to record the experience of their predecessors on thin A4 paper suddenly relaxed.

Some of them clasped their fists to socialize with each other, and some made appointments with friends on the spot to practice the inspiration they had accidentally in class, and their weapons had already collided.

At first glance, I thought I had traveled back to the ancient martial arts world.

Amanosaki has always disliked these red tapes. Since there is no money for doing this, he continued to slip away from the back door.

"Make way."

Lin Shuyu called coldly behind Amanosaki, and Amanosaki hurriedly moved away. Lin Shuyu, who was a head shorter than him, shook her long hair and left, and the faint smell of perfume penetrated Amanosaki's nose.

"This way." Lin Shuyu was stingy with words and walked deep into the teaching area. When she met acquaintances on the road, she immediately greeted everyone with a pleasant expression and tone like spring breeze.

"This excitement is all theirs, I have nothing." Amanozaki self-deprecatingly repeated Mr. Zhou Shuren's famous saying, hanging far behind Lin Shuyu who was busy greeting everyone. He looked around boredly and gradually understood why the eighteenth underground floor had to be built with a garden at all costs.

It was too monotonous, with uniform white corridors, uniform anti-falling metal nets above the head to prevent pipelines from falling and injuring people, uniform brightness of lights, and uniform temperature.

Except for the black-letter signs on the road with white background, this place is a huge maze. The so-called this district and that district, like the national border, have no real physical divisions and only exist on the map. To Amanozaki, they are all the same.

He couldn't stand being away from the green for just a few hours.

In a trance, he stepped aside to let passers-by, but his shoulder was still bumped by the passer-by. The person had long hair that was shoulder-length and messy, and the glasses he wore couldn't cover the dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he would die at any time.

"Sorry." The man's eyes were empty, as if he was immersed in his own imaginary world. He just apologized instinctively, as if he had gotten used to this kind of life.

Amanozaki waved his hand indifferently and continued to follow Lin Shuyu.

The passerby with messy hair staggered to the corner, sat down against the wall, hugged his head with his arms, and fell asleep in an instant.

"Confirmed... it's him... do you want to do it?"

The passerby muttered, his eyes rolled back.

"This way." Lin Shuyu walked into another classroom with the words "morality and chivalry" hanging on it, and sat quietly at the innermost side of the last row. From the corner of his eye, he saw Amanozaki sitting outside the long table. As soon as his butt touched the seat, his head tilted back, transparent saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and a slight snoring sounded non-stop.

The speed was so fast that it seemed as if the previous spirit was disguised.

Lin Shuyu looked at Amanozaki, and then looked at the drowsy people in the front row of the classroom, feeling helpless.

The course "Morality and Chivalry" is a compulsory course for knights, but compared to those fancy courses, this course is the most similar to traditional school education. For most knights who are not good at brainpower, it is even more painful than killing.

'Unlearned and incompetent. ' The girl was half disgusted and half ashamed of herself, 'Why did you dream of such an unimproving lecher last night? Morality and chivalry are the standards for knights to restrain themselves. No matter how powerful a knight is, if his thoughts are backward or even feudal, he will eventually cause harm to the people. '

'Shuyu, Shuyu, you are excellent, and your husband must also be an excellent person, useful to the country and the people. Amanozaki is not your good man. He is just a lazy and lazy pervert! '

The girl patted her chest and breathed heavily, as if she wanted to spit out all the strange thoughts she had about Amanozaki.

Amanosaki, who had no idea that his image in Lin Shuyu's mind had changed repeatedly, was slumped on the chair and fast asleep. Countless pixels poured out of the body covered by the table and swarmed out from the gaps in his clothes.

Tohsaka Rin came out of the pixel, stretched out his hand to test Amanozaki's breath, and after confirming that he was indeed asleep, he crushed the gem and his whole body was invisible by magic.

Rin stood up and silently adjusted Nozaki's sleeping position so that his spine would not be painful during sleep. Then he opened the back door of the classroom and turned back along the way he came.

She roughly knew whose actions it was.

Chapter 36: Brother Pao Meeting, Whetstone

The new generation of Yushan Branch is actually a group spanning a huge age range of more than ten years, including Li Junzi, JK Girl, Lin Shuyu and other practicing knights and support staff. There are also knights who have already left the army and are active in Yushan Province.

Of course, there are also people who form small groups to seek political status.

Mr. Pepper is such a person.

Within the chivalrous community, those who have won regional chivalrous names have always been known by their chivalrous names. This behavior of commensurate with chivalrous names is essentially a method of dividing class and strength.

Because Li Junzi and JK are practicing cultivation and have not yet received the title of knight, everyone in the Yushan branch calls them by their first names.

The Brother Pao Association formed by Mr. Chili Pepper is the new generation organization that Lin Shuyu solemnly reminded before.

Most of this group of people are the kind of people who are neither capable of winning in a knight-errant battle, but also have some ability due to their family strength and their relatively early age as knights. They often bully newcomers and form groups to threaten those who have knight-errant names but not much social fame. The activities of the old man are roughly equivalent to those of the dandy in ancient times.

Mr. Chili relies on this robe brother's association, and he is also relatively outstanding among the new generation of elites.

However, Mr. Chili today is not as arrogant as before. Instead, he is smoking rather sadly at the front desk of the teaching area on the fifteenth floor underground.

He's here to stir up trouble.

Yesterday, while Mr. Chili was having a flutter in a nightclub on the bustling Lianglukou street outside the branch, he received a call from Mr. Amber's secretary. The call lasted for about ten minutes. It probably meant that Mr. Amber wanted him to set up Pao Ge. I will serve as Amanozaki's whetstone.

Yes, a whetstone.

The secretary clearly said so.

In addition, the secretary additionally revealed that Mr. Amber intends to check his Mr. Chili's control over the Brother Pao Club. If he is satisfied, a certain church in Yushan Province is in urgent need of a group of knights for support recently, and he may choose him and the Brother Pao Club. As an expat.

Don't say anything else.

Mr. Chili is not qualified to know the layout intentions of the top management of the branch.

"Dates and sticks."

Mr. Chili combed his chili-tip-like hair dyed red, smoked a cigarette, and murmured bitterly, "The stone that sharpens the knife has to be sharpened by itself. What is the point of control? Brother Dissatisfaction Pao can do it." Act..."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"That is to say, brother. Don't wait here any longer. Let's catch that sleeping Hapi as soon as possible. We'll have a good time and set some rules for that Guawazi."

Unlike Mr. Chili, who started to think about the actions of the big shot above, these Pao Ge (dialect, meaning brothers) who knew Pao Ge were all very excited.

They were finally going to deal with the underachiever named Amanozaki.

This year, in the Yushan division, which new knight-errant is the most eye-catching, it must be Amanosaki.

During his debut and at his peak, he defeated a dozen demons and instantly overshadowed the helm-level hero Eastern Leaf Man.

Then he was in the same frame as the country's number one swordsman, Scabie Bin, and was also rumored to be a possible candidate for his direct disciple.

Although these two topics have only been popular nationwide for a day or two, in Yushan Province and Yushan City, they have now become one of the topics discussed after dinner.

No one in Brother Pao can achieve this level of popularity.

What's even more irritating is that this guy's power is a rare type of intelligence, and he can transform into a beautiful woman to accompany him every day. His appearance and figure are all above the standard.

Yesterday, it was revealed that Mr. Amber’s apprentice Li Junzi was beaten twice.

It is now being spread throughout the branch that Amanosaki is coming from behind. It is very likely that from now on, the branch's publicity agency will focus on Amanosaki.

Even if Amanozaki really passed by them, these people would not recognize Amanozaki's appearance, but it does not prevent him from becoming a celebrity now.

If Brother Pao can still tolerate those glorious deeds in the past, then the rumor of Amanozaki's exclusive helming has hit everyone's pain point.

What do knights today need?

The big stone outside [Qunxia Mountain] can clearly be engraved with:

"When it's over, brush off your clothes and raise your voice and your name."

The great knights serve the country and the people, but the little knights who are active in China are seeking fame and wealth.

The propaganda of Yushan Branch is equivalent to the propaganda of a province.

Ding Zhen, the [Purity Knight] of [Sichuan Branch], was selected as the spokesperson by the Shu government last year. Announcements, advertisements, and cooperation projects have been coming one after another, and now she has a good reputation across the country.

How can people not be jealous of Brother Pao when he does this kind of thing?

The crowd was shouting noisily in his ears, but Mr. Chili's ears were extremely harsh.

The words whetstone and control kept spinning in his mind.

‘Is this probably why Mr. Amber is dissatisfied with me? ’ He squinted at the Pao brothers who were surrounding the front desk and frightened the front desk staff so much that they dared not move, and laughed at himself in his heart, ‘If I could really have the final say over these second-generation rich people, I’m afraid the assignment would have been in hand. ’

“Hey, big~brother!”

An impatient Pao brother patted Mr. Chili’s shoulder, his neck and face were red from the clamor just now, and he looked even hotter than Mr. Chili, “Are you waiting for wine or food? If you don’t do it, the sleepyhead will be caught by the security guard, and we will all be in trouble.”

Mr. Chili watched the half-finger-long ash in his hand being wiped away by this, revealing the orange-yellow cigarette butt. He looked ferocious, and his shoulder knocked away the Pao brother who patted him, and waved his hand:

“Follow me!”

A dozen Pao brothers rushed into the teaching area in a mighty manner. Passers-by in the corridor saw this and pressed against the wall to get out of the way, fearing that they could not avoid them.

That attitude was several times more disgusting than seeing cockroaches and rats.


In the corridor of the teaching area, people were walking around with laptops and tablets. Most of them were staff members. Those who were slacking off with A4 paper in their hands were often knights.

Rin Tohsaka rolled up her sleeves and walked gently along the invisible silk thread.

The moment Amanozaki was forced into a dream, she "woke up". Since the person who did it did not care about the rules set by [Qunxia Mountain], she just let it go.

Using magic to reversely detect the enemy's position, Rin Tohsaka was not in a hurry to catch him.

She first confirmed that the target had not moved, then began to circle the target's position, wandering around the nearby intersections, and quietly arranged magic.

There are two kinds of magicians with and without preparation.

If Rin Tohsaka two minutes ago was a bee dancing in the forest, free and easy with a poisonous needle.

Then now she is a poisonous spider hanging on a spider web, and her prey has nowhere to hide.


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