Although most of the thousand superpowers can only make fire and cook, flush the toilet, blow dry hair, and even slaughter pigs and cattle. But the prime minister must come from the state, and the fierce general must come from the army.

Choosing to compete with others for the popular hero name instead of sticking to the garbage hero name, King Kong Train Man is really capable.

"Woo woo woo--"

There seemed to be a train passing through the martial arts field, and the whistle was amplified by the sound, echoing throughout the field, very harsh.

I saw that Sun Chun's originally fierce and accurate jab, at the moment the train sound sounded, shook out two round iron galls from his sleeves, held them in one hand, and plucked them quickly.

Circles and circles of train roars came from the friction of the iron gall, and the invisible ripples hit Sun Chun's elbow, continuously, and deflected his offensive.

Taking advantage of this gap, He Wanli pulled away, pursed his lips and caught the iron gall, while Sun Chun tightened his arms and accumulated strength again.

During this gap, the screen began to replay in slow motion, and Dongfang Leaf Man explained in time:

"It's really wonderful! Sun Chun adjusted his state before the battle, relying on his trump card [Boiler Power] to accumulate steam, and it exploded instantly, catching He Wanli off guard!"

"But He Wanli is worthy of being a young and hard-working knight. He immediately used the sound wave attack of Iron Gall to counterattack and destroyed the opponent's offensive. But even if he avoided the jab, the fist wind driven by the power of the boiler must be uncomfortable. He Wanli doesn't have alloy skin!"

As the camera closes up, the audience with only normal human level suddenly realized it.

The instrument panel pointer on Sun Chun's back fell back to the orange zone at this time, and was slowly rotating towards the red zone, obviously accumulating steam again.

And He Wanli's face was covered with sweat beads, and his expression was solemn.

"Those two iron balls are called Iron Gall? I thought He Sang's ability was alienated courage or no pain, so he was brave or something." Hinata was surprised as if she had discovered a new continent.

Amanozaki looked at the thing in He Wanli's hand with some sighs.

He was very familiar with this thing. When he was a child, his grandfather would always hold a pair of these things in his hands to play with, just like the uncle next door who played with walnuts.

Iron gall is a strange weapon in martial arts novels. No one knows how to use it now, but it does have the effect of training wrist strength. There is a thin humming sound when rubbed.

He Wanli chose iron gall as a weapon because it is small and portable, and there are sounds when rubbing and colliding.

It makes a sizzling sound, a bit like weakened white noise. I don't know how He Wanli used this thing to make the sound of a train whistle.

But if Amanozaki used the sonic power, he would have to bring a pair of allegro, singing Alvin and the Chipmunks while banging to death the opponent.

At worst, he would use a complete set of DJ equipment and loudspeakers to play DJ on the stage, rubbing and shouting "Let's have fun together". Turn the competition into a personal concert, and then set up a fashionable brand, laughing and joking, guarantee that young people will like it.

Are you still worried about not having fans? Winning or losing is not important.

He looks like an old man strolling in the park with a pair of iron balls.

Look at Sun Chun, after all, he is a black and oily tendon, with two dashboards behind him, opening his mouth to blow smoke, and being friendly. He is a life-long hero.

He lost in momentum!

Chapter 5: Evil and evil

The spotlights cast orange lampposts, wired microphones hang from the dome, passionate commentary and the crowd waving fists and shouting, and gamblers holding receipts secretly betting.

Everything looks like an underground boxing match.

However, this is a legal and compliant, serious battle for the name of chivalry.

"Oh! Sun Chun started again. This time his boiler power has reached the maximum number. The second instrument panel has started to rotate! It is said that Sun Chun can currently control 1,500 horsepower of steam, and the locomotive he originally fused can reach an astonishing 3,000 horsepower!"

"He dodged it, He Wanli dodged it! He now holds an iron gallbladder in each hand and keeps slapping each other. More train sounds are heard. Wow! I seem to be in a train dispatching center now, and my ears are full of whistle sounds!"

While explaining, the Oriental Leaf Man covered his mouth and microphone with the Wuyi Mountain Feather to prevent the speakers from amplifying the whistle.

The display screen is now separated by the center line, with real-time images on one side and slow playback of highlights on the other. Combined with the explanation of the professional knight, it is really dazzling.

Amanozaki opened his eyes wide at first, but now he simply closed his eyes, looking like he was resting.

Now he can see more clearly.

As his stand-in, Hinata can share her own vision with the stand-in messenger. The human eye can only accept no more than 30 frames per second.

But Hinata's last name is Hyuga.

The Byakugan allows her to receive frames and process images as fast as a high-speed camera, and has the ability to see through the flow of chakra or other energy, panoramic view and even perspective.

Therefore, after Hinata opened her Byakugan, Amanozaki found helplessly that it was a waste of effort to explain the meaning of the screen, and even keeping his eyes open was a burden on his brain.

He just became a Stand user today, and he has not yet fully adapted to his abilities. Closing his eyes is a better choice at this time.

Yes, after all, the so-called invincible Jotaro Kujo took a long time to control Star Platinum freely when he and his Stand were the strongest at the golden age of 17.

Before that, Star Platinum did not show the ability to stop time, but strange powers such as passing through walls, retracting fingers, and remote control.

"It's not surprising that I can't do something that even JOJO can't do." With this thought, Amanozaki began to appreciate this drama from a more sober perspective.

He even ordered Coke, popcorn, and French fries, and started eating with Hinata.

I have to admit that real-life 1V1 is indeed more exciting than any special effects movie.

Besides, Hinata uses the Byakugan, and the energy consumed is all accounted for by him. If he doesn't eat more, he may not be able to hold on.

Amanozaki and Hinata ate with relish. During the meal, Hinata also explained the combat intentions of the two to Amanozaki from a professional perspective, and Amanozaki stuffed popcorn and French fries into Hinata's mouth from time to time.

They looked like a couple selling dog food.

This made the spectators in the back row very unhappy.

What's the matter? We are here to watch the fight. It's okay for you little couples to be intimate, but why are you sitting in the front row? Are you sincere?

The male audience was particularly angry. Hinata's figure was such that even from behind, one could tell she was a first-class slender lady. Moreover, her smiling face could always stir everyone's heartstrings when she occasionally showed it.

How could such a beautiful woman be compared to that ugly guy with dark circles under his eyes? !

To be fair, Amanosaki was not ugly. His appearance level reached the average appearance of online readers, 8 points.

The dark circles under his eyes were also left by staying up late to make money after traveling through time. Each circle was a straight spine. It recorded his countless days and nights of righteously rejecting the temptations of gigolos and some males with special preferences for males, and planning his current life stroke by stroke.

If scars are a symbol of a man's courage, then these dark circles under his eyes are proof of his backbone.

The reason why these people think he is ugly is just because he is the one sitting next to Hyuga Hinata.

Typical sour grapes.

"Fuck, are you still going to let people watch the game!" A middle-aged man with a gold chain and tattoos on his scalp hammered the guardrail and broke the guardrail made of hollow steel pipe.

This man obviously has supernatural powers, but he can't reach the threshold of a knight, so he can only complain here.

"People like you who show affection in public should be eaten by evil demons!"

This violent statement attracted nods from the surrounding audience.

As if in response to these resentful dog-food eaters, the ground began to shake slightly.

No one noticed at first, and everyone thought it was just the aftermath of the fight on the field.

And the Oriental Leaf Man, who should have noticed the problem the most, was not able to find the problem in the first time because he was suspended in the air.

Until the shaking became clearer, the searchlight and the sound moved in a shake, Hyuga Hinata silently put down the popcorn, took the wet wipes from Amanozaki's trouser bag and began to wipe his fingers.

Through the resonance between the stand and the stand user, Amanozaki felt that Hinata was on guard at this time.

But for some reason, the panoramic view and perspective of the Byakugan were not turned on, only the chakra observation mode was turned on, scanning the audience.

This also prevented Hinata from finding the enemy in the first place.

At this time, the competition on the ring had entered a critical period, and the winner might be decided at any time. Both of them were sweating and panting, and their physical strength did not allow them to make any more attempts.

The Eastern Leaf Man was also dry-mouthed from his commentary.

Then, the two people who were confronting each other suddenly fell down together, looking around blankly. The whole audience was in an uproar for a while.

"What's going on? Is this a fake match?!"

"I suggest that the Heroes Mountain conduct a strict investigation! This acting is too poor!"

The noisy audience shouted in a mess.

Hinata in the stands grabbed Amanosaki and took him to hide behind the guardrail, while the Eastern Leaf Man on the dome changed color:

"Everyone leave the arena!" The Eastern Leaf Man suddenly shouted, and the Wuyi Mountain Feathers gathered under him spread out, covering half of the dome of the martial arts arena.

Each bird feather shone brightly under the spotlight, just like the flying sword fairy in the movie.

The arena made of huge stones was broken in the roar, and countless pieces of stone were thrown and fell towards the stands.

Although the residents of this world have long developed the habit of listening to the words of the knights, a gathering of tens of thousands of people cannot be evacuated just by saying so.

At this time, the Oriental Leaf Man waved his hands, and in his shouting move of "Jasmine Tea!", the feathers were like tea leaves brewed by boiling water, spinning layer by layer, and all the pieces of stone flying to the stands were stopped.

Of course, the cameras responsible for filming this scene were all safe and sound. To ensure that the glorious image of the Oriental Leaf Man who tried his best to protect the masses can be broadcast to the masses.

After finishing his own little tricks, the Oriental Leaf Man had time to think about the Yushan Branch.

There is no doubt that this is an invasion of evil demons. They must have something to rely on to openly slap the Yushan branch in the grand event of the battle of heroes. There is only one hero at the level of the branch in this venue, and it is probably difficult to protect everyone.


After all, this place is adjacent to the headquarters building of the branch, and its strength is better than the surrounding areas. Reinforcements will arrive soon.

What's more, he is a hero of the Wuyishan branch, and his fan base is also in Wuyishan. He was invited to commentate in order to make a name for himself, and helping to hold back the evil demons is already a benevolence.

So even though the ring was overturned, King Kong Train Man Sun Chun and Iron Courage Train Man He Wanli were covered by stones and bursting mud and dust, and the Eastern Leaf Man had no intention of rescuing them.

"Wow! What Taoist He said is really right. The Yushan City branch is busy with publicity and performances, and the martial arts field headquarters is really fragile as if it is undefended!"

A pointed-head earth-boring vehicle emerged from the ground, and an octopus-man was soaking in the sea water in the cab, smiling strangely.

The underground drilling vehicle emerged from the hole, and the transport hatch at the top opened. A dozen demons with different looks and inhuman features and a man dressed as a Taoist priest inlaid with gold and silver emerged from the fish house.

Taoist He pinched a long beard, his smile was filled with pride, and he said in a loud voice: "No, no, it's just my descendants who overheard the arrangements of those knights. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't be able to do it alone."

This guy has four long beards on his face, a wide mouth and eyes, a slippery body, webbed fingers, and a fat body. He clearly looks like a catfish, but he calls himself Taoist Crane.

Another lizard-like demon with four arms and four steel knives chewed his teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense! Showing up under the turret will definitely frighten the two-legged sheep. It's exactly When we have a full meal, brothers, I will go first!"

The lizard monster muttered something in vain, jumped onto the stand, opened its mouth and made a moon-whispering motion, but nothing happened, it was just sucking in something.

"This, this is!"

Amanozaki covered his mouth and watched in horror as wisps of black air roared from the audience.

"Ah! The best negative emotions, the fear of the so-called demon appearing in the knight's helm, the hatred for the crowd that hinders his escape, the irritability of the crying child, and the dissatisfaction with you, you who are not knights."

The lizard man pointed at the livid Eastern Leaf Man on the dome, and his laughter became more and more arrogant. Dark light flowed in the blood vessels under his skin, and the scales on the lizard man's body fell off one after another, like a mangy dog.


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