They gathered together with difficulty in the pothole, and together they were only the size of two fists, and slipped out of the valley along the dry underground waterway.

However, because Guishuiyin previously blocked the underground water system in order to facilitate the conversion of groundwater, the nearby groundwater system has now dried up. If you want to replenish water, you need to dive hundreds of meters and risk fighting with strange fish and evil spirits living in the earth's crust. danger of life.

But Guishuiyin only has this little left now. In addition to the characteristics of weak water itself, she is not even at the Tangguo level, and the weak water that can be transformed is even less.

He is a completely unworthy evil spirit.

A slightly more powerful evil spirit could capture her and roast her alive over the fire.

Or drink it directly and use the gastric juice to kill her while fighting the stomach problem.

So for safety, Guishuiyin even had to walk along the roads built by humans.

"After passing this mountain, as long as we pass here and leave the underground water system that I blocked before, we can find living water."

"You didn't expect that the thing you thought would weaken me actually became an opportunity for me to survive?"

"What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. I will learn the lesson this time. Next time I come again, I will fill the weak water with alloy dust and stab you to death with a water knife... Hahaha!"

Guishuiyin finally rolled onto the road. The weak water trembled tremblingly, as if it had seen the future of killing Amanozaki.

"Oh, why is there such a small evil spirit?"

A kind and old voice sounded from the cliff more than two meters high by the road. The trembling weak water shook and an eye appeared.

A kind-faced bald old man wearing a loose retro robe and a middle-aged man in a suit with obvious signs of staying up late were sitting on a pony. The middle-aged man was holding a telescope in his hand, pointing at himself and saying something to the old man.

It was Lin Zhonghe from the Amber Gong faction and Hu Zhun, deputy chief of the intelligence department.

After listening to Hu Zhun's introduction, Lin Zhonghe nodded in realization: "So you are the demon who destroyed Sanjiang Hall? I still treat you as some useless demon. It's really rude."

Lin Zhonghe touched his bald head, looking embarrassed, but there was a cold light in his slightly narrowed eyes, and there was no trace of a smile.

Guishuiyin was so stared at by the crane in the forest that he couldn't move. He suddenly screamed and exploded on the spot, turning into countless bean-sized weak water that was about to burrow into the soil beside the road.

The road made of concrete and asphalt cannot allow her to escape on the spot, so she can only use this method!

"Ouch! Don't run!"

Lin Zhonghe still smiled, "I also want to have a good chat with you on behalf of those friends in the hall."

With a flick of his finger, a green pea shot out, turning into a piranha with a large bloody mouth and serrated teeth in the air. It opened its mouth and swallowed the water droplets together with all the nearby soil, concrete, and shrubs.

The Guishuiyin regrouped in the mouth of the piranha, swaying left and right. Lin Zhonghe waved his hand, and the piranha swayed, filtering out dirt and stones from its teeth, leaving only the Guishuiyin, and then quickly transformed. , turned into a blackened fruit.

"Totally dead, no trace of escape."

Hu Zhun took off his glasses and looked at it for a while and said.

"Take the fruit back and let the lunatics from the R\u0026D department take a good look at it." Lin Zhonghe licked his teeth, and cold light shot out from a mouth of healthy teeth that did not fit the appearance of an elderly person. "Tell me the origin and ability of this thing." ”

Hu Zhun nodded: "I heard from the knight who was being treated that when Amanozaki went there, Guishuiyin said that the Taoist who had taken care of the matter had given up his promise and said that she had taken care of it."

Lin Zhonghe, who had been smiling all the time, turned his head and looked at Hu Zhun without blinking:

"You mean, you want to be a Taoist? Our disciple, a heretic, was captured by an evil spirit?"


Lin Zhonghe chewed his teeth, and his old voice came out from between his teeth. His voice was cold, as if he was about to burst out a knife: "The entrance to Sanjiang Hall was destroyed, and a message for help was sent out. Except for us, all the other knights in the helm have sent people. bring it on?"

Hu Zhun nodded: "Yes, there are six people from one consortium here, all at the helm level."


Lin Zhonghe stood up, put his hands behind his back, and walked down the cliff step by step on the rocks:

"Tell them, Lin Zhonghe, the section chief of [Yushan Branch] and [Anti-Enemy Section], whose name is [Drunk Flower Ranger], please have a short meeting."

Hu Zhun adjusted his glasses: "Miss Lin's side..."

"Originally, we asked the bodyguards to send him away, but we came because Sanjiang Tangkou asked for help. Now that the culprit is dead, we will go see those old guys. By the way, don't run away, my deputy section chief is not here. , I want your help."



Sanjiangtangkou ruins.

Amanozaki sat on the edge of the altar, next to a T-shaped metal infusion pole.

His face looked a little gloomy, and his whole body was shaking slightly uncontrollably.

This was the sequelae of overuse of the magic circuit. At this time, the muscles all over his body were painful and swollen, and there were several special plasters made by knights with medical powers on his body to suppress muscle dissolution.

"I've suffered a big loss this time." Amanozaki felt his buttocks that were numb from sitting down, and he smiled bitterly as he couldn't move.

Not far away, a beautiful girl wearing a women's suit, a short skirt covering her knees, and black silk short-heeled leather shoes that made the white shirt on her chest stand out more and more was holding a tablet and wearing a Bluetooth headset to direct people to move a large amount of supplies.

Who is it if it’s not Lin Shuyu?

She followed the baggage convoy to the entrance of Sanjiang Hall. Some of the materials originally used to supplement the hall's resources and to build a military base in the future were now turned into rescue and reconstruction materials, which were quickly put in place under the command of her and several special talents. .

The superpower [Heavenly Appearance] greatly enhances the user's five senses and thinking. With the superpower, her thinking and reaction speed are comparable to those of a humanoid computer. In terms of post-disaster reconstruction planning and personnel management, despite her young age, she still surpasses The vast majority of the country.

What's more, Lin Shuyu, who originally specialized in logistics and knight support, is also very professional. For such a talent, the Yushan government has already invited her countless times. Some members of Lin Shuyu’s family also serve as consultants in government departments, providing technical support to the government in large-scale project management and policy planning.

At this time, Lin Shuyu focused all his energy on work, and his personal emotions were suppressed by his supernatural powers. He was not as strong as the iron lady that Xiaojiabiyu was before.

Although her appearance attracted the attention of many people, the other person should not be underestimated.

That's Yubaba.

Not long after the victory was decided, the Yushan Branch's baggage convoy arrived at the scene. Lin Shuyu, who had already learned about the attack at Sanjiang Hall, couldn't help but organize people to arrange various affairs. However, this strength and her were seen through. Yubaba's mood made her very unhappy.

So after asking for a few bottles of glucose to give Amanozaki a nutritional supplement, Yubaba, who was very tired, started her own plan.

Her popularity has reached [emerging], and there is still half a day left today, and the sun has not yet set.

Not only was it the team from the Yushan branch, but in the next hour or two, other fleets temporarily deployed by the branch also rushed to the scene.

Counting the heroes from Sanjiang Reservoir, there are more than two thousand people gathered here, and various forces are also watching here through live broadcast and surveillance.

Yubaba is not willing to let her love rival take the lead, and hopes to take this opportunity to hit the next level of popularity.

The act of attracting thunder from the Sanjiang Reservoir gave Amanozaki a sharp boost in popularity, but it was not enough, just barely reaching 50%.

So even though Amanozaki was extremely weak at this time and was still bored and unable to move, Yubaba was determined to leave her sweetheart behind and participate in the rescue and reconstruction work.

She used her powers unscrupulously, first making the foundations and ruins of the ruins jump out in full view of everyone, and then letting them roll away to make room for reconstruction.

This work lasted about two hours, with Yubaba repeating the cycle of using magic, resting, continuing to use magic, and then resting again.

She alone did more work than all the other vigilantes.

Of course, all this is seen by everyone.

Amanozaki watched dumbly as Yubaba worked, especially using witchcraft to complete the long-term projects originally planned by Lin Shuyu, such as demolishing ruins, clearing dead trees, and rebuilding roads.

At this time, Granny Tang transformed into a construction team and shined in all civil engineering positions.

Nothing like an old woman, until the sun goes down.

"Brother, my sister-in-law is so energetic."

Li Junzi, who was lying on the altar while injecting calcium and potassium nutrient solution and Dashu Shitahuo solution, looked at the turbulent Tang Granny and sighed sincerely.

One of his hands turned into a wood-like structure in order to absorb the nutrient solution specially delivered to the plants.

Amanozaki just let out a long sigh.

Yubaba is so active, but the price is that his condition, which should have been stabilized a few hours ago, still hasn't improved at all. Amanozaki still needs some special plasters to suppress his symptoms, and he is still receiving glucose continuously.

"I really don't know how a few bottles of glucose brought Tom so much energy. It's not fucking scientific at all."

Amanozaki looked at the rising numbers in his field of vision, looked at the turbulent Yubaba, and complained calmly.

Li Junzi shrugged as if he was not surprised: "This is a superpower, brother, superpowers are not scientific."

"I know, I'm just wondering, when the number reaches 100, will Atang drop this huge fucking base that she lifted up on the spot... Okay, here we are."

Amanozaki sighed, and there was a muffled sound in the distance.

A ten-meter foundation pile fell from the sky and broke into several sections. The dust kicked up made the people around who were not wearing masks cough.

Yubaba turned around with a look of relief and waved her hand, and those who gathered around to ask about the situation were slapped away by the invisible force one by one.

She walked towards Amanozaki, and the closer she got, the more obvious the joyful emotion on her face was.

"Have you encountered anything good?" Amanozaki smiled tiredly.

Granny Tang held a fan that came from nowhere in her hand and fanned it gently, enjoying Lin Shuyu's angry gaze in the distance: "Of course, my popularity has risen to the third level [famous]. Nozaki, Do you know what this means?"

Amanozaki held up his hands and joked: "What? Does that mean you can invite me to take a bath in your hot spring house?"

"Bingo!" Granny Yu snapped her fingers, a light flashed in her eyes, and the strong wind came out with moist and fragrant warm wind. The panicked on-site staff and the warm welcome made the whole valley boil.

Amanozaki turned his head and stared blankly at the tall and dazzling red building in the deep dusk, and let out a demented exclamation:


Yubaba proudly said: "Unlike Hinata Hinata's limited abilities, the popularity in the second stage allowed me to recover all my witchcraft. So I guessed that the popularity in the subsequent stages would give me more things. , I think it must be a soup house.”

"Who makes me the boss? Without a store, how can I call myself the boss?"

Yes, the soup house that once appeared on countless screens, represents magic and mystery in the hearts of countless children, has hosted gods and goddesses from all walks of life, and has countless wealth and secret treasure baths, has appeared gloriously in the valley!

The door burst open, and those weird-looking soup house staff in bathrobes stood on the edge of the rising soup house, without taking a step out of the square platform expanded by the soup house, neatly rising to the sky. Nozaki bowed, his voice enthusiastic:

"Welcome boss, boss lady!"

“Welcome all guests to the soup house!”

Chapter 61: Just one night

Tall buildings rise majestically from the ground.

The Sanjiangtangkou ruins, where the entire valley was submerged by weak water, are bright red, with cornices and carved tiles, a legacy of the Tang Dynasty. However, there are several floor-to-ceiling skylights spliced ​​with glass, and a soup house with a chimney higher than the main body of the building is erected on one side. , emitting bright light.

The third level of the identity of Granny Yu brought a whole operational soup house and employees! !

Unreasonable, really unreasonable.

The electricity and water here have been cut off. For lighting, we need diesel generators and knights with lightning powers to act as human batteries. For water, we need to drive to the valley of Sanjiang Reservoir. However, this bright building smells of sulfur and soup from the wide open door. The smell of steam.

“Where do you get the hot springs and lighting?”

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