The technician holding the hat on the side quickly handed over the book recording the data in his hand, and explained to Icarus in detail the specifications for recording measurement data.

But Icarus just glanced at it, compared the data with the text, grabbed the pen, and started writing.

The technician looked at the fonts that looked like prints and wrote them out column by column. Those numbers carried a magic power that made the technician's heart anxious.

His feet stomped in small steps subconsciously. In the mere ten seconds it took for Icarus to write the data, he already felt like his days were like years.

When Icarus stopped writing, the technician repeated Icarus's action of grabbing the pen and snatched it back. He held the measuring instrument and began to verify it.

Amanosaki on the side has completed another composition in the series of paintings called "Construction Site Angel".

Naturally, it is impossible for a construction site to have only one surveyor. In fact, in addition to surveyors, there are many people on the construction site who also know how to measure. Therefore, when everyone looks at the operation of the red hat technical staff, they realize that this angel is as beautiful as After the beautiful girl who had never been in the world of mortals was likely to do the measurement work on the entire construction site, everyone became excited.

The men put down what they were doing and gathered around the technician who was holding a surveyor and flipping through the booklet, looking forward to it like they were gathered around a radio.

The measuring instrument changed its position several times, and amid many impatient urges to roll up their sleeves and kick the ink stain away, the technician raised his hand tremblingly and loudly shared his results with the joy of completing the project:

"Exactly! Exactly!"


The men cheered, some even tossing their helmets in the air, and surrounded the technician, lifting him up, catching him, and then lifting him up again.

Measurement is the basis for formal construction. Without accurate data obtained from measurement, it is difficult to ensure accuracy in subsequent projects.

Amanozaki clearly remembers that in his hometown on Earth, there was a plan to build a bridge for trains to pass through in the 1970s and 1980s when supplies were scarce. At that time, there were few skilled workers, so engineers carried out the measurements themselves.

As a result, half of the bridges built by each side on both sides of the river were found to be deviated when they were closed. Finally, there was a bridge for trains and a bridge for cars on the river.

The two bridges are less than twenty meters apart.

The engineer ate the peanuts.

The Sanjiangtangkou plan under preparation was completed in one step and directly built into a military camp, which meant that the entire construction team shouldered a greater burden.

Now Icarus completes the measurements in minutes, which means everyone can start work earlier, which also means they can finish work earlier and go home.

At the same time, part of the extra funds will become bonuses for everyone.

This is certainly worthy of joy.

They even wanted to throw Icarus up directly.

But look at Icarus, who has a plain face, as if she is rejecting people thousands of miles away. Let's think about how she flew so fast just now, and Amanozaki, who seems to be her boyfriend, is holding a tablet with a gem-encrusted The pen automatically wrote and drew on the tablet. Everyone was wise and didn't do anything excessive.

There was even a foreman who squeezed into the crowd, pushed aside the crowd, and came under the technician. He followed the crowd and muttered in a low voice:

"Hey! I'll give you a task. This girl's superpowers are amazing! Our construction team is short of such talents. If you can pull her into our team..."

The technician turned over in the air and endured the discomfort of being grabbed at the top of his thigh: "Isn't this...isn't this bad? She still has a boyfriend!"

"What the hell are you thinking!" the foreman was angry, "I'm asking you to recruit people! I'm not giving you a blind date! Spend a lot of money! Can't you just bring her and her boyfriend in?"

"They are knights." The technician said weakly.

"What's wrong with the knights? Are there not enough knights working at the construction site?" The foreman disagreed. "How many knights from the hall have come to the construction site to take jobs. They are making money. We have given enough money, but are we afraid that they will not be tempted? Just give it well. Girl, show us the strength of our team!”

The technician nodded and reluctantly accepted the task.

As for Amanosaki, his painting has entered the third one. In the picture, Icarus is flying in the air, spreading his wings, like a goddess, looking down with a loving smile that has never appeared at all. Below is the technician who was thrown up by the crowd.

Amanozaki looked at the painting that had been initially colored with satisfaction, thinking that superpowers are convenient, and even painting is a huge advantage.

"Very good, let's continue looking for materials. Today I will be able to post a series of works on the forum. In conjunction with the publicity and distribution of the branch and the government, I believe that soon my posts will once again hit the Fenghuaxueyue section. Red list, and long-term slaughter list."

Amanozaki followed the dispersed workers with great ambition and continued to look for inspiration.

Icarus originally wanted to follow Amanozaki and act as a humanoid air conditioner, but the technician, who was holding his stomach and thighs and looking in pain, stopped him.

The hands of these men at the construction site were too strong. When he was turning over just now, his soft and unprotected abdomen was pressed by a man's granite-thick palm in free fall, which almost caused him to faint from the pain.

The technician with a twitching face showed Icarus something she couldn't refuse.

Crusher cab.

The strong smell of machine oil and metallic style are industrial wild and uninhibited, but Icarus's eyes shine.

There are several operating levers of different sizes on Geinna's console.

These operating rods, without exception, have perfectly spherical heads.

The technician didn't know Icarus' true interest. He just thought that the sparkle in the eyes of the expressionless girl in front of him meant that she was also interested in the machine.

As it happens, this is what he likes and is good at.

So the technicians did their part and began to show off the strong capital of their construction team.

After starting the engine, the technician excitedly operated the crusher while the whole machine was trembling, and the robotic arm rotated smoothly: "Look! The corners are perfectly smooth!"

The alloy head of the crusher expanded and contracted, crushing the dry and hard concrete in front of it one by one, leaving a groove that was bigger than a thumb in the industry.

"Look! This stable output!" The technician's eyes glowed with happiness.

The mechanical arm stretched out and easily rippled the heavy rocks in the distance, hooking them back.

"Look! The power of this hydraulic system!" The technician almost had an orgasm for this perfect machine.

Then Icarus reached out and pulled the orb of her faith.

Then the roaring machine stopped.

The trembling technician twitched, his eyes filled with unsatisfied disappointment.

"Feel sorry."

Icarus calmly withdrew his hand.

"It's okay, it's okay." The technician scratched his chin, "Shall I take you to see another cab?"

"Are those balls there too?"

"There are some, and there are more. That's the pendant control room."

"Okay." Icarus looked forward to the new ball and gently stroked the watermelon in his hand.

Amanozaki let out a sigh of satisfaction.

He squatted in front of the foundation hole and was using a magic pen to record the scene in front of him.

The measurements that had fallen into the foundation hole had been fished out by the water ghost.

Due to the Guishuiyin attack just yesterday, the entire Sanjiangtangkou site is extremely short of groundwater. Although it rained heavily last night and several major blocked groundwaters have been dredged, the current level of the entire site is The groundwater level is still not high.

Therefore, the so-called "water" in these foundation holes is actually quite viscous mud, which is why the surveyors have not been rescued.

He was swallowed up by the mud and sank.

The so-called water ghosts are naturally people who have the ability to control water or to maintain their own life in complex water conditions.

Although he failed to become a knight, his abilities still have advantages that ordinary people cannot achieve in the right position.

The "water ghost" with its neck dissatisfied with huge fan-shaped folds and webbed hands and feet spit out turbid mud and pulled the unconscious surveyor out of the cave. He lay down at the entrance of the cave and let the workers wash his cheeks with water.

When his cheeks were clean, he shook his head, and those horrifying fan-shaped folds quickly closed in and returned to normal, turning into tattoo-like marks.

"Hmm...a very interesting superpower." This was the first time Amanozaki actually saw a superpower body organ that could change.

It's not like Li Junzi can change his whole body. He is a humanoid monster.

Originally, he wanted to have a good chat with this professional water ghost and get some information from him about the work of people with special abilities in society, but suddenly there were hurried footsteps and noises everywhere, which ruined his plan.

The workers who had finished the work at hand and were enjoying the cool air in the break room and drinking strong tea ran out one after another. Some workers on the construction site who were holding cigarette butts trampled their cigarette butts under their feet. The workers who were operating irregularly hurriedly put on their safety gloves. cap.

A man wearing a red helmet, who was wider than the thin technician and had a belly, held a stack of documents and shouted angrily at the surrounding workers who violated the operating rules, and at the same time asked all workers not to reveal their special abilities.

Amanozaki felt that this guy should be the foreman, and he confirmed the news from the water ghost who was wet all over and was carrying his own clothes to run away.

"Then what are you doing?" Amanozaki asked as he trotted after the water ghost.

The water ghost said impatiently: "Is this your first time working? This is the reporter."

Now Amanozaki was puzzled: "The reporters are here. I understand that everyone should be more positive. Why can't the superpower be exposed?"

"Because they are reporters! Most of these reporters are reporters from various small newspapers and self-media. It is very normal for knights who are in distress to work part-time at construction sites or other industries, but these reporters like to report on the work of a certain knight News, while using this to criticize Qunxiashan, he also said that knights are not knights. "

"What does this have to do with us?"

"You still don't understand?" The water ghost ran faster because he saw the reporters passing through the police defense line that had opened the blockade and running towards this side like a moustache. "How can there be so many knights here?" Working at the construction site! Three hundred and sixty lines! These tabloid and third-rate magazine reporters will interview people with special abilities, and then compile them into stories about a certain knight to attack them!"

"I don't know how many knights have been harmed by this kind of true and false news over the years, and some were even arranged to engage in prostitution! Their fans have lost their fans, and in the end they were so depressed that they actually came to work!"

"So in recent years, when knights encounter false news, they don't dare to trouble reporters, so they take it out on us! Brother, stop asking, run away! You will suffer serious consequences if it's too late, and you will be entangled for a few If you can’t leave even when you’re young, you might get hung up and beaten by knights in the future! In the past, some knights from the province made trouble for you!”

Hearing these words, Amanozaki immediately braked. He grabbed his head and looked around the construction site. Several magic circuits lit up his legs. He jumped up with a bang. He jumped out of a cab in three steps and two steps at a time. Icarus, who was playing with the operating lever, ran away.

Upon seeing this, the eloquent technician who was facing the cab quickly held the door frame, stuck his head out and shouted:

"Girl! The conditions we offered are very generous! Tell your boyfriend! The machines we have here are really awesome! If the salary is too low, we can negotiate again, girl!"

Icarus, who was caught by Amanosaki, was too dazed to understand the situation. She spread her wings to maintain balance, and this unusual move attracted the attention of countless reporters.

I don't know who shouted, "The angel is over there!" All the reporters ran towards this direction with a roar, including some who ran very fast and had special powers at first sight. The press badges hanging on their chests flew in the wind. From then on, these fastest reporters waved their cameras and pens and shouted:

"Stop! "XX Magazine"/"XX Daily" has invited you for an exclusive interview!"

The reporters who couldn't catch up in the distance simply stopped, raised their cameras and started taking pictures. The flash lights of those SLRs lit up together, like the Milky Way on the ground. The flash lights came together to dazzle Amanozaki.

Icarus, holding the watermelon, looked down and saw an operating lever lying quietly in his hand held by Amanozaki. The red ball on it reflected the light of the sun.

Icarus blinked and looked back at the camera that kept clicking. After thinking about it, he whispered to Nozaki:

"Nozaki, there are so many super round balls at the construction site, and there are so many people taking pictures of us! The construction site is so amazing!"

Chapter 69: Establishing Prestige

Amanozaki does not quite share Icarus's view of the joy of the construction site.

His only thought now is "Don't get caught by reporters."

Fortunately, after a series of events yesterday, he has become well-known among the chivalrous people here in Sanjiangtang. In addition, everyone naturally has a bad feeling towards these unscrupulous tabloids that not only do not benefit the chivalrous reputation, but also bring stigma.

Seeing Amanozaki looking as embarrassed as if he had been chased by a dog, several knights quickly called their friends and blocked the construction site leading to the living area where the knights were stationed.

That day, Nozaki pulled Icarus into the crowd, and the last crack in the living area was blocked tightly.

"What are you doing?! The knights are stationed in front, and it is a military controlled area! All other people, please get out of the way!"

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