The price quickly soared to 40 million, and the attention of all the guests was focused on Chang Yunfeng and Chen Yu.

On the surface, this seems to be competing for the ownership of an oil painting, but in fact, in the eyes of outsiders, the two are competing for Xu Feier’s favor and fighting for face.

An oil painting worth about 2 million yuan was actually raised to 40 million, which has obviously risen to the rhythm of “battle”.

And in this battle, the two fought only one thing, that is, money!!

“This time it’s completely on the bar!”

“This is really a red face in anger!”

“I don’t know which of the two will win!”

“Sure enough, since ancient times, there are many disasters!”

“I didn’t expect a charity dinner with such a big melon to eat…”

“In terms of momentum, Chang Yunfeng has completely lost! You see how calm people are! ”

“But no, tens of millions in his mouth seem to be no money…”

People whispered.

After the price soared to 40 million, Xu Feier was also a little confused, she thought that 30 million would end this duel, but she never expected that it would reach 40 million in a blink of an eye.

She turned her head to look at Chen Yu, who was still indifferent, without any unnecessary emotions and expressions on her face, nor did she pay too much attention to herself.

Also install it~!


Xu Feier raised her head slightly, and her beautiful face was full of pride.

“40 million!”

“Mr. Chen’s bid for 40 million!!”

“Does Chang always have to raise the price???

Now that this second round of auction had become a duel between Chen Yu and Chang Yunfeng, Zhang Han went directly to ask Chang Yunfeng.

And with the soaring price, the eyes of the rest of the guests are now focused on the table of Chen Yu and Chang Yunfeng.

As Zhang Han asked, everyone’s eyes also subconsciously looked at Chang Yunfeng.

At this time, Chang Yunfeng was a little difficult to ride a tiger, and the price between him and Chen Yu was somewhat gassed, and now the price has directly soared to 40 million, which has long exceeded his psychological expectations.

40 million, you can invest in shooting a small and medium-sized movie.

But at this time, for Chang Yunfeng, it was an arrow on the string, and he had to send it, after all, all the guests were watching him.

“50 million !!!”

Chang Yunfeng gritted his teeth and directly quoted a price that he thought Chen Yu could not follow up, and wanted to win with one blow!

And after his price was quoted, the scene was inevitably in an uproar.

“Oh my God, 50 million!”

“This should solve the battle!”

“This is crazy!!”

“I guess it will win this time!”

“Haha, Chang Yunfeng really laid down his blood in order to pursue Xu Feier!”

“I bet that this round Chang Yunfeng will definitely win!”


“50 million !!!”

“Chang has a total bid of 50 million, oh my God, this is going to create a historical record for the Sabah charity auction!!”

As the host, Zhang Han was also particularly excited.

At the same time, the eyes of everyone at the scene also fell on Chen Yu…

Waiting for his reaction.

This naturally included Xu Feier, and from her point of view, she naturally hoped that Chen Yu could win this duel!


“It’s too expensive…”

Chu Yanran pouted and hinted that this girl had long been unhappy.

However, facing everyone’s gaze, Chen Yu just smiled slightly and raised his card again: “60 million…”


The scene is boiling again!

Everyone thought that this duel would be dusty, after all, 50 million is already a sky-high price.

However, Chen Yu directly increased the price by 10 million, and his tone was extremely flat, as if it was not 60 million that came out of his mouth, but six yuan.

“70 million !!!”

Chang Yunfeng followed closely to speak, the matter has come to this, there is only one way to win, therefore, Chang Yunfeng directly fought and decided to fight Chen Yu to the end!

“80 million…”

Chen Yu’s eyes were still as flat as water.

“90 million !!!”

“100 million…”

Chen Yu still followed up in a flat tone, and the price unknowingly came to 100 million…

Once again, there was an exclamation.

“I’ll go!”

“100 million!!”

“This is also terrifying!”

“Oh my God! An oil painting turned out to be 100 million! ”

“Wrong, this is not a painting!”

“Could it be that who took this oil painting Xu Feier belongs to??”

“How is it possible! If that’s the case, it’s worth spending tens of billions!! ”

“Alas, it can only be said that the appeal of beautiful women is too strong!!”


On stage.

After hearing Chen Yu’s bid, Zhang Han also shouted excitedly.

“100 million !!!”

“Mr. Chen has reached a hundred million !!!”

“This is the first time in the history of the Sabah Charity Dinner!!”

“President Chen has set a new record!!”


“Chang Zong, do you still want to continue to increase the price???”

Zhang Han threw the question to Chang Yunfeng again, and at the same time, everyone’s eyes also fell on him.

At this time, Chang Yunfeng’s face is already extremely ugly, although he is the president of Starlight Entertainment, but Starlight Entertainment is still his father’s decision, if it is the need for normal business investment, he can mobilize hundreds of millions of funds.

However, today’s occasion is different, this is a charity dinner, if you spend 100 million to do charity, his father may not agree.

Therefore, Chang Yunfeng’s situation was more uncomfortable at this time.

Zhang Han was waiting for his response…

Xu Feier was watching him from the side…

The eyes of all the guests in the audience also converged on him…

Even the camera on the scene was pointed at him, synchronizing his situation at this time to the big screen…

What should he do in this case???

Chang Yunfeng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists again…

Looking up at Chen Yu, the latter was shaking the wine glass in his hand indifferently, looking at himself playfully…

Damn it!

Fight it!!

I don’t believe that you will raise the price if it exceeds 100 million!!!

Chang Yunfeng took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice: “One hundred and eleven million!!! ”


Again the price increase!!


It’s so exciting!!

There was another commotion at the scene, but people’s voices had just raised their heads, and they saw Chen Yu raise the sign in his hand again, and said without hurry: “Three hundred million… Thirty million…”

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