“I’m really for charity!!”

Chen Yu emphasized again.

“Well, I know~!”

Xu Feier smiled and nodded.

“I have no other ideas…” Chen Yu added.

“Well, I know…”

Xu Feier nodded, still with a smile on her face.


Chen Yu rolled her eyes, it was clear that the woman decided that she wanted to be a licking dog.

However, what should have been explained has already been explained, she continued to think so, and Chen Yu did not recruit.

The two returned to their seats, and the charity auction continued…

The third lot is a porcelain bowl donated by an entrepreneur, and experts have identified that this porcelain bowl is an object from the middle of the Qing Dynasty, with a market value of about 200,000.

“This porcelain bowl seems to be pretty good…”

“Maybe my dad will like it…”

Xu Feier glanced at the pattern of the porcelain bowl displayed on the big screen and muttered.

At this time, a new round of bidding has been held, since ancient times there has been a prosperous collection, troubled gold said, in today’s prosperous era, the value of antiques is also rising, rich people are also more keen to collect, because this thing is also more pressing.

Therefore, this Qing dynasty porcelain bowl was quite popular, and the price rose all the way, soon rising to 700,000.

“President Xu, since Uncle Xu likes antiques, I’ll take a picture and give it to him…”

Chang Yunfeng heard Xu Feier’s words and continued with a smile.

Although Fang Cai’s licking dog strategy to photograph Xu Feier’s donated oil painting failed, Chang Yunfeng was not discouraged, and when he heard Xu Feier say that his father liked this porcelain bowl, he immediately found a new direction.

The oil painting can’t be photographed because he met a madman like Chen Yu, and now that Chen Yu has spent a huge amount of 33000 to shoot the oil painting, it is naturally impossible to continue to participate in the bidding of the latter objects, unless, he is really crazy.

Without competitors like Chen Yu, Chang Yunfeng was quite confident in winning this porcelain bowl.

“One million!”

Without waiting for Xu Feier to speak, Chang Yunfeng raised his card and directly raised the original price of 700,000 to 1 million.

Seeing this, Xu Feier couldn’t help frowning, she has never had a good impression of Chang Yunfeng, firstly, the other party’s appearance is not the type she likes, and secondly, as the president of Starlight Entertainment, Chang Yunfeng lace news is too much, and the next day there is news such as having an affair with its actress.

How could such a man enter Xu Feier’s eyes.

“One million!”

“Chang total bid 1 million!!”

“Is there still a markup??”

As soon as he saw Chang Yunfeng’s bid, Zhang Han was particularly excited, as if something extraordinary had happened.

“2 million!”

This time, Xu Feier actually raised a card and directly increased the price by 1 million.

Her meaning could not be more obvious, I can afford things myself, I don’t need others to send them!!

Chang Yunfeng was not stupid, naturally understood what Xu Feier meant, and immediately frowned.

“President Xu, I just want to give Uncle Xu a little gift, why bother…”

Chang Yunfeng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“I understand Chang Zong’s kindness, but I will do my filial piety myself.” Xu Feier replied coldly.


Chang Yunfeng shook his head depressedly, since people did not appreciate it, he did not want to touch this mold again.

“2 million!”

“Xu bid 2 million in total!”

“Is there still a markup??”

Zhang Han asked with a smile, but there was no response from the audience.

First of all, the price of 2 million is already ten times the market value of the porcelain bowl, and there is no point in photographing it, and secondly, Xu Feier increased the price by 1 million in one go, and his attitude is already obvious, and he is determined to get this thing.

Therefore, everyone does not want to touch this mold.

“2 million once!”

Seeing that no one responded at the scene, Zhang Han directly started the countdown.

“2 million twice!!”

“Two million…”

Zhang Han was about to shout for the third time, and by the way, congratulated Xu Feier on the success of the auction, but saw Chen Yu, who was sitting next to Xu Feier, raise the number plate in his hand again.

“3 million…”

Chen Yu was as indifferent as ever, reporting this number.

Although the 3 million is too much worse than the previous 330 million, it is far less shocking than that number.

However, when Chen Yu bid again, there was still a commotion at the scene.

After all, Xu Feier was about to bid successfully, and Chen Yu had no reason to intervene at this time…

“What’s the situation?!”

“This guy is crazy!!”

“Isn’t he Xu Feier’s licking dog? How can I still compete with Xu Feier. ”

“You know what, people don’t want Xu Feier to spend money and directly buy what the other party wants.”

“I’ll go, and this kind of operation, this absolute wall is the ancestor of the licking dog world!!”

“666, this operation is possible…”


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard Chen Yu’s bid, but soon someone recognized his intention to lick the dog.

At the beginning, Xu Feier was also very generous, but soon she saw through Chen Yu’s “good intentions”.

The other party must have heard his words and wanted to take a picture of this porcelain bowl to give to his father.

Even if Xu Feier wants to spend money to photograph it herself!

It must be for him to spend money!

Xu Feier also understands this psychology of men, but Fang Cai Chen Yu has spent 330 million in order to shoot the oil paintings he donated, and this time, Xu Feier really can’t bear to let Chen Yu spend money anymore.

“Chen Dong, I understand your kindness, I still buy this bowl myself…”

Xu Feier looked at Chen Yu and said with a smile.

However, Chen Yu was dumbfounded…


What kind intentions??

I just want to make money, if three million transactions, the system rewards 9 million, net profit 6 million!

With these 6 million, do something …

“4 million!”

At this time, Xu Feier raised her card again.

“Xu bid 4 million yuan…”

This operation made Zhang Han dumbfounded, he really couldn’t figure it out, how the two “fought”, according to reason, it should be hooked together!

“12 million…”

Just when everyone was confused, Chen Yu once again raised the number plate in his hand.

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