Lin Meizhi’s fat face sank, and she snorted coldly: “People don’t die for themselves!” ”

“If you have time to think of idioms, it’s better to think about how to pay off the debt, and by the way, think about where to live in the future!” I heard that your house is about to sell! ”

After speaking, Lin Meizhi slammed the door and left.

“This is really a wall down, everyone pushes it!”

“In the past, I didn’t help Lao Feng, if the customers introduced to him all withdrew the buckle, it would cost tens of thousands of yuan, but now we are in trouble, she is such a face!”

Chen Guofu sighed while shaking his head.

“It’s a pity that she has calculated everything, and she can’t calculate that our Xiaoyu has such a big chance!” Sun Guiyun snorted coldly.

“This kind of person will not be used in the future.”

Chen Yu shrugged his shoulders and looked at his father Chen Guofu: “Dad, how much does our family owe now?” ”

“One hundred and sixty-eight thousand.”

Sun Guiyun blurted out.

Hearing this number, Chen Yu was slightly shocked, he thought that his family owed hundreds of thousands of foreign debts, but he didn’t expect that there were so many, if he hadn’t been hit by the system, this huge foreign debt would really crush this family.

“There are 800,000 loans from the bank that have not been repaid, 320,000 mortgages on the house, 200,000 in Qianhe Finance, 160,000 yuan owed to your second aunt, 220,000 yuan in the payment of various suppliers, and 180,000 yuan in debt to the rest of relatives and friends…”

Sun Guiyun remembered the debt clearly.

Chen Yu nodded: “Mom, you have everyone’s bank card numbers, and I’ll let the finance send them money.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll call right away.”

Saying that, Sun Guiyun picked up his mobile phone.

“Second sister…”

“I don’t borrow money, I want to pay it back… It’s true, why did I lie to you, you sent me your bank card number…”

Sun Guiyun’s first call was to his second sister, Sun Guixia, whose family conditions were good, and after the funding gap in Chen Guofu’s factory, he took the lead in borrowing money from Sun Guixia.

At that time, Chen Guofu’s factory was not serious enough to close down, so Sun Guixia borrowed money very happily.

However, later, with the closure of the factory, Sun Guixia’s attitude towards her sister Sun Guiyun also began to become cold, although she did not collect debts like other creditors, but she also hinted at it several times, both explicitly and secretly.

The change in attitude of the second sister Sun Guixia before and after actually made Sun Guiyun cold, in front of money, flesh and bones, but so.

There are actually many examples of brothers and sisters fighting for money, and the sisters Sun Guiyun and Sun Guixia have not torn their faces after all, which is already good.

Sun Guiyun made a round of phone calls and asked for the bank card numbers of all creditors.

Chen Yu directly sent these bank card numbers to Zheng Dan and asked her to send money.

An hour later, except for the bank’s 800,000 loans that needed to be repaid by appointment, the rest of the liabilities were paid off.

And Chen Guofu and Sun Guiyun also showed a long-lost smile on their faces.

Debt-free and light!

This feeling can only be experienced by those who have been in debt!

“Old Chen, son, I think our family of three should go out and celebrate well!” Sun Guiyun proposed with a smile on his face.

“Must celebrate!” Chen Guofu echoed.

“Then let’s go, two old comrades~!”

Of course, Chen Yu had no opinion, and said with a smile.

Half an hour later.

A family of three arrived at a very distinctive restaurant in Jiangcheng, Zuixianlou.

The per capita consumption of this store is quite high, so most of the people who come here are moderately well-off or above.

Before Chen Guofu’s factory had no accident, his family was also a frequent visitor here, but since the factory accident, they have not been here.

“I really miss their squirrel fish.”

Coming to the door of the store, Chen Guofu couldn’t help but sigh.

“Hey, isn’t this Director Chen?”

A man in a black suit walked out of the store and looked at Chen Guofu with a surprised face.

“It’s Xiao Wu.”

This man’s name is Wu Ze, and he is the lobby manager of Zuixianlou.

“Director Chen, you’re not…”

Wu Ze swallowed back half of his words, but the following words were self-evident.

“Is there still a place?”

Chen Guofu did not explain anything, but opened his mouth to ask.

“Not yet, you need to wait a while.” While responding, Wu Ze looked at the family of three with doubtful eyes, the collapse of Chen Guofu’s factory is local small news, many people know, including Wu Ze.

He also heard that Chen Guofu was now being chased for debts every day, so he was naturally surprised to see Chen Guofu’s family here.

A person who is in debt runs to the Drunken Immortal Tower to eat, which is completely unreasonable.

“Then we’ll wait.” Chen Guofu chong his wife and children.

The family immediately walked into the store and sat in the waiting area.

“This Drunken Immortal Building is still as hot as ever, Xiaoyu, or let’s open a restaurant.” Looking at the overcrowded dining hall, Sun Guiyun couldn’t help but sigh.

“This is a good proposal, we can eat at our own restaurant in the future.” Chen Guofu agreed.

“Okay, if you like it.”

Chen Yu smiled slightly, the old couple ran a restaurant, and it was also a good choice to find something to do for themselves.

However, at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the three.

“I said Lao Chen, a foreign debt has not been paid off, and he even dreamed of opening a store, it’s not realistic!”

The voice was harsh and full of mockery.

The eyes of the family of three involuntarily looked for the voice, and they saw that a middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears was staring at Chen Guofu with a big mouth.

This person Chen Yu also recognized, called Wang Dehai, once had a good relationship with his father Chen Guofu, and the two also did a business together, but Wang Dehai was too greedy, originally the two agreed to divide the profits equally, as a result, Wang Dehai actually manipulated the account book and secretly stole black money.

Later, the East Window incident happened, and he also dunked the basin on Chen Guofu’s head, and the two eventually broke up.

“Whether I have debts or not, whether I can open a store or not, what does it have to do with you?!” Chen Guofu naturally did not give Wang Dehai any good face, and replied coldly.

“It has nothing to do with me, I just can’t get used to some people, I don’t pay my debts, and I still eat and drink outside and boast about myself!”

“And open a store?”

“Let’s open a hammer!!”

Wang Dehai squinted his small eyes, and said in a strange yin and yang manner: “Besides, in your situation, how can you be embarrassed to come to Drunken Immortal Tower, if I were you, I would have found a seam to drill into!” ”

“Two, both dissipate, there are a bit too many guests today, we must prioritize it…”

At this time, the owner of Zuixianlou came over with a smile on his face, and he thought that the two had a dispute because of the order of waiting, which is not uncommon.

“Boss Zhao, you should know this Director Chen, do you think it is suitable for him to come to our store to consume in his current capacity?”

“I personally think that an old man like him who owes debts should be turned away from our store!” We will not accept it!! ”

Wang Dehai said with a high spirit, with a pointing posture.


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