The source of the small video is a flight attendant under China Southern Airlines, on the day of the incident, Jiang Zikun took a passenger plane of China Southern Airlines to the magic capital, and one of the several flight attendants at that time was very good-looking, Jiang Zikun wanted to leave the other party’s contact information, but the flight attendant had just got married and did not want to make some mess, so he did not agree, and as a result, Jiang Zikun deliberately found fault in the next service, and insulted the flight attendant.

This scene was filmed by other flight attendants and uploaded to the Internet, but it was immediately removed by Starlight Entertainment’s public relations.

This time, Chen Yu directly ordered the artists of Starlight Entertainment to be pulled into the blacklist of China Southern Airlines, and also mobilized flight attendants and service personnel on the ground to recall whether those artists had any violations during the flight, and the flight attendant took the previous small video out.

Although this small video can only represent Jiang Zikun himself, it is indeed a very good excuse for Chen Yu, in fact, even if there is no evidence of the small video, Chen Yu will come up with other words, there is a good saying, if you want to add to the crime, there is no excuse!

The worst thing, Chen Yu can also have a direct showdown, Laozi is pulling you into the blacklist, what can you do…?

And this video played a crucial role in this game between the two sides, after this small video was exposed, Jiang Zikun’s identity as a “victim” directly came to a reversal, and the famous actor was embarrassed and angry because of YP failure!

This kind of news is what people want to see, coupled with the real hammer of the video, the wind direction on the Internet can be imagined.

After Chen Yu’s Weibo was released, Jiang Zikun’s personal Weibo also exploded.

“May I ask Mr. Jiang Zikun, are you still satisfied with this reply??”

“Ah Kun, people don’t give you WeChat, so it’s not like this!”

“Brother Kun is really a tough guy, and the little girl who scolds doesn’t dare to say a word!”

“Now I know why I blocked you! A bit of a B in my heart!! ”

“This kind of person is right! Don’t think that you are a grandpa for a few dollars! ”

“Give a thumbs up to the flight attendant who was scolded, there are too few girls like her now!”

“Hahaha, this face hit, I feel embarrassed for you, I suggest China Southern Airlines permanently black!!”

“Although President Chen’s wave of operations has a reason for retaliation, there is nothing wrong with blocking you with this video!!”


Jiang Zikun’s Weibo fell, and he scolded all the time.

Originally, he wanted to expose the “atrocities” of China Southern Airlines, but he never expected that the disclosure would not succeed, but instead caused a commotion, and the image of a tough guy who worked hard to manage also completely collapsed in this incident.

After all, no tough guy would bully a little girl, and scold so badly.

Hengda Real Estate.

Xu Feier is preparing to go to Hongyang Real Estate to discuss some details of cooperation with Su Yunbing.

“President Xu, there is a piece of news about President Chen…”

Before leaving, secretary Liu Yuanyuan said in a low voice.

“Isn’t it news about the charity dinner?”

Xu Feier also saw the news about the Sabah Charity Dinner in the morning, in which the major media praised Chen Yu as a “charity pioneer”.

Seeing these news, Xu Feier laughed it off, in her opinion, the other party obviously invested 700 million yuan in order to pursue herself, and she became a charity pioneer in the mouth of the media.

Therefore, when it came to this news, Xu Feier wanted to laugh.

“Not news of a charity dinner.” Liu Yuanyuan said.

“What’s that?”

Xu Feier asked curiously.

“Starlight Entertainment banned Shengshi Entertainment within the industry, and then, Mr. Chen also took countermeasures, directly pulling all the artists under Starlight Entertainment into the passenger blacklist of China Southern Airlines and preventing them from taking China Southern Airlines planes…”

Liu Yuanyuan responded truthfully.

“This is okay…”

“He thought it out!”

Hearing Chen Yu’s move, Xu Feier laughed.

“Yes, and Shengshi Entertainment also announced that it would never cooperate with Starlight Entertainment, completely drawing the line between the two companies!” Liu Yuanyuan added.

“People Starlight Entertainment is an industry giant who blocked him with that capital, and as a result, he still came hard…”

Hearing this news, the smile on Xu Feier’s face became even stronger, and she thought for a moment and said: “I remember the image spokespersons of our Hengda Real Estate, Han Yu and Qin Shuyao are also artists of Starlight Entertainment, right?” ”


Liu Yuanyuan nodded: “Their contract will expire soon, and they are talking about renewal recently!” ”

“In that case, inform the Propaganda Department that it will no longer renew the contract with Han Yu and Qin Shuyao, and then issue an announcement that from now on, our Hengda Group will refuse to cooperate with Starlight Entertainment!!”

Xu Feier said with a straight face.


“I’ll do it right away.”

Liu Yuanyuan quickly nodded.

“Aren’t you surprised that I made such a decision?” Xu Feier looked at Liu Yuanyuan with a puzzled expression.

“Don’t be surprised!”

A smile appeared on Liu Yuanyuan’s face.


Xu Feier frowned slightly.

“Mr. Xu, I have followed you since you entered the company, and after a few years, I still know you very well… In the past, there were so many men around you, but you never showed any interest, but now…” Liu Yuanyuan said with a smile, but she only said half of it.


“Go get busy!”

Xu Feier waved her hand in time.

“Hey, hey.”


Liu Yuanyuan walked away with a smile.

Looking at her departing back, Xu Feier couldn’t help but walk to the mirror and look at herself: “The change is so obvious…”

Twenty minutes later.

Netizens who are struggling on the front line of eating melons have ushered in another big melon.

Hengda Group announced that it will no longer renew the contract with image spokespersons Han Yu and Qin Shuyao, not only that, but Hengda Group also directly announced that it will not have any business cooperation with Starlight Entertainment in the future!

At the same time as announcing the termination of the contract with the old spokesperson, Hengda Real Estate directly announced the new spokesperson, namely: Zhu Chen and Xu Rongbing!

As soon as this news came out, it naturally caused the whole network to shake!

“I’ll go! Hengda, this is taking sides! ”

“666, nice job!! Support Hengda! ”

“Hengda, this is the rhythm of supporting Shengshi Entertainment!”

“No problem, Zhu Chen and Xu Rongbing are both artists of Shengshi Entertainment!”

“I never expected that the first one to stand in line was Hengda!”

“It’s a bit interesting that the entertainment industry is fighting, and real estate giants are coming out to stand in line!”

“Does this operation have any connotations? Does someone come out and parse it? ”

“Although Hengda’s wave of operations is very mysterious, as long as it is a prosperous entertainment, I will support it!”


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