

The corner of Chang Yunfeng’s mouth twitched violently a few times, and he shook his head: “It’s not necessary, even if Hengda speaks over there, it is beyond the reach of the whip, and it can’t care about our entertainment industry!” ”

“Less nonsense!”

“Hurry up and apologize!!” Chang Baohua glared and scolded.

“Dad… I don’t think it’s really necessary, we just released the news in the morning, if we admit it so quickly, in the future, how can we mix with Starlight Entertainment in the entertainment industry? Other companies must have thought we were soft persimmons! ”

“Besides, with the scale of Shengshi Entertainment, it still can’t turn over much wave with how it tosses!”

Chang Yunfeng naturally didn’t want to apologize to Chen Yu, and continued with a black face: “And now the façade of Shengshi Entertainment is Chu Yanran, if we lower our heads, it will inevitably damage your prestige!” ”

Chang Yunfeng’s words are somewhat intriguing.

Chu Yanran was an artist under Starlight Entertainment when she debuted, and later became a popular little diva.

And Chang Baohua took a fancy to this little girl and wanted to implement the unspoken rules, but as a result, Chu Yanran didn’t do it, and in the end, Chang Baohua directly hid Chu Yanran under everything.

Although this matter is unknown to the outside world, it is also an open secret within the entertainment industry, and now Chu Yanran has become the number one star of Shengshi Entertainment, if Starlight Entertainment really takes the initiative to show weakness, it is indeed not very good for Chang Baohua.

Three years ago, he wanted to subtly rule the other party, if it didn’t work, forget it, and now his Starlight Entertainment has to apologize to Chu Yanran for the façade of Shengshi Entertainment.

Chang Baohua’s face was indeed not good-looking, so when Chang Yunfeng mentioned Chu Yanran’s name, Chang Baohua hesitated…


“If we can defeat Shengshi Entertainment this time, it will not only enhance our status in the entertainment industry, but also show our strength to the outside world, and once we successfully defeat Shengshi Entertainment, we can recruit all their artists, and at that time, Chu Yanran is likely to return to our Starlight Entertainment…”

“After all these years, maybe her mind has changed…”

Chang Yunfeng’s words did not say later, but this kind of thing was tacitly announced by father and son.

Chang Baohua frowned, people are often like this, the more they can’t get it, the more they want to get, especially for Chang Baohua, an old jianghu who has been lingering in flowers all his life, it is really difficult to sleep without getting the person he wants to get.

Originally, after so many years, he had forgotten about Chu Yanran, and at this time, Chang Yunfeng repeatedly mentioned Chu Yanran, and the old man’s heart made waves again.

“Dad, I think this battle, our chances of winning are still very large, next week, Director Wang’s “King’s Creed” will be released, this film you also know, the investment alone exceeds 500 million, and it is a full superstar lineup, which definitely has the potential to explode…”

“Once the box office of “King’s Creed” is popular, our stock price is bound to rise a wave, and our position in the circle will continue to be solid, at that time, Shengshi Entertainment is under our edge, where there is still any room to fight back, I don’t believe that theaters, TV stations, and major media will stand on their side…”

Chang Yunfeng said confidently.

Chang Baohua’s face also showed hesitation, “King’s Creed” is the latest work of the famous domestic director Wang Pin, this drama has been prepared for three years, the shooting cycle is also as long as one year, the total investment exceeds 500 million, in China, this investment scale is already very large.

Famous directors, big productions and an all-star cast, the box office of this movie can indeed be expected.

“What has been the reaction of major theaters, TV stations and big media so far?” Chang Baohua asked in a deep voice.

“Of course, they are all on our side, and many of the artists of Shengshi Entertainment have been abandoned or driven out of the program group!”

Chang Yunfeng said with a smug look.


Chang Baohua nodded slightly: “So, you are very confident that you will defeat Shengshi Entertainment?” ”

“Of course!”

“Dad, don’t worry, within three months, Shengshi Entertainment will definitely go bankrupt!!”

Chang Yunfeng said confidently.

“Three months…”

Chang Baohua frowned, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: “Then I will give you three months, and if the situation is still unclear at that time, the sanctions against Shengshi Entertainment will be lifted!” ”


“Dad, don’t worry, Shengshi Entertainment is not so forbidden to fight!!”

Chang Yunfeng was overjoyed, and with his father’s support, the odds of winning this battle increased by a few points.

“Don’t kill everything in a hurry, leave a line in everything, and see each other in the future…”

Chang Baohua instructed again.

“Well, I understand all this!”

“Dad, please say hello to a few uncles, your face is much bigger than mine, as long as several large companies have the same attitude, Shengshi Entertainment can’t even last a month!!”

Chang Yunfeng said with a smile on his face again.

“Go do your part!” Chang Baohua waved his hand with a calm face.


“Dad, then I’ll go first…”

Chang Yunfeng greeted and exited the office.

After going out, Chang Yunfeng directly dialed a phone and went out: “Brother Lei… the arrangement of “King’s Creed” has been arranged, right?” ”

“Haha, then I’ll be relieved…”

“By the way, Shengshi Entertainment has also released a film recently… Brother Lei… Now you know the situation of both of us, let’s see if you don’t give them a film…”

“Okay, let’s compress their chop volume to less than 5%… In this way, he is also very good, and does not fall under the handle…”

“Brother Lei, or let’s meet and talk in the evening… OK…… Then that’s it!! ”

Ending the call, Chang Yunfeng showed a bright smile on his face.

The man he spoke to was Sun Lei, the president of Wanli Pictures, which controls the largest theater line in China, Wanli Cinema Line.

Last year, the total box office of domestic films was as high as 80 billion, and Wanli Cinema Line produced 36 billion box office, accounting for almost half of the total box office.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wanli Cinema Line is the “lifeline” of a larger entertainment company, and Starlight Entertainment, as a giant company in the entertainment industry, naturally has a very good relationship with Wanli Cinema Line, so Chang Yunfeng can easily lobby Sun Lei to stand on his side.

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