“Brother Lei…”

“What’s the situation!!”

Seeing this, Chang Yunfeng was immediately anxious, and quickly got up and chased after him.

“I have to go back to the magic capital immediately, something has happened!!”

Sun Lei said while taking out the phone and calling his secretary: “Book me the earliest flight back to the magic capital, right away!” ”

“That’s right, it’s the latest shift!!”

“Brother Lei, what happened? You made it clear! Chang Yunfeng asked anxiously.

“The order to take your movie offline was issued by the new boss of Wanli Pictures, so there is no need to go through me at all!”

Sun Lei replied as he walked out.

“New boss?”

“Wanli Pictures has changed bosses?”

Chang Yunfeng frowned, this news is tantamount to a thunderbolt on a sunny day for him, for any entertainment company, Wanli Pictures is an unworthy existence, if the movie cannot be released in Wanli theaters, the box office must be less than half.

Moreover, this is only a box office loss on the books, if it is really pulled into the blacklist by Wanli Pictures, Starlight Entertainment’s life in the entertainment industry will also be difficult.

Because, once the movie invested by Starlight Entertainment cannot be on the Wanli Cinema Line, then, there will be no film and television companies to cooperate with them, and no film dares to use their actors, because once their actors are used, it means giving up the Wanli Cinema Line, I believe that no film and television company has this kind of courage.

“There were rumors before that the grandson of the old chairman abroad would come to inherit Wanli Pictures, presumably the person had arrived, but Yuan Lihua’s ladies blocked the news, and I didn’t receive any news at all, and now, I don’t know what wind she blew on the new chairman, so I must go back immediately…”

Sun Lei responded anxiously.

“Brother Lei, what about our movies??” Chang Yunfeng is about to cry, he is still counting on the box office explosion of “King’s Creed” to brush a wave of popularity and achievements, if “King’s Creed” loses the thousands of miles of theaters, the final box office results will be discounted, or even more, naturally there is no possibility of box office explosion.

“I don’t know what the situation is right now, but I will do my best to speak for you.” Sun Lei waved his hand.

“Brother Lei, then I can ask you all, after all, you are the CEO of Wanli Pictures, I think your words are still powerful!”


“I’ll do my best! Okay, I’ll go back to the hotel to get my luggage first, let’s call us…”

Walking to the door of the store, Sun Lei got directly into the driver’s car.

“Brother Lei, remember to help us speak for Starlight Entertainment, money is not a problem, if you need anything, you can call me…” Chang Yunfeng shouted at Sun Lei in the car with his throat drawn.

“Got it!”

Sun Lei raised the window, and the car flew away.

“Brother Feng, what is the situation? Will Wanli Cinema really take off our movies? Liu Jimei also chased after him and asked with a puzzled face.

“I don’t know, but the current situation is indeed very unfavorable for us!”

Chang Yunfeng shook his head depressedly.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, it was his father Chang Baohua.

Seeing the name of the caller ID, Chang Yunfeng immediately frowned, predictably, he would inevitably be scolded again.

“Get me home!!”

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, Chang Baohua’s roar was heard.

“Got it…”

“Go back right away…”

Chang Yunfeng did not dare to disobey his father’s meaning, and answered weakly.

on Weibo.

The news that Wanli Cinema Line is fully offline and Starlight Entertainment’s movie has exploded.

Related topics quickly rushed to the hot search list.

“Wow, there’s a big melon again!”

“It’s really a melon today!”

“Obviously, Wanli Pictures is also on the side of Shengshi Entertainment!”

“Offline all the movies produced by Starlight Entertainment, this operation is really domineering!”

“The people of Starlight Entertainment are going to cry in the toilet now!”

“Haha, it’s really a big joy! This is called evil and evil retribution, and it is necessary to block people’s prosperous entertainment, now it’s stupid! ”

“Wanli Pictures’ hammer is too ruthless, almost directly can hammer Starlight Entertainment to death, without the support of Wanli Cinema, who will sell their movies!”

“Give Wanli Pictures a thumbs up, this is really happy! Starlight Entertainment’s wave of operations I can’t get used to for a long time! ”

“The support of Hengda and Green Cloud is more of a deterrent, after all, both are real estate-based enterprises, but Wanli Film is different, which moves the foundation of Starlight Entertainment!”

“Visually, the victory and defeat have been divided! Starlight Entertainment must definitely admit it, otherwise it will wait for the closure, haha, I really want to see what the expression of that invincible Chang Zong is now! ”


“Iron Ride” crew.

“Mr. Liu, the latest news, Wanli Pictures has just released an announcement, but all movies with Starlight Entertainment artists cannot be on their Wanli theaters! What should we do?? ”

“What else can I do? Hurry up and terminate the contract with Jiang Zikun, it just so happens that he delayed the time to enter the group, and now there is negative news around, and our termination with him should not be considered a breach of contract. ”

“Well, let’s do it right away! Immediately terminate the contract with Jiang Zikun, by the way, the two supporting roles of the crew are also artists of Starlight Entertainment, let them get out quickly! ! ! ”

“Okay, Mr. Liu, I’ll do it right away…”

“The Great Robbery of the Magic Capital” crew.

Han Yu had just returned to the hotel from a day of shooting.

“Brother Yu, I just received a message from the crew, saying that you don’t have to take the scene tomorrow.” Han Yu’s assistant said with a bitter face.

“So good? Is this giving me a holiday? “Han Yu is quite surprised, he is the male number one in this play.

“I don’t have to go the day after tomorrow…” the assistant said again.

“Two days off in a row? Crew, this is a conscience found ?? “For a big line like Han Yu, it is rare to have a two-day vacation, especially when the crew starts work, after all, he plays the male protagonist, and if others have some leave, he doesn’t have to take a break.

“Brother Yu…”

“In fact, the crew may be going to terminate the contract with us.” The assistant replied with a frown.


“Terminate your contract with me? Are they crazy?? Han Yu was shocked, and then shook his head with disdain: “This is absolutely impossible, where are you, hearsay news!!” ”

“Brother Yu, I’m not hearsay, but something happened to our company.”

“What happened to the company??” Han Yu looked puzzled.

“Just half an hour ago, Wanli Pictures announced that all movies starring in our company’s artists could not be registered in their theaters… So…” the assistant grinned, and the words that followed spoke for themselves.

“This… How is this possible…?? ”

“Our relationship between Starlight Entertainment and Wanli Pictures has always been very good, this is definitely fake news!!”

Han Yu said with a black face, he naturally did not want to believe the authenticity of this news.

“Brother Yu, see for yourself…”

The assistant directly handed the mobile phone to Han Yu, which was the content released by the official micro of Wanli Pictures, as well as the situation of the Weibo hot search list.

And after reading this information, Han Yu was directly stunned, the iron evidence was in front of him, and he had to believe it.


“Wanli Pictures actually stood in line with Shengshi Entertainment!”

“What the hell is going on here!!”

Han Yu is a little crazy, in the morning, Hengda stood in Shengshi Entertainment, he just lost the identity of Hengda’s spokesperson, you must know that Hengda’s spokesperson is not only a symbol of forced qualifications, but also has a very considerable income.

However, because of an operation of the company, he directly lost endorsements, in fact, he can accept this, after all, he is not short of endorsements in this coffee position, but now the male protagonist who has entered the group to start filming is also lost, which makes him too depressed.

Moreover, it is too humiliating for this kind of thing to get out!

After filming for two days, it was opened by the crew, which is definitely a shame for a well-known actor like Han Yu! !

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