“The box office broke 200 million on the first day of release, and “Medicine God” is going to be a box office hit!”

“Hahaha, the God of Medicine is mighty! Mr. Chen is awesome!! Sit back and wait for Starlight Entertainment to cash in on the flag! ”

“@导演王品, I just have a bad stomach in the past two days, if you need it, please contact me, WeChat: xxxx9026”

“@导演王品, Director Wang, have you chosen the live broadcast platform? If you don’t reply, I’ll ask again tomorrow! ”

“Hehe, Metro Line 1 to see Liu Jimei Guoben’s army, gather here~!!”

“I have prepared high-powered telescopes and cameras, and I will stick to Metro Line 1 from tomorrow…”

“@星光娱乐常云峰, Mr. Chang, don’t forget the 3 billion charitable donations, we are all witnesses!”

“Upstairs think too much, people have been removed from Starlight Entertainment, and it is clear that they want to play stinky scoundrels!!”

“”Medicine God” is really too popular, I ran two theaters and didn’t buy tickets, so I had to buy tomorrow’s tickets online, I hope it’s really as good as it says on the Internet!”


After the box office of “Medicine God” came out on the first day, it once again detonated the Internet.

Major online media also made all-round reports on the box office of “Medicine God” and this box office war at the first time…

[“Medicine God” broke 200 million at the box office on the first day! ] Beat King’s Creed! 】

[Unexpected! ] “Medicine God” is a hit at the box office, and “King’s Creed” is third! 】

[Strongly reached the top on the first day of release! ] “Medicine God” or set an annual box office record! 】

[The box office war has ended! ] “Medicine God” crushed “King’s Creed” with 210 million in a single day! 】

[The results of the 3 billion gambling contract may be announced in advance, and “Medicine God” will stage a box office miracle! ] 】

[Small cost, big counterattack! ] The civilian movie “Medicine God” hangs the all-star cast of “King’s Creed”! 】

【Soybean sauce 9.8! 】 The box office broke 200 million on the first day! “Medicine God” declares that the era of content is king! 】


The media reports are overwhelming, and the whole network is crazy about the movie Amway “Medicine God”, such a huge battle, which is naturally a great help to the subsequent box office growth of “Medicine God”.


Due to the excellent box office performance the day before, all theaters across the country have adjusted the proportion of “Medicine God”, and yesterday “Medicine God”, which was only 23% of the films, soared to 42% today, almost double yesterday’s film ranking.

In contrast, “King’s Creed”, which still had 25% of the displacement yesterday, is more miserable, due to poor box office performance, word of mouth has also encountered Waterloo, today’s displacement has shrunk significantly, only 11% remaining, but “Captain Southern Airlines” is more stable, still has 22% of the displacement.

The absolute advantage of word of mouth, coupled with the huge advantage of the number of films, at twelve o’clock at noon, when the bean sauce network first refreshed the real-time box office data, the single-day box office of “Medicine God” had exceeded 100 million, which shows that the box office of “Medicine God” today will definitely reach a new high.

As a competitor of “Medicine God”, the box office of “King’s Creed” fell directly to the bottom, with only 4 million in the whole morning.

The box office of “King’s Creed” is dismal, mainly for two reasons, one is that its own quality is indeed not good, in addition, “Medicine God” in the same schedule is too strong, diverting most of the film volume, not to mention, but also diverting most of the audience.

If there is no such a phenomenal movie as “Medicine God”, audiences who do not have much choice may still be willing to watch the big-name “King’s Creed”…

Su City, a certain movie theater.

This is the third stop of the “King’s Creed” crew roadshow, but because the box office of “King’s Creed” is too dismal, the entire roadshow team is depressed.

In the theater, even the roadshow performances with celebrities did not sell out all the tickets.

And when the movie ended and started the roadshow activity, half of the audience even left the scene directly, without giving Wang Pin and others face, so that when Wang Pin and others entered the theater to do activities, there were only dozens of audiences left in the huge theater, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

The roadshow that was expected to be about half an hour was directly compressed to ten minutes…

“Next is the question session, which audience member can raise their hand if they have questions…” The host walked the roadshow process step by step.

“The young man…”

The host pointed to a man wearing black glasses, and the staff immediately passed the microphone into his hand.

“I have a question for Director Wang.” The glasses man spoke.

“Well, excuse me…” the host nodded.

The glasses man coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then asked seriously: “Director Wang, will you fulfill your promise in the program “Non-Speech”? ”

“If you cash, please tell me about the live broadcast platform…”

“Thank you…”


As soon as the glasses man’s words came out, there was an uproar, and Wang Pin’s fat face was even more embarrassed and uncertain.


“Take him out!!”

The host came back to his senses and shouted at the security guard at the door, and immediately four security guards moved when they heard the news and rushed to the glasses man.

“Director Wang, you still haven’t answered my question?”

“Will you eat live…”

“Could it be…”

“Director Wang…”

The man with glasses who was set up by the four security guards still asked unrelentingly.

And Wang Pin’s face is as ugly as swallowing!

Stepping on the horse, this product was definitely sent by the “God of Medicine” side……!!

The glasses man was forcibly taken away from the scene, and the atmosphere in the theater was extremely embarrassing…

“It’s just a small episode, don’t care…”

“Who still has questions for our creators??”

The host’s gaze swept the audience, and finally selected a girl with long black hair.

Well, this girl looks very reliable …

There should be no messy questions asked…

This is the idea of the moderator.

The girl took the microphone from the staff, and then, looking at Liu Jimei, said: “Sister Jimei, I want to ask you a question.” ”

“Well, just ask.” Liu Jimei smiled slightly.

The girl also showed a smile on her face, and asked in a soft voice: “Inside, sister Jimei, will you really go to Guoben on Metro Line 1??” ”

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