Huang Jingtian stood in place with an embarrassed expression, he really had some thoughts about Yang Chenxi, otherwise he would not have shown such hostility to Chen Yu.

Originally, he still wanted Chen Yu to lose face in front of people, but he never expected that it was he who lost face!

Sitting on Koenigsegg, which is worth 100 million, conservatively estimates that the other party’s worth is more than 10 billion!

An opportunity to hold the thighs of the big guy, is it so missed? ?


Don’t miss this opportunity to hug your thighs!!

Huang Jingtian quickly made up his mind in his heart, turned his head and leaned in front of Chen Yu, with a flattering smile on his face: “This Koenigsegg is really compatible with Brother Chen’s temperament, hehe, I actually want to come down to help Brother Chen move the car!” ”

“With Brother Chen, don’t say it’s a Koenigsegg, even if you buy an aircraft carrier!”

Huang Jingtian’s attitude directly came to a 360-degree reversal, the smile on his face was brighter than a flower, and he licked the dog as much as he could.

Seeing this, Liu Tingting and the others were all speechless…

Huang Jingtian is the best family among these people, and he usually looks like a bull, but this time it is good, and he directly turns into a licking dog.

“Brother Chen, or I’d better help you move the car into the parking space…”

At this time, Chen Yu’s Koenigsegg just stopped in front of the fire escape, otherwise the shop would not let him move the car.

“It’s okay…”

“That’s hard!”

Chen Yu nodded indifferently.

“Not hard, not hard at all!!”

Huang Jingtian’s mouth is grinning to the root of his ear, this is Koenigsegg!

The world’s top sports car, he never dreamed that he would have the opportunity to drive it!

“Tingting, give me the car keys!”

“I’ll help Brother Yu and move the car~!!”

In the blink of an eye, Huang Jingtian’s title for Chen Yu had changed from Brother Chen to Brother Yu.

“Will you open?”

“Don’t drive badly, I heard that driving sports cars pays a lot of attention, people old Chen said, this car will be used as a wedding car for me tomorrow!” Liu Tingting pouted.

“As an old driver, there are cars that you can’t drive?”

Huang Jingtian confidently took back the car keys from Liu Tingting.

“Lao Huang, in case it breaks, you can afford it! Besides, you’re drinking! Let’s let someone else open. “Liu Tingting is also good for Huang Jingtian.

“Just stop the car, don’t go on the road, it’ll be fine!”

Huang Jingtian did not want to miss this opportunity to get close to the top luxury cars, took the car keys, and got into the car.

However, he was tinkering for a long time before he caught fire, and he was slightly embarrassed…

“Lao Huang, how do you feel?”

“Haha, look at the old Huang Mei!”

The two boys gathered around the sides of the car, both with envious faces.

“It is worthy of being the world’s top supercar, cool!”

Huang Jingtian had a bright smile on his face: “Come, let you feel its sound wave~!” ”

Saying that, Huang Jingtian stepped on the accelerator as soon as he stepped on it…


Koenigsegg let out a moving roar.

Hearing this voice, Huang Jingtian was even more excited, and he enjoyed it with a face.

Two feet, three feet…

Huang Jingtian gave a few more throttle in a row, listening to the sound wave that belonged to the top supercar with a look of intoxication…


“Lao Huang! Stop stepping on it! ”

“It’s over, it’s over! Oil leaked!! ”

Just when Huang Jingtian looked intoxicated, the two boys around the two sides exclaimed in shock.

Hearing the shouts of the two, Huang Jingtian, who was sitting in the car, was confused and quickly released the accelerator.

“What’s wrong?”

Huang Jingtian poked his head out and asked suspiciously.

“Lao Huang, you quickly get out of the car and take a look!” A boy pointed to the rear of the car and said, “The ground is full of engine oil…”


Huang Jingtian was shocked and quickly got out of the car, and Liu Tingting and the others also quickly surrounded him.

Sure enough, there was an extra puddle of oil on the ground, right under the Koenigsegg car…

Seeing this situation, Huang Jingtian was immediately dumbfounded.


“What’s going on here??”

Huang Jingtian was a little at a loss, he stepped on the accelerator a few times, and actually stepped on a supercar to leak engine oil??

“I’ll just say, if you can’t open it, don’t open it, now it’s good, it’s really bad for you!”

Looking at the puddle of engine oil on the ground, Liu Tingting frowned.

“It seems to be really broken…”

“A sports car worth 100 million can’t help but step on it!”

“Old Huang’s family can’t afford to lose his property!”

“But no, this time Lao Huang can make a big deal!”

Yang Chenxi’s classmates whispered.

The Internet celebrities who originally took photos around Koenigsegg were gloating.

“Earth turtle, can’t open, have to open!”

“Haha, look what he does!!”

At this moment, Huang Jingtian has no care of the big-name suit on his body, and quickly crawled on the ground, checking the situation under the car, the oil is really leaking from under the car, and it is difficult to say what the specific reason is.



Huang Jingtian is about to cry, this is a top sports car worth 100 million, if he really steps on something, he is afraid that he can’t afford to smash pots and sell iron.

“Don’t let you open…”

“Well, my wedding car is gone…”

Liu Tingting pouted depressedly.

“Brother Yu…”

“Brother Yu, I really didn’t mean it!”

Huang Jingtian, who had returned to his senses, got up from the ground and said to Chen Yu with a sad face.

This situation is also unexpected for Chen Yu, but recently, he has paid attention to some supercar forums, which mention some precautions for driving sports cars.

In the case of cold car, the viscosity of the oil is high, if you step on the accelerator violently to increase the number of revolutions, it will cause the gasoline filter element to rupture, and in severe cases, it may even burst the cylinder.

Family cars generally have “revolution protection”, that is, even if the cold car and the big foot on the accelerator are not a big problem, but supercars like Koenigsegg often have no revolution protection in order to pursue the effect of speed improvement.

That’s why this happens…

“Brother Yu…”

“I’m also kind enough to help you park, I really didn’t expect this effect…”

“I’m really sorry, Brother Yu, I can’t afford to pay you for this car, let me do whatever I want, but… This car… I really can’t afford it! ”

Seeing that Chen Yu didn’t say anything, Huang Jingtian immediately panicked, and while saying in tears, he bowed desperately to Chen Yu.

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