Luo Xiaoman came suddenly and walked quickly.

However, when she came and went, she was once again shocked that everyone at the scene was speechless, and they all stared at Chen Yu in amazement.

First of all, Luo Xiaoman’s personal figure and appearance are very outstanding, among these people here, Yang Chenxi can slightly press her, in addition, from her title to Chen Yu, it can be judged that Chen Yu should be the chairman of a large group.

In addition, Chen Yu can arrange a movie studio to play “Medicine God” without a scheduled film, and this kind of energy really surprised everyone present…

“Chenxi, what kind of divine is your boyfriend?”

Liu Tingting really couldn’t hold back her curiosity, and pulled Yang Chenxi to ask in a low voice.

“Chen Yu… Chen Dong… Wouldn’t you be Mr. Chen, the president of Shengshi Entertainment??? ”

A girl looked at Chen Yu and suddenly exclaimed.

During this time, the battle between Starlight Entertainment and Shengshi Entertainment has aroused widespread attention, and “honest Mr. Chen” is also more active on Weibo, which also makes many people know that the boss of Shengshi Entertainment is “Mr. Chen”.

The girl who spoke obviously paid more attention to entertainment news, and combined with Chen Yu’s name and the fact that he could arrange “Medicine God” with a single sentence, she came to a bold conjecture.

“Well, Shengshi Entertainment is indeed my company…”

Since he was guessed his identity, Chen Yu did not deny it.

“Oh my God, it’s true!!” The girl cheered excitedly: “Mr. Chen, since you are the president of Shengshi Entertainment, can I get the autographs of your company’s stars?” ”

“Chenxi, you have to help me arrange this~!”

Afraid that Chen Yu would reject herself, the girl moved out of Yang Chenxi again.

“This should be fine…” Yang Chenxi turned his head to look at Chen Yu.

“Of course…”

Chen Yu smiled lightly and looked at the girl named Wang Juan: “Who do you like?” ”

“I just finished watching “Medicine God” last night, I really like a few actors in it, especially Brother Zheng, I am really happy for him, he has been tepid all these years, it is estimated that this time it will definitely be a wave…”

The Brother Zheng mentioned by Wang Juan is Liu Zheng, an actor under Shengshi Entertainment, and the male protagonist of “Medicine God”.

“You’re talking about Liu Zheng, right?” Chen Yu asked.


“I super like him, rare strength!” Wang Juan replied with a smile on her face.

“Liu Zheng is quite good, when he was in school, the thief he played “Old Five Officials” was fun…” Liu Tingting also agreed.

“Since you all like Liu Zheng, why don’t I let him come over and meet everyone.” Chen Yu said.


“Is that okay?”

Hearing this, Liu Tingting and Wang Juan were shocked.

Yang Chenxi on the side also frowned slightly, pulled Chen Yu’s arm and whispered: “It’s not good for you to call someone over temporarily at this time.” ”

“It’s okay, he’s in the box next to him.”

Chen Yu smiled, and then, sent a WeChat message to Liu Zheng, who was still in the other box…

“Old Chen, if you can really call Brother Zheng over, it will be the best wedding gift for me.” Liu Tingting said with a look of expectation.

“I just finished watching “Medicine God” yesterday, if I can see Brother Zheng today, it will be too happy, by the way, I still have the ticket stub of “Medicine God” in my bag, if Brother Zheng can really come, I want him to sign his name…” Wang Juan said excitedly.

The rest of the people are suspicious, although Chen Yu has given them too many surprises, but after all, Liu Zheng is a well-known actor, so he will not be on call.

Knock knock…

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the private room.

“Please come in…”

Someone replied.

The door of the box opened, and then a familiar face appeared in front of everyone’s eyes…

“Brother Zheng!”

“Wow, it’s really Brother Zheng!

“Oh my God, I can’t believe my eyes!”

“Is this a big change? Just speaking of Brother Zheng, the person has arrived!! ”

There was a cheer in the box.

Liu Zheng, on the other hand, waved at everyone with a smile on his face.

At this time, not only Liu Zheng himself at the door, but also the director of “Medicine God” Wen Xiaoye, supporting actors Wang Jun and Qin Liang, the two played “Lu Hui” and “Yellow Mao” respectively in “Medicine God”, in fact, Wang Jun is also a well-known actor, but there are not many representative works.

As for Qin Liang, he is more raw, before starring in “Medicine God”, most of his roles in film and television dramas were soy sauce, so everyone is not familiar with him, but people who have seen “Medicine God” are still very impressed by the “yellow hair” he played.

“I also said, why didn’t Chen Dong go back when he left, it turned out that there were so many beautiful women accompanying him!”

Liu Zheng walked into the box and joked with a smile.

“Just happened to meet a group of friends…”

Chen Yu spread his hands: “Brother Zheng, there are many of your fans here, and they want to find you to sign an autograph, you have to arrange…”

“Hey, arrangement, must arrange! Chen Dong’s friend is my friend, don’t say autograph, let me follow home to become a success! Liu Zheng smiled.

“Okay, everyone don’t stand, today is also a coincidence, let’s have a table…”

Chen Yu waved at Liu Zheng and several people, and then turned his head and asked Liu Tingting: “Tingting, you are the host, don’t cause you trouble…”

“No trouble, no trouble~!”

“This is really my best wedding gift!!”

Liu Tingting nodded with a smile, and the rest of the people were also full of joy, eating with big stars, this kind of thing is a once-in-a-lifetime event, if it were not for Chen Yu, for ordinary people like them, they might not have such an opportunity in their lives.

Before coming over, Liu Zheng and the others had already drunk a lot of wine, and they were on the rise at this time, so after joining this side, they were not at all restrained, and there was no star shelf, and they quickly got into a mess with everyone.

And Liu Tingting, Wang Juan and others are happy, they want to sign autographs, they take group photos, and they are busy and happy…

Since Chen Yu said that all those present were his friends, Liu Zheng and Wang Jun naturally cooperated, and the boss’s friends, that could not be offended in any way.

What’s more, everyone also understands that this is also the time to give the boss a long face, if this is a good performance, as soon as the boss is happy, maybe some good role will fall on his head again…

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