Seeing the barrage sent by netizens, Ash reacted, and the other party actually regarded himself as a person who asked for food…

This uncle can endure, and the aunt can’t bear it!

Ash quickly got up and chased after Chen Yu…

However, as soon as she left, she was held down by the waiter: “Beauty, you don’t want to escape!” ”



“Laughing out of the goose…”

“No, I really laughed and peed…”

“It’s too chicken funny!”

“This is really embarrassing~!”

“The waiter caught her, she just wanted to escape!!”

“Haha, first I was misunderstood to ask for food, and now I was misunderstood to run away…”

Barrage laughed like crazy.

Gray Ash looked embarrassed, paid the bill, and quickly chased out.

“Little brother!”

“Little brother…”

Out of the coffee shop, Ash shouted while chasing Chen Yu’s footsteps.

A familiar voice came from behind him, and Chen Yu subconsciously turned his head, only to see Fang Cai, the girl who asked for food, panting and running in front of him.

Chen Yu frowned, can’t you give a meal? Just glued to your own rhythm ??

“Sister, I can also provide you with something to eat, but there is no place for you to live!”

Chen Yu was the first to speak.


“Sure enough, I took the ash as a meal!”

“Laugh to death, this little brother is too funny.”

“Gray ash is so beautiful where it looks like asking for food, this must be intentional!”

The barrage flew again.

Gray Ash frowned rather depressedly: “Little brother, you may have misunderstood!” ”

Ash handed him the red ticket that Chen Yu had placed on the table, “I’m not asking for food!” ”


Chen Yu was stunned for a moment: “Then you are?” ”

“I’m a streamer…”

Gray said with a straight face.


Chen Yu spread his hands: “That’s what you want to eat!” ”

That’s right, in Chen Yu’s opinion, most online anchors are no different from those who ask for food, but the location of asking for food has been transferred from the train station, pedestrian street and other busy cities to the network…

Especially those female anchors who have no talent to speak of, just a little pose, and suddenly the audience is rewarded in the live broadcast room, there is really no difference from those who ask for food!

Of course, some streamers of technology streams and talent streams are counted separately…

“I’ll go, this little brother is so poisonous!”

“Actually, it makes some sense.”

“Groove! This is more crazy than too crazy! ”

“The one who stepped on the horse dared to scold us for asking for food!”

“Ash, where are you? Wait for Lao Tzu to go over and cut him! ”

“Whoever steps on a horse, take Lao Tzu’s 40-meter-long big knife!!”

As soon as Chen Yu’s words came out, the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

And Gray’s small face, which was still smiling, suddenly darkened and raised his mouth.

“Little brother, your words are too hurtful…”

Gray Ash feels very aggrieved, she is different from those female anchors who only rely on their appearance and show their shoulders, she is a beauty anchor who takes the comedy star roadshow, often engages in outdoor live broadcasts, randomly interacts with passers-by, in order to make fans laugh.


“Maybe I’m too direct, sorry.”

Seeing Gray’s aggrieved look, they were about to cry, and Chen Yu also felt that his words might be too one-sided, and said sorry.


“Then I forgive you~!”

Ash, who looked like he was about to cry, changed his face by the way.

Chen Yu: “…”

“Groove! Gray ash you have a little bottom line, okay! ”

“Just because he’s handsome??”

“Lean! Face value dog!! ”

“Alas, sure enough, appearance is justice!”

“Am I…”

“Ash, you are so worthy of your fans!”

“It’s over, it’s over, the ash has completely fallen!!”

In the face of the gray ash whose face changed so quickly, the netizens in the live broadcast room were just as confused as Chen Yu.

“Little brother, in fact, I was not very happy to see you alone just now, so I want to chat with you and make you happy.”

“I would venture to ask, are you separated from your girlfriend?”

Ash asked tentatively.


Chen Yu looked at the gray ash with an incredulous face, he had indeed just separated from Yang Chenxi, but how did the other party know??

“Alas, sure enough…”

Ash had already got the answer from Chen Yu’s surprised look, obviously, she guessed correctly.

It’s just that Ash overlooked one thing, she used separation, not breakup.

Many times the separation is full of the meaning of this breakup, but it is not just the meaning of breaking up, and Chen Yu, who just said goodbye to Yang Chenxi, naturally thinks that what she said is the meaning of separation.

Therefore, the two people’s thoughts have gone to two different paths at this moment…

“Sorry, little brother, we still don’t talk about things that make you unhappy…”

Ash smiled and said, “Let’s have a good chat, let’s have a neighborhood.” ”

“Hmm… Little brother, if there is a hundred million, what is the first thing you have to do? ”

Chen Yu: “I will go to the ATM immediately to check the bank card balance!” ”

“Is it to confirm that 100 million has not arrived?” Ash asked with a smile.

Chen Yu shook his head decisively: “Sister, your assumption is too scary, if there is only one hundred million left in the bank card, I will definitely cry in front of the ATM…”


Gray looked confused.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

“What’s the situation?”

“He means he has a hundred million?”

“Well, this is better than pretending to!”

“Force the king to possess the body, and the doom will disperse!!”

“Haha, confused!”

“Ash, let him check the bank card balance!”

“Yes, yes, it’s too chicken to pretend to beep, I want to beat him across the screen!”

“Alas, this little brother is quite handsome, but Tai Temo can pretend to be beep!”

The barrage took off, of course, netizens did not believe Chen Yu’s words.

“Little brother, I can understand that you really have a hundred million?”

Ash looked back and asked with a straight face.

“One hundred million … Is it a lot? ”

Chen Yu shrugged his shoulders with a puzzled look.

Ash: “…”

“Groove! Can’t help it! ”

“Too chicken to pretend to be beep!”

“Take Lao Tzu’s big knife!”

“Ash, hurry up and report the address!”

“Well, this is forcing Wang Ben to force it!”

“If there is a rank in the pretend, this is the king~!!”

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