“President Zhao, Director Qin…”

“I… I didn’t know he was the boss of our big fish! ”

Wang Zilong was about to cry, his own little anchor actually hardened his own boss, even the boss went to the toilet and stepped on the horse outside to watch, afraid that people would run away.

This horse is simply dead!!

“Okay, Prince Dragon! Long capable! It’s a little bit of a little name, isn’t it! I don’t know who I am!! ”

“You’re blind when you step on a horse, aren’t you? Chen is always something you can provoke?! Don’t hurry up and apologize!! ”

Zhao Jinjian and Qin Feng both scolded their heads and covered their faces.

Wang Zilong hurried to Chen Yu and directly bowed at a right angle of ninety degrees: “Chen… Mr. Chen, I’m really sorry…”


Chen Yu waved his hand and said coldly: “You don’t need to apologize to me, there is a gambling contract between us, you just need to honor our gambling contract!” ”

After speaking, Chen Yu said to the gray ash who stood on the side, his eyes full of shock: “Sister, please host this live broadcast…”


“Well… Okay…”

Ash came back to her senses and stammered, she couldn’t have imagined that she casually provoked a little brother to be the boss of her own company!

What kind of fairy luck is this!!

The main thing is that Ash never dreamed that the boss of his company would be so young, and of course, the most important thing is that he is so handsome!

This kind of fairy appearance is too lethal for a Yan dog like her!!

When I didn’t know Chen Yu’s identity before, Ash was a little deer, but now that I know Chen Yu’s identity, Ash naturally has more waves in his heart.

Young, handsome, and rich!

Such a man is simply the best in the world!

It’s just a pity…

He seems to have a girlfriend…

Thinking of this, the gray little mood returned to calm a little.

“Hehe, or we gray gray have foresight!”

“I seriously doubt that Ash knows the identity of the boss!”

“Color ash has made a lot of money this time! Unexpectedly licked the boss’s mouth! ”

“Hahaha, brother, I seriously doubt that you are driving!”

“This wave of color ash is really bloody, and becoming a big fish sister is just around the corner!”

“What a big fish sister, in the future, Ash will be the boss lady of the big fish, okay!!”

The gray ash live broadcast room is very happy…

And seeing everyone saying that she is the boss lady of the big fish, a beautiful smile also appeared on her gray face, although she knew that this possibility was almost zero, but the dream still had to be had, what if it came true!

Compared with the happy mood of gray ash, the mood of Wang Zilong at this time fell to the bottom, looking unloveable…

Just now, he swore a bet with Chen Yu in front of the camera, and also made a poisonous oath, saying that if he did not fulfill his promise, he would live on the prairie for the rest of his life! ! !

Oath is on the one hand, if the other party is just an ordinary person, he can completely play a stinky scoundrel, but the other party is the boss of the big fish, and he can decide his life and death in a single thought!

So, there is almost only one road left in front of him …

“Brother Long, don’t be prodded, it’s over!”

“Brother Long, come on! We support you!! ”

“I never expected that I could see the live broadcast eating garbage today!”

“Haha, this is called self-inflicted! What about the arrogant man just now! ”

“It turns out that you still have to keep a low profile as a person, don’t pretend to be a chicken!”

“Brother Long, you can do it, believe in yourself, and show your strength to shout Mai!”

“Famous Internet celebrities live broadcast eat garbage, what could be more exciting news!”

“After today, Brother Long will definitely be popular on the whole network! Come on, Ollie give~!! ”

I heard that Wang Zilong was going to live broadcast and eat garbage, and the number of people in his live broadcast room had soared to more than one million.

The barrage is densely packed with live screens, and people are mostly gloating melons…

“Hello friends in the live broadcast room, because Brother Long lost the gambling contract, so, he is going to perform live broadcast and eat garbage next…”

“Hmm… This is the first time on the whole network~! ”

“Come, everyone take a wave of small gifts, cheer for Brother Long~!”

At this time, some staff members put the gray mobile phone and the mobile phone used by Wang Zilong for live broadcast on the bracket, and placed them in front of the gray.

Therefore, at this moment, Gray Ash is a person who shows his face in two live broadcast rooms and broadcasts live…

After listening to Gray’s words, the netizens in the two live broadcast rooms enthusiastically brushed up small gifts, this is live broadcast eating garbage, no one has ever done this!

At this time, a staff member directly took the trash can next to him…

Seeing this, Gray turned his head to look at Wang Zilong: “Brother Long, are you ready?” ”

Wang Zilong looked at the trash can, and his face was darker than Bao Gong!

“It seems that Brother Long still needs to brew some emotions…”

“Here, let’s see what’s in the trash…”

Ash was very dedicated, directly opened the lid of the trash can and took out the garbage bag inside.


“It stinks…”

Ash pinched his nose.

Prince Dragon: “…”


“Brother Long, come on!”

“Brother Long, don’t be intimidated!”

“Brother Long, plate it!!”

“Brother Long, you are the best!!”

The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited!

Ash opened the garbage bag, and a worker thoughtfully handed her a pair of white gloves.

“Thank you staff, it will be cleaner, and Brother Long will eat more hygienic…”

Ash said while wearing gloves.

Prince Longsheng rolled his eyes lovelessly, Dute turned the garbage from the garbage can, and it was so hygienic!!

“Hey, there’s a hamburger box…”

Ash first took out a hamburger box from the garbage bag, and when he opened it, it was half an unfinished burger inside…

“Alas, people nowadays are such a waste of food, and the burger is only half eaten and then thrown away…”

“Brother Long…”

Ash directly handed the hamburger box to Wang Zilong: “Please start your performance~!” ”

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