In the face of the company’s traitors, Chen Yu will certainly not be so benevolent and generous.

He just wants to deceive and there is no artist who is “in Cao Ying’s heart in Han”, and of course such a person cannot be reused, Chen Yu originally thought that his little trick might not be able to succeed, but he never expected that someone really believed it.

Actually think of capitalists as philanthropists….

Or maybe these people really think their new boss is a fool.

Several artists who expressed their position were taken away to take the so-called exemption contract….

Calm returned to the conference room, and Chen Yu glanced at the remaining artists, most of them were handsome men and beautiful women, of course, there were also a few powerful old drama bones.

And these people should be artists who are interested in the company, of course, there may be some other considerations that have not left, but for whatever purpose, these people at least did not fall into the hole when the company was in crisis.

“Everyone should have seen the situation of the company from the news, first of all, I want to congratulate all of you who chose to stay, because you have made a right decision, I believe that for a long time to come, you will be glad for today’s decision…”

Chen Yu said with a smile, but many of the company’s old artists frowned slightly, they felt that the new boss seemed a little arrogant, and even doubted whether it was really right for them to choose to stay.

“Secondly, I want to announce the key projects that the company is about to launch, next, the company will cooperate with China Southern Airlines to shoot a tribute film “Captain of China Southern Airlines”, in addition, the company’s artists, Zhu Chen and Xu Rongbing will become the image spokespersons of China Southern Airlines…”


As soon as Chen Yu’s words fell, there was another commotion at the scene.

Reaching cooperation with a large company such as China Southern Airlines is an opportunity that can not be sought, and Zhu Chen and Xu Rongbing directly won the contract of the image spokesperson of China Southern Airlines, which is coveted by countless first-line celebrities, which makes everyone stunned.

In the entertainment industry, endorsement contracts are one of the important sources of income for artists, in addition, it is also the most intuitive way to reflect the influence of an artist, and cooperating with internationally renowned companies can not only get high endorsement fees, but also an affirmation of the artist’s own coffee position.

And the news that China Southern Airlines is looking for a spokesperson is no secret in the circle, such resources are very attractive to first-line big coffee, try to ask endorsement what can be more pressing than endorsement of airlines, a large plane whizzing by, the tail wing printed with a portrait of a star, this is not only a matter of endorsement, but also a kind of publicity to artists.

However, such a spokesperson must be a very popular first-line coffee, and although Zhu Chen and Xu Rongbing are also first-line, they have already been a little outdated, and they have long passed their peak.

At this time, Chen Yu announced that the two would serve as the spokespersons of China Southern Airlines, not only the artists present were surprised, but even the two people sitting in the front row were stunned.

After all, in the eyes of the two, such a heavy endorsement contract cannot fall on them.

“Really fake? When did our company get into a relationship with China Southern Airlines…”

“Cooperating in making movies and directly speaking to China Southern Airlines is a situation of in-depth cooperation.”

“Could it be that our new boss also acts as a backer of China Southern Airlines?”

“If this is the case, it would be good, although China Southern Airlines is a private enterprise, it has a close relationship with the government department, and the company may receive policy support…”


A group of artists speculated, but after the news was released, everyone’s faces were a little more expected.

In fact, the people left behind are also relatively confused, I don’t know what the background of the new boss is, where will he take Shengshi Entertainment, especially the “new prosperous era” is menacing, Wei Yi poached four first-line big coffees in one breath, and has completely defeated the old prosperous era in the head artist.

Therefore, in fact, the artists left behind are relatively bottomless, but this key project announced by Chen Yu has made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, at least it is a good thing to have a relationship with a 100-billion-level company like China Southern Airlines.

Chen Yu didn’t expect that just such a news would make everyone so excited, and immediately smiled gently, pressed his hands down, and continued: “In addition, from now on, the company will launch the daily golden song plan!” ”

“The company’s existing signed singers, each of them will get a golden song, which will be released on the network platform at zero hour every day, one song a day, and last for a month!!”


After hearing Chen Yu’s decision, there was another commotion at the scene, especially the singers’ faces showed confused and incomprehensible looks.

“A golden song a day, it’s not a joke!”

“President Chen doesn’t seem to know the meaning of the golden song!”

“It can be done with a new song every day, if you hit the song… Isn’t it too far-fetched. ”

“As long as one golden song is enough for the singer to eat for a lifetime, and there is also a golden song a day… It’s no joke! ”


For Chen Yu’s plan, everyone is skeptical, after all, songs and golden songs are two different things.

What can be called a golden song, that is an intriguing classic song, not to say, just take out a song, it is called a golden song….

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