The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 53: Seventh Universe's Last Contestant! Monaka! (99)

Seventh Universe's bench.

"AH!!!!!!" Beerus held his head in pain.

"What's the matter, Master Beerus." Son Goku looked at Beerus with a smile.

"You!!! Son Goku!!! What have you done!!!" Beerus grabbed Son Goku by the collar.

"Ah, what is Master Beerus so excited about?" Son Goku pulled Beerus' hand away.

"This battle is unfair to the sixth universe."

"After the battle with Caulifla, I don't have much power left."

"At that time, if you don't give me the fairy beans, I would have lost."

"My battle with Hitt was unfair from the beginning."

"This kind of battle is really boring."

"You bastard!!!" Beerus was so angry! Just one step away, the final boss can be forced out!

In that case, even if they lost, they wouldn't be too ashamed! result...

"You can beat him! You put Kamehameha on purpose!!!"

"Ah, haha, maybe my hands are shaking." Son Goku scratched his head.

"It's impossible for me to release water!"


Do you think I'm as stupid as you?

While Beerus scratched his head.

"Seventh Universe please, the last contestant! Monaka!!!"

The voice of the referee came!

"Ah!!!" Beerus' mentality exploded even more!

What is this!

Do you really want Monaka to appear? ?

"Hey, what about Monaka?" Son Goku looked around and found that Monaka was gone.

"Will Monaka still be invisible?"

"Mr. Monaka seems to have gone to the toilet." Whis pointed the scepter not far away.

"However, it is also possible that he escaped."

"Huh?" Son Goku was taken aback.


Why run away?

Are you unhappy that you can compete with masters?


Only Beerus understood that Monaka must have watched the battle too intense.

Just pee and run away!

No way, start with Chaolan Gabe and Chaolan Vegeta.

Caulifla also came once with Son Goku.

When it's Hitt's turn, it's even time!

This battle was several times more intense than the original book, and it scared Monaka away!

"Damn it! What should we do now?" Beerus clenched his fists!

"Oh, come to think of it, my sister gave me something before." Whis covered his mouth and chuckled.

"It seems... just came in handy."

"Vados? What did she give you?" Beerus frowned.

"This." Whis showed it to Beerus.


Beerus' eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Ahem, wait a minute, I'm going to the toilet to find Monaka."

After speaking, Beerus flew out.

"I'll help Lord Beerus too." Whis followed and flew over.

Son Goku and Vegeta looked at each other, a little puzzled.


Sixth Universe's player bench, looking at Whis and Beerus who left the field together.

Su Bai and Vados smiled at each other.

They know, Beerus they used that thing!

That thing was entrusted to Vados when Su Bai came.

Then Vados handed it over to Whis, telling Whis to prepare for an emergency.

In fact, Su Bai was afraid that this group arena would be too boring, so he took the initiative to increase the fun.

In the system space, he exchanged for a perfect stealth and deformation coat! (Monaka style!)

In other words, as long as you put on this coat, you will be perfectly transformed into Monaka!

And no one can perceive it!

From their point of view, it's time for Beerus to pretend to be Monaka!

"Hey, what are you two laughing at?" Champa walked over.

"It's nothing, Lord Champa." Vados smiled.

"Well, nothing." Su Bai also nodded.

"Qi, I always felt that your smile just now was a bit sinister." Champa turned his head in displeasure.

"Speaking of which, that Beerus guy? And the last contestant of their Universe?"

"Why did they all disappear? Could it be that they were afraid?"

"It shouldn't be, that guy Beerus can still afford to lose."


Somewhere around the corner, Beerus has changed into Monaka's suit.

"Oh, it doesn't affect my movements." Beerus tried to stretch, but found that it was as if he was not wearing any clothes.

"The effect of isolating breath is also very useful." Whis was a little surprised.

"Even I can't tell that Monaka's real identity is Lord Beerus."

"Also, after wearing it, Lord Beerus can speak with Monaka's voice."

"so amazing."

"It's really unusual, Whis, where did you get it?" Beerus looked at Whis.

"Oh ho ho ho, this is going to be kept secret, you can't tell Lord Beerus." Whis covered his mouth.

"Qi, let's not talk about it, I have to hurry up to compete, or that guy Champa will definitely laugh at me." Beerus waved his hand.

He didn't bother to think about it either.

"Okay, Master Beerus, come on." Whis cheered Beerus on.

Then, Beerus flew straight out.

Whis looked at Beerus' back and chuckled.

"Sister Vados told me to give this to me in case I needed it, but I didn't expect it."

"It really came in handy, what a coincidence."

After Whis sighed, he flew out.


In the ring, when the referee kept calling Monaka.

Beerus flew up.

"Here I am." Beerus landed on the ring.

"Oh! Monaka is on the stage!!!" The host looked at Monaka.

"This is the seventh universe, the last player, Monaka!!!"


Seventh Universe's bench.

"Huh? Monaka's breath is so strange." Son Goku scratched his head.

In his perception, Monaka's aura is very vague, vaguely powerful, vaguely weak.

He didn't know that this was the jacket's own breath-blocking effect.

(ps: Nine shifts were completed, and it was another day of what was said and done. I stayed up until two o'clock in the morning for two consecutive days, and my vitality was seriously injured.

Maybe it will be five or six changes tomorrow, which is a bit difficult. It takes a day to adjust. )

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